OUR COMIC SECTION u MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL FT WjfiJA AWO Wf U flow f OUB 0O AlUT MET T" l AJ "'he jest wby au. J LH l WI CAUT TAWO-mS,1W5 SOAfiU jjTUlS AIMT SO BAO.EM.PUP FlPTEEU HtWI A CUJAftr;!. ox ftAM J "vS CEUTjs WORTM OW PtAfcKT AMO f WffSi Scemo rr iwt pEMMMa n ooosc J ""v Cauov km m, awo a re. woa-rvi K'rgb1 ! MM WITH, 0NOU CAM TAfc - Of " WHMXJANOAMiM JffiW ' I UiM home awo Spbjo tub L .ptaaSsasAeR-AWMtte.maoiu1 TO I WOMN At NOU PLCASC, BUT I JifVi , lffn Uf Me ft Auo LIT TH' RAW (VkTreawfi AV I j'SEt THAT OOft OUT Of f T?'"j LwE l OU TM' Boost Pvrr Ml to ejcEgP "-V ' wu Awo f "frWX It 111 titt Vsv MVV- SS '- 'A'v-aX Doon-OPOJAS MA J,, .ail : j rT-wQsW ' , w ----- - y y x X -M.tr THE FEATHERHEADS Saved! a i i I t 0W KH S'Q- TriWrt OF IT I laaooox VH twTigauPTiOX ift-1 1rtn TwtNTV NOwe.TtM 6u.uo4 WOSOS-V M KPj Y0U MU P0Te wCrt ' "A5 ixTy.r.vteuNIX?Et illoSTeAWfV uSl10'11- V, ON " il9 AH I TioXrt POINTED OA4 A RsT7 ' JPF SCtfTtAND W TrtS ISTuMS OF GLUt ON OiLEAEO FQOM TmESC thi TnAo f A y V fcff 1 rpsonE pacts- ft f AMP iQ ' -V00 elay PviCMtt9f NO Vi THE TlM MX) ACS 1 oompict and wancr eiT o rnAvi thATFiEO wiTh J ItOOK OM Oua MTKAOftOUHAarV tfl TUf tOOKCe WW VLAH- ARE MDottS C-V ft U . f OALV A DOLLAQ, DOWAI J M , 0 Famous Last Words Svlji 0 Detour! Wet Dog! DAW SOME GRAIN IS NEEDED BY COW TIioiikIi rich lii food element, alful fa hay must lie supplemented Willi gnl ii mixture If I lie dairy herd In to b kept In good condition it ml ut the same time produce a large uiiioiint of milk. Thin In lli conclusion drawn by the dairy department uf the New Jersey Slute Col lot; o ut Aiirleulture, New Itruiiiwlck, from experiment Kiid fHnn pxpvrleuveii In New Jerney uml elnewlier. In one. limtHiiec, diilrymun of Dili Hat claimed reientedly thut ha could ecu re Juki aa high a pruductloo from a ration uf food alfulfa Imy and flrnt cluxa coru allnua aa from una conlalu lug a I no a llherul amount uf gralu con centratea. InveRtlxutlon ahuwed, how ever, thut ha waa giving the cowa lnrg amount! of very choice alfulfa hay and waa not forcing them to ent It up clean, but allowing thviu to plrk out only the leuvea and tender purta, The left-uver atenia were fed to horaea. Thla dairyman fulled to ap pm'iate that the cowa were not rul ing alfulfa hay, but chiefly alfulfa leaven, which contain neurly aa much crude protein aa gluteu teed, aud not much more liber thun on la. All the concentrate lu a rutlon were replucetl by alfulfa hay In a trial at the New Jerwey experiment station. A rutlon consisting of 17.S pound of alfulfa hay and 3A ixtumla of corn at Iiik waa compared with a ration con taining 0 pound of com-eutrate rich lu protein, fed with corn sllujie aud corn atover. Thla latter rutlon whi far from Ideal, for It contained no legume hay. It produced, however, over 'M per cent more milk and but lerfat thun the alfulfa buy and slluije ration. In a six-year test at the Illinois ex periment station It wus found tliul cows feil some grain In addition to sllago and alfulfa buy stayed In bet ter condition than those fed silage and alfalfa bay aloue. Give Plenty of Feed to Increase Yield of Milk There la a tendency to decrease Ihe amount of feed fed aa the costa mount. The proHr thing to do la to select cowa with aufllclent capacity to be come profitable and then Increase the amount uf feed. (Experience ha shown that It I not the hlKl'ly concentrated rations that make for the greatest production. It la the fresh, partially dilute, soft, pal atable feeds, with a low crude fiber content such a grass that give the best result A A mixture of different kinds of hay Is lniMirtant, eclally with a high producing cow. In order that all the nutrleiita may ' tie provlilwl. Hay ahould be cut before feeding and the different varieties mixed, drain ll combined with this and plant mineral added. If proierly mixed, this feed receive the same treatment In the paunch as hay. This aid dlRetlon and lighlena the procesa uf mtntlca tluii. Growing Various Crops to Provide Dairy Feeds The following amount of home grown feed should be provided for each cow for a period uf one year: I ton sllsa If as many as I hul of -tws srs kept. t ton a '""J leaum hs alfslfs, r4 clover, soy t"nn. cow pa, etc. If na Hag Is provided. I tons Iriiums hay should l grown for each cow. IS bunhols enrn. 10 bushsls oats. I'li-my of (ou4 paalur from frost to frost. If the above amount of feed I grown on the farm for each row It will be necessary to buy only uliout five bans cottonseed meal and three bug wheat bran In order to have ra tion filling the requirement outlined above. Addition of Dried Yeast to Normal Calf Ration In teala at the Minnesota experi ment station In which 47 calves were fed, C. II. Kcklea. V. M. William, J. W. Wilbur, I,. . Palmer and II. M. Hurshaw found thut the addition of dried yeast to normal rut Ions, Includ ing whole or skim milk, grain and hay, did not Increase the ratea of gain from two week to 1H0 day of age. "In several experiment with rut, from 13 to 20 per rent of yeast In Hi ration was required for the produc tion of normal growth. Increasing thl amount did not have an additional stimulating effect. A calf ration wul fed to rats, with and without yeast, with unsatisfactory result In both cases, due probably to an excess of bulk." Box Stall for Bull A bog atull I tb best place to house herd sire, although be should be allowed more exercise man be will get by Just tramping around In a small stall. Turn lilin out Into a small pad dock each day or give lilin the free dom of burn lot to roam around and exercise. The ordinary ration of hay, slluire and a small amount of grain la suitable for lilin. Hiluge will have no III effect upon hi potency, al though he should not be mail to sub sist upon alluge altogether. eKTGm ma. t, w !! Mtapvr Uuloa ) Th buoyancy of hsalth Is rl njoymsnl, Htrenaih, mtntsl vlaor, vivacity, and onl nstur spring from good disunion; aood diges tion la sscursd only from eullnar and drinking proper quantities of food and lliiuld. It Is poeallils 10 enjoy buoyancy of spirit and good appetll every day. EVERYDAY GOOD THINGS When yon don't know what to have for luncheon ur supper, try l Spanlah Teat, Cut tip two green ptpptra, add a allce of onion, two aprlg of parley minced, and a cupful of thick to in at sauce, dimmer th mixture until Toast rounds of bread, but tut a aHHiiiful of the tomato nwNith. ter and n.lxlur un each round uf toast with poached egg on toi. Fish Ball. Make while aaura aslug one tuhlesoonful of butter, on of flour, with salt and epper to taste, one-half cupful of milk, anil two welt beaten egg, t'ook until smooth, then tlr In the fluked fish. Prop thla bat ter by spoonful Into hot" fat. Praln on brown paer and aerve at once. Ham and Hominy. When there la a bit of ham left from dinner, mince It and add It to cooked hominy which ha been fried In ham fat, adding minced onion or parsley to Ihe mixture; serv hot. Haricot of Mutton. Try two tnhle apoonful of onion In t tablespoon Ms of drippings, add one and one half pounds uf mutton cut Into two Inch pieces, salt and pepper well and cover with boiling water. Cook slow ly until the meat Is tender. Herve with buttered lima henna. Appl and Marshmillow Dart Peel, quarter and slli sit Juicy ap ples. Have ready one-third cupful of a-edleaa raisins, one cupful of sugar. Arrange the apple and rnlslna with the siiKur In layers In a buttered bak ing dish, add one fourth of a cupful of water, cover and bnke In a moderate oven until the apple are tender. Itnuh with butler and arrange marsh mallows an Inch apart over the ap ples. Place In the oven long enough to plump and brown the mullowa. Serve with cream. Cocoa Angel Food. Sift one cupful of anger with one-fourth cnpful of cocoa. Kent the white of a cupful of egg until stiff, add one-fourth of t-nMMiif ill of cream of tartar to th eggs and another fourth to three four t lis of cupful of flour. Fold In the sugar and cocoa, then the flour, adding a hit of 'snlt and teaapoonful of flavoring tit vnnllla. A lemon, custard or cream pie la made more attractive and tasty with few marsfimallowe dotted over the top of the pie or set Into Ihe meringue and browned with It Club Luncheon. Ttil I the time of the year when much entertaining Is being done. While the budget for these affair a I frequently 1 1 Hi lled, yet It Is pos sible with careful planning to aerve delirious lunch eons for a very small outlay. In cold weal her there should always he a hut course, either soup or a hot entree with cold meat, potato chls, pickles, rolls, Jelly and a dessert. One may serve a fruit cup, sliced smoked tongue, aeulloied potntoes, rolls, Jelly, olive and dessert. For hot dhhes, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, celery cooked and served with cheese aauce, candled aweef potatoes nny one goe nicely with sliced cold meat, tongue or meat loaf or with hot frank furter. If the meal start with a cupful of good broth a heavy nourish ing salad will take the place of meat, then follow with dessert. The follow ing are a few quantity reclpea which will assist In preparing a menu for aeverul i California Salad Drtlng. Tak throe-fourth of a cupful . of orange Juice, one-fourth cupful of leir.on Juice, one half tensnnonful of salt, on cupful of sugar, three egg and two cupful of cream. Heat the fruit Juice, add salt and sugar and egga lightly beaten, alining and conking In double holler. When thick, cool, and Just before serving add Ihe cream whipped until stiff. Thl recipe make one quart of dressing. Sunflower Salad. Peel eighteen or anges and sepnrate Into section. Rtone fifty date and chop with one half cupful of not meats. Arrange th orange sections petalwls on Inline, using three heads ordinary alse; place bull of the dm mixture In the cen ter of each flower. I'se the mayon naise or any desired salad dressing Thl amount servo twenty-five. Fruit Salad. Take eight orange, ill banana, three apple and one ran of pineapple. Cut and mix aa usual with the above dressing, Herve twen ty-flve. 'Cottage cheese and pear, pear and tomato, stuffed date with cottage cheese, canned pineapple Hid pear, all make dcllcmu salads, - A molded vegetable or meat salad Is always welcome and when molded nl way looks well and serve easily and In uniform portion. It may he molded In on large receptnd or mold and cnt Into uniform slr.e. What Is a Diuretic? PtopU Art Lfrnlng (A Vmtu Occeufonaf Un. EVER YON It know thai a la, etlv stlmulsies the bowsla, A diuretic performs a similar funo Hon to th kidneys. Under th atraln of our modern Ilia, out organs era apt to bscom slug, glihand require asilalance, Mm and mora people ar learn Ing to us Coan'a Mil, oc casionally, to Inaure good Hm Inailnn which I ao essential to good health. Mora than 30,000 grateful user have given Doai'e signed recommendation. Scarcely community but ha ll representation. Ask yout neighbor DOAN'S PILLS 60c Stimulant ZNaretfe ( in KUnty Feeler Milkers Ce , alt. Chemlele, BelTele.N.r. Spicy Story George Plymptoii, th acenarto writ er, love to tell how he broke Into Hi literary game,. II waa In New York at th time, and personally aubiullled hi first offense to tb editor, Th editor took on look at tb main till and aald; "I can tell by th nnm of your story that It won't do for us, (lur magatliie prima only spicy stories," "Then this ought to h Just th thing,' Insisted tlcnrge. "If story almut cinnamon benr." kr rule from a cut nr hurnt (nle s rsrbnllaalve lops pain Instantly and heals quickly wlllinitl g soar. Keep It hanfly. All Arusalaia. and e or J W Cole To, 117 W. Kuclld Ave, Oak park, HI Adv. Sprtad of EnglUh Ton gut More than half of the world's busi ness Is done In Kngltsh. points nut an edltorl.il in l.llMTly. Prior to tb World war, llerinnii ranked second and Spanish third. III commercial lan guages. One I e cant bottle mt Tr. Peerv'e Teeit H" will eeve mwner. lime, anilely en ki-alth- One riM eieale Worms ur Tape worm. Ill l-eul St., S. T. Aar, Of Court "He believes In turning the other cheek." "Preacherf "No, barlrcr." Broken in a day liill't set quickly top colds In U boure. Fmr tnd beaded duappcar. Uipr kr conqucrrd In day. E very waiter it exvt ulliorn dinrrr and ducomfort. LWttaka chancre, don't delay aa bout. Get lit best help scsmc i row. Be Sure Ititi Price 30c CASCARA QUININE CrtbdBo. Dl0ritkeswtraai Garfield Tea Wa Your Grandmother' Remedy For every atomarb and Inteatlnal 111. Tbla good old fash ioned herb bom remedy for consti pation, atomarb Ilia ud other derange tnenta of the ay tem ao preva'.cr. these daya la In even greater favor aa family dlcln than In your grandmother' dny. Olive - ' He eii.rn.Bf. forcoIDo u III. Not (a INDIGESTION If you ar troubled with Indigestion, dyeriepela, constipation ur similar dls orders Green's August Flower will help ynu. lis been used aunoeas. fully for more than half a neiitury, I0 and too hottli-e. At sll drusslals. II rou cannot get It, writ to U. (i. Ureas, nc, Woodliury, N. I. The Purity of Cuticura Malt It Unexcelled For AHToilct Purposes FOR OVER ZOO YEARG haarlem oil hag been a world, wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid condition. HAARLEM OIL rr.i. mrj t Internal trouble, stimulate vital organ. Three dee. All druggist. Insist on tb original genuin Oolo Mbdau