OUR COMIC SECTION WQi.GOCSSIUGtTMY OWN BREAKFAST UM! BACON AND EGGS, .WOW,' BUT THAT -"coffee is hotl am i i MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL WAKE UP AfJD 3 WW POOft DOQ MUST BE l mfW' MLjK&l VCAO, IF ME COOLOMT HEAR 7i $ THAT BUT Owe MORE (jyFlF" -V-g- TfcsT Btrofte t puny him J . tf p0 oo" 5 JgZZr WAMrAPieesl I OP CAWDV I C Waaler HewaatBat Ualee ' Jjytj THE FEATHERHEADS I vkjon OLD.- I .TlM i'I A I rtUH FUattRMMO I I Jf C 'li e r,rf i Our Pet Peeve THAT PISKVCflT! rfl W 1 a- i, ,r s. y r 0 -W I I a 0 WELL, IVf LOST Mr APPETITE ANYHOWJ 3 Mi How to Resuscitate a Dog Help! Help! Olie KITCHEN CABINET USk HIT, WHIarl Nawawaiiar Union. I Lev eumti lo Ul from Ond. W eaiinol kindle II Jn our own hrti a w klnait a Kami at tin Hr. tl la only lha auildonnaaa nt lova thai can conaula ua. Wi may aaak for II In vain; II aavar oomra lo ua uuawaraa. NIC! DESSERTS All rich dr-aaprti aro unaultatila for the children, but almpla cuatarila, Junktla, gelatin Jt'HIr' ran and rlra In varluua wava ara all gmxL Vanilla Rica Pudding. Cook 6ne-liulf cupful i i.. . ..a II. ' II lUln water and on Ul 11 liulf tcuionful of anil J. until tli rli-a la tvnder. Si' ii Id one and one liiilf cupfuli of oillk In doulila bullt'r, atlr Into the hot milk ouo-lmlf teuniMK)n ful of ault, tlirva tublvaHMufula of coriiHturrh and oue half cupful of milk. nil well nilxed together. Cook until thick, cover and cook ten mlnutea. Heat the yolka of two KK, add one titi If cupful of augur and ueut again, atlr Into the hot mixture, add lha) cooked rice aud flavor with vanilla. When cold . garnlah with whipped cream and aHHnfula of Jum or Jolly. Apricot Whip. I'reaa through aleva enough aprlcota to till a cup; add one half cupful of augar and tha Julc of half a leiuon; mix well. Fold In tha whltea of four etiK-, leat until light and turn Into a buttered dlali, liukfl In a pan f hot water until tha pudding la II rm In tha center. Sorva hot with cream aaucc. Foamy Craam Sauca. Soften aennt half teaapiHinftil of gelatin In two tnblexpooiifula of water; wheu dla aolved add nna cupful of crenin. two tuhlntMionfula of augur, and ona lea apoonful of vanilla; mix thoroughly and when cold beat until frothy. Graham Gama. Take one cupful of alfted graham flour, one cupful of aour milk, one egg; one-third of a tea apoonful of enlt, one teaoouful of aodu, two tablenpooufula of augar. three tuhleapooufula of ahorteulng. Mix and heat well; bake In gem puna. Prune Pu4dlngIleat the whltea of five egga until light, add with one-half tenapoonful of cream of tartar, one half teaapoonful of aalt, one cupful of augar, one-fourth of a pound of prunea which have been cooked and chopped One. I'ut Into a mold and boll alead lljr for twenty-two mlnutea. Serve with whipped cream. A Few Waya With Meat A foreign pie whiclt will be found moat aavory la the following: f re nt h Meat P I a. C o t ap freah pork luto email plecea, and the aame amount of veul. Ilrown In a little hot fat and turn Into a lined puatry ahell. Cover aa for ordinary pie and bake alowly In moderate oven. The aea aonlnga ued are added while the meat la browning. Roaet Veal au JuaSeaaon a fillet of veal with ault and pepper and put Into a pun with plecea of butter, carrot, buy leaf and a clove. I'ut into a double roaater and bake two and one-half houra. Iteuiove the ment to a hot platter. I'ut water luto the pan and almmer for five minute. Hlralo and pour the aauce (uiithlckened) around the meat. Cincinnati Chicken. Rpllt length wine a pork tenderloin, leaving the halvea Joined. I'ound the meat on ench aide until about one-half Inch thick. Spread with the following atuf tlng: One cupful of bread crumba, one-fourth teaxpoonful of ault. one eighth of a teanpooiiful of pepper, a allce of onion chopied, one teaxpoon ful each of chopped puraley, pickle and lemon Juice and one tnhleapooiiful of minced oil vex Mix In Ihla one ben ten egg and one-fourth of a cupful of melted butler. Arrange the atuf ring In the center and aew the edgoe together ao Hint It reaemlilea a plump bird. Ituke with careful baiting until well browned. Liver 8autage and Waterereaa Sandwlchea. I'k'k over and finely chop one bunch of wutercreaa drain If neceaaary. Add muyonniilNe. Spread thinly el Iced rye bread with muatard butter and an eiiul niimher with mayonnulae. Cover thoae apreml with mustard butter with thin allcea of liver auuange. Hie remaining allcea with the creaa mixture. I'ut together In pair. I'reaa together and trim off cruata. Serve with dill pickle and coffee. The pickle may be allced Into very thin fuu-ihuped plecea aa garnish for each sandwich. Chestnut Apple Amber-Boll ona enpful of milk with the thinly shaved rind from half a lemon. Pour It over two tublexpoonfuls of bread crumba. Ilemove the rind. Heat to cream the yolka of two egga with one fourth cupful of augar and three Uiblesponufula of butter; to this add a quarter of a cupful each of chestnut puree and apple puree. Mix well, add the strained Juice of half a lemon and pour Into well battered baking dish the edge of which have been lined with pastry. Itakt until firm In a moderate oven. Allow to cool, then cover with a meringue, using the twe whltea. Dredge with augur, decorate with candled cherrlea and return to tha oven to brown. Scraps of j THE EXCEPTION The young woman waa ahown round the ship by mate. She aaw every thing, Including the cabins, the slok hold, and the saloons. At laat they came to the bridge, where the captain waa atandlng. "Ah, to that's the captain," re marked the visitor. "He't the man whose word la law while you're at tea, Isu't her "No, madam, not this time," eald the mate. "You see, the wlfe't com ing with him on this trip." Edinburgh Scotsman. RIGHT DIRECTION 8h (undrf iqMM of rrninl moon) I.ct'a r( on th tp mid talk. 11a l.an.l.aa a. .. II I f . atep In the right direction, I'd aay. No Nd to Hurry "Judge," requested the prisoner at the bar, "I'd like to start serving my sentence right away, ao I'll have It over quicker, "No hurry, my boy." replied the judge genlully, "It'a going to be life aenteuce." American Legion Monthly. Bad Outlook This It a knotty case. Kliht wom en on the Jury." 'And the woman yon defend V 'la accused of stealing another woman't cook." "What'e worrying your "I'm afraid they'll bang my client,'' Kill th. Dog Ilarold-There'e the handkerchief you dropped last night dear. I slept with it under my pillow and I've ktaaef It a thousand time. Alice That Isn't my handkerchief. That's little Fldo'a aweater. Correct Conclution Tlark chile, does you all kuow what deceit imr "Suttlnly I doe. neelM-bub "Ien what la Itr "Well, when I leana ovah an' heahe aomethln' rip, I knowa dut'a de sesL" A Sad Miit ah Wllke So the bridegroom didn't aliow up at th wedding? Cruiidall No; they forgot to tend him an Invitation. Queition TMIy'e U right If yon know hew to take her." 'Well, I'm taking her In taxi, la that the proper wuyr A PRETTY PICKLE Old Muld Hour IM.kle Ixnik at those dUgUHtlng Sweet I'lcklesl Her Opinion Angry Girl to Druitirlst Thl n. lahlng crenin I fnke. Irugglt How comet Kurlou Female I've used It Dose every night for two week, and it just a long at It ever waa I No Sign of a Breakdown Disgusted Parent How much inn.. do you expect me to to on aiiimortin you? " Stolid Bon Well, futher. vn.i kn. you are In the pink of condition. Contagioue Mr. Greene The nnfeaair'a .i. la almost a absent-minded aa he la Mr, lllue What did she dot Mrs. Greene llullt a lire in n,. bureau and put her stocking 0 the ttove. Between Sportsmen "Any luck today?" "Two ruhblta. nine ' - - ea iui mVM and four ducks." "All with out gun?" "No, with on motor car." 7 1 fit HMa, r bir Keep in Trim! Ceeaf Elimination l Einntial fa Good Hlth. THB kldnayt at th blood flltari. If thay fall lo func tion properly there I ant to b a retention of loaic polsona In the blood. A dull, languid fool ing and, sometimes, loslo back achsa, haatlachaa, and diaalnose are eytnptome of thla condition. Pu uliar evidence of Impropat kldnay function la often found In burning of scanty paaaage of aocrollona, Kach year agora and more people ere learning the value of Coam't Hilt, stimulant diuretic, In thl coax dltlon. Icarcoty a nook of ham lai anywhere but hae enaay enlhoaiastl asora. A youl ntighbor. DOAN'SW Stimulant Diarmth U I A KUntyt roatsf Mllkara COhMIi Chamlata, Batalo.M T "DEDjOUGFSKIH" " U ugly and nnoxing da4 yotu) tkio toft, wblte, lovely, by ttlln Resinol Town'e Many Peculiarities The town of Hancock, which bor der for sixteen mile on tha New York atat Hue, waa 130 year old luat year. It la the longest and nar rowest town In Massachuaetta, aayt the lloston Globe, it hue the small eat public school In the atiite one pupil. It haa the only Shaker com munity In the state. Its three oldest Inhubltatila live under on roof. It has the second highest body of wa'a In Muasachwtett. Tha at-eaal mal aao af ftamaa BJra Dalaam at BlaM will prvnl ana rllva llr4 av aa ara attain. Ill rrl at, H, T. A4v. Cautee of Fire Lose tn IIKM llglitnlng aa a cause of Bret ranked eighth. The cause beading the list waa exposure, which merely mean the Ina due to fire spreading beyond the point of origin. Next come matches and amnktng; then drfoctlv rhlmneya and flues; stove, fur nace, and their pipes; apnntaneout rnmhuation; aparka on roofs; elec tricity and lightning. Doe WetkneM Detract From Your Good Look? Baa Francisco, Calif. "About twe year ago I waa weak and mndowa la kaaltk. I tuffered o muck wltk backach tad pal la my aid, tad did ot get aay relief antli I took Or. fleree'a Favorite T r e r Iptloa. A few bottlee of the Vreaerlptloa' wa a pennaacnt bone tit to aae aad I am glad to r command It to other for I believe It will da for (hem what It did for me." Mr. B. Webb, 1101 Laguna BL Obtala thla famous Trescrlptloa" now, la tablets or liquid, from your druggist, or write Dr. Pleroe, preet dent lavallda' Hotel In Buffalo. N, I. for free medical advice. He'd Leatn "Oh. professor, don't you think any dear Hill Itandulph will ever kara to drawT "No, ma'am, that la, not unleea you hamea's him to a truck. Ilutger Cbantlcleer. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Marfced With "Baytr CrW na Bn Provd Saf by Million. Wamlngl 1'nlra you tee the name Ilayer" on pai kage or on tablet you are not gelling, the genuine Ilayer' Aspirin proved safe by million and prescribed hy phyalchin for 20 year. say "ilayer" when you buy Amilrln. Imllall ina mav prove dimgeroua. Adv. The Pride of the Family Mr, i'lop G.md grief I Thut Un't the way to make coffee. New Cia.k (hoiM.fully) What It It lha wuy to maker Vka hunt , . . . ... w. m piirn ur 011a aiopo whan Cailo'a Carbollaalva la applied. Ji hrala quickly withnut scare, luo I and I.'!0 "J orugaiata, or snil loo to , ' ' " " v...., . i r r, iit;i iu Aval, 0k 1-ark, III. Atlvarila.m.nU Unnatural Wife Anything go wnmg today? lliiHtiniitl Nothing. Thut' what worrlea me. Sure Relief 6 BrLbAM -:' Hot water FOR INDIGESTION 25 and 754 Pkj'iSold Evefywher 1 QvlcJi JUUfi AplnnntaMactlvoaynaB. ImIIt, u,. l'IHOg inrnii anauiaal Salra. 3ta A N