The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 30, 1926, Image 4

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    At mght after th rvwiin niaal It the
unuiu nuur , inm lean woua 10
th family
1? TT y Harold pell
laird and feitl itnry,"A Son of Hli
I'.tthfr". Srvral hundred Ihoimand tm
lit air dome tlita wuhin a wr,-k afir
P'lbV .hurt. Mfonfot ihrm. IMMacupy
at a 1 lnl.tllm I A,;l,on A Cnpan
I" li.ll..c, IS Ml L'nl :r-Kt. Urn Yolk.
Mr. and M?. Jackson left or
Saturday morning for a visit
among relatives. Mr. Jai k?on has
aincc retnrned leavirgr Mrs. Jack
son lo continue the visil.
Baked Chronometer
Fym-jt rlimnnmpter Issued to tht
nridfi; navj hni to he "baked" nt Hie
Uiwnwlch observatory. Those re
quired for extended cruises Id vnry
Int; climates are kept for .two montlia
In n u ovn liontcd to 00 degrees to "ac
climate" them.
"Editor and Qtniral Manaqtr
will onciDt '
Can't Smoke
A fellow from Carolina wants to
know uhrrt I get ihe idea that
"Bull" Durham and George Wash
ington come from the same state.
He saj-s, "Why don't you write and
give the people the real History of
'Bull' Durham In its native State,
South Carolina, that people woulJ
appreciate that more than these
Bull Legends of yours. "
Now thanfcs, Sir, for your good
natured sugjestion. If I knew His
tory I wouldn't be able to write
"Bull" Durham AJs. I woulJ be
a College Professor, get everything
right, and get nothing for it
Everything you suggested me tell
ing the public about when and
where "Bull" Durham originated,
has been told for 66 years by typ
ical Advertising writers. That's the
only thing the Company sblcd cf
me was "please don't tell again
where it came from, or how." You
see you didn't read their Ads, but
you did read mine and remembered
it, because it was wrong.
Writing Ads that will be re
membered is a queer game. This is
an Ad, not a History. I selected
Ads over History on account of the
pay. (A inerican Tobacco Com
pany's pay is as good as its tubacco.)
Where "Bull" Durham comes from
or where it goes to is left for the
starving Historian.
P.S. You noiire I named in th!a ar
ticle Ihe WRONG Carolina. That'i to
North Carolina will grt lore became
I named South Carolina, and South
Carolina will (ret tore because I di.ln't
name North Carolina. A true t.-ih-erner
never forgeti.
P.P.S. There will be another piece
in this paper uon. Watch fur it.
OuarintccJ ly
111 Fifth Avenue, New Voik Ciiy
Western Reaction to
Federal Usurpation.
There have been many conficU
with federal authority in Oregon
One of my predecessors, Silves
ter Penoyer, grand, sturdy, olo
patnot, informed the president
of the United States, when he
was on a wtatern tour, that tht
Kovernor would be glad to preei
him in the executive of i ices at
the Capitol of Oregon, but re-
lused to leave his office to ureel
the Nation's chief executive at
he state boundary. Proud old Pen
noyerhas been severely criticised
for his lack of courtersv to the
visiting president, but many ol
those who earned within thtit
vein? pioneer blood admire his in
dependence, his honesty, and hi?
attempt to retain the respect for
the sovereign po ver. of the Sfte
which hav been so sadly ovu.ul
i-ien in recont years. At the time
of the Coxey's army excitement.
Governor Pennover received a
Mepram from President Ctevj
an J, warning him .f the daugn
of internal disorders in his st?te.
Penoyer pomptly wirel the nres
ident: 'Attend to your own busi
irss and I wili attend to mine."
Penncyer wus eastern born, a1
graduate of Harva d. buth'a we. t'
?rn life had given him the inde j spirit that caused him to
ind the sttlegram which mav
Itave seemed cmde and disccurie
Otis to those who are seekirg to
wipe Out practically every staU
ine and govern the land from o
"an to ocean by bureaus on th
Atlantic Coast .
I often wh;it my grand old pre
dectssor of 4) years auo would
do today if he could coma bsck
and behold lederal officials rid
ing rough shod from one cni of
the state to the other, teliing us
how to raise our babies, what
trees we can cut, what water
power we can deveione. what
power lines we may establish.
wnat gopher we can ki I, and in
what spot we may shoot the coy
It is probably true that ven trov
r. mi Min mm mates wnere you
do not so keenly feel federal en-1
. ....... .,U UJUU iteiry
ium iiiiujio, i c;nij ivania or1"
Missouri, to have more than ha'f ;3
of your territorv. aa we hau inl iT3
;0;eg(n, entirely besond state'
the j iri) Jicti)T of an absentee iff
la-Milord. It makes us fetl as if
we were trespassers in tnd land'
of our birth.
Mrs. Ed Uurth.'li is cnterla'niriK
her brother from Spoeane.,
John Patker had his first break
dot'-,j i.i tt-.e season with a.i tie
comtime, Monday.
Mr our Star Route
mail carrier had a slijrht wreck
wiinniscar in m -ppn r hut it,
did uot prevent him from bt-inH
on pu!y Tuesday morning.
national mm
IM 3o..itl,mi Utah humlrr,t. otvpim mlln of
mrv-lisly t.,l,r, p !,, , hmmf, lnHn
and I' thcrtnj apirca maka up the actnk: wondcra
arcj, cArrroM civOAn aaiAtu
All rto'hfd via tlw Union Pacific. ft-h4u!nl
Ui iia alf'ml an Iiu-tpouiva vacklicn. Law
a4-trtp Lira.
kd roa nn it iutatid
and let u help you arrange vy detail of i!m
tour. Ini liiJc U.ic tide Hip en your way caat,
J. VV. Ilowk Anf 4Mb.
lone. flrpOnn iTIWrl
control, nontaxable ar:d urdprMri... ... . .. . .
Mrs. Ista Haurenfeiiirl was cull
injr on Mrs. Jim Uardesty Satur
dav evenitur. " . ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E Harbison
were calling in Cecil Sunday tve n
Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Funk
motored to the mountains Satur
ay for huckleberries.
Morgan and vicinity was visit
e) by terrible w ind storms, Thum
nay and Monday.
Alfred MedUk. who is work.
above Heppner. unent Sundav
with his family.
Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Farrens
f lone were the dinner ffnevti
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Burner..
;'eind, Suniy.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troedaon
lcnt Sunday in the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mt-dlock
were calling on Air. and Mrs. Pal
.Wedlock, Sunday.
Kodak keeps the story
Indoors, there's a long I'm of pic
tures to make for the Koduk history
of the home. And the Kodak album
soon becomes the most precious book
you have.
Ask m tut yo,ir eopf of "At Hume with
Ihe Kodak." Th i-pae booklet,
pleleljf illmtratcd, llmtibe and hoi in
(mating picturn aurh u you can mate at
your house
srrtuine 1.-1
the famous yellow boa.
PktttFMlkinx icrvite that'i
right and right on lime.
Bullards Pharmacy.
The KODAK Stort
Mrj. S. P. Iiom madi a hrif
visit at Heppi-er, wiih relatives.
science for Service
H ' u?1 I',"'"" M "
i uiiure nun ivlr effi. Irnr.
1 "ini ill neniM Tllal in III i !
asic and General Training
fif houl of !mIc Art m
Pi . 'f I.,",UM,rl'11 -''"hiIImu, tl
- ........... utvviui tuiuiai
i i. i. i
With curricula lending to the
fmduate work In of(e eil In mont o(
Keldcnt IriHt ruction, tlw Kxjierlim ut
Mp.-cliiie In tin nilli-itl,ni of K.-l.-n ,
Fur Imtctt cntalug mml i
Oregon Agricultural College
Tires & Tubes Of The Best
Oils, Grease & Supplies
See me before sendinft nwnv fnrl
gyour 1 ires. I can
bargain in tires and tubes.
E. R. Lundcll Proprietor
The Garage where you get
J Service With
In the Matter of the Estate
Of Franklin P. Row Deceased.
Noiii'K In licivliy hIvch tlmt puis,
tint lo mi order of tlio linmmililc It
U Uciijj", Comity Jiiilge of tlie Mttile
of OiHon fur Morrowioiinty. nuulo
oil tlli tlill'd iliiy of July. Hl!. tin
iinilerMlKtii'tl ailinlnlMtriitlor of thn
r:rtnte cat Kiimkllti V, Kohm. ittveiine I,
will ofl.T for hiiIo mill moII mi'II nt iii-I.
VMIK Hlllf tl) till- IllRllCHt lli,.r for
caoli, MihJ.Tr to tliiM-oiiflriiuitloii y
tliet oiinty court of milit county, uu
Siilnrdnv, the Illli ilay of AukiinI,
i -. hiuI tln ri'iirtcr. at tlmliiw a Mr..
ol I-'. II. ItolihiHon, at lone, Oivuon.
ill tlio rl;lit, title nn, I Intcriwt of th,.
hiiI.I Franklin I. IIohk. iI.omhc.I, In
mid to tlio following itriirrllipri rcnl
liropcrtv, allimt.ul In tlic county of
Moi row, Stiite of Oreun. to.wli!
ll.'KliuiliiKiit lliu Koutlnviwt cor
hi t of tln.Nortlnvt'Nt qunrter of the
NorilietiMt quarter of s.Htlon 9. In
TowiihIiIo 1 Kuiilli, limine )M, Knst
of tlio Wlllainolti! Merlilliiii. tlienie
ruinilt.g KiiHt BM fwt, tlience Went
JIM il.'er.H. Norlli Klj fwt to ihe
Sou Hi line of I'oiint.v lloa.l. tl ce
U'uIiiiiIiik at ii point illivotly m-roi..
at il point on (lie North Hut. of Nnl.l
County It oail and miming Went 3 0o-tsns-H
Nonh a-:' r.t-t. tlieuc Sotitli
i4' feet to the North Hue of mild
County Itond, t In-nee lu'elnnlug ill
.iwti.v n.-roM ut n point on Ihe Smith
line of the Kit Id Colint.v Itoa.l nud
riinnlint tlienec South I II f.t t... the
place of Ih-uIudIuk.
AIm, all of Hint c.rtalu pltve. par
c l or trn.'t otl.nid, lN-KlniiluK3i7rt.
r.aht of (he .Smith Went corner uf t lie
Nort Invent qunrter of I ho Norlli, -ii.t
qilnt ter Of Seelloll II. Ill Towunlilp
Soiitli, linage ill, KiihI of Wlllatnette
M.-rldliin. nriiilng I hence South .t
ft. I heu.T Kant Jill 1,vt, hence Nort Ii
yi t.-.-t. thence Went :'40 f.s t to the
place of liegliiiiliig.
All of the nli, ivc d.wrllii'd n-nl nron
erty k ing In Morrow t'ouni.v. Or...
the whole o( mi 1,1 traciM, omniscient
I h. r. of to p.iy thetnv. D, liiurtirnije
ami Interest, K.inral Inilelite.luew.
nn.leoniH ami exlH-unea of n.linlnlii
trail, hi of mil, cute.
V. II. Hotilnaon
Pale of firnt pulillcntloii. Julj-16, 'iM.
I'ate of liwt pulillintlon, Aug. 1, 1"!
Miss JLeora Geentry of Port
land is visiting her cousiu. Miss
Mae Gentry and her grand par
et ts, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mynk
ers. ." '' -rvkv
. coml-lned u itli xp-i lult miiiltK
- t rt life.
rt S.lne
- LP.rary
nn.l thn ilepartiucntN
I'li.valeal l-diicntloii
'niehelor't degree luthe hoolnof
TION the m hool. In addition to the
Station nnil !,) s ,(,.,.
to every day In,.
ihrmntinn, a Jilt cm
r wa
dive you a real
A SnapV
On Saturnday last, Lawrence
r.each sufferred a very painful
r-ccldent when a combine he was
cranking backfired; the crank
striking him on the jaw, break
big it and nearly breaKiiig his
neck. Hh was taMn to Dr. Me
Murdo who' reduced the fracture
and placed the jaw in a plaster
CHst. While Buffering Inconven
i- nce his many friends hope for a
speedy recovery,
Mr. and Mrs Elmer Hunt are
the proud pa-ents of a baby gir
whom they have named Almt
Louise. Mrs. Hunt was formerly
Miss Mary Thompson.
S. G. Lc Millan, who has fin
islied harvesting, has gone on t
cumpiutf trip.
Mrs. Emma Hreshears ha; In a'
row line of supplies. She has all
tne school books and a list foi
each grade so the chiloren can
get their books, before achool
starts. She has a del ter line ol
supplies than she has ever t ad
tie 'ore.
Mr. Chris Moeller is working
for a nlioi-f lima nt il n....k. .
. ..,m.? u . nair'iiiiiHVj
-?just now is not fuel but
14i &
Before you buy, see
at the
Be Late to Your
Gelt In Bad
With the Cook
Watches and AlarmCIocks
To Cive Service for One Year
From our gtore if Found Defective
Bullard's Pharmacy
The Kodak Filling Station
. . - a-: . aaaaiiaavaaaaaaaMaBaiaaa
Word has beea rooeived that
Mr. and Mrs. I'almeroy are the
proud parents oi a little baby
Kill. They have named the little
ladv Wanda Lou. Mn. I'almeroy
was formerly Miss Maudle Mo
Millan. They are well known in
The Leaches have returned
from a camping trip at Lust Lake
where thoy picked berries. Miss
Velle Ward accompanied them.
They ehjoycdthemselveslmmense
Mrs. Gilbert from Canada is
making an extended visit with
her sister, Mre- Chris Moeller.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Slocum
are here on a visit to Mr. Slocum's
larcr-ts, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Slo
cum. Mrs. Laura Ward and daughter
it Portland and Mr. and Mrs. l
fognir. and ion. of lone, were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Uaurenfeind, Tnesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. I'alniatecr
were calling In Lexington Mori
day. Miss Grace Burchell h Bi rut urn
ed nftf-r a six weeki Vikit uilh
hei pratidmoiler, y.n. K-us' .
15 cts.
hi mm mm
Meals or You Will
, - o,