OUR PANAMA CANAL DITCH AT SUEZ i " , a JV ii iW T.,iv x4 U.S.TaANSPORT"NO(lTHE(iN PACIFIC'f.ttSING THROUGH THE PANAMA " 1 y cAM 1 4 T 1 "i . .Wis OATUH LOCK 6 Increase of Freight via Panama Route, Largely Due to Oil Ship ment, Indicate Rue of United States to Leader ship of World's Commerce. Ufc.. By JUDSON C. WELLIVER One of the striking evidences of ! America's rapid rise toward commer cial and Industrial leadtuhlp of the world. Is the Panama Canal, will al ' most certainly handle more freight In 1 1I2C than will Sues. For several years tit two canals hare been in a neck aid neck competition whose implica Ubs are the more Interesting be cause the Panama ditch Is owned by I Ik American Government, and that jnt Sg.es by the British Government. Of coarse both Canals are open to the ships of all nations; and the I competition between them Is not only , between the United States and Brit i aln. but in a larger and even more slgnlftcant view It Is competition be tween old world and new world. When the Panama Canal was open ed la 1915, Sues was already transit ing about 2j.OO0.0O0 tons or freight annually. Almost nobody be'lcved Panama could ever attract anything , approaching such a volume. Eut dur Ing the war fear of German subma rines In the Mediterannean caused -any vesse'.s to take the Panama route between the far east and Eu- 1 ropatn or American ports. This give ' Panama Its Introduction and It has not only held but greatly Increased I 't business since the war. In 1923 Panama transited S037 vessels. ; agalnet 4S21 for Sues; Panama han- died t5.10O.OO0 cargi tons agalnm 22.. 1770.009 for Sues. This was the first j year of Panama's lead. ' A Close Race I The following year Sues barely ex i ceooea Panama a tonnage; and In 12S comfortably held its lad. ftut reports for 192C to date Indicate that Sues n ksing. owing to Britain's )n dusttial depression, while Panama Is I doing better and Is pretty certain to resume the lead. : The present Sues Canal has been I li operation nearlv sixty year.(. 1'ati- ma onij firven. AKUOUSn few p.w ple eicept antiquarians know It, the Urst ranal at Sues was built more than 1,000 years ago. It was In p eratioa as early as B. C. 13S0; I long before. Is mere conjecture, r: fore the Christian era began the dlt. ii j had been built, destroyed, rehu.i!. (silted up and built up again. (!:: ! after time. When Alexander n Great conquered Egypt the fa j ssj was one of the oldest of enrf- neerlnn works. Betwoeii 1904 and 1915 the preirt I Panama Canal was construptrd. It i cest about 400.000,000, Suc about one fourth that sum. But Su;. Is a ; simple, sea-level ditch aernrd a sardy ipiain; wnue Panama is a lick c.nnul. the greater part of Its l-n-ih lying 15 feet above ea lnvc-J. so that mo.! At IV. .,!-. . - m . umiuiiLu iro::i ocean to oceau Is through an artlfldal freshwater i lake. Early Profits Unexpect:d When Kuosevel; started btitPng iat Panama, nc!t1mr ha ner any other prop'.it of cptir.lsm would have I dared m-:nt thai w;h!n Its flra. decn'ie His Ca-inl would earn a profit. Its chV Jr.s'JIIcntian cancurncd the ' national dcfetisn, a.itl the entahlltih--lit of comp-tltio'i with t!:e trans- laoiitinci'tni rulltoiuls. Al.Mi:rh both CnnHld are open to 1 shipping if all nations, Crilish ves sels cn:itl,uta the majority of those 'using f-'uci (55.8 per cent), while .American vessels are G'..5 pur cent of toots usin? Panunia. For 1024, ship of 21 l.lioos used LEADING BRITISH IN TRAFFIC TONNAGE - r - -t r k'" t 11 ;k v 1 i, ; ? VI ?" a . v , f V " 1 -. PENKSVlVAMA AT CHA.Uti RIVC.S. CROSSING the Su.'i route, while 24 nations wer reprcsonted in the maritime caravan at Panama. The World War ft as not Ihe only unexpected factor In bringing Iana mi so quickly to cquallt wlih Sue;, nor thu EiOfct Important. The euor moim lnrn-ase In Panama trattic la 1923 was represented almost entirely by petroleum and Its products, mov ie.' from California to the east coast and Europe. In the year ended June 30. 1924. tolls apgref;atlng 124.290.000 ! were collected, of which 19.071.0oO was from tankers carrying petroleum. ! An even more striking statement of the matter la that for the same year exactly 50 per cent o all tonnage j through th,y Canal was between the two ccran fronts of the United States; that la, 13.."00.000 tuns; and of this, considerably over 9,0?.0)0 toss, or more than two-thirds was pe troleum. It was of. course chiofly from California, en rou'c to eastern refineries. In tile succeeding year this petroleum movement fell off heavily; but for 1926 It Is nealn In crer.fhig and the Increase Is likely to continue for many years. But for the petroleum traffic, the Canal would have shown a deficit In every year of Its operation. The enormous potroleum business has been In other ways advantageous to Panama. A conntant!y Increasing proportion o? maritime shipping now adays ur; oil fuel Oil burning shins sek n-uti-s on which they can most cheaily buy oil; and because Cali fornia oil can he put no cheaply Into the haulers of tf wis pasln throuRh ihe Pnmirtta ditch, there Is a sub.uanllil Inducement to prefer this route This will In creasingly favor Panamn and mill t:.te ncalr.st Slid, the number cf oil burners ln: rea.ses. Moreover, Panama's advau'a.to will still further lcreae us the enormous oil re sources i,t Venezuela. C ilimbla. and 0. hcr Kmih American countries are deviliprd. Great Service of Panama If chc.-.p petroleum has thus served TiMi'ma so well, Panama In turn has cqr.sily nerved the American motor ist, who conrumes most of the World's fstnHin ntv-rluc For Panama hst 1. r-!-.:r;i;t the pjcilic Coast potroleum ti the cs:.lern market at coi;ts which. nut tortile Canal, would bo vaHtlr i (rrta'.er. Thus the Canal has given :!:u United States the cheapest pe-t;-ol(itin products In tho world, and helped build ths autonnjille Industry and (Hir modern highway system. Till mutually helpful relationship Lrtwem the Canal and the petroleum users Is the more Impressive when ono realizes that It was not even re motely anticipated at the time Presi dent Roosevelt started building the Canal. So late. Indeed, as 1010, when Admiral Evans wrote his articles about tho Canal and decldud that It could not be profitable for several decodes at least, he ba: ed all his cal i illations on Ihe prolmblo cost of coal for bunkering s'.ilpa. Mo did not dream that merchant mnrlies were on the verge of tin revolutionary chaii(?n from coal t: oil. So ho figured that, as there In prnetlcr.lly no bunker coal In the countries b.nderlng on the Puclllc, that ocean could not com- ' pete, by way of Panama, for a great- ! ly Increased share of shipping. The i oil development overturned the proph- ! ecles or Admiral Kvar.s, and of all i others who had foreseen that fuel ! problems would make Panama un- j profitable. . v . 'i-k . . ' v.. ( J', 111 Sl.ittmcnt of the Ownership, Man agrment, etc. lit'Hiilrcd by in( of CongivMM of ah viiHt .4. lui t, ,.f Jono liiil.'iifiidi'iit, liil"IUhwl wct'Kl.v Ht lime, Oiv fur Oi Uiln'r I litl, lulllor. MiiiiiikIiik Kdlhir, l'littllnti bp, W. W. Iloii.,lom, uivnii. Thnt tin owner U V. V. llcril, loi.o, im'ton. Kown lioml IioMith, iiiorlKiiifi'H mill ollicrtitviirHy huldri-H, holding t lu'l ii'iit or niort" of tottil n nut of li'iiiilh, iuitrtK(iitiiir otliiTHivurllliM Ninu'. W. W. 1 1 i:AI. (Uviht Sworn to mid HIlllNO ilicd ln If ' in.' thU N ,1,1V of iioto!nf, l:ij:i, K II. Itoliliihoii' Noliirf I'nlilt.. M.V t'oliiuilHhloii '.iIich ' '.'S, Young Assailant of the Italian Pfemier is Slain by Mob. T. .'gnu. lt-!y. nenlto Musftlnl has once again c ape.: tho . ssaf n's bnl'vt. A yo;.th shot at him Sunday, the built! ripping piece out of the Pr-iul r's cout. Tho ssaullunt was J lyih lied by an Infuriated crowd. Tae fascist premier was leaving nuctlng at tho stadium, and was at the moment being acclaimed by the grj.it assemblage. The youth stepped forward and with quick movement fir ed point blank. The bu!l,t cut the sji h of the Grand Cordon of the Order ; of St, Maurice and St. Laiarus which ! , adorned the premier's uniform, rip ped away a piece of -cloth from the i co;.t and grazed the sleeve of the niuyor of Bologna, who accompanied ihlin. j There were slurried exilnmatlons, a tremendous silence, and fury swept th-ough the multitude. The duce'i assailant, seemlnnly a more boy of 18. was selied and before police could throw a protecting cordon around him. was killed by ths mob. S'ussnlinl remained culm and com-po-:d. Ills automobile halted for a fe moments and then proceeded for the railway station.' EVERYBODY'S CO-'.VC CALIFORNIA bids yba turn back the calendar to summer and come play in the warm sunshine. As an added inducement the Union Pacific: now offers special low round trip fares and assures you a marvelous journey on the finest of fast trains. Connections via Portlend or Salt Lake City, M.IK2 YOCH RESERVATIONS (iW J.W. Hwtk gnt s "I lone, Orcgtn I. res i: stiDcs Oils, Grease llNDEPEfiDENT Mill See me before sending away for! vrvi f rT,Iv,i( T bargdin in tires and tubes. E. R. LunJdl Proprietor The Garage where you get "Service With A Snap" , ALONG LIFE'S TRAIL By THOMAS ,...OX CLARK lmH r Mm. I nivi rnllr ( tllmuU, mapli;ltvST tir M'i.i:ni'us r'is n good sued town ava mi the middling iflf u Inrjse city. It In Inn iK t K. vllliigu mid too mull for n city, n n, it lmi niiiiiiig.sl so fur lo kiv out .if miy clly hIIIIIii tlons er eniiinirlenieiils, There nro no pn.ir penjilo In Miiplelmrsl, Hint U, no ivully inur ones. Nut every one Is r.ch, of course, but evcrynno Is com ruiiiiiiie. io .voiing persnn In the town bus ever gntie hungry exeeiiiliiu. of cinire, until next nienl time. They lire nil Hell (IivhmiI, coiiifnrtiilile, Weil hoiied, mid well fed. Few fellow a miller twenty have eer oil;iM to emu their living, The lilgli si'linnl In Miiplehurst Is flrxt class. Its f(ii!piieiit Is the best of nny school In the stnte; Its touch, ers are excellently irulncil, Its curricu lum iiili'iimii tn Kive piYiiniitUiii for tlie best colleges in h, country. Oue exiivts ii pied deal from Ihe young fel lows who come to college from such nil environment. They luive hnl iiniisuul o iii'i-tiiiiitles for tnilnlng. mid Ihe n Hiills ul their I'tub nvors In eollees sl'ould In ntisiin be Miicrlor to thoite of , men who come from less favored lo ulltles. In snme runes this Is true; there lire nutitiindlng exiunples of what nti"h oiortniiltles mi l environ, tin nt will do for u fellow, but In gen wal the scholtmtlf nttiilnments of these j-nutii men ore cily cotnmen lilnce often they are li.ts limn ordl Bury. The reuson Is not far to seek. They hne never worked fer any of their comferts. They have earned nulie of the hixirles with which ll.ey have ben nil their lives r niHlar. Whut they hu has come lo them riill,v and ul ,1'ist wlihiuit the nuking. They Im.e traveled mi eiry nnd flower l'rdreil path nil their lives, nnd when tl.ry get to college they expect the, I s itae ci'tnlilerullon of their ounfort, I the sntje fn-iHlniti from exertion. The;-s.-nieli nut the aiMiKithest, ensliKt rmiil, ni'l they trmel It lelmirely with no ..n'emeKS to get nil) where. Must of l hem when Ihey i:et Ihrniu-h col leji; are gnltlg t'llc-l home lo tnke a plnee In the business with father. ( Kvcrj thing Is nil Used fur them; there Is no i-niise to worry, no rensoo to t exert themsclvea, They never have dune so, w hy do It now ? I'm wondering whnt the town will ! I... or l.l.u .......... r...... ....... ul i n.r i.imij r-iiin ii. lien w iif-ii this spiritless sh-i ml rni-riiUon will lime gotten ronirol of thliv.s. 'h slhly rlrcumslniiees will arise which will tench llieui to work, otherwise the eutlimk Is iietty slid. lA l:s. W't:vB NiniiMf Cnlaa.1 LEGION HALL THEATRE The following lit of pictures are booked to show at the Legion Hall, beginninif Junn 12 We have in this lint a wiiic rat ne of suhjects and slurs and hopfl to pli-Bge evety one. Ve are havinff s hard time to makeer.dH mi-i-t.Ro, when in doubt, what to do, jto to the sho. Nov. 6 Caluary StPtnpede. " 13 Sundown. " ' 20 Simon the Jester. " 27 Madam behave. Dec. 4 California Straight Ahead. 11 Flowing Gold. " ' 18 Three Fate Last. 25 The K.aJ to VisUi day. Cut thii out and keep it for ut i referoncs. We will only rai-o prices when the price of pri.uram compels us to. Pont mins a single number of this c n- ract. American Legion lone OreKon UT Jhc best & Supplies GARAGE fiftt rvf 9 vnnl I NEW AIR RECORD I French Alrmsn Cover 3750 Mils In Non-Stop Flight. Purls. The feuslhlllly of ft Purls to New York non stop nlrplntio flight Is considered to Iiuvh been proved by Lloulomint Costu and Capiultt Rlgnut, Kreiteh military alruion, who have Just mode un ncrlnl trip from Lebnurgotan, Fritneo, to Jnsk, on I lie Ariihliin sen In Huuih Persia, Tho dlstnnco flown was S415 miles. Tho time was 33 hours. Tho avtaiora are claiming a record only for distance In a straight line be-1 i ween inn Lciioumit airdrome ami Jnsk. The nclunl olslaneo covered by them, counting devliitlim from this stnilxht line, was shout 3750 miles, which Is greater than the dlstnnco between Purls and New York. Motion Pictures to Tssch Surgery. Montreal. American motion pic tures entered a new scientific field, (hut of m.idlcliio e;,d surgery, syojj, sored by one of tho world's Inmllug niedlial soclntles, the American Col lofts of Surgeons. Will 11. Iluyes, head of tliu picture Industry, Jolnsd with th scientific men In tho plan to give the entire world tho benefit of medi cal and surglcul pictures. Tho hoard of rt pints of Ihe college adopted the recur; of a special romiiiltteo advo cating the use of movies. Portland Gets 1928 Scottish Alt Mset Onuha, Nob, Tho supremo council of tiilrty-thlrd-dcgreo Scottish Musuiiry, In annual conclave here, vi.i. ed lo bold Its 192K meeting al Port land. The 1927 convention will h hold at Washington,' hero It meets eviry odd year. 100 Armorsd Cabs to Cusrd Mall. Y.'i.hliigton, It. c.ln connection wi h Its war acnlnst mull hmidils Ihe p.is.i.flcH di tmrlmetit called for bids fur Hie iiinaiructlon of luu armored cal.s. Illli We Can 3 supply your fuel needs with the J best in wood and coal at prices that are right 1 And we Will If you give us a chance. j Farmers' Elevator Co. 1 S MIlillllllllllllllllllTOIIM Brownies are but $2 up t For good pictures of your whkI times a Brownie is the camera you want. ?o" simple, so sure as we're here to thow you. Drop in and look the Brownies over, - ' You'll like cur developing and printing ycamrahP S'dralluB EROTS KADOK EHT Thousands of New Words sptlledi pronouncod, and dunned In WEBSTER'S NOV liNT!Z!:NATI0NAL DiCTIONARY Tfi "Sujimtw Aulhunly" Hart or a f;t tamphtl hot mintdt Red Hir Air Council cllal ship mini cull mystery chip H. P. IkkiI ' tnwlunu s . i l.i I osstmla l.uilmiits Amstksti Legion Uluo Cross girl won I import cyper ciystul dmecior uii;ilo suporhslerodyns ononven f inftirmmlion S700Pa (icon hiw li4liort lOM'CQ PIM CnllwwdDlDfrililMlDUTr Lit fi Oral - Wilt, for s mplt r4I 9' III V-'W Wortii, i.j.-hnMl f Mos'il ir u..il liidlu I'uiHirt, ft: LI. G.&CWfRRIAM CO. Sn-lnrfe)IJ, Mtsa U. S. A. Bigan Public Lift Young Charles .Tames fog, the eelehrntH utalesm.ui nnd orator, evtcn-d purlin, lin-iit nti ii Tor) In l.iw, r .eu he wus only nineteen. Two years later bt wns made Jimlor lord of the sjdmlr i By lu Urd North's uilnUtry. Fir$t " Statical Saw" The Idcn of rxlrnetlng music from uch tn unlikely medium as an or dinary steel saw Is said tn have oris. Imiied more than thirty years ago in ArueutliiH. a drunken violinist In a lumber cmiip Is credited with the ills-eon-ry. In recent years the "mitslnil saw", has benutui a mpulur fancy of I Juits orchestras In both America uml Europe. r week-end visin and your vatation trip -tilicalonB lirownie