Sure Relief I 6 BCLL-ANS 1 Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 25 and 75c Pk.iSoicJ Everywhere Just Like Being a Bom "How r you getting on at roar Job, Itllir "Kln. I'v got flv nien under uie now." "Hesllyt" "Ye I work npstalr "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" - A hirmiea vegetable butter rotor lined by million fur M) year. Drug tore and general at ore sell bottles of "Dandelion" fur 85 ceuta. Adv. Hit Cur The falling leave nil ma with melancholy thoughta," Mid Ilia poetic person. They uaed to have that effect on nr," returned tha prosy man. "What changed youT" "I moved Into an apartment tod don't have to ruke Ihetn up any niore, Itnatoo Transcript DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Markad With "Bayer Croaa" Haa Baan Provad Safe by Mllllona. Warning! I'lvless yon see tha nama "Hayer" on package or on tablets you ra not filing tha genuine llnycr Aspirin proved safe by mllllona and prescribed by physicians fur 2d year a. Kay "llnyer" whn yon buy Aspirin, Imitations may prova dungeroue. Adv. Could Mean Only Her Hi Tha prettiest women alwaya marry tha biggest finds. She Try your flattery on aoma ona laa. Htray Stories. EASES SORE THROAT Take little "Vaaeline" Jelly aeveral timea a day and at bedtime. Taate leia and odorleaa. i Soothe and heala. Will not upaet you. Stat drool Hm Tork Vaseline I MO . OOO 1 J t aiaocsim jau. & Not Too Many Rich Old Aunt I recovering from e I'm afraid I ahall feet tha effect of thla accident fur many years to come. Nephew (with expectations) I sin cerely liopa not, auutla. lloaton Tran script Prsshan a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, faaclnatlng Cut! cura Talrura I'owder, an exquisitely arenteil, economical fare, akin, baby and duatlng powder and perfume. Renders other perfume superfluous. One of tha Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Tslcum). Advertisement Want to Eecape Mule Tommy Father, you bought later a plauog you timet buy Die a bicycle. pup What fort Utile Tommy So I tan go out rid ing when . ahe la practicing. Phila delphia Inquirer. martlne, IHr.. ailfSr tm rati) fey mnmlna It Human Br n.laam la U4 whan mliinf. ITI Prl at., N. X. Adv. The more a woman knowa about tha affiilr uf her hiiHhuml, the lea ah haa to any about them. $4,000 pr'zes 1,055 PRIZES IN AIL knur tha srM Liquid Vaae Can. tat. All yon h la do la writ ua In Im tha III word what pea eon aklar lb outstanding; ohrctrltl ot Liquid Vanaar, or tail ua l aa uuuaual ttaa lor Liquid Vaaaar. Tou mar wla tha fir prise af m on o( tha 1.014 oltur prlara. Thro promlnant nuain mn will ant Jiil(s. ConlMt ulna Prambr Hat, lilt. Rut don't dalr. Oat neoarr Kmrr Kiank and full particular from vnur daalw. If h can't uuplr ou writ ua. Doa't ntlaa thla bl oppor. tunltv. Liquid Vnr la anld by hardwar. furnllur, drua, paint, erwxrr and aanaral itora. BcrrAM apitriAiTT roMTAUT 1 IJquld Vrrr Ulda. Uaffalo, M, Y. . ' STUBBORN SORES KJ aa. Inflammation quickly .l ' yield U Resinol tu ARTHUR AUTHOR, of wwu tr.viC8 PBECEDINQ CHAPTERS Harry Ormarod, proacrlhad traitor to Kin tJaora aa a Blu er! partlaan, raturnlna from Kranr to lAindnn, rcaouaa Aldar man ltobarl Juaalna from a band of aaaaaalna. Juaalna provaa to he lh erandann of a furrnar ataward of ormarod a fathar, to whom Juaalna fl hlmaalf In dbtd. Ormarod tMa Juaalna ha haa abandoned tha atuart eauaa. Juaalna Informa Ormarod of a Jaooblta plot In tha Amarl. can oolonl to waakan Enaland br forwardlna Kranch Inlaraali. At tta haad la Andraar Murray, a Kpotaman, and a Kranchman, la Vull. daadly liamr of Ormarod. Tha Iwd ar In London turlhar Ine thalr echemae. CHAPTER II Continued "Ua la Do enemy to be alighted," I aid. "No, he thrive upon oppoaltloo; but" A aeeretary rapped for order. "To the klng'a uioat ei eel I cut maj ea!y In council," he recited from a doc ument bo held, "the humble petition and repreaenlallon of HhiiiucI I laker, Bnniuel Hturke, Klchard Jaueway and othera, niorrbanta of Ixiudon, trading to New York, In behalf of themaelvea and the reat of the peraona concerned In tha New York trade; which petition, having been ronaldered by hla maj ealy'a council, hath been referred, with bla grarloua conaeut, to the lord com ndaalonera for trade and plantation." "Yon will note," whlapered Maater Jugglna In my ear, "that the name of Murray la not Included In the Hat. He appear here, not aa the principal, which he la, but at the reiueat of tbeae merchauta, who are hla decoya, and oatenalbly In their Intereal" "You have heard the petition and reference of the council read," gabbled I'elhain In whining voice. "We will now bear argumenta by the oppoalng eldee. Who appeara agalnat Uie peti tion r Maater Juggln ro bealde me. Ilia argumenta were euhatantlally thoae he had uaed with me, bulwarked addi tionally by a maaa of facta and atatla tlca. When he eat down It aeemed to nie that no Kngllahnian who thought of hla own eouutry'a Inlereat could re alat the logic of hla appeal. There waa amatlerlng of applauae, and then a merchant Introduced Mur ray, with the remnrk that he had kind ly cotieentcd to give hla opinion, aa he bad recently come on a vialt to Lon don from tiie province of New York, where he waa in realdence. "The gi-ntlrman who preceded me," began Murray, "and who, I am told, once M-nt aome time In our province many yeara ago, la unfortunately labor ing under a mlaapprehenslon of the altua'tloii. It la not, my lord, aa though we had the tulafortune to be at war with France. Through the grace of Cod, the two rountrlea have now been for aome yeara at peace with one another, and their auhjecta in the New world have atriven not to be behtad hand In drawing cloaer the bond of trade which In themaelvea are the beat preventative of war. "We manufacture In thl country more good of a eertaln kind than we can conauuie ouraelvea. Theae good re In great demand amongat the aav- ge trlhea which Inhabit the Interior of North America.' "Ikith the French and our own trad er have uae for theae good In the fur trade, which la growing to be of Increasing worth to the London mer chauta. If we withhold from the French the good they require for trad ing with theae trlbea they will aeek them from the manufacturer of the Lew Countries and Uerruany. Thu oar merchant at home wilt be de prived of a profitable trade, and we provincial will not be bettered. Atao, tbe (upply ot fur for the London market, much of which cornea from tile French poata, will be reduced. It aeem to me, your lordahlps, that thla prohibitory legislation will only have crippling affect upon trade aud hin der the good relation between France and England aud their colonic. " He (aid much more In the innie ,alu, wlillit Juggln twlited uneaally in hla aeat aud tbe attending mer chant and even their aleepy lordships bung upon hi word. For he wa a ready speaker. When he sat down the merchant who acted aa maater of cere monies caused a start of aurprlae, In which I Joined, by bringing forward a bandaomely dreaaed gentleman, whose laced coat and goldlillled sword bowed conspicuously In such drab surroundings. Twa Itaoul de Veulle; yes, Raoul d Veulle, who mad exploit and rapadei, love affair and gambling debts, had kept all Paris goaslplng these paat three year and had Just lrlen him into an exile, the fact con laming which had been myeterlouily lecreL b4 knew I Vuil wait. D. HO WD EN SMITH PORTO 6ELLO OOLO ETC eoevmoMT tr eautgTAnoi Now b lood before ua, Ids hand some face smiling, bowing low before their Interested lordahlp. In charm ing, broken Kngllah be repeated hi brief meaaage. lie had been requeated by hla excellency the French ainha andor to appear In thla matter In an awer to plea offered by the petition er to the ambaaaador for corrobora tive testimony to the Justice of their assertions from a responsible Freuch ouree. II himself be ihrugged apologet ically us It hnppened wa Canadian born; be wa Juat atartlng upon hi way to take up an appointment In the Cunadlan government. He agreed un healtatingly with what Monaleur Mur ray had stated. On behalf of the French government and of the Cana dian authorltlea he begged to aay that such legislation aa New York wished to have (erpetuated would have most unhealthy effects upon tha trade and politic of their two countries. Maater Jugglna" sprang to bll feet, hi honest face aflush. "Many of the assertions of Master Murray and" I'elhnm waved him to bis sent "W have heard enough," pro nounced the whlnlug voice. "You have no other Ural hand witnesses from overseas T "No, your lordahlps," admitted Jug gins reluctantly. "Then further talk la fruitless," be went on, while bla colleagues nodded their aleepy aaaent "We are agreed that there aeems to be aome difference of opinion concerning thla measure. Were It not for the fuct that bis maj eaty' governor of New York appeara to favor the bill, we aliould conalder the case made out against It unanswer able. Hut In view of Governor Ilur net'a approval we are resolved that tbe matter shall be referred back to him with a request for full report upon the Issues raised, and pending the receipt of this report and a de cision being reached hla majesty's gov ernment will not take action In the premlaea. What la tbe next caae for ConalderatlonT" The petitioner, much gratified, flocked around Murray and hla ape like servant, and I followed Maater Juggln from the chamber and out Into Whitehall. "What will happen nextT" I asked. "If I know Governor Ilurnet a well aa I think I do, Murray aud bla French friends will drsw alight comfort from their triumph today. Remember be la three thousand mllea from London and therefore aide to think for himself. With you to help him" I felt something brush agalnat my cout sleeve and loifVed around. I bad Juat time to see the back of gaudy red coat and a woolly black bead, crowned by an oruate cocked bat, die appearing In the crowd. "IH you see?" I said. "Aye," respouded Juggins grimly; "I might have kuown IL Well, 'til a lea sou In time. We will not forget It," W turned from Whitehall Into the crowded HI rand. "Murray will figure that thl delay give him time to bribe and buy hla will, either In Coventor Iluruet'a coun cil or In the government here," con tinued Master Juggln. "At the worst be will think that he should be able to withstand the law'e execution for aeveral year, and In that tlm much may be done aye, much may be done, and lu more tlmn oue way," he con cluded grimly. Then doubtless Murray wilt aend at once a swift messenger to New York so that bis friends may aet to work In hla Interest," I suggested. Juggln (topped abruptly In the cen ter of the footway. "No, he will go himself. Tl too Im portant for trusting to another. That waa well thought of, Master Harry. We must not let hliu get ahead of us. You must call on the first passage available. Do you follow met" And he started off aa fast a hi XXIX.XXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXX''XX4'Xi Sent to Destruction At least three veaaela have gone over Niagara fulls, aayi the Boston Globe In reply lo a query. The first wa In 18:17, when tn old craft wn ent over with a bear, fox, a buffalo, a dog and aome geeae a passengers. The bear Jumped from the boat before It reached the rapid, swum to the ehore and waa rescued. -The geese went over tha Alamo Originally Church The Alamo, In Texas, was Fran clacan minion built about 1722 and occasionally used after 17113 a a fort It consisted of a church, an Inclosed convent yard about 100 feet square, a convent, a hospital building and a plasa covering about two and one-half acre and protected by a wall I feet high and 83 Inches thick. ic .oukj vsiry htm, pumping ana prodding hi person agnlnat all wb did not move from III path. "Whither are we bouud nowl" I panted, "To Maater Lloyd' coffee house, where the ehlpowner resort for trade. We shall And new of the (ailing there." Muny men stood on the cobhleut aide Lloyd' talking. Th coffee room and taproom also were filled. Hunter Juggins pushed hie way through the shifting group until he reached a burly, stout man who sat by himself at a table, sucking fragrant Mocha from a bowl. "And what wilt yon ha', Boh Jug gln?' demanded the burly man In a sulky vole. "A good afternoon to you, Tom Jen kins," returned Juggln. "How ar suiting to the Western Plantation?" "Amerlkyt" "Aye, New York province." The burly man consulted bl record book. "We ha' the ship New Venture, Ab bot, maater, lulling fiotn OreeowicB tbe end of the week. What' your cargo t" - " 'Tie not cargo, but a man I would aend on her." "I fear m she' full up, Rob. But yesterday we sold four place on ber and she hath limited quarter for passengers." Juggins threw me s bumoruus glsnce. "I'll be bound 'tl Maater Murray of New York ahe' to carry," he de clared. "Why, that true," admitted Jen kins. "Aud some Frenchy, friend o' bla." I forgot my role of 'prentice lad, and hosed myself acroa the tulil. "Not De Veulle! The Chevalier de Veulle?" I cbullenged hint. Jenkins looked st me with mingled amusement and Indignation. "Who's your green lad that hanker for the Freuchle son he asked Jug gln. My maater tent m spinning to the floor. "Mind your place boy," he rebuked me. Then he continued half apologetical ly to Maater Jenklua ' "Thl De Veulle put a alight upon me before the lord of trade, and the lad "tl a good youth and devoted, though fresh come out of Dorset, a you may see was most Indignant on my behalf. And now about tbe pas sage! I'll pay well. Sure, you can alwaya find room for an extra man ablpboard." "What will you payT. "Three fulness." "Four," countered Jeokln In a monotonous tone. Juggln drew the coin from a purse snd clinked them on the Isble. "And Is It De Veulle sails with Muf rsyf "Aye; he e on some government mission for Canada." "But why doea be not aall from Havre In a French ahlp for Quebec?" "The 8L Lawrence la fro sen. There will be no French ship for Canada for two month yet." Juggins pureed hi lip tn that quaint gesture of whistle which wa characteristic trait. They use our goods." he muttered; "they use our rivers, our trading posts, our people, the tribes which sre friend ly to us snd now they use our ships." "Often," sdmitted Jenkins disinter estedly. "Since the Peace of I'trecht we be' done a sight o' shlpplug busi ness with the Frenchies." " Tls to our shame," declared Maa ter Jugglna roundly. "Why, 'tis business," snswered Jen kins with bis Brat show ot Interest "Show uie' bestben, let alone Frenchy, will pay a farthing more than an Englishman, and I'll ahow yon a better customer. Trade la trade, Leave politics to governments.. It I make ant my own living, will the gen try at Weatnduater carry my debtsl I think not." Jugglu wclled with Indignation. "God help England when men ilk you come to rule it, Tom Jenkins P ht declared. "Good afternoon to you." "One moment," interposed Jenkins. "You ha' not given me the nam of my passenger." " Tie thla youth here." "He who hath Hie Interest tn the Frenchy?" responded Jenklna. "Well, lad, keep your bauds off him. despite hla Insults to your muster. And what' your name?" The Journey to the land ef America, a new Ufa, and the premiss of glorious adventure are all before the youth a the hip leaves the shores ef Old England for the New world. (TO BB CONTINUED.) Over Niagara Falls fail and came to the shore below alive, while the other animal were not seen. Another vessel, the Detroit, that hod belonged to Commodore Perry'a fleet, wa started over tha cataract In the winter ot 1841, but grounded midway In the rapid and wa finally broken up by the Ice. In 1887 a burning veseal was seat down the rapid and over the fall. Thla wa described aa most mag nificent tight, . Snake Shun Britith Like Ireland, Scotland la slngulaly free from anake, while only two'ape cle are known In England, phonograph having record of bras ha been Invented. Tbe record Buqr ha heard 10,000 ysar tton bow. Gild j awiiiii j, cially prepared for Infants in To avoid imitation, always look for Proven directions on each package, . "Malthu.ian" Theory Thomas Robert Malthus, born 1760, was an English economist Interested hi social problema and atndy of pop ulation. In 171)8 he published a book, "Essay on the Principle of Popula tion aa It AfTeets tbe Future Improve ment of Society." Thl book demon strated the theory that In ail time pop ulation ba tended to outrun subsid ence, leading to the decay of the na tion. He enlarged thla theory In 1803 to demonstrate the Impossibility ot evading poverty and suffering among the mass of the people if unre stricted Increase In population con tinued. Have Kidneys Examined By Your Doctor Take Salt to Waan Kidney If Back Paine You or Bladder Bother Flush your kidney by drinking a quart of water each day, alio take salt occasionally, aay a Doted au thority, who tell o that too much rich food forma acida which almost paralyxe the kidney In their efforts to expel It from the blood. They be come sluggish and weaken; then yon may suffer with a dull misery In the kidney region, (harp pain In tbe back or lck headache, - dizziness, your stomach ours, tongue U coated, and when the weather la bad yon have rheumatic twinge. Tbe urine get cloudy, full of sediment the channel often get core and Irritated, obliging yon to aeek relief two or three timea daring the night To help neutralise these Irritating acids, to help cleanse the kidney and flush off tbe body' urinous waste, get four ounces of Jsd Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for few day, and your kidney may then act fine. Thl famous salts I made from the acid of grape and lemon Juice, combined with II thla, and haa been used for year to help flush and stimulate alugglsh kidneys; also to neutralize the acid In the (yste.n so they no longer Irritate, thu often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Suit I Inexpensive, cannot In jure and makes a delightful efferves cent llthls-wster drink. Unrecorded Retort "Lord Casslus has a lean and bun giy look," remarked Julius Caesar. "I've lost a lot of sleep lately," ex plained Casslus, "sitting up to wstch nyr calories." Genuine happiness Is sble to stsnd a lot of hard knock. for Colds I W Vfi SPIRIN TAKE "BAYER ASPIRIN" -$emhe. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Neuritis Pain Headache Toothache Sciatica A jap- Accept only "Bayer" n'lQy package which contains proven directions.. . Handy "Bayer box of IS tablet. Also bottles of 14 and 100 Druggists. Aaplrta la tk tnO svark at Bar Muefactoi f MooaawtKiaaHHaWe t Slhllaa14 MOTHER;- Fletcher'. Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teethintr Dropa and Soothing; Syrups, espe arms and Children all ages. the signature of Physician everywhere recommend it Optional "Mother, I want to go to a co-educa tional college." "But my dear, lent there a good) deal of flirting?" . "Yes, but yon don't have to taka that course," 6 Ease Irritated tbroata. relieve cvM-iaria anrt awMfM f the breath with 2l Jrk w- Lcden'e. CARBUNCLES Carboil draws out the core and give quick relief - CARBOIL OtNttOUS sot to HY-POWER TIMER Putt Ftp Into Yon Fori If fo vt t b ri fro t1mr Ui.ubLM. llut&ll HY-euWHU T1MSH ia ur amma wm over. W niAltifalf nrajit on rollnuuf HrfMUiuatomM ... rafts roar ,tj. Mr ose. Writ for elrrotr,or If ?" order frooa tbia 4. wa praptv pust-. Mt- - i-o., a-TA. C. Iklm.i t. ItriHl Prrar, Pawn, rwkta, Pis, kahhw, Wlnat. Almnnrti I lb. aaort-d aampl poatpaia ISe. Homr Wrtsbt. Collstos. CL EYES HU w hjllH i (at rfllf f eiJg f actor. , red lad-, bineaj) im tbu. BB1ICT r. tvj Mia re If ALL tVmi wijrrjiire irrori IIKRAK I P TH4.T Wl-D with B-ko Cold Tkll. Whr eatr.r? la tant reilaf. Ear t tab. P oat paid for Ifta. DKKO SALES CO., Clem. III. PARKERS jf?3tV- HAIR BALSAM tTS?it lawtaLlMlwUulab Via -V Itoatoa Cotar ad "f ( Gr. fii Hoar V wt ft an tl 00 at Dnnwu. mrt,.)-ivi,t I. HINDERCORNS bmomtu. bnaaa. .. atop U pal, nara comfort lo la foal. aB walking .?. U by mll or at Urp (Mla, Ulaeo CouBioai Work. PMcaofa. S. X. W. N. U, San Franciaco, No. 49-1921 Varietie ot Jinxet The natlvea of Galway consider tha fox nnlucky. If they meet a fox on their wrry to fish, they turn back for that day. If Irishmen or Italians pro nounce the names of certain animals while they are fishing they are cer tain to have 111 lurk. In some sec tions of Scotland there are old wom en whose names are nnlucky and such persons must be cpoken of In an Indirect way. - Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART