The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 29, 1926, Image 3

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    Read tHis proposed
Amendment to the Constitution
of your State
Initial ive Mcasurc-Pr'oposed hy Initiative Pet ll ion
Initiatcu ty Housewives' Council, Inc.: Josephine M. Othus, Mary A. Dean,
01 MENT MEASURE-Creating tlieOrcjjou Water and Power Board of
five elective members; appointing first members, beard filling vacancies;
Kivin said board full authority for conservation, development, storage,
distribution of ile- tiic energy and water for Irrigation and domestic pur
poses; authorizing state bonds Issued not exceeding five per ceutum of
assessed stale valuation: bonds Issued to pay interest or principal of out
standiug bonds; Issuance of interest bearing state public utility crlif
Icates; paying principal or inteiest of bonds from the state gcncrjl lund
with repayment from the bond fund; taxes levied to provide such mor.eys;
appropriating $25O,0(KJ from ger.cral fund returnable from water and
power revolving fund.
338 Yes. Ivotc for the foregoing measure. VOTE YES or NO
3:17 No. fvotc agalnnt the foregoing measure.
This means fifty-three millions of new bonds.
Thisnames inexperienced people to spendyourmoney.
This mortgages all your 'proyerty to politics.
This leaves the taxpayer to foot the bills.
This wouldall go into the Constitution of Oregon.
The Constitution would protect these Tax-Spenders.
But what about the Tax-Payers?
Your only protection is to
Vote 337 X No! in November
Paid AJv. by Oicuon Puhltc Utility to tlx H.kiu a'ivc ' "Wjtn in J Povtt" BjnJmg AnwnJawnt.
414 f j:i!ic BuJJu.g. PortUnJ, Oregon.
celuiicnii eiliennee.
Tot ill
Light nml water
Lleeiicca and tinea
Etlimitel last'
Mtiriiref pnvppinc auiim.iai
Q.,MVnae unn proposed lax levy o
nn f-K'g City of JonH, OreKun, for
Ua.2othynror 1927.
r Notice in hereby driven (hut (i
It I mimmttil that it will bt Friday, N overtoil' 12. 19JG 8'
irr to raise bj Uxatiun the sum of the hour of eiijht o'clock P. M..
M.OT.ffl. ...Aowi.oove, nfter d.duct ,h, Common Co(leci of ,he Cj,
ing rtcibt$ from othtr iunrcci. . , . ....
of lone, Oregon, will meet at tht
J. H. Bryeon, ii. J. Brintow. Council Chumber in said City.
Geo. W. Kitchie. 'and an.T taxpayer os lone. Oregon
Klmiiice Committee of the City ot will be heard in favuroforatfain!
lone, Urt'ifim,
At tret:
, r. it. Konmoon. in accoadanr.e wiLli the nrovisionJ
'ofChupter 113, of the Ger.erul
Laws of Oseiron, for 1921, whirl
shows un estimate of the amount
Top for Kitchen Tab!
the til IhVV nil hnruinnfmr tin
'postd, which had been prepared
o o
mm wm wii !!!&,
IMLt? p4ZC0N?
$100,033 In prcmlsnu UCl.CVM i jQV.6
Lutrr, Crrtter, mora itupcndoui amy of pure bred Beef W.
and Dairy Cattle, 1 lonee, Swine, Sliccp, Goatt and Foxei than rji
ever aeirl!ed hrre or elicwhere. Alto Manufacturer! and E
1 and Protlucn Shorn Pacific International Dairy Product K.i wA
rmilum lirt In Aorm-a. loill Anntul hxporitlon 10'arr htpoMtloa a V
1 prmuuia mm in Airmri. ifun Annul hxn!tlAi. lU'.rr ExnoMllu
J UulUlna,l'lud.Urcoa,Ocl. JO-Nut.6. kniucvi UmtU Bmlni.i).. fJV
- . "TT"-rcaBi j . " "tlVf J
v iiiijiruvv m iiniru inniv lilt inp , 0 . . i j1
of hlrh h.. become war,d end of money necessary to be raid
rrnrked a good plan la to dry the wood
thoroiifhly, level It with a plane end
") uiidipr, and then attach a plm-e of
r(id qunllty llnolrinn with glue along
the renter part. Thli top remaVnit flat
and la durable and winltarj. liipular
Hi lenco Monthly. (
"That, my boy," aulil the forger of
rnliia to hla-aiin na they piiHieil the
mint, "ll our principal competitor."
Main Caui of Death
fifteen principal cuuwa of denlh
are llatad by alutlatlclnna, a fnllown:
I'liuumotilii, roimumptlon, heart din
Hue, dlurrheul (IUeue, kiilney lls
enaea, apuplety, cancer, old bkc, bron
cliltla, cholera Infinitum, dehlllty, In
flanimatlon of the brain and tnwilux,
diphtheria, typhoid and preimitiire
by taxation by the City Govern!
merit, to cover the expeusts of
he City durini;. the ensuinir veai
if of 1927, also showi'tiR the pmli
able receipts of suip City, other,
ihun by a diaect tx uoou tin
eal nd personal paoperty for
the year of 1927.
Kleetrle. I'oiiht V ll'.MI.r.,
MurHlial'e Salary .... J.'iiKl.ili
Itccorile ''a Hillary .... uo.lli
rntiMiinr' Nalary 0
Inti'ri'Ht nil hiiinloi deht - lOl'U W
Intercut (lit wiirrimt di'bt -LMU.Oi
late ImliiMt.rlal AccUlciit
'oiiinilealoil .... ,)(!. S
Liilmr, aiii;illcN n pd mln.
Faniiers nnd bar kers from the
jrrozaii-niit diHtrict appeared be
the ways nnd mean9 committer
n behalf of the bill, There was-
very liltu opiosition to the liil
al ter the m cesitv wns trmde plain
10 the legislature. That any out
member of the lenilsaiure t hculcl
claim the built of the credit foi
ihia measure is purely ,bunk.
C. C. CUHL, Chairmnn.
E. C. OLKSON, Secretary.
I'alil AdvcrtlMeini'iit.
rime Brings, Changes
.Tnd TiiiiUih anya whut a man
llilnkH of hlnmi'ir In umli U h hill-
bimrd. The lierfurmiiiico he ulvea In
nuitiirlty Ik IhiWe to hp n different
mutter. WiiNlilncion Star.
Senate bill Gl, providing for tht
relief of farmers in the frozen
but districts of eastern Orepon by
ituthorizsnu the state board of
control to 'furnish seed wheat.
was introduced by Senators But
er, Carsner, Dennis Taylor, Kit
uer and lteoresentatives Fitz
maurice, Mann, Miller, Robtrts,
Shumway and Tom. This infor
mation was tsken from the Ben
ate Journal.
These senators and representa
lives were all members who rep
resented the area afflicted.
Senator Reed Orders Senator
McNary to Conduct an
Kama City, Mo. Investigation of
the Oregon innate campaign wai or
dered by Benatnr Jamee A. Heed, dem
ocrat, MlnHourl, chairman of the gen
ate campaign fundi committee.
The request for the Inveitlgatlon
cam i) from George Putnam, editor and
publUher of the Salem, Ore.. Capital-Journal.
Senator Reed Immediately tele
graphed Senators Mc.Vary, republican,
Oregon, and King, democrat, Utah, to
conuuet. the Inquiry a loon an they
had flnlahed the one now In program
Into the Waihlngton itata campaign.
Mr. Putnam sked apecffically for
an Investigation of the campaign of
Frederick Btelwer, the republican aen
atorlal candidate, who li oppoaed by
Eert E. Huney, democrat, and Sena
tor Htanfield, republican, who wai de
feated In the primary.
"1 have It on good authority." Put
naiu'i telegram read, "that Franklin
T. Griffith of the Portland Klcctrle
company paid the Portland Oregonlan
J35.000 for opposition to Stanfield, of
ahich 125.000 was lent from head
quarter in Philadelphia, and only a
aenute investigation can establish the
fuels. No report wai made to the
state of thli contribution."
Portland, Ore. Emphatic denial of
the charge made by George Putnam
of the Capital Journal, Salem, that
the Portland Oregonlan received $35,-
000 from the Portland Electric Power
company for opposing Senator R. N.
Sianfield , In the Oregon campaign,
wai made by Edgar B. Piper, editor
of the Oregonlan.
The Oregonlan telegraphed United
Statei Senator McNary at Seattle de
manding an immediate investigation
Into the charges that the newspaper
wai paid J3S.000 for ita opposition to
II. X. Htanrield in his candidacy for
United Statei senator. In response
Senator McNary announced that he
would come to Portland to Institute
an Inquiry.
Washington, D. C The right of the
president of the United States to re
move postmasters and other execu
tive appointees from office without
the consent of the senate was upheld
by the supreme court In the Frank
Stott Myers case from Portland. Ore.
The case. Involving removal bv
President Wilson of Myers ai post
master at Portland, had proved fo
cal point upon which the legislative
and executive branches of the govern
ment had come to a notable trial of
constitutional rights before the high
est court.
The point directly at Issue wtn
whether congreii bad exceeded Its
power, when, in the act authoriiina
presidential appointment of first, sec
ond and third class postmasters "with
the consent of the Senate." It also de
clared that such postmaster! could
only be removed when the lenate as
Answering this Question the court
declared that congresi hai no consil-
:utlonal authority to restrict the ureal-
dent In the removal of officials from
office! It created, but that tha chief
executive, charged with the adminis
tration of the government'! business,
must be tree to act on hli own discre
I00.C00 Made H.nules by Series of
Lenlnakan, Armenia. More than
too persona have been killed, hun-
Ireds of others niortully Injured and
tOO.flOO made homelcis by earthquakes
which destroyed the greater part of
thli city of 40.000 Inhabitant! and 12
thriving towm in the vicinity.
The whole of Armenia has been ter
rified and the destruction amount! to
million of dollnra.
Lenlnakan, seat of the largest Amer-
can nrphannge In the world, is like a
ast sepulchre of ashei; from time
immemorial Lenlnakan, formerly Alex-
andropol, has boen a gigantic volcanic
amphitheater due to the activity of
Mount Ararat and Mount Alugoz In
the tertiary period, but the city never
before experienced aucu a Violent and
disastrous upheaval as that which lev- i
tiled nearly all human habitations on
l lie great Lenlnakan plain Friday I
Thomas M. Osborne Dead
Auburn, N. V. Thomai Mott Ol
borne, famous prison reformer and
former warden of Sing Sing, dropped
.lead here on the street. Osborne was
87 yean old.
Investigation of "Slush Fund"
Charges in Senatorial Race
Under Way at Seattle.
Seattle, Wash. The senate "ilush
fund" committee hearing Into expendi
tures attending Washington's senator
ial race was open '1 here Saturday.
The inquiry li being conducted by
Senator McNary of Oregon, represent
ing the lenate Investigating commit
tee. Tbe Investigation wag precipi
tated by charges by Sam R. Sumner,
republican state chairman, that Mr.
fliillitt had spent 1'0,000 In his cam
paign. Total expenditure! of J27, 926.94 on
behalf of his campaign hy all agencies
wae testified to here by A. Scott Bul
litt, democratic candidate for United
States senator. This total, Mr. Bullitt
testified. Included expenditure! ot
$17,85194 by himself or bis direct
agents, $9030 raised by the state cen
tral committee, of which Mr. Bullitt
had contributed J! 300, and about
$8000 by the Anti-Federal Sunday
Closing I -aw league. Of thli latter
amount Mr. Bullitt testified he had
contributed $430.
The campaign expenditures ot Sen
ator Wesley U Jones comprised tbe
feature of Tuesday's senslon, with tho
senic senator himself as the principal
Senator Jones' presence was de
manded by A. Scott Bullitt, bil demo
cratic opponent, who charged that ex
orbitant expenditures had been made
In his behalf.
lie sided Senator Jonei wltncssei
summoned included Mrs. Nancy Cof
fin, his secretary, and Ralph' Horr,
treasurer of the King county republi
can committee. The total of the re
publican tundi revealed by tbe testi
mony Is $!)2S9.C1 rained by tbe state
committee, besides a $2000 primary
campaign fund which Millard Hartson,
collector of customs here, testified be
had received and administered in Sen
ator Jones interest Expenditure! of
the stale Anti-Saloon league on Sen
ator Jones' behalf were declared by
B. N. Hicks, the state superintendent,
to have amounted to about $395 tor
printing and mailing two circulars and
$35 advertising In the state grange
paper reproducing one of the circu
Seattle Va:'h. Resistance to the
movement for the recall of Governor
Hartley was promised and planned at
an organization meeting held in Seat
tle Sunday and attended by about 250
of the governor's friends. The chair
man was authoriztd to name an ex
ecutive committee of such numben
as he pleased to devise wayi and
means of dUccura-irg the ilgnicg of
the recall petitions and resolution!
were adopted calling for the appoint
ment of two citizens of each county,
one man and one wctriiin. to constitute
a general committee cf resistance.
The executive committee will be
headed by Joseph Irving of Everett
as chairman. Irving is Governor
!iartley"s partner in the logKing buiil
ness. Oiher committeeman named
were Judge George Turner, Frank B.
Carpenter acd W. J. Coatei of Spo
kane; E. S. Grammar of Seattle, re
tired lucibcruan and capitalist; Major
Everett G. Grisw, president of the St.
Paul & Tacoma Lumber company, and
E. B. Demlr.g of Be'.llnaham, presi
dent of the Pacific American Fish
eries. Other members ot the commit
tee will be named later.
Crop to Run 20 Per'Cent Lighter In
Washington Counties.
WenaU-hoe, Wash. The horticultur
al offices of Chelan, Okanogan, Doug
las and Grant counties have issued a
revised apple crop estimate, forecast
ing a yield of 11. So" cars of apples
instead of IS. 134 estimated last July.
This Is a reduction ot Sti37'cars or 20
per cent. It was made following a
very careful check of every portion of
the north central Washington fruit
The drop in the probable apple ship
ment! Is nttribuitd by District Horti
cultural Inspectors George E. Harter
and V. II. Finnan to the early ripen
ing of the later varieties and the in
ability of the orthardiBt to got the
fruit off the trees before It fell to the
Seattle Geeks Power Site
Washington, D. C Authority to iur
vey the site of a proposed municipal
power project has been granted to the
city of Seattlo, Wash., by the federal
power ccmmlKHion. The city contem
plates a three-dam, 2G0.000 horsepower
plant utilizing the entire head of the
Skagit river between the Canadian
boundary and a city power house now
itnndiiig. Tho alte li lu tbe Mount
Baker national forest.