Children Cry for Druds Excite the Kidneys, Drink Water MOTHER:- Fletcher! Castoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look (or the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Fhy aidant everywhere recommend it OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. W HAARLEM OIL HAARLEM OIL correct Internal trouble, itimulate vital erf ana. Three auea. All druggist. Insist on the original genuint Gold Medal. , AT Doantroaltof tnsaaaie P, l' C, ananins to mi t ' br iui a tuotau la tan nl droaa -aropp" la . f glT, mt ITIlHf jl Y, . , . . . riMtl CHEST COLDS ail SOKE TUOAI. A Ilia) wUi uanaca Pn Silt iTtrrwiir. M feats a Jar. f AM LABOKATOtT CO til Aatmai, Its PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tin 1 1 1 bw hi rm SjtrfcGrraa Fadmd Hair 1 D ILL HINOERCORNS av-rw. rm c- ' mum, atop mil amia, ansaraa cumsfort to is frt, asmkmm m.ftna rnmsr. lie br msml 1 or ml Dnyj uw. iiimmoa Ihaanal Warn. rmltHuamm, at. t, Aur.ym wtki to m-n ati bik-s wo. lir.B MAKIII.NU rUWIlKK. Kmra III dallr. Vrrm mmniplps W rim Kl HI. ESS Mlr'O. CO.. II at. Mrka Plaea, Nrtr York Cltr. DM ratakhmhed (empmnr foaataJUIr lalra. riurtna n product l proven irn-rlt df-nlr-a ltprntatlv. Writ for fre boalH. Rf1 amlor .' R'Vlt-mtor Bida .arnrn Kraaclsr-o.Cal W. N. U, San Francisco, No. 9-1927. Bottle' $ Long Voyage In Hole more than two year tliihlly waled bottle flouted westward a croa the whole width of the Pacific mean, distance of S.4i0 miles In n direct line from Centrnl America to New Guinea. It was estimated that the bottle wonld have hurt to travel 11 mile every day if It took the shortest mute. A Home-Mad Jungle The earl of Llstowel, who la a cele brated big giune allot, has transformed his Dear place, Oxton, In Devonshire, KiiKlund, Into a veritable museum of trophies. Oil entering the main hull the visitor Is met by the sight of a magnificent IIoq eotulng through tall African grasses, while on the opposite side the head and shoulders of a splen did Indian tiger peer through a mass of tropical vegetation. Head of an telope, deer, wildebeest, warding, buf falo and other wild beasts rover the walls of both Inner and outer bulla, while skins adorn the floors. Whra you derfda to t rid et Wormi or Tapwworm. css mdl ina Ihmt will xpi thm with onm doa- Vr. Pwirjr'a "im4 buL" III Fmmrl N. T. Adv. Fa$tidiou$ Pup Joe t-ertwlch of Glasgow, KyH thinks bl "Toots" la the smartest dog In th world. Toots has been provided with a miniature bed. Including tick, blan ket and other cover aud refuse to retire at night until the cover bar been turned dowu fur her. Recently, according to Leftwlch, Toot wouldn't go to bed and trotted bark and forth, wblnlDg. Investigation revealed that there waa a flea In the bed. After the Insect bad been killed. Toot retired for the night Indianapolis New. M(ffl By millions ended Hill's atop nullioM of coUi every winter and in M bain. They end headache and fever, open the bowel, tone the whole ays teaa. Use ootiung leas reliable. Coldaand Gnppt call for prompt, c&aent help. Be aura you get it, Be Sure WlUfc Price 30c CASCAR ft QUININE Get Bed Bat wilh portrait Spain' $ Monki and Nunt Monks and nuns In Spain at the be ginning of this year numbered 17.210 and M.diO. respectively, an Increase In the last 24 year of 24.077. There are 4'iii umuHStarie and convents. The province with the highest per centage nf member of rvllglnui or der Is Gulpuzroa. with 132 fur every 10.(KiO Inhabitants, while Orene has the lowest, 6 per Hi.isiO. Covered Wagon Pioneer Quickly Restored to Health Waa So Weak Could Scarcely Use Arms or Legs. Sacra mento Resident a Victim of "Flu," Loses Weight and Vitality. Finds Long-Sought Relief, Strength Restored, Praises Tanlac Pioneer Wood flow in the vein of Frank Kikert. Uox 1035, tt. K. 10, Sri , , s , KaTarrento1C;ali.1apmniinentfitotk. '' "' ' man who trekked over the rough, hai ardou trails from Illinois in the early sixties. But even hia brawn, muscle and splendid health broke under the train of modern living. "Hu" left ita mark and threatened hia life. "I didn't care whether I lived or died, I felt so badly." aaid Mr. Kikert, "when I Ix-pn taking Tanlac. My strength had vanished, aapped by the 'Flu. My arms ana leg were so weak that they were almoat useleea. I couldn't even turn over in bed with out help, so completely undermined waa my strength and vitality. "(hie nfght my wife saw the Tanlae advertisement in the patier and urged me to try it. I bought a bottle and started taking it, and I felt better right off. In a few week I was able to do all my work. Not only did my weakness disappear, but I actually Rained twenty pounds, and I have felt fine ever since. "Yes, sir, I firmly believe that Tan tan saved my life. Naturally, I'm so enthusiastic about Tanlac I am tell isg all my friends it't a great medicine and IH praise it as long a I live." Tanlac helfta conquer ailments and builds upstrength in famished bodies. 1 1 banishes pal n and frees the ay stem of poison raiisedln'cotistipationandshig Kish liver. It is Nature's own romeoy made from roots, barks and herli ac cording to thefamous Tanlac formula, Degin taking Tanlac and enjoy the benefit of strength and golden health. The first bottle usually brings result that will surprise you. Ask your drug gist for Tanlac today I Over 40 niil bon bottles sold. Cuticura Baths Best for Children Teach your eh ltdren to oae Cuticura Soap because it la beat for their tendet aklna. Aaaiated by occasional application a of Cuticura Ointment to first signs of Irri tation or dandruff, It keep the (kin and scalp clean and healthy. Cuticura Tal cum I cooling and soothing. wmp mW. CHntwwil n mndlftt Titan W SoMmw. wtwrm. BmmplttMh A-l'trM; "OmHnffm Lh- unrl Dnt. SI. kUlmo.Mua'' OUR COMIC SECTION I Famous Last Words Oil 11 1 IfflANKSl JHIIyf ' il A ) MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL Inside News lcckju' w wews nAS, B0rro wal, si MiOMT sAEvrnOil TWAT TVA' RsTAU KSkSOH MCUKtf ivJOAOSWAuowm AUyrr Becu OOUWTOVJJ f Eft. TViRXI CWV IS Beevn. Hia Wift CARClf SSLV DURM WiGH CUT MtS TUftOM' BA,TU A Twice rUO WAl.TVeU, MOW AfJOOT THIS 0(Jf JlkA NMUf MAI ll r-w im IMS vrHv rwist; mid j(uoav $r HiMm-, but jm if jucx a LIAR. WIU. 9IUCVI MUA, AuO JIW MAS OUJYlO VJ All. MIS' Cuuur AMD staktmo tBMUQ I .T 1 MBS elARmXP MCWCVWtO IS VWT1NU- WIS pAOtMca. Setvsss that haa-u cVMrUMCvjTkt IsCR FOB rVmu wAlSlhlj Nd TUf CORU-fTAfUX TO0A, kA4W THEV VJUX UiWPS Of tXAficU PIAU.V. MOM. ROCtOC 6ASMOVJTH WlAf Rf TiRfcO KIM tvt' RAtt tea couatutt. etujAOCASTiuQ tu' OTVAt MIT A&OVT MUl' t0. TM HOU(W- KAMOfO fARmACR4MMa AJmCOCUTAuM SAlO 'HOBmiN-XSrPfP I 1 1 r. , n l- X aPQl THE FEATHERHEADS Felix-Handy Man 0 5AVFELW-H0W L0NS " X i0 HELLO, MB.KbW - W Mf f) w?e you gows To LtT XTtaSbo 1 V nd of Smarp Tan3 in) V' llj I r. M THAT CE-BOX LE0 AlU I f (T5 JoST &)CATiN(3- fl TriEAiQ TbOAV-YES V I Orta Tmb floor ? I'm J moboov cam Fix ; . AN,D ow ?AV do you KktOw r I k or telling rK AN,THlh"3 Cu-B0XES- ) Mxiabojt it V Vitx) KwoiAi fblit iSnIt mucm "fT-Ncrr 5 I VP A wano ATFixiN. NKBED,MR3 PEERYt-oo bajj YoJ WEisH 7 -ArJVTeliNtJ I CAN W VES-ANON 1 WEWi-dClCLOGSCO DitsTMATl I DO FOR Mw 5oM8 ' Tej WILL OP V'SEE-HOWOV, COULD HAVB J0STA3 I TlME - JUST LET J BE THE- ENC- -rFT-A 5hb sTust womt ttjojt Iv rr k i I Take Salt at First Sinn ladder Irritation or Baokaoh of The Amerlrnn men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often ent too much rich food. Our blond I filled with acid which the kidney strive to . filter out ; they weaken from over work, become sluggish, the diminu tive tissues clog slid the result I kid ney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decllmt In henllh, When yoti( kidneys feel Ilk lump of lend; your back hurts or the urine I cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or Hire time during the night; If you suffer with sh'k heiidnchn, or dlrry, nervous spells, acid stomach, or If you have rheumatism when the weather Is bad. begin drinking lot of good soft water and get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jii(l Sails. Take A tnhlcspoonfiit In a glass nf water be. Torn breakfast for a few day and your kidney may thi n act fine. This famous sails la made from thi arid nf grapes and lemon Juice, corn blued wllh lit It I it. and ha been used for years to help flush and sllmulnto clogged kidneys, to neutrulUe tho it-Ill In the system so they no longer am a soiircn nf Irrltntlon, thus often relieving bladder disorder. Jad Salt la Inexpensive, rannot In jure, makes a delightful effervescent il'.hla-walrr drink and bettings '.a every home, because nobody cun make n mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Garfield Tea Wat Your Grandmother's Remedy For every stomach and Intestinal 111. This good old fash ioned herb houiej remedy for consti pation, stomach Ilia and other derange nirnta of the sys tem so prevalent theae day la In even greater favor as a family medicine than la Jour grandmother' day. mA find grateful relief In the M eicluslv menthol blend in Ladan't Menthol L l Cough gm Pf TMK UAi.NfcTIf' 11 KIT ll fro1ot hoMh liistitltn f fnt fmtm Hup dtfocl of Rianttfiv iurf and M' H, M ANAf 11, H Hullo? HI., Kan rmiKtorit. t'allf. tnr InlllalKm Antiw. pi ftrtiltta, tarc (Wlt Owtnt Imtiaia. nrk m lucila antf full ttitltvfllni, l Nfwivit ItJllleVM'a . 17! Waohiitiou HI., Nowloft, Maaa. fLEAR YOUR SKIN" e of ditfiguring blotrhe snj hnlaliunm, Lme Resinol Artittie Error $ Oh, theae artist again I They pic ture Cupid as bearing a weapon that wouldn't make an abrasion on a canary bird, even If he could hit one which) he couldn't and everybody knows, who knows anything about love at all. that (.'lipid's weaHin is a high velocity pump gun nf outrageous caliber that scores I'll hits out of 30. lluffalo Evening Times, rale's rHollmalT (nlrklr Itellrvea anil heals Itiirniiia, Itrltina and turiuriiis) skin illammmem. H inmlMntly slupm thm pnltk of burns. Henla wlihuut scars, luc an it tie. Ask your rlruaaial, or aanil loo la The i. W, I 'iila ., 127 H. Kuellrl Arm, Oak I'ark, ill., (or a pucka.. Adv. Trial Put Her Out "Do you think I look u II right In my new gown?" she asked. "II ml Yes," replied her husband, "hut I would snirgest that If possible, yon get In little further." "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color Used by millions for W years. Iirug Store and gentrnl stores sell bottle of "Dandelion" for 85 cent. Adv. The t'lilverstty of Michigan was th first state university to admit woman piiitrlctilates. Sure Relief 36BtLL-ANS ELL-AIMS FOR INDIGESTION 26 and 75t PkgiSold Everywhero QukkkUli4fl ApUtMrkt ttKtln A 'irinooujiitiii uruoi ana vaNC 3 (.ulKura Bknlaa BUck S4c