The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 18, 1927, Image 1

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    3nnt 3 nht $tnw tut
10NE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Mar. 18, 1927
"Stick-to- it-iveness"
Whit world of meaning lies
picked In that one word sticktoit
iveness! It Cin be spoiled to iny
thinirtntife. Hsrdlyabroadenough
definition cin be found for it.
Lincoln climbed from the job
of i rail splitter to the highest
position tint man cn acquir
In the United Stated, the presiden
cy. If he hid not had the power
of "ick-to it-ivenerm" he would
never have attained that position.
Jim Hill began his career by
working on the section. Now we
possess in him, one of the great
eat railroad magnates of the cnun
try. Thus have many great men
achieved their prominence. By
ticking to things they started to
they attained their highest aspi
rations. It it interesting to noto the
the results which the application
of tick to itlveness has had on
our local high school girls banket
ball team. For most of them it
haa been their first year on the
Throughout games that were
hopelessly lost they have contin
ued to play with the same spirit
even when the score was dis
heartening. Whether winning or
losing, our girls, have ntmd out,
because they have Reen good
sportsmen and because the have
this was their only'victory of the
season, we are prond of our girls!
We wish to thank the peoulfi
who have donated the uhh of their
cBra to take our players to other
towns aud for their enthnsiastic
support at local games, another
another example, of stick to itive
Mildred Smith
. '. lil I.. I A kill
naa unsfciiiHiy ueen Bugg""-" "
the congenial upper clrsHmen.Jand
which might he considered as ac
ceptable for their future health
health and benefit.
Let us follow with lively antic-
pations, the further development
of the pennant affair.
Junior Mason went to Heppner
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Bergevin, Mrs. Beckner
and Mrs Walker visited the pri
mary room last week.
The primary room gave the
program for the first assembly,
their urogram consisted of, A:
Song "Tlie Sewing Ladies Meet."
Hestth Khymes, Funny Bunny
Rabbit Dramatization.
Mrs. Walker, County Scho 0
Supt., was a visitor in the lane
school last week.
The Pennant Scramble
Last Saturday, during the still
hours of tlie evening, the Frosh
attempted putting their pennant
on theasHembly wall. Some upper
classmen however, having seen a
light fiaohed in the room, slipped
into the school house through i
wind leftopen for that purpose
fa.... aitunelun iiftrtn iintafinu
exhibited that quality of Btickto ttie CHUHe 0f ttieir surprise beinK
inventus wmvu uuu.r, the oresence or ine iresnmen,
The members of an athletic! A ivy comical struggle
team represent the spiri of our en8Ueil. result Freshmen
school.. It is not the winning or i.Bl1iu ..lmiilvma the removal and
losing of a score which counts. A (jlsBl,prance of a rose and black
came, whether won or lost, play ..,,r.n.nt from the wall.
with a clean spirit and good sports, Vfmh conole themselves with
mansnip.iaoneany school may be tnrf p0t)Stl(8ion a sophomore pen
tiroud of. nant and a Senior pennant
Our school learned a let son hi Despite numerous suggestive
the girls' game with Heppner on , lnreaU from the upper classmen
a recent weonesaav nigm; our
gills learned a lesson, one that
can only be learned by trial an t
Without, our
girls could never have improve.!
their teamwork and have been
able to defeat a team which had
nnre defeated them. Even tho'
their pennants have not been re
turntd to their former places
One evening, a few days lt
er. two ol the Freshmen boys
were kindly transported in a car
jo a point two or three miles erst
of town. They were then given
the honor and desired privilege
of strolling hack to town, which
Declamatory Contest
The local declamatory, tryouts
are to be held here, March 25th,
in the gym, The school and com
munity arh very much interested
in this work as lone carried oil
all prizes except one in the con
test last year. We are working
hard for similar results this year.
The Judges who will select our
school representatives for the
county contest, will be Mrs. Walk
er. Uev. Wood, and one Heppner
teacher chosen by Mrs. Walker.
For the county content each
grade school In Morrow County
is entitled to two contestants, one
being for humorous and one for
non-humorous seleithns.
Each high school is entitled to
one contestant from each class
Oratorical, dramatic and humor
No speaker shall be allowed
to compete in the annual Declare
story Contest with a selection he
has priviously spoken in a fin
contest of the League. No selec
lion which has won first place in
final contest of the League,
shall be used the following year
Any pupil having won firtt
in any one class in any divesion
seall be barred from again com
ing in that (-.loss of that division
The winmers from lone las
year were Eugene Normile, Fran
citBrvson. Haiel Padberg, N
dra Agee. Frank Mason and Rich
ard Lundell.
An admission fee of ten cents
will be charged and the proceeds
are to be used in a hot lunch fu
for next year.
UIIWB UCIti'i . "" - -
. 4-
, t3 n
M ...
Notice hfri-bv utV'-n Hint tin
iiiiili-rxlentMl, n SiiiH-rlnteinJi'iit ol
Bunka tr the Stute of Oregon, l In
luirit of the nft and itffulra f
the Hunk of lone. lone. Oregon, for
the iiuriioHe of lliiulilntlon.
All iMTHoiK who liuveclnimnaKHinto
Hiihl Hunk are hereby notified to
unite It-gul proof thereof, ly filing n
duly verified eliilm. rut by law nrovl
(led. with the Deputy Superintendent
of Hunk In the of lice Hnk
of lone. lone. Oregon, on or Mure
the 14th. dny of April, WS.
Diite of flrt uulilliutlon Jim.
1 4th. 1027,
Date of lnitt publication April
lUll lU'.'T,
Mr. and Mrs. ErneU Farrcns
returned to their home in Yaki
ma Sundey after attendiny the'
funeral of Rufus A. Farrens.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Brown
and son Winnie. Mrs. Blanche
Hummel and son Everette, mo
tored to Pendleton and back last
I Mrs. Frank Engelman, Mrs
Katie PettysandMrs. MitlnNe
ton arrived at t he Engelman home
on thestage.JSaturday afternoon.
Mrs. Engelman and Mrs. ret
tys were visiting in South Bend
for about three weens.
Tnm HnviHnnn motsred over
from Madras. Fndao. after schooljin One.
to visit with relatives. He return
ed Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Broge Ford anb
on Braived in lone, Thursdov of
last weeek to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Ford's brother in law, R.
A, Farrens.- Mr. Ford returned
to his werk at Portland, Sunday,
and Mrs. Ford remained to visit
wilh relatives.
Airs. Ruby Robert returned to
her home, Tuesday evening on
the stage. She visited her hus-
bsnd weo wa in the Naval Hos
pital at Bremerton before he was
transferred to the Government
Hospital at San Francisco.
Walter Cason returned to lone,
Tuesday, after a short visit with
his daughtia H Yakima.
Saturday, March 19
Ison Western with The
Road Show. Dogs.
iTraneze- Comedv- all
r- - - "
2and 50ct.
Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Opti
1STS. No. 304 Salmon Street.
Portland, Oregon, will be in lone
lor the day and evening, Wednes
day. March 23rd, on his regular
monthly trip. Headquarters at
lone Hotel.
10:00 Bible schohl.
11 :00 Preaching Service: Subject
The Fam v of God."
At 2-30 there will be services
(conducted by the young people
and at 7:30 preaching on the top
'From Egypt to Canaan-"
A welcome to you.
E. L Wood, Minister.
Mr.andMrs. Blackwell, par
ents of Mrs. R. A. Farrens, son
Sherman, granddaughter, and Ru
pert Farrens motornd over from
Monument, Thursdap to attenc
tife funeral of Rufus Farrens.
They returned to their homes on
Dr. E. C. Chick and Miss
Blanche Bristow motored up from
Hood River, Wednesday morning,
for an over night visit in lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Cullie aie the
oroud parents of a baby boy, born
Sunday. March 13, at the Jordan
r I , ,M llva .turning lhiiih ui iuiic
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wood, son 'equipment will please deliver to
Billy, and airs. Aioeri unea, roo me undersigned at John Mc Dev
tored to Heppner, weanesaay.
Mrs Rea remained there.
Star Brand shoes at Bristow
and Johnson's. None better.
The Dorcas Society will hold its
annual Easter Sale, Saturday.
April 9, at the McMurray build
mg. Besides the usual Food and
Fancy Work on sale at this time
the ladies will have a complete
line of stamped goods.
All parties holding Bank of lone
ilt Ranch, lone, Oregon
L. M. DemDev.
Thousands of
New Words
tplUd, pronounced,
and defined In
Thm "Supreme Autttaitf
ere art a fm tamplt I
hot purtult Red Star
Air Council capital ahip
mud iron mystery ahip
B. P. boat irredenta
aerial cascade Estbonia
American Legion Blue Croat
girl acout airport
cyper crystal detector
eipplo auperbeterodyna
mf informmttmn
1700 Pum
000 Wm.
M WI - 1' ATT M I
ri mi.
r..t ikm R.w Write far a eamele
PC ol tlie Nw Ward, epeelmen el
ItaauUr aatf IndM fMere. raia.
Springfield, Maee, U.S. A.
Here are a few of the pictures
we have contracted for 1927.
April 23 Cohen's & Kelly's
April 30 Up in Mabel's Room
Mar. 26th. - Whispering Smith.
April 2nd. Volga Boatman.
Apr. I6th. . King of Turf. .
Cut this out and keep it for
future reference. We will only
raise prices when the price of
program compels as to, Dont
miss a single number of this con-
ract. American Legion'
lone Oregon
ft I L.b t Uan tinna
HOW IUIIk una v uvrji oun-v ;
you took a box of Candy home?!
"Whitmans", fresh stock at Bui
lard's Pharnacy.
500 Steel Handpower Stumpullers
$30 each; Horsepower, $75; Auto
matic Gates; Hand Well Borers;
Waterw heels.
The Ducrest Mfg. Co,
111, Third Ave., Renton, Wash.
For Sale
Standard make Piano In vicin
ity will be sacrificed. Must sell
at once. $10.00 monthly. Write
Tallman Piano Store.
I Selem Oregon.'
To hear from owner of land for
tale. D. M. Leight, Alazda, Mon
c simplest ml camera
"Dad at bat" but one of many picture possi
bilities you're "all set for" with a Brownie.
But let us show you these capable, casy-to-work,
Eastman cameras.
Dependable developing,
printing, enlarging ,
The Kodak Store
The spring season will
soon be here; we have the
Dr. L. D. LeGear line of
stock and poultry remedies,
John Deere plow line of
shares and extras, agency
forVanBrunt Drill, and a
good line of general mdse.
at right prices.
Now is the time to put yourf
animals and fowls in condition
for spring activity, by feeding!
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic,
Poultry Pan-a-ce-a,
Distemper Remedy,
Colic Cure,
and using
Instant Louse Killer,
Hess Dip and Disinfectant, j
Hess Roup Tablets,
Hess Healing Powder.
Everv Dackage apsolutely guaranteed to
I ! satisfy or your get your money back.