The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 24, 1926, Image 1

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10NE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec. 24, 1926
Helen Balaiaer from Unlver
klty of WuhlnKton, liladya
Lundell from North WeatrTn
Uusluena CMvge of Portland,
Nolan Page from 0. A. C. of
Corvalir, and Walton Young
who is attending achooi at the
Y. M. C. A. of Portland came in
on the local Saturday.
Mra. William Barlowe Irom the
valley it veiling her
daughters Mrs. Lee Howell and
Mra. Ormt Olden. ,
We tee Lee Howell is working
in Eniflenmns hardware store
during theChriatmaH rutin.
Mr. and Mia. Koy L. Skeen,
Mr. and Mra. John Fatnacht, Mr,
and Mr. K. G. Sperry and chil.
dren, and Mr. Hlaneh Hummel
and aon Lvtr. Ite left on the
local after the Christmas program
Thursday evenlnK.
Mr, and Mi. Mike Hale of
Yakima were the gufota of Mr.
T. E. Gruhill over Thursday.
Mr. and Mra. Sam Wnrlitld
Murned Saturday alter a ten
day atay in Portland and vicinity.
1 I
Mr. Uwis Balaiger motored to i-unay. ureuon are vnmiun mm.
New Berg the middle of lu-t.Stephii.i's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
wee to bring homo his family ! Tilnun Hogue.
;Mrs. Ualaigvr being at Newt Mrs' Inez Sigsby of Portlwnd
Berg whe'e he wa called a few 1 viniiing her parents. Mr. and
wetks ago lobe with her mother, ; M"- Henry Ciark.
Klvawhuwas attem in achooi' Mr. and Mm. Rex Hicock arr-
c... and Wnulell who was
attending school at Eugene.
They reported a very hard trip
owing tocold weather. ,
Mr Thorn. DuviilHon motored
i in- in ,oi hi'
Vlll lOillias ai nviuii rt ivii
Mr. and Mrs. L p.!
Rev. W. W. Head left on thu
train Thnri.luV nluhl In mi'lul u
few days with hia family ,t
A very large crowd attended
the Community Christmar tree
held In the achooi auditorium
Thursday evening. The program
was given by thegradesof thelone
achooi and was appreciated by
evety one.
Star Brand shoes at Bristow
knd Johnson's. None hettcr.
To our faithful old friends; Our
cherished new friends, and to those
whose friendship we strive to
deserve, we tender hearty greetings.
and best wishes for a new year.
Your 1927 Weather Chart Calendar
is here. Please call for it.
BullarcTs Pharmacy
The Kodak Store
" To thrae of us who relieve
that the conscious effort toward
Improving environment and per
aonal habits must have adeciding
effect upon human betterment,
there is something more than us
ually heartening this year in the
sloran 'Suy It With Seals'.
This year as you ait down to
your Crlittmas dinner, 100,000,
men, womBn, and children will
join you, who would have been
dead of tuherculosU had the death
rate from this disease of two dec
ades ago persisted in 11126.
Edison Murgan returned Wed
nesduy morning from Portland.
Mrs. Delzel, son and daughter
of Spokane are visiting her sister
Mrp, Bert Mason,
Earl brown and famiiy left
with Mr. Brown's brother to visit
relatives in southern Oregon,
Lary Londergan is in town
once more. He has been work
ing south east of Heppner for
the lant two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephani o'
f .... . . . ft,
veo rrlday morning 10 Bpena.llie iilinvu tntltl.i m-.loii, nml lum
Chrimmaa with her parents Mr.
nd Mf9- s- K Moore,
Clarence Lin,, came Friday morn-
week end visit.
Lttwia Halvorsen and Johnny
I'u banks motored over from
i ii . . m. j
Klein tiiy lert lor me vaney
Friday morning.
L P. Davidson returned home
after afew day. in Portland
Walter Linn arrived Saturday
from Vernoni
Perry Bariemay left for Rock
Creek Friday evening to spend
Christmas with hia parents.
Cole Smith left for The Dulls
The basement of the school
was the scene of a damp disaster
when a watter pipe broke beneath
the basement floor and flooded
the entire basement including
the office of Mr. T. E. Grabill.
A Corporation.
To llnlllek Htiwiie, lli'fi tiilniit,
OKKijDN: You lire lierehy riiilrl
to Mipcnr mill niiHwi-r tin1 riiniliiiiit
(I IimI HitnliiHt you In the nliuve enti
tled ni'ltoii on or liefure tin- iit'lli ilny
of Jiiniiiiry, ISIJ", luorf tliiin 6
k from tin tlati ol tin' flint ul-
lli'iillnn of tlila Hiiiiiiiiiiiim, iiml If 1 1 1
fall mi to Himw'.ir, fur wiint tlierenf.
t lie rlnlnt III will take Jiiilni iii. iit n-
uuluxt J on for tli miin nftl'L'.tiU
with Interest thereon nt the riitv of
I H-r cent H-r ttiiliuiii from Jiiiiiiiiry
IkI, mi, mill for the mini of
with Interest thereon nt literati ol
'i MTiviit r a ii ii n in from Septem
Iter Int. In.'d, mi I for the furl lie r mini
il I.17.M, with Interest thereon nt
I lie rule of II ier cent per milium
from NeteiulM-r IK, 1''.4, nml the
ii hi of t.'iOO at tunn y's fee, nuil
for iilalntlff'H coli ami illHlmrito
in n I ii exH-mleil lu Hi In iiiiIjii.
Ami yon are hereliy further tiotl
rieil that the ilnliitlll litis euuwil a
writ ul a I Inch men t 10 lie luxiied on
I lie thlril ilnjr of Noietiilier, !.'ti. In
Merry Miristmas To All J
'"phis is the month when the spirit of
-i ..ill, i t
1 Uinstmastide
X doring age bows its
X erence of the "glorious
This is the annual
little children.
HaodiIv. Koocful-
S I 9
lywe have march- "ward towards the
ed thru the year. Mount of Success
from which we can survey a rich promise
Let age join with youth in commemorating the birth
of I lim who gave to age its sublimest promise and to
vouth its noblest inspirations.
We Wish You,
One and All, A
You Will Find a Lot of Art
icles suitable for XMAS
eutweil the Hlicrllf of mill County
nml Mliile to nttmh the lollowlii;
.t..-.!!....! .......... ..,.1 ......tuifflv l.l,.li(r..i
Mtfiu'hei) mid K'iriilMlieil In the IiuikIh
of Wiiril Oriivcii, of lone, Morrow
County, Orrjion, mid one iotted
cow, dehorned.
Ami hy virtue of mld w rlt of Bt
titi luiu'iit and the Juilueiiieut herln
afler to lie the plaintiff,
w III 1'iiiiw! Kiild HTHonal property to
he Holilhy mild isherllf, lu the milliner
jireiK rl il l.y law, for the purpone of
itl'HlyliiK It nileilie'it.
Till Miiiiiiiioiim III piiMlKlied pur
llllllt to the order of the holloralile
(illiert V. W. 1'helpn. JildKB of the
iilmve ciiiltlcd l oiii't, duly mnde and
entered mi the nth dny of HeceinlM-r,
I'.i.'il, dii- ctlnit tlmt Hie iiilill nlloii
de nindeonie n week lorn period (
Blx'weekM coliHi-tulllely In the lolle
Imli iieuih lil. nml the Unit pulillrit-
llon In relll In made purHiiinit lu nalil
drill roll the I 'III day of HiTeinher.
Iti.fl. .
K. II. ItollillHOII,
Allot m for the rinlntlff.
roKtOlfhe Addr lone, Oregon.
I lee. IT. M. ill. Jun. 7. U.2I, i.".
WOSttel Handpuwer Stumpullers
$30 each; Horsepower, $7?; Auto
matic Gates; Hand Well Borers;
Water heels.
' The Duerett Mfg. Co.
Ill, Third Ave., Kenton, Wash
S'nvton. Ureuotl. bJBHS S
farmer-own.d cooperatixe can
nery which packed quarter of a
million dollars worth of fruits
and vegetables in the past.
noids sway, wnen a- j
head in love and rev- J
miracal of youth.
festival and feast of
.... r
striving ever lor-
pArtl Ifipr PlWflDO
10 to 12 Per Cent Return on
This Year's Income Tax
Thought Possible.
Wtahlngton, D. C. The loddea
declaration of Prniildent Coolidfte for
a refund of 10 or 12 per cent of this
year's Income taiei cauned a icratcn
Ing of head both at the treasury and
at the pilot.
Secretary Mellon proposed after a
confidence with President Coolldgs
that the projected Income tax refund
be accomplished through a credit to
the taxpayer on his first two instate
ments of income taxes to be paid next
The secretary believes the credit
could be made as high as 12 per
cent of next year's taxes. While the
president had suggested a stralghtout
refund on taxes paid this year, the
secretary held that plan too costly
from an administrative standpoint. Mr.
Coolldgs accepted the Mellon Idea.
Generally, In republican and demo
cratic circles alike, the move was
taken to mean that the session of
congress beginning one month from
now would have the Issue thrust up--;n
It from opposing camps the demo
crats holding to their demand for
ilralthtout tax reduction and the
president's followers countering with
the plan for rebates.
About J.OOO.OuO individual and cor
Torallons would benefit by the pro
ram and it was estimated that if im-
nedjole refunds were ordered by con
fess, rather than credit on next
ear's taxes. It would cost much In
cutiue expenses to return 1200.000,
)00 to the taxpayers.
Under the program (or 10 per
cent refund, the average taxpayers
tould get little more than $1. Those
rlth taxable incomes of lens than
r.oOO would get little more than 71
onts each.
Grebe Radio.
What can be better than a (food
leltctive. clear toned radio set
or a fitting Christmas gift for
lie family.
For the ideal set see thu new
jREBEat I. R.Uobison's Garage.
Time to smoke up . Wright's
4am Pickle lo 'go with it
Useful Gifts Are Most
Look over my stock and you will find
fsomething to please every member of
ithe family and friends.
I Silk" Hose, Rayon Underwear, Aprons; j
jStaroped Linens, Handkerchiefs, Alumi:
Jinum Utensils, Fancy Dishes, Fancy Stai:
f tionery, etc.
No 700720 wins Mandolin-Guitar.
Daa ef M. I'lltmllr lUlaets.
plores the lack of Idealism amoag
our educated young people today, and
mourns the fact that even Id college
the main Idea of youtb seem to be
how most easily to make money. It
Is not a new situation. Two thousand
year ago the Ureal Tear bar wss ask
ing young people not nnllka those we
are familiar with today. "What shall
It profit a man If be shall gala the
whole world and lose bis owa souir
Tliey were money mad then quite as
much as they are today, no doubt
The love of money Is not a new pas
sion. Tboreau, when I was young, waa
complaining: "I cannot buy a book
any more lo write my thought! In.
They are all ruled for dollars and
cents." It was lo get away from
this mad race for money, to have
such leisure as bt wanted to
read and write and to live bis
own lire that he bout bis cabin
and Isolated himself at Wslden.
Money has always attracted yoong
people and old, too, for that matter,
and possibly It did fifty or two thou
sand years sgo.
The rspld advancement, the Job
lhat pays the largest salary, the op
portunity for accumulating wealth
these are the things that attract young
people and old. Ton pot a proposi
tion before a person and the first
thing he is likely to ask Is. "How
much Is there In It for me F And yet
there are some things worth more than
A friend of mine who baa a com
fortable salary, though be will never
be rich, was Isst year offered twt
or three times his present Income to
Inke a new position lo an entirely dif
ferent situation. He la a bard student
who likes the leisure which teaching
gives him, and who likee the friends
who, through the years be has lived
In his present position, lie has gath
ered about hltu. He never really se
riously considered tbe new position.
"1 would rather have the sympa
thetic and refined friends wbooj I
have made during the last ten years,"
he said lo me, "1 would rather have
the leisure lo read the books which
I enjoy or to write other books, than
ill the money In the world."
Youth Is quite likely to fed lhat
money will bny anything, and lhat
the sooner they get hold of It, the
hotter. But love and friends and op
portunity to do onr work are worth
more even than money.
it. III. Wmtra )!( CaM)
A flat by a lady with a
roomy balcany and large bay