EXPERIENCE OF WESTERN GIRL Found Cannery Work Too I Tiring Th fertile valleys of Oregon kelp to nnrllr the table, of America. This It I possible through the maglo of the hum ble tin can. In one of the can ning establish ment!, J n 1 1 a Schmidt was em ployed. It was com plicated work be cause she did seal ing and other part of the work. It was strenuous work and she was not a strong girl. Often she forced herself to work when she was hardly able to sit at her machine. At times she would hare to star at home for she was so weak she could hardly walk. For fire years she was in this weakened condition. ,v 6he tried various medlc'nea. At last, friend of hers spoke of Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound and he gave It a trial. "Everyone says I am a healthier and stronger girl," she writes. "I am rec ommending the Vegetable Compound to all my friends who tell me how they uffer and I am willing to answer let ters from women asking about It Julia Schmidt's address la 653 Nortb Front St.. Salem, Oregon. Girls who work In factories know Just how Miss Schmidt felt Perhaps they, too. will find better health, by taking the Vegetable Compound. , Li! Few people are as smart as other people think they are. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You P" the Safety "Bayer Cross.'' Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets yon are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 2d years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin, Imitations may prove dangerous. Adv. The more the marble wastes the more the statue grows. Michael Ad-felo. Watch Elimination! Good Health Dmpmdt Upon Good Elimination. RETENTION of bodily waste In the blood is called a "toxic condition." This often gives rise to a dull, languid feel ing and, sometimes, toxic back aches and headaches. That the kidneys are not functioning properly is often shown by Dom ing or scanty passage of secre tions. Thousands nave learned to assist their kidneys by drink ing plenty of pore water and the occasional ose of s stimulant diuretic. 30,000 osers givs Coan's signed endorsement. Atk your neithbott DOAN'S "iS? Sttmalant Dtarmtic fa (As Kianty Fetter Milb.ro Co, W: Chcmttti. Buflila.N V. Vr. Wlio T yo know what Is I oea foe tur- - Mia Blowe "Why. polaoa. of aosrae." Vr. Wit "No, tbat would kill thro boot." - Do yea know what's too foe a KM, o aero proporir apoaklne, what'o good for mm who has a ooJdf Tbo anwor to Boschee's Syrup soxthlof s id hoailns to throat sad broorblaJ Irrllotiim. SO. mn torn botllro at drusslote Hdnim ororrwlioro. Trr it yovnelf ond m bow it work. If yoo con not f It, WTllo U. (i. brooon loc, Woudkary. M. Baby Loves, A Bath With Cuticura Soan Successful men possess either ability or nerve. ' Wrirlit'e Tnoian Vetabl. IMIle centals Oolr vgtabla Insrodlcnta which ant .M a (OBtle liarsillTo. 171 Poor! SU N. T. Air, Some Inen are known by the work they refuse to do. Advises Women of Middle Age Bres, Calif. "I had )u reached mid lie life and wu on the down grade. My health was (ail ing and I had hot flashes, together with paint and backache. I wu very miserable in deed. I just hap pened to see an ad- vertisement in our newspaper and lent to the drug store for a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scrintion. It was exactly as represents. The pains and backaches disappeared, also the hot flashes and I have pained in hraliH re markably while going thru the much dreaded 'change.' I wish I could telt my experience to every suffering woman. Mrs. Lillie King, fjo Gen'L Dei Liquid or tablets. All dealers. .oar"- OUR COMIC SECTION D Off the Concrete ID sSPs in 'fiKrVa, yum v - v THE FEATHERHEADS Calling the Rolli eTrtCABT.MxJU Pino r wmTis- wrtt'lllt -watt,- 7'&W Sv. 1V GOT THS MArS-Gv.T-ON-WDrr" J omaccocTomiB a I AM To Vj ft9" I o. ill WKT BLUCSl- TM50W Ml A J TtLLtNU VouS LADtcS HOo) V JWJLJ I KI6S.ttAQ, AHO SAV V$ VES- COKOuCT UQ lot AFPAiOS- L A - ' S TS "" CANT t& ALLOWtO J f f r?. 7 L'lM COLO wTta,Kt suits -Tu.l- 1 1 wa "ATHCOMK Ap J I r mxM r-voo eocn mush a I 3usr I m Sbo ovOrAat nt. oatttt- I 0VtatAQ0 l4 ALLOW0 TO COASuUlfe IQ ST I IM CsOMI NSW OOU.3 1 1 P . U 1 1 roa. ouQ. PiA-PtfQM eaH0JJi 1 xSV. "tUAT It ALL-c. y" MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL Merely a Fable Quel au corroei cat im m oe-picc amo a MtAiWAWT BROUOMT IM AM ITEMt RCADtM, JOWU DOS, OUR PROfiftCSSIVC MettCMAWT, MAS RrruatMCO at ROM MEW NOUK, VWMCIUf HC eOUOMT A LARfirC fiTOeK t3t taOOOS POP. HtS PLOUAlSMIM STORC. OOMM BLNS CXJLV TMB BEST AMD LATEST. AS H49 eUffTtoMCJtf KMOW." Of COUftfE,"SA0 TWf MttRjCMAMYTMAT am AO, auo fatpeer ts vi foa rr. TWM 8T1U- AMOTMR MBtewAJJT SPOKal Uf rvi besm umn -rw OTMeu fellows AOVErtnSK AMO BRIMOr CUSTbMERS Tt6JM. WHItl I OOf (VkAT 0 TWHR. 0USIMCSS w rvE oeapeo to oo My shau n ATmAenw BOVEftf TD -TWiS rtv, AUO MOO SAU ftfiURC CM AM AO VXOrA MS U EV6RV ISSUE HCRsTArrsmt" C Woatera Newapaper Oaloa AUOTWeH OAULEit AAlOl FDdNCAAS MAVt URdED VOO 10 VUPJTE TftAPE-AT-HOMS ' EDrfOftlAK, vUHItf I OROSfteO AU OfWrr PRIUTW MOoA OJT-Of-TDSUM. TMl ISMf , RiOrWT, 60 HERE M AM OROER. FOR ASCAJtS fiUPfVf O LETT RMfiAO f , EWsJELOPEE GARO mt?IV44 TAfiH AUO 9rATErAUTS ' TMEM TME TWR-EE (OKE IM CMOfUW," AMft REAUXIM4 TWAT WE WAVE WA4TB0 LOTS Of AAOklfN IM aruf-BV-MKtHr SeMBWiES, VJE VUIU WfwetrodTW 00 AU. OUK. AOVEftntlUft IM TUB MOKAB MBUISPAPEH, WHEREAT E eOlTDfl MUTTSfUq "WOW I KMOV I'M DREAMIM3', AUO VUOKB UP1 Every family needs a car Within the General Motors line there is "a car for every purse and purpose." And those who wish to buy Gen eral Motors cars out of income are offered a sound credit service at low cost. This is known as the GMAC Plan, operated by a mem ber of the General Motors family and available through General Motors dealers only. The GMAC Plan can be comfort ably fitted to the individual cir cumstances of those with assured income; and the standard price of a General Motors car bought on the GMAC Plan is the cash de livered price, plus only the low GMAC financing charge. Any General Motors dealer will gladly explain the GMAC Plan. GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION operating th CMAC PUm for lfi pwrchase CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE m OAKLAND BUICK CADILLAC :FRIGIDAIRE Tfw ekctric refrigerator DELCO-LIG1 IT Electric light and power planti KINKADE GARDEN TRACTOR nd Fewer Lawnntewer A Prorrlr.l Pmn FnworCuU Irr.taf fur OatiMnfM.auKjib .no,Truan,rl4MtoojlNur j Mfrmon.Huiitftrowcn.l'Oua I try kisiro .ntt L.wnwirk. IMO-lJca Ate. a. K Mlnooapolu. Mvia. Garfield Tea Wa Your Grandmother's Remedy For erery stomach nd Intestinal lit. This good old-fashioned berb borne reined for consti pation, stomach Ills nd other derange ments ot the sys tem so prevalent these dan I to even greater favor family medldoe than In your grandmother's day. 0 DR. STAFFORD'S UVETAR 61lnitt, fieri ftom'MNi!. IWvfia (XMiaaMtnti, hurts Wa, (HMMMnsj Aalsea InUt" tMlit t i'Km& rtttnhrauusi ml liaiMl ! terMMfcuU luba. I1U A TTC1IL, Nw yr ro; mm MITCHELL KYI SALVI heals InfUmad eyes, granulated II da, tyoe, ato. Sure. Bf. Rp.ly. ISeat all druaalata. Hall A Riirki!. N. Y.CX WHAT CAUSES BOILS. notla and oarhanrlos aro ttva ronlt of hn. tinipor or Intorilun of thoahlo. It'aaomo. tlmos hard to dtonnln. tho oiont oauoa but CAKIIOIL will (y. quick rollf. Noupontlva opmtlmi la Memory as ono applkatkm of CAKHOIL proroptlr atopa tho pain and mntlrv Vl UM draw, out tho onro. Omi m 60a boa from yoor dniialat, Year money back if yea aro not Batlflftwi. aPUaLOCH-NIAL OOh HASHVUXS. TtHN. 3 & Learning Quickly Johnny la In his third year of school. He Is just Inking up Hie science of physiology In a modi-rated form. The other evening his mother asked Mint "What did you study ahout today In your health rlaaa, Johnny T "We studied ahout our stomachs nd Inttntauienla," he solemnly replied. Drink Water to Help Wash Out Kidney Poison If Your Back Hurts er Bladder Bothers You, Begin Taking Baits When your kidneys hurt end yoor hark feels sore don't get scored and . proceed to load your stomach with lot A drugs that excite the kidneys and Irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys cluan'llke you keep your bowels clean, by flunlilnf tliein with mild, hnrmlemj salte which helps to remove the body's uri nous waste and stlinulnles them t their normal activity. The function of the kidneys Is to filler the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It BOO grains of sold and waste, so we csn readily understand the vital Impor tance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of good water 70a can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist ahout four ounces of Jad Holts; take a tablespoon ful In glass of water before breakfast each morn ing for few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the sdd of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthln, and has liwn used for years to help clean snd stlmulnte clogged kidneys also to neutralise the acids In the system on they are no longer source of Irri tation, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Halts Is Inexpensive, cannot In jure; makes s delightful effervescent llthla-water drink, which everyone should take now and then to help keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this; also keep up the wator drinking, and no dnulit you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. De$piie$ Himtelf "I would like lo get your Idea of true sliilcmniii)," suld the clmp with the notebook, "Yomiu imin," replied the senator, "I em willing to give you an Inter view, hut I haven't time to snare for full biography,"