The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 27, 1926, Image 3

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Famous Dime Novel Char
I acter Indignant at Tale.
' Deadwood, 8. D. "Deudwood
tlcJt," the old bant of hundred dime
uovla,wbo wui rtcritly reported
dead In California, It yelling hi head
olt denying that h li dimd. It liu
Just written his old friend, "Diamond
Dick," saying he's just as much llv
b ver waa. II Is now living on
ranch near Wliltewood, H. D., at
tli north nd of III lllack lillli, tin
scene of all hi "ac'llvlilci."
"Tin follow who died In California
waa 'OhEy Dick,' Dot 'Deadwood
Dirk,' write tli latter gentleman.
"On By Dirk" wm Dick Bullock.
Ddwood Dick' nam 1 Richard
Clark. Dirk Kullork wa a gold guard,
and with hli Winchester lit brought
down million and million of dollar
In gold duit from th Mack hill gold
mlue to th refinery at Omaha, and
nvr loit an ounce, of "dust."
Hut Itoidwood Dirk. Of all th
popular dime-novel heroes, leudwood
Dick ttood at th vety head whon h
wa In hi prim about 40 year ago.
Kvery Saturday fur years there wa
uw Itaadwood Dirk novel out In
Beadle' Dim Library,
Splendid FMow Our Hr.
All th boy of tlioa year remem
ber what eplendld character wa
Deadwood Dirk ; bow he galloped hi
black stallion across th pages of
Beadle' with Or and bullet atreara
Ing fnn th niutxle of bla two gun,
killing Indiana, knocking out outlaw
Ilk a champion bowler knock down
teuplna, rescuing beautiful maiden
from drep-dyed vlllalna. only to have
th mildrni iiromptly fall In lov with
hliu, discovering luhuloualy rich gold
mine In long luat gulchea, defending
th "tenderfoot," righting th wrong
of th weak and wearing luimaculat
lluen and ptent-le(ltr top boot In
country of red flannel ahlrtt and In
dian moccaalna.
Edward L, Wheeler mad IVadwood
' Dick famou and Iadwuod Dick
mad Edward L. Wheeler rich. A
fart there wer duten or an Dead
' wood Dlrka but only on Edward L.
' Wheeler. Wheeler and lleadle gut
copyright on th nam In fiction and
kept th hero to themaelve. After
Wheeler bad mad th nam famou.
very fellow In th lllack hill whoa
nam waa "Itlchurd" took th nam
"Deadwood Dick" to hlmaelt. Hut
whlla many claimed th name, Dirk
Clark waa th man upon whom Dead
wood beatowed th tl'l "Deadwood
. Dick."
U th early day Deadwood Dick
wa really quit rhiracter. II waa
miner. Ilk everybody tie to th
Black hill In thoae day. Hold wa
the moat plentiful thing In Deadwood
gulch and along Gold run In that pe
Orev Stagecoach Awhile.
Deadwood Dick drove a stagecoach
for a while, too, over a dlvlalon of th
Deadwood Kidney Hue. The railroad
waa at Sidney, 2M mile away, nut
Dick Clark never wa "In It" for
minuta with that Ieadwod Dick hero
created by Wheeler. There wa a fel
low who could drive all horse down
th mountalnalde, yelling and ahootlng
at tha top of bla voice, ahootlng' right
and left handed at th tree or at
bird on either aid of th mad and
bringing Id team up abort In front
of th Ppreid Eagl ealoon. Dirk
Clark wa pretty good driver and
hi nam waa Deadwood Dick, but he
couldn't drive Ilk that dime-novel
Ifeadwood Dick could drive.
After th glamour worn off,
gold mining In tb lllack hllla had got
down to rich man' propoaltlon and
a railroad had been built to th hllla,
Dick Clark gave up mining and "hero
lug" and went to work for th rail
road trucking freight at th depot. Hut
Edward L. Wheeler refuaed to recog
nli th changed condition and kept
right on with hi "untamed" and "un
tamable" bero. Deadwood Dick'.
Clark la now an old man and bear
mighty llttl resemblance to th daah
lug character created for him by
Ten Representatives
Perfect in Attendance
Waahlngton. Ten representative
had perfect attendance record In th
houae during th first leaalon of th
Hlity-uluth congrea which cloaed
July S.
They were Representative Can
non, MIourl Orecn, Florida; II 111,
Waahlngton; Huddleaton, Alabama;
Qutn and Kankln, Mississippi; Hwauk,
Oklahoma, Democrat; nnd McLaugh
lin and Maple, Michigan, 4 ud Miller,
Waahlngton, Itepuhllcan. They did
not mla a roll cull during th sta
tion, whether for t quorum or vote.
! : Talk' on Locomotive
Whistles Irks Sleepers
1 '. ! New York City. Knglneer
) on locomotive of Long laland
'. '. railroad trulna hold long con-
vernation at night by meant of
' blast on I heir whittle and
; alao "play tunea" on them, and
amok from th engine I
I ) sometimes ao dent that th en-
1 glue tlii'iiiHelvet are Invisible,
! according to reiddeiiti of th
- Miirrla I'nrk and Dunton dl-
! ', trlct of Queens, who tostMed
" nt tho trial of th railroad on
'. ', the chorgo of malntulnlng
" puhllc nulaanc.
Explorers Dig Up Fascinating
Mayan Art
Id I'nao, Texas. More wondort of
Hi long burlod Muyan euiplr have
ben revealed. Although many iuure
udlit tlll are blanketod by toll and
Jungle growth at Chluhvn ltru, Yuca
tan, tli expedltlou of th Curuegl In
stitution of Waahlngton hat ut ac
couipllahed there It greutest year1
work In baring the iplttudort of th
Muyan auipli after centurle of aban
donment, according to Trof. tlylvanu
a. Morley, director of excavutlou.
llo told of th season's dlacoverlot
In P'laalng through bar on hi way
to Haute Ke, N. M., to complet hi
formal report After th third tea
ion of excavation Prof, Morloy haa
tuapendod work until th end of th
rainy season next January,
Tb expedition dltcovered om
luarvelouily colored, wall preserved
mural carvlug, th brilliant yellow,
green and red shades of which had
retulned their beauty for seven cen
turies. (Carved human flgurea, which In an
cient time adorned th cornice of
templea overlooking whut I'rof. Mor
ley aaaerta wua on of th greatest
ctvlllxation th world boa ever
known, wer lifted from wher they
criahed to th ground at tlin de
ktroyed th magnlflcent temple and
wer carefully pieced together by th
clentlata forming th Cnrnegl ataff
at Chlchco Itxa.
Tti Tempi of Warrior then), I'rof,
Morley ld, I on of th fineat iperl
men of th beautifully proportioned,
eathctlc ancient arcbltectur of North
America. Excovattont about It war
practically completed. Striking fig
urea of giant serpents wer replaced
In their original resting place again
aurrounded by frlexea of grotesquely
hiped eagles and Jaguar, just aa
they atood In ancient times
Mor than fifty carved columns,
forming a portion of a giant colon
nade flanking th Tempi of Warriors,
war cleaned of the deua growth
which had covered them for centuries.
Now that congrea bat vacated th
rapltol, th work of redecorating th
Interior 1 under way. Charles A.
Whipple, noted artist, haa been re
tained to retouch many of th valu
abl painting that adorn tb wall of
th bulldlog.
No Girl Too Young to
Teach, Nebraska Edict
Lincoln, Neb. In Nebraaka girl
U never too young to teach.
That I th dictum of th Supreme
court In It ruling that Anna Joyce,
fifteen, and Mrs. Darlln Johiiaon,
seventeen, ar entitled to teacher
certificates from th department of
public Instruction.
Th young women carried tholr caa
to th Supreme court after Superin
tendent Maatn of th department
had declined to lasu certificate be
cause of their youth, although both
were recognised aa properly qualified
In training.
Mlsa Joyce wat fourteen when th
applied for her certificate, after hav
ing been graduated front high achoot
and completed two year' work at
the atat normal achool.
Roast Pig and Dressing .
National Dish of Cuba
Havana, Cuba. -Culia't national
dlah I roast pig.
Tb pig, 20 to 40 pound on th
hoof, I Huffed with dreanlng made
with a bread base, .to which It added
apices to tult the Individual taste. It
tnkea th place of honor on "Noch
Ouena" (Chrlatmaa ve) Instead of
tb familiar American turkey on
Chrlatmaa day.
Th moat popular dish Is chicken
and rice. Th chicken I ttewed and
the rice steamed acparately. They
are combined with a few atrlpa of a
mild red pepper grown In Cuba and
placed In an earthenware dlah and
baked. 8ometltuet eggt or taffron
are added to the rice.
Yawn Locks Jaws
Beacon, N. Y. Mlat Joaephlne Smith
yawned and tomethtng huppened. Her
jnwt locked and for two hour bar
mouth remained wide open. Dr.
Oeorge Junulng tried nrdlnury meth
od to muke her hut her mouth, but
finally eent her to a hoapltul, wher
he wa given an ancNthetlc and her
jnvvt doted by force, Blie Buffered no
permanent Injury.
r -mm
Want Land for Geo. Rogers
Clark Memorial.
Vlticennet, Ind. The city of VIn
cennet hat Just taken the first formal
action for purchase of purt of the
alts of old Fort Buckvlll, In th pass
age of an ordinance by the city coun
cil, under suspension of the rules, for
the Ittuunc of S0,0uo of bond with
which to maka the purchase.
Several week ago th Vlncennet
cltltent leading In the movement for
the Oeorge Rogeri Clark eewiulcen
tcnutal obtained option on th prop
erty for th city of Vlnceune. Mayor
Claud Oregg and hi board of public
work ba now ordered the option
cloaed, and nolle haa been given to
the owner that th purchases will b
Th property to be bought by the
city of Vlncennet Include the Eml
ton warehouse at First and Vigo
street and all the property of the
aame depth between Vigo and Harnett
streets, Including tha St John's hotel.
At soon at the city acquires the
title to the property, the buildings
will be raxed, and the ground pre
pared for beautlflcatlon.
The Oeorge Rogers Clark tesqul
cantennlal , commission, beaded by
William Fortune of Indianapolis, It
planning for the teaqulcentennlal ob
servance of the capture of Fori Sack
vllle by Oeorgo Rogers Clark, In 1028
and 11)20, at the major part of It
program for observance of the one
hundred fiftieth anniversary of the
conquest of the old northwest terri
tory by Clrk.
Csptur Cam aa Climax.
Th capture of th fort at Vln
cennet waa th great heroic and Im
portant military event of the whole
revolution weat of the Allegheny
mountains. It wa th climax of the
campaign led by Clark Which shat
tered British control of tb region
north of the Ohio river.
It I the purpose of the commis
sion to pnrchaa th remainder of the
old fort site, and the erection tbereoo
of the national memorial to Clark.
Other plana of the commission pro
vide for a historical pageant portray
ing tha Important events of the Dark
campaign, aa well at early pioneer
life, and for celebrations at other
pieces In Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and
Illlnol where event of the Clark
expedition occurred.
Collie Hikes 1,700 Miles
in Returning to Home
Benton Harbor, Mich. A dlstsnc
of LT00 mile, a Journey of a day
and a halt through mouutalna and
serosa two river course were not
enough to prevent Pal, a four-year-old
collie, from returning to hi Ben
ton Harbor horn from Florida, where
he had gone with bla master.
The trip to Florida waa made last
spriug. Three weeks after arriving
there, Pal disappeared. Four weeka
later ba reappeared In Benton Har
Pal had dropped In weight from Ti
to 65 pounds, and bla clawa wer
worn smooth from hla travels, bat
he wat aa glad to get home aa though
he merely had been making a nlght't
U. S. Offers 1,196,353
Timber Acres for Sale
Washington. Offering fur Bale of
ripe Umber on 1.11(0353 acre of re
maining land formerly a part of the
grant to the Oregon 4 California
railroad and of approximately 03,000
acres of land formerly a part of the
Coo Bay Wagon company grant In
Oregon waa announced by th Inte
rior department Sale of the timber
landa will be made at auction when
prospective purchaser request that
any particular tract be offered.
The land Included In the Oregon
4 California grant I located In 18
counties and contain nearly 84,000.
000,000 feet of timber, board measure.
Earth Slowing Up
New York. Th earth It slowing
up. Tidal friction acts on It Ilka
brake shoes on a car wheel, but Prof.
Richard S. Lull aaya there' no raa
ton to worry.
Healthy Triplets
New York. Th healthiest triplet
that th ttork ever left at Bellevue
hospital are the daughter of Mrs.
Irene Smalt, twenty-six. Each weight
five pound.
; SoTber, Brave, Agile,
Free, Is BedouiirCode : ;
; Salkhad, DJebel Druse. So- ;
ber at a camel, brave aa a Hon, i
T agll aa the gutelle, and more
than all of them free and Inde-
; ; pendent, la the description
' which th Bedouin, aon of the
! desert, applle to hlmaelf. '.,
"Tru a a die," 1 an addl-
I tlon which Nackrl Bey, on of I
T th moat powerful chlofa of tb f
I Bedouin tribesmen In Trane- I
; Jordnnla,. would Ilk to have
' added to the description.
For centurle th Bedouin
. have conducted raid on their
; ) neighbor, playing no favorltea
' and sparing no one. The Druse
! ! themaelve, great warrior that
J they are, receive frequent via-
itt from th flying horsemen. I
t 1 1 1 1 inn hi urn i inn
SINCE) I hv yon I find a deeper
In bending skies, I hod not seen be
fore, And every hour I find a deeper pleas
In every woodland and on every
What once were fern ar now tb
fairest lace,
And fields hav rotes, and th ro
Ah, there I sweetness In th quiet
I never knew.
Since I hav yoa I And a sudden kind
In other hearts, and kindness In my
Yea, now I know the depth of human
And know that I myself bad never
I draw long breathe, for life 1 now
like wine Is,
All women beautiful, all brother
If Ilf 1 aver like to heaven, mine la,
Since I have yon.
I never knew but thould the aklet be
Th woodland dark, the thore a
stormy sea,
BtttI would my heart be filled with
radiant wonder
At this new world that yoa reveal
to me.
For, ahould the world, the world of
men, desert me,
The skies be lesoen now o fairly
blu. ,
No ttorm could frighten me, no hart
could hurt me.
Bines I have yoa.
(O kr MoClar NinNH) SrsSlcata.)
IT C8ED to be caller to get a pro
posal oat of a man In the old days.
By the time he at on one of them
horsehair sofa long enough, th poor
guy had to bar aome outlet for hla
Women Ilk the raw recruits to fall
la love with them. But they fall In
lov with th trained campaigner.
There' on woman that alway
think th bride Is doln' well and
that' th groom's mother.
When a feller serenades yon. It
might oo'y mesn that hit father Just
give him a new ukulele.
Women don't lwy lov th men
that can do thing for 'em. But they
hat to give 'm op.
The day handful of wise crack
aeem to get you farther than a bushel
of real let rain'.
A cheap way to get rid of a gay
that wanta to borrer a hundred dol
lars off you 1 to give him a present of
ten. ,:
A cat baa nine Uvea. But even a
cat' got more sense than to try and
lead two of them at once.
The young lady across the way
say shs's for a tag on gasoline a
th consumer ha to pay enough al
ready and those great rich oil com
panies ought to be made to help light
en hla burden.
, ( f MaClnr Wewip.Mc eradicate.)
First Welding Process
Acetylene waa diacovered by Ed
mund Daey, an English chemist, In
1830, ' The process of oxyacetylone
welding wa first suggested by. L
Chatelier In Franc about 1805, and
th flnt welding equipment for factory
.use waa Introduced Into the UulUd
'Htate from rraaca la 1000. .
e-' By Viola Brothers Shore
vIY 1 MtrWMJ
1 '
rres. t M. Walker
Dundee Auto Repair & Machine Works
Th Oldcat and Beat Equipped Repair Plant In Oregon
: East Water and Haimon Rta., Portland, Oregon Kunt MX
Boa Loncbet toUluoo) 25c an 3Sc I, - TVa-'
12S Sirtli 8bMt PORTLAND, or 3C3 WaiMnabm Street.
? L Cafeteria
Th Beat
Cffe an
Look for th Beet.
Never argue with a man about bla
fuult. He know them much better
than yon do. Tell him. In kindnea.
about them, but be careful not to tres
pass upon bis own preserves. Hen do
not require as to Inform them of
their unhappy memories. But they do
need some one who will point them to
a loftier ideal. To the mistakes of an
other it Is kind to be blind and to
look for the virtues. Exchange.
Really Valuable Life. .
I like to read about Moses In the Old
Testament. He carried a hard busi
ness well through,' and died when
other folks were going to reap the
fruits; a man must have courage to
look after hla life so, and think what'U
come of it after be' dead and gone
George Eliot.
Brother Williams.
De reason Solomon was so much
married wui kase he could take 'em
an leave 'em dea ea be liked, an' no
body could put him In Jail fer all
money. But whatch out how yoa tries
ter toiler dat schedule! Atlanta Con
stitution. Gave Name to College.
Dartmouth college, at Hanover, N.
H., was named by Ita founder, Eleaxar
Wheclock, in 1769, for William Legge,
the aecond earl of Dartmouth, who
waa a trustee of a fund for Wheelock's
Indian school In Connecticut.
Anothsr Paradox.
"To be happy, one must worship,"
say a wise writer. Which suggests
that paradox that many who do not
labor labor nnder the delusion that
they can find happiness without labor.
which is Impossible. Boston Tran
Odd Moorish Superstition.
A Moor consider It a great ain to
cut bread with a knife, declaring that
our handa were given na to break it
Big Head for Details.
We were told of a wizard who re
cently played 10 game of chess and
28 of checker at the came time. A
man that ran keep all that In his head
ahould be able to remember to mall
his wife's letters.
Best Horse Collar
AU lone rye straw stuffed
Inalat on having tha eouar
with tka -Flan" LsboL D
your dealer doe not bsndl
this braud collar, writ to ua
Every collar guaranteed.
M Union Av Portland, Ore.
Clark Uroe., Florlata, 117 Morrison 8L
FttrcBS ENLARGEMENT with vry tOt
order. luwllna FU Co., Portland, Or
Successful Correspondence Club." Re
liable; Description free. BOX (64.
"Nature's Health Gift"
Amazing results achieved in
the treatment of many Di
gestive, Skin and Constitu
tional Diseases.
Ask your Druggist for Booklet
For Sale at all good Drug Store
Kelp Ore Remedies
, Corporation.
Sol Dlatributor -146
Security Bldg.
If you are Interested In a
Yielding a Comfortable Cash Income; a Bigger and
Better Position, anal Independence and Happiness,
Writ for catalog to '
Bualnea Collet
11th an Salmon Streets Portland, Oregon
Eating Place In th City. Th Plnt
Pastry Specialty. Reaeonabl
Broadway at atark (Oregon Hotel
Portland, Oregon.
, When in Portland
f ' tj
Oe not foroet to visit
the Fsmoue Haircut
ting Shop for Women
and Children.
The Bob Shoppe
100 Unrar Bid.
BeL (th At Rrosdway
on Alder
O. 8. BARHON, Prop.
Cotton a Trus "Mlns."
If yon want to find an extensive con
glomeration of minerals, pick up a cot
ton plant It contains iron, phosphorus,
magnesium, calmlum, potassium and
sodium, and Doctor McIIargue of the
Kentucky agricultural experiment sta
tion has Just shown tha amount of cop
per, manganese and sine,.
"Cold" Common Ailment
Colds are moat common in the tem
perate zone. In this country few per
sons are Immune from them. Not
more than fifteen out of every hun
dred are lucky enough to escrpe with
only one cold a year. The ailment 1
moot frequent In early childhood and
least frequent after middle life.
Art of Repetition.
The average woman ba a vocabu
lary of about 800 words, according to
x Middle Western newspaper man. It
la tbe turnover which produces the
volume. Sioux City Tribune.
England Imported Rabbits.
There were no rabbits in England
when the Romans ruled over the an
cient Britons. Even In Anglo-Saxon
time it la said that no rabbits were
to be seen.
Soul's Hard Road.
There la no abort cut, no patent
tramway to wisdom. After all the
centuries of invention, the soul's path
lies through the thorny wilderness
which must still be trodden In soli
tude, with bleeding feet and sobs for
help aa It was trodden by them of sold
time. George Eliot.
Brake for Wild Pens.
Emergency brake for fountain pens
would be a wonderful invention for
ntatuated millionaires. Jester.
Alt the scholastic scaffolding falls,
is a ruined edifice, before one single
word Faith. Napoleon I.
sleep soundly
eat heartily and keep
healthy with Barkroot, the
tonic that has brought
health to thousand.
A Ueer e
Here ukeo roar Berk-Root Toole for
tad I
t,mA ht lm mm mi tk. k...
keael end etemeck tooice I ken eeer Ukeo"
-A. a K.RAU3. Portleod.
For Sale by All Druggists
Nature's Own Tonic
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
Bend aa roar eblpoMot. W mil roa aback
th eame day we reoeire rood.
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
in nnti taMSlmwl, fsrtums, ma.
P. N. U.
No. 35, 1928