The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 04, 1927, Image 1

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IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Feb. 4, 1927
Condon Basketeeri Win
By a Narrow Margin.
List Friday night the Inn high
school ueams met defeat on the
lone floor, at the hands of the
Condon teams.
Tha girl wer defeated by a
acor of 24 to 5.
The game between'the boy
. - !. I I ... 11
teams waa exciting ana wrn
played, both teama played hard.
It was Ion' gam with thirty
seconds to play, then Con
don mad a lucky shot, the whis
tie blew and tha game wan over,
The final score waa 16- 17.
The line up for the games was as
Fletcher F
Fwanson C
Firrena G
Uitchi F
Clark C
Balaiger G
On the night of Feb. 11. the
local high achool teams will visit
Ltxington in return game of
basket ball, there will be three
games, the boy' game, the girl's
game and the scrub game. -
AH are expected to be lively and
Come out and help us win.
There wan a very rulien'ook
on Edie' face aa he stalked
Into the assemply. He alanmed
hi books In hi desk, flung him
self into his seat, and grumbled
to himseif. At this time the teach
er said, Edward, after this, please
come Into the assembly more qui
etly and learn to conduct your
aelf aa a gentleman."
Thia infuriated Eddie to such
an extent that he almost choked
with raue. Then he said to him
self, "Why do they all pick on
me? I try my best and tnen they
aav, '1 believe your work would
Improve if you would look at your
lesson defor you come to class.
f ...,. iM . i -..l
At prices within the
reach of everyone.
Better values than we
have ever had before.
Now on display in our
The Kodak Store.
he refused to blame himself, even
thought he knew that he did not
Hut gee," bethought, "you
cant have any fuu studying and
a feller has to have a good time
once 1n a while, but I'll fix that
blame sarcastic English teacher
for bawlinii me out I won't even
atudy tomorrow; then I'll see if
she wont give me aome credit
for studying before."
The bell rang loudly and school
was dismissed. Aubrey Allen An
drewa, who deserved hi nam be
cause h obtained a II A'a, looked
at the downhearted Eddy. He
liked him, for he waa a good,
clean soort, buthedid'ntsee why
Eddy would not study.
Then Aubrey slapped Eddy on
the shoulders and suiJ, "What's
tha matter, old man? You look
like you've been aent for
could'nt come."
" Oh hang ic ail Audrey, vou
know whrt's the matter," was
Eddy's retort.
Probacy English again. Why
you buck up, old scout, and tack
le that English with vim? We
need you, Eddy. We must have
you for this team; then there's
the senior play and 1 know darn
well you want to graduate."
1 know its all easy for you,"
Eddie aaid bitterly, "fut then
you don't tnderstand. I haven't
had the back ground; then she's
always picken' ou me. I don't
see how anyone can get that sen
lence structure. I try to write a
tht me and its only criticism, crit
Icism, criticisml"
"Well, said Aubrey, "why
don't you go to the teacher and
teilhtr? She'll help you.
"Do you think for moment
that I would go whining to her?
Why, sh'd only Uugh at me,"
was the angry retort.
"Well, you have to do it. Ke
memder Il can be done,"
said Aubrty.
At these last words an odd ex
pression came over Eddie'a face.
Then he. grinned broadly and said
"Say, old boy, that quite the
thing. "It ran be done you know.jhave started to work for the
"Then he added, but how can it?,Oec!amatory Contest. We hope
I just must have aome kind of
Aubrey offerred to teach him
all he knew about sentence struc
The next Monday the teacher
called upon Eddie to read bis
which she criticised severely. He
I It ..... itrnl I tvrir
anew ii was nui "...
ton 1.1. t an ,..) n.u Vii tixt oa If ha!
ten, iiui ou.liruuvr IIC IC'I O-J II I'V
Were Improving.
Four weeks had passed. Eddie
had studied industriously. His
work had improved greatly, too.
!! spoke with, for he knew that
his English was belter than the
average student'?. Aubrey wbo
hint helped him much, wan In
deed surprised to see that IvJdie
learned the English so easily,
Then an excitiny day came,
Vhe report for the first six weeks
were being given out to the pu-
pits. Eddie received his, looked
at it, grinned, nudged Auboey,
then said, "I say, old man, it
can be done you know."
The primary grade notes were
written by a little second grader,
Margart t Lindekiri.
Junior Mason, Chariot McCabe,
Katheryn Griffith, Betty Berge
vin, Stuart Rankin, Howard Cro
well, Grace Howell, InezMerritt,
Robert Warfield. and Harry Nor
movie, have been absent from
our room on account of colds and
bad weather.
We have an "ain't box"
in our room. The boys and girls
are having a hard time keeping
their names out of the "ain't
box'1. We want to speak good
English in our room.
Our room is racing to see how
many can be Healthy 0. Brown
ies. We dont want any Grimy
Joes in our room.
We want whoever can to come
and visit our room and watch us
work and play.
Perfect record for four weeks
"Health Campaign" in the third
and fourth grades: Mildred Lun
dell, Miriam Hale, Leo Young,
Valdva Wood, Margarite Troge,
Elsworth Builard, Helen Grabill.
Moble Cool, Ernest Heliker.
Ina Morgan, Baulah Pettyjohn
Mary Grabill, and Ralph Maon
wet absent from School wete
absent from school.
TheCradesand High school
ao represent our school as well
as we did last year.
Our High School basketball
teams entertained Condons teams
after the evening games by serv
ing chocolate, fruit salads and
and sandwiches
The Freshmen class gladly re
ci-iva anothet member, Johnnv
Eubanks of Pendleton High.
! At the Christian Church.
Rtvival services will begin at
th Christian church, lone, on
Sunday, the thirteenth.
The spring season will
soon be here; we have the
Dr. L. D. LcGear line of
stock and poultry remedies,
John Deere plow line of
shares and extras, agency
for VanBrunt Drill, and a
good line of
. at right prices.
. lone has ben well represent
ed in Heppner this week.
: Miss Elizabeth Phelps left for
Portland, last Friday night.
Mrs II. C. Wood and eon Billy
nr.d Mrs. Lsnna Padberg visited
relatives in lit ppner, Friday. Mrs
Guy Cason and children came
home with them for the weekend
J FlofBy Stender was an incom
ing pasxenger on the stage last
Saturday. She is going to work
for' Mrs. Elmer Griffith.
Mrs Charley Shaver, who fell
and hurt her knee cap during
our severe cold weather, is able
to be about the house again.
Mr. and Ers. Bergen Leadbet
ter are the proud parents of a
baby boy. born January 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Baker of
Walla Walla, spent Saturday and
Sunday in lone, visiting Mr. Bak
er's sisters, Mrs Lena Lundcli
and Mrs. Dora Morgan.
Mrs. Troy Bogaid and little
daughter, who have been at the
Jordan Hospital for the past two
weeks rttnrned to their home in
the Eight Mile district, thir week.
Earl and Charley Murray, of
Freewater spent a few days on
th Murray ranch, seeing how
Hank was getting along. I
Ceorg Uitchie, Sr. Ture Peter
son, William llayes, and can
Troedson motored to Heppner,
Monday. They were accompanied
on their return by Frank Yonng
who had gone up on the local.
Walter EubanksreturneJ from
Pendleton, Sunday afternoon. He
brought Johnny borne with him,
Bible School 10:00 a. mt, Christian
Endeavor, 6:30, preaching 7:30 p.
n. You are welcome.
E. L Wood, Minister.
Beautiful, new line of station
Here are a few ol the pictures
we have contracted for 1927.
Jan. 29th. Flaming Frontier.
Feb. 5th. Tracked in the Snow.
llFeb. 12th.-Chipof the flyingU
Feb. 19th. Non Stop Flight.
Feb. 26th. Find your man.!
Cut thij out and keep it for
future reference. We will only
raise prices when the price of
program compels us to. Dont
miss a single number of this con-
ract. American Legion
lone Oregon
general mdse. I
David Howe, came in on the stage
Tuesday, to visit their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Low. Mrs
Mose I: a? been in Iowa attending
'he funeral of her mother, Mrs.
Jula Howe. She returned to her!
kiome in Salem, Thursday. i
Mrs. Irlcne Nash and son are
visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Dell Ward.
Mrs. M. II. Morgan and son, Ed
ison made several trips to Htpp
ner to visit Mr. M. R. Morgan.
Mrs. Ben Busche and Mrs. Lieu
iien are visiting at the home or
Walter Eubanks.
Mrs. J, M. Hamblet of New-
berg came in on the Wednesday
venirg stage to visit her Broth
er, M. U. Morgan who has been
verry poorly for some time.
Mr.- Morgan came home home
from the hospital, last Thurseay,
muce improvod.
The value of cream shipments
from Ion for the month of Jan
uary totaled $700.00. The total
R. R. charges for deliverin this
cream to the creamerif s was $23.
Nolan Page of lone junior in
civil engineering at 0. A. C.has
been pledged to Sigma Tau, na
tional honorary fraternity in en
Students are chosen from the
school of engineering, the school
of mines, and the department of
he mical engineering on th? ba
sis of high scholarship, character
and ability in the engineering
The Ladies of the DorcasFo-
r'ety will give a Lincoln Tea at
the Congregational Church par
tors, Thursday afternoon, Feb. 10.
FveryboJy welcome
Musicians in the Unite d States
considerably outnumber the cler
I) men ar.d lawyers, according to
statement emanatting from the
Conn Music Center. There almost
three times as many people earn
ing a Uvu.g through music as
there are drilling teeth or play
mg behind the foot lights.
Now is the time to put your
animals and fowls in condition!
for spring activity, by feeding;;
Dr. Hess' Stock
Poultry Pan-a-ce-a,
Distemper Remedy,
Colic Cure,
and using
tllnstant Louse
Hess Dip and Disinfectant,
Hess Roup Tablets,
Hess Healing Powder.
Every package apsolutely guaranteed to
satisfy or your get your money back.
t i-irrTP ll ACAIkl
Coming to
The Dalles
Dr. Mellenthin
to Internal Medicine for tb
past twelve years
Will be in the Dalles on Sat
urday Feb. 12 , at the Dalles
Office Hours, 10.00 A.M
to 4:00 P.M.
No Charge for Consultation
Ir. MHIetliln Ina regular gradu
ate In medicine and surgery and la
licensed by the state of Oregon, He
doe not operate for chronic appen
dlcltls, gallstones, ulcers of Horn.
aeh, tonsils or adenoids.
lie ha to hla credit wonderful re-
mitt lu diseases of the stomach, live
bowels, blood, akin, nervea. heart
Kidney, bladder, bed wetting, cat
arrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sclat
lea, leg ulcers and rectal ailments.
Ik-low are the names of a few of
his many satisfied patient. In Ore
gon. Mrs. L, 1,. feti. Moro, heart trou
.Mrs. F, F. linger, daughter Marie.
Walton, tonsils and adenoids.
Mrs. E. ('. Mulloy, Hillsboro. nicer
of t he leg.
Mrs. Seise Peterson, Skaniokawa. "
Wni.lilngtou' colitis.
UroverC. Couthler, Coqullle, Ore.i
colitis aim ulcer, of stomach.
Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfleld, ear
, J. W Turner. Dalle, stomach .... ...
E. A Russell, Klctinath Falls, ap
pendicitis. Reiuemlier the above date, that
coiiKUltlon will be free aud that hla
treatment Is different.
Mark-d women must be accompan
lt d by their husbands.
Address: 211 bradbury Uldg., Loa
AiiKeles, California.
500 Steel Handpower Stumpullers
$30 each; Horsepower, $75; Auto
matic Gates; Hand Well Borers;
The Oucrest Mfg. Co.
111, Third Ave., Renton, Wash.
Tonic, .