THE IONE INDEPLN5ENT,clDESTVVUm':;SOT'Lr1NT Published Every F.iday by, J. V. HEAD, Editor Publisher SUBSCRIPTION One year $1.50 ' 1 0ri, located on the south bank Six months... 3,if the mighty Columbia liver a Three months 50'. hert dptiinee from tne shoresof I ihe. Pacific ocean, the first settle Kit terctl n Hccoml vlawt nutter nt ; of whit, mnnl in tl vast till' l( Nlllflicf til IllllC OlVlMll, act iI Miir. ii .1, l,sn. l""','r , Friday, July 1G. W26 The Wnswn that were an betttr than those tluit are, has proba bly jicrvmlcil ttll fli'rs. (heeler r-'.'U . l'!'i!irrriMititi:tiiiiii!iiiniiuiiii.. -i-i:.!i:..iiiiii:i;ii,,i,;ildlii!.;ii, THE LIVING TEMPLE Oy Oliver Vendel Holmes Not in the v.orld of !iht alone. Where God hath Luilt his blazing throne, Nor yet alone in earth below. With belted sear, that conv and go, And endless ishi of sunlit freer, I? all my maker's lery seen: Look in upon th.. wondrous frame, Eternal wisdom s ti'.l tliel .ann ! The smw'.h, soft .vr with'pulse like waves Flows niurmui-ii' through its hidden caves, Whose streams of hi ichttiins; purple rush, Fired with anew : 1 1 livelier blush, While all their I u-Jon of decay The ebbing currvit steals away. And red with n..;.i:e's flame they start Firm the watm funtcirs of the heart. No rest that thrvt.'.n;: clave may ask, Forever quiveihr o'er h:s t:.;k, While far and vi !e a crimson jft Le ps forth to fit! the woven net Which in unntunlu-red cros-iiic ti les. The flood of life divi lis. Then, kindling'e.-ch decaying p:irt. Creeps tack to the thrill ing heart. 0 Father! Kraut t'-y love d vjne To make these mj s-tic temples thine! When wasting ss: and hi rrying strife Have sapped the leaning v.a'ls of life, When dat ir'hj-s over all. And the lastottvrirg p, liars fall. Take the poor dust thy mercy warm?, And mould it into fcrms! The freeman casting The vote that shake3 i'!ll!';!!!!!lMMI!,',,M!!n!!!!,V!!!!'l:"'!'ri!'r,,i;i"!!!;,''!!ti,,:'!!!,',!i T.IIIUIIIIiMllllllllilllili)illllllll.llliillilt..lil.iilil.laiiililill.iilillilill! failu;:i:! There is a tisresti. n n fcnu.ntcis !o si. cut failure because of the rvclations of exccslvc txrenditures in the last primary elections in stmc sLUo. The failure is rt in the law but in the electorate. Th.- p vple do rot to the po!!.s Scarcely a third of the rcg'sU re J v;s cast in crrcw county and th? p"n'-Hoi .h; cr-,i hy rut va less. p MRS. HOOVER TURN3 BRICKLAYER ' 1 t -"i.-.i . MJtbJiX U I i Mm. HtTtiert lloovnr. t.:f of ti p Sscrotury of Commerce In I'roiilJoiii i C(.llili;e, cal.l.'iet, H laying tl cu :u ruiornj for llm iiukIcI home b(!li.g , rectrd by Hctter lioiw.n U: Aincrlc.i ri!,:uli.n at tbo Stmiiil Ceiitoniiliil ; lntornatloniil Epiv.lllti, In r'iii.iiti, :,-it 1 to liuwntbnr 1 (o eetobraie , 15i fears of Aiiysi li in I:i.U; ! acc. O; ji...:;.o ?lrt. Hoover Mtanda Mrn. Vnt McCorniUk ot itar.u.ituu. 'luu olil (rouid around the wuincu will cn.rate the hen. tELLliKATl'.S Astoria Honors Founders, July 20, 21, and 22nd. The historical center oflhe Pa- rit'irt K'urilniPsI it!n e'ttv (if A a :ind fertile empire which lie a est of the Rockies and north of the California const. On July2U, 21 and 22. the atiiu; deeds of the pioneers are to be commemorated. ' Vidcent A;.tor, a grandson of the founder of the city has erect L1 great column of stone on a kvir.matdtijr height in the city an! this vill be dedicated. ....iitiiiiiMu. I wi h unpurchased hand the turrets of the land. 1 '1 'tr 9 t : : r. . ri . it t,i I 't v 'A A A , "f'i 'I vv i "r 1 SI (Church News' Notes ot Interest to All Local Denominations. Willow Branch C. E. Union met in regular business session Tuesday of this week Rt the Christian church at lone. The The meeting opened with a live ly devotional service, featuring favorite hymna and led by Miss Thelma Forbes of lone. After the devotional service and the short business sesion, those in attendance adjourned to the base ment where a merrv hour wan spt-nt in games and conversation. Before the meeting broke up ice cream and cake were served. The nex meeting will be at Heppner, Six . e...a horn July 13. Chance demands greater faith than creed. A label means nothing on an empty bcttle. The devil carr no' a v l it for what ffhen, .nav ihinK ot you. Th devil h-s m ny loots, but a :ie is n handle that fits them all Unit is required for all sinners ave one: the protane swearer tikes the bare book. For the Lord On the whirlwind is abroad; In the earthquake he hasspokn; Ilehassmitten with his thunddr The iron wa'ls asunder. And tne gattsof brass are broken. Ye shall know the truth and r! the truth shall make you free. WEESTER'S 1 DC723KA!5Y H -TilS ilLttRIAM WEUSTER 2 Because 3 Hundreds, of Suptems Court f juJc.ct cor.cur in niehe rtano t( of the work at then Autrjnit. W ThcrresiJtnMcf-IllciidingUnt- j vcnitlcs, CotlcijcJ, nnJ C SchucU give their Lorry indjr-.e- J arel p Vl S(atr that have rdoptej r; lursc dicionj.-f ttamimrd tiavn II itlcctcJ V.'cbctcr' New Intcnia- i H e Schoo!r-ool. of ihc Cn I rA)c-t to he J.!.rnaro-V f ivsteni of diocriiit-l marli. s Omr.try riam-Vcbcr J T:i Covcrr.mcnt IMntinj Cffica S 3 at VtshteCKxi uss it ta a-4tklt). 3 11 V'r' A Good Time To Subscribe for the Inde pendent is -NOW- l..K I.'lDlMv N. 120. A V. 4 A M MtiMn every flrnt Hinl llilnl Wftltn-M tifciirli iiii.ii I li. W. M. V. I'., liiillmil H:v. KlllHT firirntti lKCSTIMIM'TKU No. ll!l. O. K. Mii-lti th nwiitnl n ml fourth Tin1 ilnv uf firli iiiunth. U'.M.Mm. I'lni t 1 llowk: Sec. Mr. ItiHli MtiHiin. ION!: I.OIMJK No. 135. I.O.OK Mh 'Ih every Hatiinlny evening. N. !., KnieMt Hcllker,; V. i Oil i a. (I Conner Hec. uv Howell; 'I'reiiM K. J. Ilrlmow. HL'NCIKIHAHS ItKBICKAH No. M. I. O. O. K. MeeU thu firnt ami third 'I'liurmltiy of eticli month N.(J. lain Howell; V, U. Vl.ln Hellker Hec. Venln lllttlili!: Tretw. Etttl Brlx. tow. BIBLE READING FOR THE WEEK God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us. Seluh. 2 That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health a mong all nations. 3 Let the people praise thee, 0 God; let all the people praise thee. 4 0 let the nations be glad and sing for joy; for thou shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nutiona upon earth. 5 Let the people praise thee, 0 God; let all the people praise thee. 6. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God shall bless us. 7. God shall bless 'us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Fsalm 67. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold the dev il shall cast some of von into pris on, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death and 1 will give thee a crown of life. x Rev. 2:10. Remington The only portgble typewriter that is a real success. Dullard's Pharmacy. CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10;00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor at 5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M Jack Farris Dermatician. " It Pays to Look Well Specialist in Bobs. A. D. MCMURDO, H. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon t L. SWEEK JAttorncy At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Office Residence Main 933 Main d!)2 OREGON HEPPNER - . ENGELMAN IONE, Everything in the line of hardware.- If wc havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON I IONE HARNESS SHOP s C. A. DECK, Proprietor Drop In and looH over my t Line of Worh Shoes. I I have a good tocK of Cloves and i Harness Supplies. ' Repairing at Reasonable Prices. I lone T. K. Peterson, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone. Ore. RdurnLshcd and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Tahle First Class. A home away from home, with. best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. n Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPTIilOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENCilS, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER a a - - lone, JlSnZt taEBCBnnBBHBBOBEnCnBBIIOBlBB SEE ME B EI'ORE THE FIRE H. C WOOD REAL. ESTATE & INSURANCE IONE, OREGON F. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will rat:tice in all the Courts 30NE, ' OREGON HARDWARE OREGON MarKet Good Service. Oregon MORROW CENERAL HOSPITAL Miss Zena Westfall, Graduate Nurse. Superintendent. A, II. Johnston M. D., Physician in clfarge. Rates Reasonable Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Buitdinff Heppner, Oregon. 1