Tublislicil Every Friday ly W. W. Ill' AD, Editor I'uiilUJitC Sl'IlSCKIfTlON' One Yrtr . '. $1.50 "ix Months , uS .hree Monthj 50 filtered second c!as matter at 'he poslofiicc at Kmc. t1:emn, under act -of Mnrch 3. 1879 - Friday, Jan. 7 1926 tilvitv ami f nm!. rmir forever, one and iisr'airmVc. D. Webster.- The advice jrivn the farmer " since the first of the yearincludes . everything hut having his tonsils taken out. A noted cluh woman rays girl workers should havemen'pwapre?. They usually Ret that by marry ing the men, A cahle ship has recently dis covered that the bed of the At lantic ocean near St. Helena has risen two miles in the past twen tyfive years. . Fuel is now being made from raisin seeds from which the oil has been extracted. , BUTTER WRAPERS Printed In This Office. WHEAT RANCHES Some for sale, trade or rent. 320 to 3080 Acres. For particulars call address C. B. Ruley, Ion, Oregon. LISTEN IN WITH A C LFIL LAN Radio. The latest improvments in theet Sets. One and two dia' control. See me for a trial or plions H. G Rankin. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank cur frimds for their he!p and sympsfi) dur in it the Bickness and de;.th of o: r husbanl an i father. V apim-ci at" nore hisrhly than nrri cr tell the gracious service of 'h Congregational Church and the Odd Fello.vs Lodge in ths con duct of tha lait rit-4. Mrs. Wiliam Dav;?cn and family. M 'l:.irrX'i. ... -. mmM EVERYBODY'S GOiNGI CALIFORNIA bids you turn back the calender to iummer and come play in the warm sunshine. At an added Inducement the Union Pacific now offer special low round trip fares oriel n.iuici you a marvelous journey on the finest of fast trains. Connections via Portlund or Salt Lake City, MAKE TOUR RISER VATfCNO HOTf wAmim h W. Howk. u,t, lone, Oregcn. few im t mi aa tit wri-itJ'y, -i REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF BANK OF IONE Charter No. 144 l!omrvo Olntrlct 12 At lonn, In (he State t Orison, tit tln eloso of lintliit'HM, ln'. !U, lii'.'O . ' RESOURCES I, l.tiiins and lUxcoutitM lm-lu il Itivt rollm-nunt, iii-i'rptiitii't'x, or hilU of exi'lnuw, mc Id with the endorsement of the Imnk, IneludliiK IteniM hIiowii In St, mid !!.! it uuy !N,7tll.(A 'J. Overdrafts, seem-eii mid miKeenied , Ml'., VI ;!, V. H. (iovenmetit secuiitlen owiu d, Im-ltlilliiK those kIu.wii In Iteinx ;i ) ami JIT), Ifnnj- '.'.(HHUIO I Other lionda, w.irr.iiitH and xi-i-milli-ii, IneliidliiR for eign Koverninent, state, iminleipal. mrpm-iitUm, etc , liieludlim' tliose sluiwti In Items ,'10 i nd If any , ,. S'L'.S .'. Stoeks, seenritles. ehilnis, liens, judgements, ete .'.SMl.nO ti. BatiAlnit house, f;l (MiO.iMl; furiiltine and fix tures $;s,5ii(l ixi ,."t)0 iK 7. Ilt-til ri-tnte ( t til oth r tlt.H 1 i.l I II I i i;,t- 9. (a lil Gush on hand III vault and due from bankers and trust i'oiiiaiiles, designated and approveil n'serve agents of this lia'ik 11. Cheek on hanks outside elt.v or town of reporting Imnk, and other eash I ems' , Tot.iU'Msliand ihu from hunks, tte:u s, II, lj and 11, tt,;l'J0.l Total LIABILITIES l.C.iilta! stock ald In 17. Surplus fund 1". (HI I'lldlvlded profits thl l-ess Cu rret.t t-XK-. sen, lute est nntl taxes paid '" i" Itldtrldilal deposit miliji-t-, I i i-ln-i-k, Incliidili:' Viwi.lt due the State of Ort-non. eoiint.v, ei y or o'her pulilk- fund , 24 IViuiiiul eertl'ieate of deposit oiiKt.iiidliiK Total of demand deposit, other than bank deposits, subject to rt-i-i i ve, items -.'II, S4. 2:,, M (U ,r..M 75 Time and saving deposit, hiiI.Jt. to reserve and payable on demand or cul.J.-t to n !: 27. Time eertl'ieate of deposit octstrimliiijr , . Total of time and saving d-posii i-ii; able on tleliiand orsuhjirt to imtltv. Items :7. i'N $ n.Oin.M 3t, Note and bills redlseouated, Isi .idlnu iionds or titlier Hei-urUle obl under repnr ': t-e agreement with contingent liabllU ies 31, MM payable with IV.I.i.il I!,., i vr imnk or with other bank and trust companies ... Total :tl s.rtt."j State of Oregon, County of M- , row, SS. I, Victor G. Peterson, cu.--l-.ii r ;t the above named bank, do solemly swear that the above sUment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Victor G. Peterson Subscribed and sworn to hefoie me this 6 day of Jan., 1927. F. H. Robinson, No' toy Public. My commission expiu-s 2-20 -1928. CORRECT - Attest: M. R. Morgan, C. II. Gunzel, Victor G: Peterson, Directors. Aro Secrels to Making Can Be Achieved By Fcllowing A Few Simple Bulea Sajs Famous Cooking Expert By MUdrr.1 MatldorU Itcnllry What Is ths secret of flrst-rats eoffw ths kind that starts ths day right- that makes yoa feel "like a million dollars"? Literally hundreds of women and a surprisint; number of men haro asked me this question In one form or an o'.htr. And It's an Important one for t hat can be more blichting to domestic hi;pinns than a cup of muddy coffee or coffee improperly "creamed"? And oa the contrary, what can be more -hilaratinf than a food cup fragrant, f olden, delicious? Luckily there s no hidden secret about making and serrinc ths perfect eoffee It's just a matter of minding your p's and q's and following a faw simple directions, ) Selection at Cuff There are many excellent brands of coffee in the market the choice of one of these Is largely a matter of Individ uul taste. But I do want to say that usually coffee in the bean retains its ftvor longer than in the ground form so, If possible, buy the whole beans and grind your coffee fresh for each meal, i If, however, the breakfast hour or fifteen minutes Is too hectic to admit of this extra step, at least keep your ground coffee in an air tight con tainera glass fruit jar for Instance. And it s well to remember that the more finely the coffee is ground, the ea.iier It Is to extract its fuil strength and flavor consequently finely-ground coffee is economical and timo-savlng, The Coffee Pot Connoisseurs maintain that coffee brewed in a metal pot has a less deli cate flavor than in a container of glass, stono-ware or agate. Whatever kind of coffee pot you prefer it should be scoured frequently and occasionally "boiled out" with water to which a pinch of baking soda has been added then rinsed, dried, and left uncovered. It a percolator is ussd, tha plp should bs carefully washed every day with a brush to remove all scum from the preceding brew. For drip eoffeo, if you do not have a special drip coffae pot, an ordinary one equipped with a double cheesecloth bag will servt the purposa. Tha cheese cloth should bo washed In cold water after using and renewed at least once a week. Keep the bag always moist. 1 The "Creaming" This t consider quite as Important as tha actual brawlng. Good eoffee can so ll.JstUls r,nsr.u4 til.'.U ;ns,tms -j-J '.'."i.oim.ivi W.MIO.OO JI.IMM 111 WJ r,Md:.4 Ki.OiO SI liL'.7l(i.t;4 .f.'.toN pi Perfect Cup of Coffee easily ba spoiled by using cream sf In ferior quality or the "top of the bottle if carelessly poured off. In my study of food habits, I am finding that every year mora and more people prefer sweetened condensed milk in their cof fee. You sea this kind is twice as rich ind creamy as ordinary milk and fur thermore already tontmiu far, thus serving the additional purpose of sweetening the eoffee. Try it for a few days, and 1 think yoa will agree that the condensed milk gives a delight fully rich, smoothly blended drink. bringing out the real eoffee flavor And of course it is very convenient, as It keeps fresh without ice svsn after the can is opened and tha cost is ex tremely moderate. Now as to the actual wlU of Inwina. Thera are several and your choice is entirely a matter of Individ ual Uste. If tha directions are care fully followed, any of tho methoda will yield the "perfect cup of coffee" mel low in flavor, with a tVilcate, fragrant aroma, free from ae "mint and of a dark golden hue. i Boiled C-,r.n Rliw lh pot with li vnur. pn' II.- la the fnl on- round! wblrapuoa ,.t m .i.'iro-erouml w fcti rup of bllln mi,- nk a Kldltlonal pnonjlw the pal AM iniio hlu of m, or rrunbM me elM-ll and sbotit ..n- -fminh nip ot e14 " . imne bn.nr A no i... inins nw, pif III .flre p. orrr hrst, t .1 brl'.l to a lull boll. I'lftee on bus of Um Natl ,r .,..r K brftl l ebout fn a.lmitM to omiia, brf'ir- rvlns lo ant alkrtr tht ObQi to Imcooj uuorttk I iy corneal onurtns. Porcolatodf ,'?fo t'o nop rvp of Snplr-eroiinri f,r to rlf nips of bnlllnf nu,. Horo tbo ,(! I i ll.o ilrlnr In tlx ubtMe part ot tha Dn Mill Id ,- tiir bubbl up ihnimlh the tuba, p-rrnlatlris Miish tha rn, Inlo lha I'twit part, until tha a, ' .a la nf tha tf-air-4 tr-nvth. flva nlmiuo bains l"- rjual tlma ronulrr4. Harva St onaa Coflaa mad- Hi a IMranlator la Mot ff'iM! If allowoS lo ouok sin. iIm- raqulrnd stmista ia marbr4. Drip Cof o llaal the pot br rtnalns la I i' kular. sn4 at the ,(rln-r M-aaura aar-fulty ti' r K. ISnt-lirrnaiiyt) alWivltm rma rctlialHl UMr. ..,ti to aarh nop of watar. I'lara In tlie dno-im''Mii and ptijr Sall walar Uironsn the eoRaa vary , -.mly. I Tovar and lal und tn drip fhrtrush and wrv imirtdlatal l,o nit alum thi: bn- to rool If ami. ' , rl- layad. blare the no In nr over hot wataf . . r n-tiaat br piai'liai over the firs. Steeped f- In maklns tlaapaji enffaa liar on'' ro-indrd tablranooa nf 'o..aa to aach nip ol walar u. il. with ao artdlliona I t:i for In P"t Add eold r 'ir. i'lan ovar U lira and brlns qui' klv to the U , ,i pxlnt. rHhor Irt it iihdq tor a motneat to Ml'., nr add a Utile eotd watai-. Remember the best coffee will loss its flavor If allowed t r'and. Coffee should always ba frr-mads and served piping hot, as iton as It Is brewed. If necessary tj let stand, tha pot should bs tightly covered and the spout closed by stuffing wllh soft cloth or paper, so that nonv of tha aroma and flavor may ba lost. " STOCKHOLDERS' ANNUAL MINTING The Anturtl Mcctinj? of the stockholders of the Punk of lone, of lone, Oregon, for tlieuccllon of Dircc ors ntnj the transaction of any ether business that mny come before the meeting, will be hcU at the office of said bank on Jauunry 13, 11)27, between the hours cf 10 A. M. and 2 I'. M, o'clock. Victor G. Peterson, Cashier, NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hen by given that the regular Annual Meeting of the lone National Farm LoanAssocia tion will be held at lone, Slate of Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, Jauuary 11, 1927. The purpose for which this meeting Is called is to elect a Hoard of Directors for r'tlng year and for the transaction of any olher business that may properly be presented. C. B. Ruhy. Secy. Treas "SUPHFWIE Ai'tHORITV" WEBSYf.TS CV IN7E?( T!0KAL -THE MEUntAM Wl Bs-TIR iccau-ce v MunJrcdt f Seprrme Court 61 Judj-cj concur in highest rralw '-, t t the vork u thcrr Auifumtj. L The rrcii,K-:i i-f all U-.-Jinn Unt- ! ver itlcs l'ollce, nd Normal j Schools fciva tKcir hearty indont- A A'l Sttitei that have adi ptcj !! fjrge du-tlonary at itiimiJij hivo IS iunal. Tlie Schoolhookj of ths Countrf adhere to ti.e fdirriam-WttXef i,ucm of Jucrltlcjl null. T: e Oovernr.v.-i Printing Otfic l; V'a.hUij,tun uct it m amhorttj. U'RITE for umrlt r ltt firm rRL. fj C.&C. B v-' I 'ri' : :r- -f& m i nm bum jmwr chrlitian church ! Sunday Schoo: 10.00 A. M. ' Prayer Meeting Thui . Kven:n Services 10;0I) A. M. and 8.00 P M FIIIST BAPTIST CHUUCII Sutiilay School at 1C.00 A.M Junior ICiiih-avor at 5 30 P.M. Prayer inertinc Thnr.4. 7.30 P.M Jack Far r is Dermatician. It Pays to Look We i Specialist in Bok in A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. ' Physician anJ Surgeon Office in Masonic I'ui!dinj (Trained Nurse Assistant lleppner : Ort'Kon C. L SWEEK 'Attorney At Iw First National Hank HuildiriK Mcppncr Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Office Main Iff; a- - I 5 1 Iltsidence Main -tSVViir practice in all the Courts HEPPNER . OREGON! IOSE, TCI-S AYSiin,l l'KI..AVf: I'rom 9:00 to 10:00 A, M. ENGELMAN HARDWARE ; IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. r r i i ii r 1 -- - . . - ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON IONE HARNESS SHOP Drop In and looK over my I Line of WorK Shoes. . I have a jiood stocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. j Repairing at Reasonable Prices. I IONK MEAT MARKET rrcsh and smoked meats;. Poultry and fish. When you have anything in onr line to sell see us. T.. E. Peterson, manager. lone, Oregon a ssss. 1- ' Trirrm. jjj w Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Rciumish'-'d anJ Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Tabic First Class. A home away from home, wish best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. I ft' u a n m t tn Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS. FAIRBANKS MOUSE KNCKCKS, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WACONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon ! si R SIi! ME KEFOHE THIS FIRE . C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSUI? NCE IONE, OREGON K H. R.ob:nson A toiney and Counselor at Iaw IONE, OKECJON tmmm urn .w-tUJ Good Service. MOIHIOW CENERAL HOSPITAL MiH Zi'im WfRtfB'l, Graduate Nurse. Superintendent. A, II. JohtiHton M. D , PhyHician in ehHige, Kates Keason iile Dr. F. E. Frraior DENTIST Oflice: Odd Fellows Buildln Heppner, Oregon.