1 '1W i IJ J J TOT JM 1 T7i A V V r7T" ' , ji-?" .7- . . '71 ' ii mm? mm Mm -m the frhohnwn B -V msaV - . AlV IBB A M Bl V fc-r B lukuy -nits" smr NT ha ; , RA1 EL' Statement of the Ownership, Man- pgement, etc. Kt't)llllVl ll.V HCt Of ('(IIIKIV8M lit A ujruat M, I ill J, of lone tmlciicmlont, li.ililUhetl weekly lit. louts Oreuuii, rt.rOttoliiT I U-'. Killtor. MiiiihkIhk KtlUtir, I'iiIiIInIi- tr, W. . Ileu'l.ltine. Oti'uoiu Thitt tiro owtierl W, V. Herd louo, uri'Kou. Kowii lioiiil holders, moi-tKiiut'M , nml ollit'r Htvtii'il.r IioIiIoik, linUllnir I I iercont or more of total iiiiitiiuil til I IhdiilH, niortKMiitKui' ot hi-f mvtiiillc .None. , W. V. IIKA1), Owner Sworn tu mill nuIimc.IUmI tie- tore mo tills tiny of October. UrJtl. r, II. litililiiMin' ISottir.v 1'uhllf. .I,V COlllllllMMtiil f ICM ' I'll '.N, ALONG LIFE'S TRAIL By THOMAS ,u.KLE CLARK Until til Mrn. t lllvtritv ut IlllnuU, 73 HAVE MILLION INCOME the l-'intaj ol , ubllc i..Ii.uliur department. ARTHUR. D. HOWDEN SMITH AUTHOR, of PORTO BELLO COLD ETC W.N.U SERVICE COPYRIGHT y BRENTAnO'S IKE living in the present and watching a vivid J reconstruction of the past, is this stirring tale ol the early settlement of northern New York and the Great Lakes region. A romance of the fur trade and its effects upon England, France and the American colonies. Presents snch picturesque and powerful personalities as Governor Burnet, Cad walader Colden and the great chiefs of the Senecas, Mohawks, Onondagas and other tribes, and fiction ally, the sinister Andrew Murray in the days be fore the author made him a pirate and celebrated him in that other thrilling story, "Porto Bello Gold." 5649.1 25.101 IS SPENT M HAYS Wanhlngton, D. C Total expendl- turn by suites lust your tor roatl unit bridge construction on state highway systems reached (H!U25 101, !' waa announced by roods of -tlit 'io meet the rxpcn -fa, f e hl'iway departments rtiUveU l78ii.081.iS2. a balance ut JllS.sr.ti.T21 having boon available from lSIt. Motor license I toon anil gasoline taxes wore rosuin- alble for tho raining of appriixlmntuly U por cent of th rot't'lptH; 21 por ! ivnt being received from the mile t'f bond anil 14 per cent from the ' f' ileral goternment. Although the expeniliturea were ! pouter than the 1924 total of t $,- tet.207. the balance of SU0,!r6.m ' ci irlotl over Into 1924 waa even great er than the amount of unexpected fur.il carried over from 1924. I Pennnylvania led all atatea In ex pinilltures Inat year with i62.2:t4.Siifi. Nt'W York being second with $19,- :i:s,"0 uml lllinoia fhlrd with J3il,- Mr. Sllltmi nml ' 171 INI ! hundred tlnlliim Hanry Creb Leaves Estate of $75,000. I ritlsburgh. Pa. Aa estate of $75. POO was left by Harry Creb. former middle aud light-heavyweight cham pion boxor. his will filial for probate ( here revealed. Ilia 7-year-old daugh ter, Dorothy, la the sole heir. & a 0 a This Splendid Historical Romance will be carried as a Serial in BRIEF GENERAL NEWS President Coolldge Issued a procla mation designating Thursday, Novem ber 25. as Thanksgiving day. Major-General George Bell, United States army, retired, died at a Chi cago hospital. He waa 67 years old. Toung Prince Leopold, crown prince ot Belgium, was married In Stolkholm, Thursday, to Princess Astrid, niece of the king of Sweden. Texas bankers authorized a 15.000. 000 corporation to finance storing of pot less than 1,250,000 bales of cotton tor a period of 18 or 20 months. The Rumanian government deeply appreciates reception given Quee.n Marie by the American people, says an official statement, given out at Bucharest. Possibility of victorious Canton ise "reds" overrunning northern C'lii la, capturing Pekln, dispersing n -p ;:nl central government them and toning Issue of China's nhole luiu- tlonshlp with weHtern powers, sow ureiiu being seriously considered In author! Utive British circles. be made to the veterans by any bank or trust company, but cannot be made by the bureau. General Hlnea said. Otepest Spot In Pacific Is Located. Trikyo.-The Japanese navy survey ship Manshu returned to Yokohama after a six months' trip and reported it hid dlMorered the deepest spot In tho oo'u'i to be off the Izu peninsula between Izu and the Bonln Islands. The dep.b Is 30,955 feet or nearly sis mill j. $4,0(10,000 TOTAL PAYROLL R03SERIES fill Wm WW HELPING THE OTHER MAN Mll.TON did tint have nn eimy time In t'ollt-Ko. lie pulled uwny from Inline when ho wim lliieen uml took I'urn of liliiisolf throiiKli blub aoliool. The fuiiilly was lurue. and his fitther mill mother hud nil tlmt they could tin In keep tiling!) going for the other rhil Iron wrthotit liuvlng to dike cure of 1'iivld. He atii.veil out for a year or two after be graduated from IiIkIi sthnnl to earn a lltllu money before eiilerlng college. Then he tackled that Job without help. lie didn't Hud It easy,' and there were limes when be felt almost like giving up, but be pot-alslcd, ami llnully got bis degree. The liardoMt grind, he told me after wurtlit, enme In his senior year. "If I tui 1 1 only bail uimlher hundred dollars," ho sulil to me, "my last NoiueHter would have gouo more smi.nl lily and my memory of tlioe rinsing weeks would he fur more t!oaiint tliuii It now Is." 1'iivld prtmpered after he got out of college; rlillitrvn came tutu Hie hotiit-lmld and after they had finished IiIkIi school be was able to send them to college much better niiiincvd than either he or bis wife had been when they were undergraduate. It was a great pleasure to him lo be able to do thU. Three or four years ago he wrote me a letter. "I have not forgotten the struggle I had the lust year I was In college," he said. "Now that I am able to do so, I should like to help some poor boy to tlulli rollo.'o mid to give him some of the ploiiMiro which inlawed. I urn semilog you a hundred dollars, ami 1 want you to lend It to some senior who la In the same situation I wus In years ago. II can pay It back within a year and a halt after he graduates, and then you cun have It again to lend to some other needy follow. If the plan works out, I thlnk I will set aside one each spring to be n ed in this way." It lias apparently worked out, for Kbortly after the flrtt semester ends each your, I have a letter from Milton anxious to help the needy seniors. Fortunately the men I have chosen huve been appreciative and they have paid the loan wltblti the time agreed npon. This spring be sent nie five hundred dollars und as the years go on he adds each spring one man to his liKt. "The letters we rerelve from these MIows whom we huve helped." ha wrote me only a short time ago, "more than repay us for the trilling sacrifice we hate made. I& IMS. Vt'va'-ra Ntwipspar t'sloa.1 LEGION HALL THEATRE New York. fp to the first of Octo ber payroll robbers In the United S'uim took a total of 4,000.000 In a year, according to n estimate an nounced by the forgery prevention The number of payroll rob beries reported for that period, It was estimated, would total more than 400, bawd on available newspaper reports British Cut Down on Rubber Export. f)f rrime:i of this kind, and it Is be London. The colonial oll'lce. on- llovnl these reports Include less than nounced that the percentage or stan- 75 per cent of the robberies actually dard rubber production which may bo cotnmltt'id. exported at a minimum rate of duty For the first Mx months the num from Ceylon and Muluya for the quar- bor of payroll robberies reported In ter commencing Novi mber 1 .will bo newspaper clippings totaled 205, and 80. The reduction from the present the amount of canh taken by the high 100 per cent production was cuusml waymen In these hold-ups wus 1, by the fact that the average price of 856,874. Twenty persons were killed rubber for the past quarter worked and 40 wounded In defending the out at 20.19 pence, thus falling below money In tholr charge, the 21 pence minimum. Analysis of the reports showed that . 5j ,r r(!nj 0f (nH robberies were Veterans May Get Big Loans In 1927. committed after the cash was deliver- Washington, D. C. Approximately ed to employers for payroll purposes, EVERYBODY'S GOING! CALIFORNIA bids you turn back the calendar to summer and come play in the warm sunshine. As an added inducement the Union Pacific now offers special low round trip fares and assures ' you marvelous journey on the finest of fast trains. Connections via Portland or Salt Lake City. MAX TOtm KSf: VATION WOW J. gent, U . l.WU. lone, 0: c The following- list of picture are hooked to show at the- Legion Hall, beifinnini: Junt 12. We have in this list wide ruriKe of subjects and stars and hope to pleate every one. We are having a hard time to makeeni" rivet, so, when in doubt, what ti do, go to the show. Nov. 13 Sundown. 20 Simon the Jester. " 27 Madam behave. Dec. 4 California Straight Ahead. 11 FlowinK Gold. 18 Three Faces F.ast. 25 The Pvid to Yestef day. Cut this out and keep it for u ire ruferencs. We will only r.,iae prices when the (rice of p oKram compels us to. Don! n.lss a single number of thin c n met. American Lemon lone Oregon 2.8S3.IIO0 adjusted service certificates In the possession of World war vet erans, with a face value of f2.975,0uo, 000, will be avallublo In 11)27 for de posit as collateral security on which approximately $2(12,5 Itiiaio may be borrowed, It was announced by Ililga dlcr General Frank T. Tf '-, director while 49 per cent were committed on the streets while the cash was In ' transit. The deduction mailt! from ! this was that the armored curs and 1 heavily armed guards huve caused a drift from the open attack on payroll cash In the streets In favor ot the. at tack In the office after the cabh haa of Die veturans bureau. Loans ruov teen delivered. Bulk of Natlon't Taxpayara Have Small Inoomes. Washington, 11. C There were 75 pontons In the Hulled Hiatus with net Incomes of more than $1,000,000 In 1924, It waa shown In Income lax statistics for that year Hindu public, by the treasury. Taxpnyers, however, with net In comes between $1000 and $2000 con stituted the largest portion ot the 7, :iif.i,7M individuals who filed returns fur that year, numbering MlH.NUl or Ti.'i per cent of the total, The brunt of the $704,!0S..1HO In dividual Income tax paid that year was borne by the class of taxpayers with Incomes between $50,000 and $100,000, who paid tl3A.tt.1G.U04 In tax.'S or 18.40 per cent ot the total. The 75 millionaires repnrtod total not Incomes of $155,1174,476 and paid t47.2in.20S taxes, or 7 per rent of the total return. Of these three re ported net Incomes of mora I ban 56, 000 000; three between $1 onti.tnio a id t5.foo.0U0; four between JS.oml.ooo and $4,000,000 and IS.bulween $2,000, 000 and $a.00').ioo. i' BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Within the next few weeks rltlxmia of Ontario, the most populous province In ('unittla, will consider the problem of liquor control. William Randolph Hearst, the pub lisher, filed an application with the federal power commission fur a pre liminary permit to construct power project In Alaska for the manufacture of paper. Josef llofmann, the noted pianist, has become an American r It lien. The pianist formerly ot Poland, obtained final naturalisation papers In Hit 1' nit cd States district court at Phila delphia. Senator Prank R. GootMng, repub lican, re-elected I'nlted States senator, with a plurality of 20.0UO carried H0 of Idaho's 44 counties, with clear liia- Jt rilli a In 16 of them, returns showed Thousands of New Words palled, pronounced, and defined In WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Ttis "Suwm AuHiofrty" Were are ftul tampUt I " hot pursuit Hsd 8isr Alt Council capital ship mud gun mystery ship ft. p, boat li milium rial cascade Kslhoitia American Legion Hint Close girl scout aiiport cyper crystal dolnrlor sipplo aupsihvteiodyite ahonten m inlurmmttan ttnint rout STOOPssm 000 Ills. Si Ml mums sivr.oiaj Wanlauxt fkrsm OuHrsiulDInpklslDkllMMrf Ct IS !- Writ tot a Htnpl rs ft Hi Nw vl' itil. ttiKviirmn el ktguUi soil lii'lu I'upaii. I'hXC G.&CMERRIAM CO. Springfi.ld, Mass, US. A. mm, Hardtntd Rformr$ A hardened old profesalouul reform er's lih :i of the iiuparilouiihle sin la to hold yoiirself in ro,.d,uei , to cli.tngc your uiliid If the evidence warrant It. Ohio Stale Journal, Trtaturt in TmbU Pint Kroin remote ages one way of st lug weullh has been the converting gold and sliver into plate, and nut particularly Into ceremonial drink: vessels. We have few apeclm from ancient Kgypt, I recce and Ko but fur the moat part these trees, at tine time vr another were no down Into more easily tramcubl.' Hon. tiny C'adogau Hulhery In final unofficial t .,.n,,m tiraphlc. We Can supply your fuel needs with the 3 best in wood and coal at prices thai 1 are right j And we Will I If you give us a chance. f armers, I E-levator Co. I Tires & Tubes Of The Best Quality Oils, Grease & Supplies INDEPENDENT GARAGE See mc before sending away for ! your Tires. I can give you a real bargain in tires and tubes. E. R. Lundcll Proprietor The Garage where you get II "Service With A Snap" yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw BSHBBasBsssassBSBKiBS9BaBSHBBaasBaassxAaBsasnBSBSSBSBBSasKn Have jour Kodak ready Five weeks from now five years from now the pictures you make of the fun today will furnish the fun again. Always have your Kodak ready for the un expected opportunity Ind kecpit loaded with the dependable yellow-box Kodak Film. Our stock of Kodaks and Kodak Film is complete we're always rcudy to help you fill your KocUk needs. Kodaks 5 up; Brownies $3 up Bullard'S Pharmacy The Kodak Store r - BEEBBE VSSt frwarffw,T,TH aWasT IsaassssaWaWasassssWsHI1