VOTE AGAINST HIGHER TAXE Oregon's total bonded debt is already , $166,000,000 Its per capita state ttedt is the highest in the Union The Housewives' Council "Water and Power Amendment" wonld permit a new political board to issue $53,000,000 more bonds,or an increase of 32 percent to start edventuses in irrigation and power. Vote 337 X No 4 : 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AGAINST AN ISSUE OF $53,000,000 IN NEW BONDS Against an UNLIMITED AOUNT OF new TAXES AfcVmM Creuintfa 1JOARD Of POLITICIAN-DICTATORS Against ENROLLING a n ew army Of Public Offic ials Auint Puralyzing InduMryby bureaucratic DESPTISM Against REVOLUTONIZING OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT AGAINST a Wild JOY RIDEWITHOUT BRAKES at YOUR EXPENS 4 In Self Detense Vote 337 X No! In November IViiJ AJv. by ( ktfiit I'uKw VuUty Commit fax Or;o.l to tint U.utnt Coutwd ' Ww aiJ Vo:t" B.nJmj AucnJu.-u- 4:4 IVih. CaUi g fortUnd, Ot.-jjon 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 444444444444444444........ 4 I hi Just & I Littlek) WO SPECIAL CLASSES I V , - i -,. ! w 1 . -f-i .1 I lie S"J," .Veiled the cull, "What Mue do you tiK-ttn Ijv pa- ml ng around tlio Mrctts In n hath "I "Ilntluohe your gruiidmotliorl" ,nili j the man. Tin rusliiuK down o the chimb ruiiiiiingp Mult to buy mk my tiiul only suit ilmi my lf donated while I im taking il ili."-l"lin I limit I Enquirer. "A Tiling of Beauty Is a Joy Forever" "How ti It y asked a police nmgla trnle uf culprit hided before liliu for robbery, "(hut you miuiugod lo Ink tlili in ii n ' wnteh frniii hi vpNt pocket when II win secured by pulent snfo ty catch r "Sly foe, your honor," replied th him n politely und with (Pithily, "In f 10 for Hie full course uf six lessons." Everybody's Magazine. Disadvantage of Eden "Inni!" cried Ailiim. "I Just run men with rHXrhni'k mill Unit angel cop gave tun ticket for speeding. Now I gul I ii go to court nml" "Why (llilu't you Riv mmio oilier wxiii'm iiiiiih'?" iiMkcil Kvo liflpfully. "Wliut'i tlio iiki ronfouna It I Tlicr Imi't nny oilier niuu." Amur ku Legion WVokly. Conquering DifRcultie$ "My dituglitiT miyn nli I uVtcr niliK.d to roiKpicr evt-rjr illlllrulty Hint Iht niunli'ul giuillci prencnt," mlil Mr. Cuturnt. "I midiTHliiiid nh liui bcrom In-tPTi-ntcd In Wngm-r," "Yi, It Bounds to me ni If li bad tried klndupM In vuln ud wu riurttn( to vloluiut." luiul Seryt. Robert F, Willumton, who 'riii torved In the marine corps fifteen yetire, nd four timet hae eworn to up held the Constitution, recently became citizen of the United States by t.ik. Ing the o.nth In FoJsrjl court, where he was awarded naturalization papers. Seigeant Williamson recently-learned he was not t tfltlien because his father, with whom hs cams to the United States when only three years old, was not naturalized. Ths sergeant Is oni recruiting duty In Kansas City, Mo. ,,yL,Aii".:; , I r 1 - '? W kV U u rv- f M ir. J J U-tWJv ........... WaJk K.La J miiimi.i.o .i;;s an joj,tIitt. jo itioij it) p.j.uij I'jn ,.ni pun ' nii pun ui.aj.) ai) 'jojipu ,un uml ;f jo .it:.oi ti-.Ii:.i 'il j" M"Ti'.C : '"1.1, The Aulomower An Amerimn motorist tourlna; thli country pulled up at the roadside, when? an aged couutrymun was mow Ins. "Air yew n nntlvef aked the tour ist, and. receiving an affirmative re ply, added: "Then you don't know what till la?" lie Indicated his lux urloiM ear. "Aye, Hint be a motor far." "Xo; It'a nn automobile." "Aye, snld the aced one. "An yon won't know wot this be." He pointed to Ida scythe. "It's a scy the." "You be wrong; Iff an automow Krnaa." London Tlt Blta. This Is ono of the benuty upols ot the SeiiaulCeiitpiitilttI lutornaUoual Kxpnalllon In rhilmlulphla. The expo anion colobrntcs the 130th anniver sary of tho nliiiilriR of the Declaration of Indoiiendenc -. The view shows tha tower o: ono of tho main exhibit build liip,s rearing lis hobd up from among I ho gorgeous lunilHuupo which artists havo built around tho clunt strucfurea which house exhibits from forty-throe nations ot ths world. Tho Exposition continues until December 1. in 1 1 Wii and Humo HANDICAPPED Asylum Director I know the very nmii we wntit for our new superintend ent. Doctor Whiit's Ills name? Asylum Director It huppena to be Gcoigo Wimhci'Mon, Doctor Nothing doing I Poundl too much Ilka (ieorgo WitshliiKton the vlxllors will be tuklng biui for wicof the Inmn'es. i WASHINGTON COURT FAVCiiSSCKQOL TAX Writ of 'Mandamus Orders Levy According to 1925 Figuris. Olympla, Wash. A writ of manda mua compelling the slate lax commli- slon end board of equalization to tlx . the mJlaKt! fur slate Institution of h.'Klier learning ut the figures named i In the 1025 ml!lac bill, as passed over I the veto of Covertior Hartley at the ' apeclal Hes-tlon of the li .glalal ure. was I Ihsih d by the supreme court on the petition of Attorney-rleneral Dunbar. ; The commlsHlon prsvlou.ily fixed the ! mllliiRes under tho luw passed In ! ...... Heplying to Hie contention of attor neys for the tax commission that the ' bill whs not legal because the pn-sld-! ing oirlcirH of he house and senate had not affixid their signatures to It attT lis repiiHsage over the governor's vmo, the court held that the coutrtu fion stated that If a bill Is approved' by two-thirds of the members of tho 1 hr-:se and senate over the governor's :to it shall become a law. j The 112 j law provides a levy of 1.47 mills for the University of Washing ; ton, .H'.'.r, for the slate college, .20 for j i IlitiKham normal, .22 for Cheney : normal and .16 for Ellenshurg normal.. The 19:'! mlllages were 1.1 for the university, .67 for the stale college. 2'i for the riillingham normal. .153 for Cheney normal and .12 for Ellens- burg normal. ' The decision means that the levies for the educational Institutions shall be made on tl,15S.026,676. fixed as the as.'e&sed valuation of property in the state. i in IlltO HUM BY SLLOUIS TEAM Alexander, Veteran Pitcher, Beats New York Yankees in Final Game. AFPLE CP.CP REDUCED New York.- Orover Cleveland Alex finder came back In all his ancient pitching mastery to check the Yan kees for the third tim and clinch the first world's baseball championship that St. Louis bus known in 40 years. In the seventh and deciding game of the 1!26 diamond classic, the Yan kee defense cricked to yield the Car dlnals their winning tn':ri;!n of 3 to 2, but II was Alexander who saved the day with as dramatic and exciting a finish as any championship conflict has ever witnessed. The bases were full, two were out and only one Yankee run was needed to tie the game in the seventh inning when Alexander came to the rescue of the Cardinal rlgh' hander, Jesse Haines, whose finger was split from throwing his knuckle b:.l and whose control was ebbing It was a sit uation calculated to Uat the stoutest heart and the most seasoned skill, with ."0,000 and a world's champion ship hanging In the balance, but Alexander was equal to IL Fuclr? Tony Lczz"H. a rookie, al most young enough, to be l'n son, the great v..eran hltchtd his trousers, called on the power of a right arm that has carried him through sixteen major league campaigns und struck out his man to retire tho side as the crowd broke into a frenzied uproar. Safely past this crisis, the most dramatic moment of the game, Alex ander easily subdaed the Yankees In the closing two Innings, yielding only a pass to Ilabe Ituih in the ninth aa he completed one of the greatest I itching exploits in world's series his- rTV tory- BY EARLY MATURITY Wenatchee, Wash. A complete sur vey of north central Washington fruit dlnrlct made by state and federal of ficials, field agents, railroad Ins pec-1 tor, shippers and growers. Indicates j tin t from 3u(m) to 4000 cars of apples , have been lost as a result of early j maturity of the crop. As the fore- I casta of the size of the crop varied from to 13.000 cars, this would redure the final yield to between 15. O'W and 1C ooo cars. The general be lli f Is that the crop would have over run estimates slightly but for the I(.-s frcm dropping, so l.ouo cars Is ac cepted as the outsiue limit by the shippers. Kx:,rt opinion Is unanimous that no Injury whatsoever was done to the ai p!-g remaining on the trei s at the time of the ru cnt cold weather. Care ful tens have been made to determine whether any possible damage was sus tained ami cone has been detected ex cent In very rare cases of earlier var- j leties suih as Jonathans, these being' In the higher altitudes where the cold weather was mere severe than In the n;;;in vall-y. CAf.VASS STATE BALLOTS W;hlno,cn Republicans Poll 255.0SS I and Democrats 19.42. ! I j IKympla, Wash. State canva. of ! ' the vote cast In the recent primary ', ' e!i -tlon on those offices lor which til-,' ; I: -s of candidacy are required to be ni:'dt with the secretary of mate, was i fiMpMcd UiIr we.k by review und, ' 3i:,:i:i!urp by the numbers of the state 1 .invasHing board, of the compilation ti.ade by Superintendent of Elections C'rruM'S A. Foster in the office of Soc-' tvuiy of State J. Grant lllukle. j ilia nt-uHs will now be certifHd by . .. ,:y of State Hinkie to the va rii us c-( titity auditors for the prepara tion of the t ' iVction ballots. Tho ranvnMng - I consists of Sec retary of State T in'j. State Auditor C. W. Cluuson and State Treasurer W. CI. Potts. j j Total republican vote was and t'te democrats polled 19,422. The , Judicial ballot brought the heaviest vote with 270.SH1. FIFTEEN WOMEN IN RACE FGSG9HGRESS . Washington. D. C Fifteen women are running for congress this year, a?cnrding to a list of candidates filed lih the clerk of the houee. They aspire to membership In the lower h-ufo. Women's organiwtiona estimate that perhaps 2 0 more are candidates for state and municipal offices throughout the country. These en tries represent tho largest phalanx of candidates put forward by women s'nee sutfrage was acctpted, and the result will probably entrench more women In public office over the coun try than before. Terms of two women governor! elected two years ago, expire tbia ynr and one of them. Mrs. Nellie Koo. of Wyoming. Is a candidate to s'teiecd herself. The other. Governor "Ma" Ferguson of Texas, was defeat ed in a recent primary. At present there are three women In the house and none In the senate. The houxe members have received retion.lnatlnn and will face opponents at the polls November 2 in their f glit for reelection. These three are: Mrs. Florence P. Kahn. republican, San Francisco; Mrs. Edith Nourse !ic,;e,-s, republican. Lowell, Mass., and Mrs. M.iry T. Norton, democrat, Jer-.-y Ciiy. X. J. Both Mrs. Kahn and Mrs. Rogers were elected to succeed their husbands, who died in office. Washington Football Team Wins l'or'Und. Ore. The l'nlven!;y of Washington f,uba!I team proved too r.iuch f :r the University of .Oregon tea-n, ml playing the Eugene Niiiad In tl:.' second half. The fin.;! score v.-as V. Islington 2.1. Oregon 9. Port land's new dvie atudlum was dedicat ed Jr-it prior lo the Oregon-Waalilng. lo.i ti.oiliiill gnme with brief but im pressive rori monies. FERGUSON CUSTER FAILS Texas Senate Killa Resolution Passed by House. Austin, Tex.-On a point of order raised by Senator John H. Bailey of Dowitt county that a house resolution demanding tha resignation of Cover nor Miriam A. Ferguson was not In the governor's fcill for the special session and In violation of tho senate rules, the bill was killed In the sen ate a few minutes after the house had acted upon it. The house resolution called on Gov ernor Ferguson to keep her primary promise to Attorney-General Moody, and was passed by a vote of 58 to 47. Poisoning Husband Chargtd to Widow Tillamook, Or. .Mrs. Kva N. Me (lee. widow of Dr. W. 0., who .ilvd August 17 under circumstances .' yarded us stt iplelous, was arraigned In circuit court hero on an indictment Higitig first degree murder by ad t.ilnlili.itlon of poison. The indict ment followed n hui !,.." performed by Dr. Itohort L. Benson, Portland tmthologUt. American Legion Convention Opens Philadelphia, Pa. Shock troops from every slate overran the city on Monday ami as an official commun ique might phrase it, Ihe Philadelphia sector was captured without casual ties, for the eighth aunuul convention of tho American Legion. A busy week Is ahead of tho delegates. Among other things It will elect a now iiatlonul commander and decide whether the 1927 convention ahull be In Paris. Corn Under Water In Illinois Hood Chlcngo, 111. Approximately 100,000 aires of corn are under water In six counties flooded by recent levee r-renka and rivers and crocks out of their banks, tho Illinois Agricultural association was advised.