The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 11, 1927, Image 4

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Published Every Friday by
V. W. HEAD, Fitor Publisher
One Year $1.50
';ix Months 75
.hree Monthi
- .50
Knleretl is second class matter at
he postofi'ice at lone, Oieson, under
ct of March 3, 1879
Friday, Mar 11 . 1927
Firt it the test of yohl; adversity, of
tttorg men.
Social Ridge,
" Morrow Co., Ore.,18S4.
I'm looking rather seedy now,
This suit's my very best,
And the flapjack batter 's
Scatteied o'er my frame;
The mice play slyly round me,
When 1 lay me down to rest
In my little old lotr cabin on my
Yet I rather like the novelty
Of living in this way
Though my bill of fare
(s a' ways rather tame;
And I'm happy as a clam
On this land of Unci Sam's
In rav little old board cabin on
my claim.
The door hinges are of leather
And the chinook through the
Roof cracks plays a game,
And I hear the prowling coyotes
As they hoA'lamidtheerass
Round my Ittle old board cabin
on my 'claim.
My duds are plastered o'er
with dough,
I'm looking like a fright
And everything is scattered
round the room, j
And I know if some good
circus man
Could see me here tonight
He would take me from my
little cabin home
Oh when I left Missouri
So happy anb so gay
To try to win my way to
wealth and fame,
I did'nt think of hbulng woo)
From thehead of the John Das
To my little old board cabin
on my claim.
On I often wish a certain gir
Wonld on me pity take
And from this awful mess
would me reclaim.
The angel ho Id blss her,
If this her homesh'd make
In my little old board cabin
on my claim.
And when wt'd our fortunes
In the prairies of the West,
Just as happy ts two badger
we'd remain,
And we'd forget our tiials
And troubles as we'd rest
In our pleasant home-like cot
tage on our claim.
The daor hinges are of lent her
ii,i i
And the Chinook thro ish th
roof cracks ylays a gam.
And 1 hear nhe mournful
As they howl amid the grass
Round my little old board
cabin on my claim,
IX. ' I n n ' t Nf bod y'sOarlinit.'f
and "You Told Me You Loved
Ms." By Rastus and
Ur known asKatheryh Feldman
a id Thelma Morgan.
How Rastus can dancet
X. The climax of the evening!
Rarely does a city of this eizo
hive the opportunity of seeing as
attractive a group of chorus girls
as. "The Dancing Dolls" from
Paris. So great was theappreeia
tion of their grace and beauty
that it was necessary to repeat
the act in respouse to loud and
long continued applause.
At the close of the program, ex
cltement was created when Mr,
Smith auctioned off the baskets
which mere divided into three
groups; the you. tit women's bas
kets, the married women's has
kets and the Junior Rirla baskets.
The small boys proved to be
th peppiest bidders of all, step
ing boldly to the front and pro
ductng iheir quarters for the lit
tie girls' baskets without hesita
Mare fun for the evening
furnished by a fish pond ann a
scooting salary, the latter prov
ing especially popular.
There were many loyal suup
porters for the entertainmenl
and ewe!yb')y present seemed to
have a good time.
AN ORDINANCE granting to
the Sherman Electric Co., a cor
poration, its successors and assigns
a franchise to construct, maintain
and operate in the present and fat
ure streets, alleys and public places
of the City of lone and its succes
sors, electric light and power lines
and appurtenances thereto, for
the purpose of supplying electric!
ty and electric service lo the City
of lone, the inhabitants thereof ana
Church News
Notes of Interest to All
Local Denominations.
Easy to Fix Clock
A romnit'iviisl traveler siuylng at
nmull hotel wlslie-l to culrli un ,.arlr
ni.irnlng train, mid nxkml the pro.
prletress for the louu of an alarm
She produced the .clock and re
marked: "We don't often ne It. ir, and
wmittlmes It stick a hit. hut If It
Awn't go off lust touch Hie Hill.
htimiw-r and It'll
London Tft-Rlta.
rlK all right"
Curva'lm. ()te.
March 11.
Nolan Page of line h.HS been
initiated into Sigma Tau, national
honor fraternity in engineering.
A limited number of men are chos
en each year from the school of
engineering, the school of mine
and the department of chemical
engineering on the basis of super
for scholast'c attainment, quali
ties of leadership, and personal
character. A banquet was given
for the newlp initiated memters
following the installation service.
Mr. Page jb a junior in civil engineering.
Alcohol in the Seat
Thn ancient w were huge alcohol
well. The primeval ocean, with It
Imce maw of KUxiir containing aea
weed, win a fermentation vat. So
saya a Iterlln acieiitlst. Professor Lind
ner. These Inimcnw alcoholic aeas
stimulated delicate forma of early
life, he explain, and ndda that the
plants todiiy which produce aupar,
later to he converted Into alcohol, are
walked by their splendid colorauon
uild intri-nte atructure.
Abbey U Battle Pledge
Buttle abbey, near Hastings Eng.
land, traa built to fulfill a novel
pledge made by William the Con
queror Just before his victory there oa
October 14, inoti.
When William aa arming for the
fight be la aitid to have Inadvertently
put on in ablrt of mall with the hind
wide in front. Partly In order lo avert
the bad omen, he vowed that. If vic
torious, be would build on the very
cue or me naltli- a great abbey.
It w-n finally dedicated by William
Itufiia In WM. At the dissolution of
the monasteriea under Henry VIII, the
bulldiiifn were given to Sir Anthony
llrottiie, who a. Lie, I (le AhM'a
lodge a west wliiit for the Use of his
ward, the l'ritices KlizuliHli. The ab
bey atill la In excellent preservation.
K. C. I'.rubant, In "Itninhl.-s n Sua-sex."
Embroidering Long Known
Tlie girt who use nn emliroldi-rj
nKll today la practiciiig nn art that
was hljf.ily developed In Egypt H,mi
year ago.
The f.ccijniplisliiiieiit wan hroiiglit
from IVypt to Europe, and wm also
highly Ueveliiiel III early Creece and
Itoiuo. The women of medieval day
in Europe were ex'-ellent t It, and
many aplendld orniinient witc made
for chuivhe and monusterlen. At the
promt time the Orient lend In tlip
art, with the work of the Chinese
ruithultle heliitf the tnw l.fK.tat.
Mental State Depend i
Much o.i Environment
In order permanently to cure a child
of nt-rvouMiea it H neceKsury to re
move the underlying cause, not mertl
lo nllevlntu the dlsiresaliig symptom
decluic Dr. Frank Howard Illchurd
on in llygela MiiKiiiillie. Thin wil.
prolmbly Involve some change In the
environment, for It la recognised that
environmental Influence nnVct a child
M) much that they will greatly modify
any meutui condition, uo matter how
While tlil la encournglna, there will
be plenty of difficulty in many cane.
If a compunlon, a teacher, a brother
or a allr I at the bottom of ib
tiervou ci'Tubtlon. the change may
easily he made. However, In many
cimea the child' nervourne I really
due to a Jealoii or tyrannical father
or to a weak, pampering mother, It I
almost hdK'les lo ulter the environ
ment resulting from audi pareutul Ui
In all case It la up lo the parent
lo provide the proper atmorphere and
environment for their children' do
vi'lopinent. Olhcruise no amount of
trentmctit by phyalclun or paydilutrUt
will be of any avull.
Socthui I. There Ih hereby grunt
ed tuMiermnti Electric Co., corpo
ration, mill to It KilecesMoia ami am
kIriih thi'in lni.tiri ciit'td the ornuteo)
the rlnht, privlicKe mill frumiilse for
tlie jierlml of fifty (.iti jem, t con
struct, nmlitttil.i mid tiperiito In the
ptVNetit.niitl lutuiVHtm'tH.ulley anil
public place In the City oUoiie. mid
iis aiiccexHom, electric light mill pow
cr line, with nllneeeatiirr or 'ili-n
ble tippurteiiivceH ( ncli,,,lii)j uuilcr
H '-nm! cdiiJiitlM, polca. vvlrea Mini
telephone mid 'ele-nph wire for
their own tine), for (lie ptll'poHf of
supphiog elet Irlclly mid chvtrlc ner
vUv to the anld City of lone, the lu
ll ililtnntM thereof mid ersona mi l
I'lirpurntloiiH within mid lie.voiul the
I niltit thereof for light, power, bent
and other purpose
Sections. The I'.clght mid liH'it-
tl iu of poles mid fixture mid the
locution of underground conduits
shall Ih- Mil ec, to reasonable reg;u.
lotion anil control of such commit
tee of the City II the City Council
may designate, or ns inuy lie ileslg
noted b.vhiw; mid nil such pole ninl
fixture ehitll Ih' an creeled ns to III
teriere ii little ti possible with trnf
le or other public llsex. All of sold
be Instnlleil mid lit nil time iiuilii
tallied tiy the grimtee In siife order
ami condition mid Itiiiecordiince w lib
good engineering priietlee;and where
lucessnry for the protection of lis
service lo the pulillc, the (irmitee
shall remove uny liriiuche of trees
Mlilrli would Inipiilr the "life o'ru
tion mid tiiiilnteiimice of sold line.
Sections. The aervlce lurulslietl
hereunder to said City mid It Iiilnihj
limit slmll Ik- h twetityfour hour
si rvice. mid shall Is- atihji-ct to audi
reasonable rule and regulation n
the Uruiitve imiy iniike from time to
tline. The Urn n tee nitty n-iiilrerenoii
able M'curlty for the iiiyiueiit of it
Section 4. When neeeHnry to r
mlt uny duly niitliorlztil ihthoii to
move ny building or other atruct
ure aero or along nny atre't or al
ley of the City of lone, the Grunt. t-
slinll rnle or teniponirlly re.noe
It wire maintained hereunder upon
the reuet of the City Hecorder, mid
upon the emt to the Urantee of ti
doing; Is'lag paid by the owner or
mover of such building.
Secthmo. The City of Inn limy
without charge therefore, njtai Ii Its
lire alarm and police signal vt lrea to
the pole of the ora 11 tee In said City,
but nt It own risk and only In hc
cordiince with good electrical pnic
lice. Said w ires hlnill lie subj-ct to
interference by the (irantee only
win ti tiecesHary In the inula tenant'
operation and ri pulr of It lia .
Section 6. Tin; aervlce to he fur
iilslied hereunder by the irrnnteo. It
.iirees-iiirs mid assigns, and nil rate
ninl charge therefore, ahull lie uli
I'd at nil time to nuv rule, regain
lions and oriler thai limy be law
iully prewrlU-d by l!.e Public Service
(inualnsloii of ting . ii, or by any
other authority or lmil li.ivlng law
fill Jurisdiction ovi r n cli iiiiilter.
Section 7. The tiiiintee mid It
sie'ces'or mid tiss'g' s, shall hold
the City of lone harn I s from ml ex
pense or liability a. I. log from miy
negligent ncl oroiios- Mind the irran.
tit1 in the condui t i i !,, operations
hereunder, and tdui'l inniply with
ill reasoiiatdeli.v-laW' and regulat
ion id the III of . i n lining the
main ten nice mid Imi'i'iveuieut of
the Hired mid public , luce therein.
Section H. This or iliimicn ah'ill
iH'pulill he Ifortwoc.e cuilvetline
In Thu lono ludepei ih t,t, mid ahull
thereafter Is-come mil' and Void un
less unconditional V'liicn mcepl,
mice hereof filed the (Ini'ilee
herein with the City I: coriler within
aixty iW!dayfi-oiu m laflerthelust
tiublli'iitlon Ii rt of.
Introduced before Cl'y Council on,
Murrh , (7,
Paed hy City Conn, II on March
I, ill'.';.
Approved thla flratd iy of March,
Bert Mion
Mmyor'oJ the I'ity of In tie.
V. II. It'.tiliiaon
Kccnrilcr of the City ol '
At the eommunlon service of
thn CongrettatinnHl Church, last
Sunday, nine members were re
ceived, three on confession of the
faith and six hy letter.
After the service a lamily din
was served In the church parlors.
There will be an all day meet
ingntthe lone Christian Church
next Sunday, March 14.
A basket dinner will be served
folowing the morning service.
The churches of Alpine, Pine
City and Lexington will meet
with us and a cordialinvitation is
extended to all in this community
to come and enjoy the fellowship.
The grounds about the Congre
national church were spaded, lev
eled und seeded to blue grss this
Special meetinca at the Chris
tian Church have hf.n continued
this week with good
and lively interest.
rl'fus a f akrcns
the funeral oflJufusA. Far
rens on Hiday thollth was con
f ueled at the !,.e ChriHlian.
Ilev. W. IV. Head of the Congre
watiDtial church officiatin. The
attendance exceeded the total ca
pactty of the church.
Interment was made in the I.
0. 0. F. cemetery where the sim
p'e hut inipresnive service of the
Oddft Hows lodge was read.
Mrrrens is survived by his
widdow and three minor children.
Frtedom of France is extended
to members of The American L--
gion going to the hnd of the pop
pies for the annual convention of
th L"gion. opening- in Paris. Sep
tember 19, the France Conven
tion officer for this state has an
nounced. The statement came
after receipt of a cablegram from
Albert Greenhw, Aiu-Hta, Me.
resident member of the France
Convention Committee, in Paris,
eladnn ll,.l . . nuy per ceii i. re
duclion in rates aas Uen made
'or Legionaires by tne railroads
of France.
Ports of France have waived
thi cutomary landing charge o'
$.j to American war veterans
making the trip to that country
for the Legion'a convention.
Rev. W. W. HEAD. Pastor
1100 A. M. and 8:00 P. M
Pi ayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30
Everything in the line of
hardware. If we havn't
got it we can get it
When You Visit Heppncr
Eat at the
Elkhorn Restaunml
GooJ Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter
Dr. A. H. Johnston
Phone Office
Main 933
Main 492
(J.Vi. Tf7i.S7J.4rS tmlFkWAVS
From 9:00 to I0. V0 A. Af.
Fresh and smoked meats;
Poultry and fish.
When you have anything in
onr line to sell see us.
T. E. Peterson, manager,
lone, Oregon
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening
10.00 A. M. and 8:00 P M.
Under New Management
lone, Ore.
Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer
cial Table First Class. A home away from
home, with best meals in Central Oregon.
Nice Rooms.
Good Service.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Masonic Building
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner : Oregon
Jack Farris
It Pays to Umk Well
Specialist in Bobs.
Farm Implements
lone, Oregon1
Attorney At Law
First National Bank Building
Heppner Oregon
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Will practice in all the Courts
Miss Zena Westfall, Graduate
Nurse, Superintendent.
A, II. Johnston M. D.,
Physician in charge.
Rates Reasonable
Dr. F. E. Farrior
Oftlce: Odd Fellows "Bufldln
Heppner, Oregon.