KSjJ Swony From School Teacher To Great Eminence A young man wlio waa brought up on farm In Western Penniylvanis gtuilird iiligntly ami qualified fur dialric school teacher, further pursuing hi studies and leaching, ba managed to ae op enough money Id pul him thru medical college. It began ilia practice of medicine in the new oil section o( J'a. lie was a atuilrnt of nature, knew and could eaally racognite moat of the medicinal plants (rowing in lha wood. Later, be moved to Buffalo, N. Y, when ha launched hit favorite remedies, and in abort lima, Ihey were (old by every drug gil In the Und. Today, Ilia name of thus nun. Dr. It. V. Pierre, U known ihrouKh. out lha world. Ilia Colden Medical Du covery ia llie beat known blood medicine ad Ionic More than fifty million bottlea bava been aold in lha U, S. If your drug' gut dura not Mtlllhe Col.lre Medical Die covery, in lnuhl or Ul.U-ta, you can oblain trial . of lha tablrta by arndiog ltto lo tba Dr. I'irrce Clinic, in Puffalo, N. Y. Contributed Pome. A farmer hud a aiteiler for towing of hi seed; 'twaa a seeder mado of reilur anil I naked film: "la (her need of seeder made, of etlar!" and ho answered: Yea, Indeed. I have never seed n seeder, air, that I'd coneed the Med to mi ei'd a cedar seeder for the aeedln' of the seed."- Hoston Trap script. Whitman Given High Place. John Halltr. lha KnglUh critic, In hla life of Walt Whitman credits him with Ix'Iiik the "moat orlgnlal genius America hna yet produced." Of the pool he aaya: "Ha la often a flnt ar Hat by a aort of divine accident, but ba a euuully pluaaed with hlmaelf when, aa happened allll oftener, he waa not an artiat or a pool at II." Substances In Grlndeton, Crlndatoncs are usually made of a siliceous ssnilaUma, In which the grain era aharp and there I little cement to bind I hem together. Artl flelul grludslones ar very uniform nd perfect texture ar made from emery, Urlndntuuea ar nrw also mad of carborundum. Blind Owa Him Much. Tli flrat Ilralllv waa written In Franc In 1829. It waa Invented by loulae Iirallee, who became profeaaor at th 1'nria School for tho Illlnd In 1S2. Louis Hralllee waa born in Paris In 1N0! and became blind at the age of three. Aold Tart of Suffering. No character hai been tested until it hat known suffering. Th trial un dcr which ono apirlt gruwa strong, patient, courageous, evoke in another only bltterneaa and coniplulnt. The metal la reveuled by th acid. ' Quetr Place, th Pol. ' Nona of th explorer ba reported any Uxpaylng at th North (tola, tWpi incredible that then Is such pluco In the world. Toledo Itludo. What Shakespsar Said. Ay, air; to be honeat, aa thi world goa, la to b one man picked out of ten thouaund. Humlet, Act 2, Scene Never Mind What In making a gnrdun a man la apt to call a apude any number of thing. I BE BLUE! Life's pleasures are enjoyed only, by those in good heulth. Are you get ting your full share of the joy of living? Take BARK ROOT TONIC. Oalni gevanteen Pounda "I hava sained aevenlean pound, have a hearty nupetlfo, a healthful color anil the dull, doney fmllii which I have epe rlericed in th nmrnlna; for ao long a time ha entirely left ma." i. W. MAriTEKS, PorUand. For Sulo by All Druggist mm. aHMMMggaW Nature' Own Tonio DON mm ONE OF THE SMUGGLERS' GANG By ROBIN W1NSTANLEY ( ar w, a. Chamaa.t Aitusuu onus wun a van railing, g charming young lady reitlug upon t, creelt, a i - i. i .. n - .... ayiasu iuu utiiua uiavv uv- tared a abrlek and tauk beneath th surface of th brook. A lithe, careleasly-dreestd figure, that of g young man coming up th bridge approach, a about of Interest and alarm and a h plunged boldly into th swirling currant, Minna cam op choked, blinded and frantic. 'Don't struggle," pok geutl but reaolul tone In ber ear, ao confi dence-! naplrliig that Minna obeyed or der and cam ahor dripping, Bund ing at th rldlculou flgur th mad. Her reacuer warded off bar eiprea alou of fervent gratitude with a light laugh over their mutual predicament. aud ah grew coherent enough lo In dlcut that a park-Ilk place In th near dislsnc waa ber bom. Hoi re I HI ion conducted ber to It open gateway, solicitously niadur that ah waa abl to get to th bouee unaided, derided th Idea that b Blight catch cold from hla wet gar ment and went bla way after ao in vitation to call and meet her people. Hull Iiltson awung on hla way with brightened eye, fur b worshiped beauty and goudneaa. A to' Minna, an could not get that strong Intel leM'tual fac out of ber mind readily. Hla flrat call led to second. The two were faat approaching a tat) of mutual lv. Minna aaw In bin a haodaom, well bred gentleman. Her father and mother rather liked bla direct yt unobatrnalv way. Not so Harold Ursves. Thla son and brother bad a chum h had tried to tbruat upon the attention of Minna. Hla alater dls tlked bltu Inteuaely, When Rolf ap peared upon th ecene th rejected aultor scented a rival Thenceforward th two chum aimed to-dtalodg and discredit Rulfe, If possible. "I'm on a atlll hunt," Harold Grave told hi crony on day. "Dltaon I mighty myeterlou and secretive. Re Uvea at th neit town hotel, h aaya, but b de not appear ther more than one a week. He dlaappeara regularly. I'm ahadowtng htm, I'll bav aoiu new soon that will ouat th fellow, trust me." And, aur enough, on afternoon In a great att of excitement young Grave sought hla alater la th garden. Kb waa (eated In a hammock, dream Ing tenderly of th abaent Rolf. Kb was truatful and proud of his at ten tlons, aud although be bad been very reserved aa to bla budneaa In th town and Ita vicinity, aha felt that ba had aom good reason for that policy. "I've found out 1" proclaimed Harold in a Ion -of exultation. "Found out what?", Inquired Minna "About Dltaon. I never liked hla evaalv way. Neither did my chum. Humph) I fancy after thla you'll value tried and tru friend Ilk him. Inatead of picking up with a aniog gler." "A smuggler?" repeated Minna, vauly. "That's Juat what Dltaon la. A regu lar member of th Black Ribbon gang. down at Bottl Point." For a moment Mlnna'a far whitened, then confidence and loyalty cam back Into ber eyes. "Noneene!" ah aald el rap! y. "la Itf retorted Harold, vlcloualy, "I'll abow you. I'll bav him arretted th next time b et hi foot on Uies grounds." "Ton dare!" flared up hi slater "Do you think I would bellev audi a thing a you intlmat against a true gentleman who saved my Ufa, and who baa th confidence and reapect of our father and mother? Tou hav never liked Mr. Dltaon, and thla I some plot of yours, because of your preferenc for thst chum of yours "It's tru, Just th same," persisted Harold, angrily. "I tracked blm down. I aaw him meet a regular rough craw of th fellow who ar making th revenue servlc people ao much trouble, amugglltig good over her afroaa th Canadian border. II acted cheek by Jowl with them. Went off with them In their boat. I'v told th revenue people about It. They're going off after th gang tomorrow, "tou will bav to prov more than you tell before you make ni bellev that Mr. Dltaon la anything but a true, honorable gentleman," said Minna, stubbornly. "All right. Walt a day or two and see I" vaunted Harold. Minna tried to be itesdfnst In her fulth In young Dltson, but th Intelll gene she bad received mad her un easy. I'erhapa ther was soma dark plot agnlnat Dltaon, sb reflected I lor brother and bis chum, sr. felt assured, wer equal to that Bh wrote a brief not to ltolfe, addreased to hla hotel In th next town, waru Ing him that enemies wr seeking to get him Into trouble. - , ltolfe did not got th not for h was away with th smugglers. In truth and verity! If Minna could bav seen him th next avenlng short ly after durk at a cav on th lake that waa a headquarter for th smugglers, sh would bav shuddered. H seemed to be on of th grliiled rough looking crew who were await ing th arrival of a skill carrying contraband gooda from tba Canadian shore. Rolf sat on an upturned keg Just within the cave, when he was In tensely startled. On of th band cam Into view, forcing before blm a primmer. "I found him spying on us," th muggier explained. "In his pocket 1 found a not showing that b ha put th menu officer on to our den here." "Settle lilror hoarsely commanded tli leader of th crowd. "Her, you" to th captor and to ltolfe "take blm over beyond the rocks yonder aud settle blm." "Her brother I" breathed Rolf, a h recognized Harold Graves. Harold was th wore for a, sever struggle and did not notice Rolfc, -who with til captor started to obey th or der of th smuggler chief. "Till will do," said Rolfs' mug gier companion, they got out of light of the cav. "Join In, mat, and help finish blm," and b drew bis revolver. "Run for your llfl" whispered Rolfe quickly In th ear of the stsrtled Harold Graves. In that flashing aecood the latter recognised ltolfe. He uttered a cry of profound amazement but was quick to avail himself of th offered op portunity for eacap. II aw Rolf strike th leveled weapon from th bsnd of th smug gler. II aw th latter grapple with Rolf. Ther were loud cries for help, snd. ltolfe, denounced a traitor to th band, wai born by some of Hi member back to th cave. It wa an excited, pitiful story that Harold told to bis sister when be reached Jiome. Even to bis crude mind tba Indication was Irresistible tbst Rolf could not be on of th smuggler In reality, and oppose tbelr counsels at the forfeit of hi life. II saved me, that' all I know, and I'm sorry for blm," said th subdued Harold. 'And your work has brought blm lo hla doom!" sobbed bis sister, bit terly. Then cam newa that th revenue officers whom Harold bd led to the den of th amuggler, but bad got separated from, had mad an on alaught In tlm to) save Rolfe from th vengeance of th band. All bad been captured. With a great cry, th next morning Minna aprang from the porch to greet a brlak, smiling visitor, Rolfe Dltson. Roon he explained to ber th cou plet eituetlon. 'I waa employed aa a government agent to get at the Inside affair of th mugg!ers," Rolf told Minna. "Th action of tb revenue officer ha finished my work. I hsv com to aay gond-by, for I must return to Washington." " , "But you will com back, aora time?" faltered Minna. "I that your wlahr asked Rolfe. quickly. Her two trembling bands, rested In his own, mad answer, and when Rolf Dltson left ber, Minna Grave wss his promised wife. Crtaturet of Wild Seldom Travel Far Tb wild animal of the country do not roam around almleesly, but each creature ha a definite apot re garded aa home, and make tempo rary homes, or stopping places, In Ir regular line away from th horn cen tr. Its rang I not great unless bard-prewed for food. As a nil they keep th line of their own choosing except that when pursued they gen erally circle about their bom. Th Kngllib bare appear to llv month after month within a mil or two of th horn center. During winter scarcity, however, they wander far ther and faater, and hav been known to continue 90 mile In a dugl night A hr kept under observation for a considerable tlm ihowed a winter rang of 16 miles along a atream, and a summer rang leaa than half aa great Rabblta ar even lea Inclined to roam, 90 per cent spending tbelr llv within two or three mile of their burrow. Tb fox probsbly has a normal rauge of 20 mile 10 miles each way from th center but moun tain fox hav been known to hunt pbeassnts 17 miles from th cairns containing their cubs and to carry their kill that dlstanc bom. Cure "Cat-Killing" Dog lKg can be cured of chaalng cats, for th ct-chaalng dog usually be come th cat-killing dog, If he catches the cat, says Our Four-Footed Friends. A n'n owned a dog that wits addicted to slaughtering every cat It could grab. II bsd whipped It and scolded It but to no purpose. A friend offered to cur It and did. Th cur wa very simple. A dead cat was tied around the dog'a neck, (Irmly strapped on. He wss tirade to wear It twenty-four hours. When It wss removed be wa taken for a wa'k. 'A cat ran acrois th atreot. Instend of darting In pur ult, aa formerly, ha tucked In hi tall and fled for bom. He never killed another cat Like Father Junior bad been permitted to accom pimy bis father to the olllc for the flrat time. A he left the maternal dooratvp hi mother said, "Now, Ju nlor, you watch daddy, and try to do thing th way b does; then when you grow up you will be a big smart man like him." Thut night Junior strode up to his littl bed with a new determination, A be kneeled down at tit motber'i feet for tb evening prayer, he piped up: "Take dictation. Denr Lord, God bless innmma, God bleaa papa, God bless the cook, and, duru It, God, If wa don't .get action on this, I'll au I ou," FARM I iTOEZ BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR BEEF CATTLE V (frapar jr lha Unlt'4 Siaia rj.prlmt ArlcuHHr.) Higher prices for beef cattle ar In proapect within th next IS months for both tb feeders and rung pro ducer, according to th report on th outlook for beef cattle mude by tb Itepartment of Agriculture. An. up ward trend I probable over the next two or three year, the department ay. The number of breeding stock, of cattl on feed, and of young stock seem to be materially lower than for several years so thst reduction In th market movement is expected. While no conaiderable reduction in th number of stock beld by rungs men was made fur some time iflerth break of 1020, the number of ateers bas been reduced during the lnt three or four years accompanied by a lea rapid reduction In the number of cows. The lucreaslug number of cows and belferi now being slaughtered Indi cate further reduction In breeding t'H-k still being made. It doea not appear, therefore, that the number of cows Is suflldeut to long maintain tb preaent high rat of daughter, tb re port shows. All Indications sre fur smuller sup- piles of cattle on the market during tb next few months also, the depart ment state. The movement of all cattl so far during 101:0 has been lea than fur tb same period Isst year, od th best Information from the range itate Indicate a considerably Uk'hter run of gran cattl) during th uext three mouths than a year ago. In tb Southwest there are lighter siippllea of cattle available than a year ago. As the IVM cslf crop was good, th number of calvea to be ' offered from th Southwest thl full will com- psr fsvorsbly with the past three yean, however. Good range Condi- tlona and an Improved sltuutloo bav placed th Southwestern cattlemen In a poaltion ao they would not be forced to sell on an unfavorable market Th .number of cattle In certain area of th northern Great I'laln re gion, which hav recently suffered from drought bas been so reduced al ready that light movement may be ex pected next year, the report states, and ther la a possibility of the cat tlemen in that area becoming active buyers with changing condition. The full extent of the reductions which have taken place should be spparent by the autumn of 11C7 and by that time Improved condition .might prompt restocking of th range which would (till further reduce market sup plies. No competition from foreign sun pile of beef or csttle which would affect the situation are seen. Present indications ar thut consumptive de mand for beef during the next 13 month will continue good, although DO better and possibly somewhat be low thst of the pst year. Increasing competition from hogs, especially dur ing 11C7, will also hsv some Influence on beef prices. The situation In regard to the prob able demand for feeder cattle this full Is uncertain. The mark-in between the present prtc of fed cattle and feeder cattl Is exceptionally narrow, and the present prospects sre for a rwrn crop considerably smaller than last year, but there will be a heavy carry-over of old corn and th number of bogs is till low. ProMcts for a fair supply of corn, only a alight Increase In the number of hog to be fed, and decrease 1n cattle available for feeding will tend to maintain the price of feedr on level slightly higher than that which prevailed In the fall of HTO. accord Ing to the report, Llirhler-welght cat tle In the feedlota will enable feeders to distribute market supplies over longer period and In sccnrdiinee with the movement of prlivs. Together with the reduced supplies, this nitty result In higher prices of fed cattle during the winter and spring of WIT than a year earlier. Heavy-fed cattle will top the market next year If feed ers awing too heavily to light cnttle this fall and winter. On the fall of lr.!7 range cattle prices probably will show a marked effect of the Impend Ing shortage and average higher than for several year past. Ullllllllllllllllllllllll Live Stock Notes m m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii A plentiful water supply Is as neo esssry as any other Item of food in tb ration of either cow or pig. Failure to dock and castrate ram lambs costs sheep raisers millions of dollars every year. i Many cattle feeders value silage for fattening older cattle, but have doubted Its. vulue for calves. Red clover and alfalfa are the very best of pasture for hogs und they are ready for very early use. Itye Is still earlier, but bus less grazing vulue. If one wishes toigro bogs of the best site aud quality, some special preparation must be mude for doing the work. i - a Willi well-bred sows to farrow next spring, If large and well developed pigs are expected, the sows must be fed on such foods a will uiuk a well bulanced ration. . PORTI AND VyiX 1 JUsTVliy ff?j ONE OF AMERICA'S FOREMOST BUSINESS COLLEGES If you ar Interested In a GOLDEN INVESTMENT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Yielding a Comfortable Cah Income; a Bigger and Better Position, and Independence and Happlneii, Writ for catalog to A tyrQ8SoftvOT . nj! tCm.m. J Bua1naa Colleg , 11th and Salmon Pre. I. M. Walkar ALL WOftK QUARANTgEO ' Dundee Auto Repair & Machine Works ' Th Oldest and Bt Equipped Repair Plant In Oregon Eaat Water and Halraon At., Portland, Orrfn East ! CYLINDER ORINDINO CSUNK SHAFT ORINOINO OEM. OVERHAULING DROP IN- FOLKS! IRELAND'S SANDWICH SHOP 'Whereto Eat Bos Unckea to tak nut 25c ami 35c J, , Teo,f THERE'S A MW.KENtE IS a 1 TCdl 12S Mrtti Stmt. PORTLAND, or 3A, Waahlnttrai fltmt. ? L lafetena - Bast ulldlng), Best Horse Collar Made AU lone rye straw stuffed. Insist on having th collar with tae "in ah" LtbsL If your dealer do not handla thl brand collar, writ to us dlrct. Evlry collar guaranteed. P. SHARKEY SON S3 Union Av, Portland, Or. CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS WEDDINGS A 8PECIALTV Clark Kro, Florists, Ml Morrtaon BL KODAK FINISHING FREE ENLARGEMENT with every We ordar. Kawllngs Film Co., Portland, Or MARRY IK LONELY: Join "The Successful Correspondence Club." Re liable: Descriptions tree. BOX 6&S, OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA. . Barking Dog Outlawed. In Toulon, France, barking dog may soon be answerable to the courts providing they. have owner who can be located and their barking I done after ten o'clock at night Th court i bav upheld th mayor' decree hold ing ownera responsible. P n Always in Demand. ' More than twenty million pin arlA , account of her dBrk used annually In th Cnlted 8tate, or bout 200 for each inhabitant, accord - Ing to recent statistics, and the num- ber I said to b ever Increasing. Ten factories are engaged In tbelr manu facture. Maundy Money. . Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, wa. in' olden time, a day of almsgiving, upon which the sovereigns of England gave money, food and clothing to as many poor person as the kings were years old. Conscience to Blams. It is not because men' desires are strong that they act 111; It Is because their consciences are weak. John Stuart Mill. . i I Greatest Natural Bridge. Tbe Rainbow bridge in the Navajo mountains, on the border of Utah and Arlsona, not far from the juncture of the Colorado and San Juan rivers, is the greatest of all known natural arches in the world. Put "Gas" In Chemistry. Jan Baptists Van Ilelmot, noted Flemish physician and chemist, s na tive of Brussels, who lived from 1677 to 1614, Is said to have Introduced the word "gas" In the terminology of tbe science of chemistry. Claim to Superiority. The Nordic theory I that the white race 1 biologically superior to all others and that s certain division ot the white race, the Nordic, Is the most nearly perfect ot alt. Scotland's First Capital. The old capital of Scotland was the city of Scone In Perthshire, said to have been founded by the Roman em peror Agrlcola about 70 A. D. , Fatigue, There are occasions when the bead of an ambitious household grows tired of writing his own name, Dullas Journal, . ' Only a Hope. That pretty women aren't bright Isn't so much a conviction as s hope. WE BUY Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara Bark Horse Hair. Sand aa your hlpmartla. Wa nallrml (hack . th aam day ncetv gooda, Portland Hioe 4 Wool Co. in asar nans irmtl, rssTuas, wm .' p Ni u, ' No. 41, 1926 OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE gtrttt Portland, Oregon Eating Place In the City. Th Finest and Pastry a Specialty. Raaaonabt Broadway at Stark (Oregon Hotal Portland, Oregon. Wis Msn at Disadvantage. "A wise man," said tba Chinese philosopher, HI ho, "avoids the friend ship of k fool, who must In courtesy pretend to seek wisdom, while the wine man must. In equal courtesy, pre tend to ailmlro fooIlBhness." Wash ington Star. Disliked Color of Green. Farnell, the famous Irish politician, had a deep-rooted dislike for green. Ha, suffered agonle if compelled to speak In ball draped with green. Sir. Edward Burne-Jones, th cele brated punter, also believed green un lucky. Th Ananias Club. "I have six married sons," said tb wornout old mother, "and tb wife of each of thorn la becKlnc ma to 'come and live at their borne ao ab can take care of me." Cincinnati En- ( qulrer. Lett Record ss Fighter. Agnes, countess of Dunbar, a Scot- Uli hB,AlnA ,hk 1 1 ....A I- V. 1 teenth century, waa known aa "Black pexl0D i she u noted for the iUO ; ceMfu, defenw of Dunbar citi j33T ' Head-Hunting Curtailed. j Slavery and bead-hunting have been abolished in Burma, except in tbe moat remote part of the country. Reasonable Supposition. The Literary Digest say a convict "died from fright, superinduced by fear." Maybe be was scared, too. Washington Post. Mi sea it The trouble with musical comedies lies in the fact that too many ot the dancer sing. Durham Sun. "Old as the World" "Nature's Health GT KELP ORE Discovered, procd, named and trademark by II. II. BROOTEN Amazing results follow iU use in the treatment of di gestive, skin and constitu tional ailments. Sold only at Drug Store. ' Be- r war of imitation sold by ped dlers. , Kelp Ore Remedies Corporation. Sole Distributor 146 Security Bldg. Portland Oregon FORMER PATIENTS TESTIFY ALL doubt as to result is re moved when you come to me for treatment for Piles and other Rectal and Colon ailment. Not only do thousand of former patients in all part ot th Watt attest tha certainty ot my celebrated treatment, but I WILL Cl'AHANTKE IN WKI TING TO CUKE YOUR PILES OK RJ TUKN VOt K KKK. Remember, than I no hospital operation, no anaesthetic no conftne awnt My treatments ar mild, toolhln and quk-kly eScctlv. Ihey restore health and visor, Mead ot the marvelous aires In my new 100 paa Hook, which will b tent you FKLb npoa request DEAN. M.D.Inc lO OFFICES: SEATTLE OFFICES: Or 0n Building Mm SI2 Sbafcr Bulldxi S TH AN rL'M Al N 6TM AND PINS CHAS:J POHTUU 4