The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 09, 1926, Image 3

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Send for Program
July 9th to July 22nd
Horse Collar
All lone ry straw stuffed.
Insist on having Ibt oollr
with (ho "Man" Lebel. 11
ymir dealer does not bundle
this brand coUar, writ w u
Ulrect. '
. IS Union A., Portland, Or.
UUsfce Bran.. Ftortata, 111 Morrlooa SL
PRRtt KNI.AKdKMICNT with every 10. 1
order. Itawiwss mm Co., 1'uriiana, ur.
Successful Correspondence Club." H
liable; Descriptions fre. BOX Ml,
Th Ooldsn Lsgsnd.
It wa Id lSCt that Ilia pout Long
follow published "Th Oulilnn Leg
end," a long lyric drama based on tha
German Hartmnnn von Auo'a beauti
ful alorjr of elfacrlflco, "Dor Alme
littlnrlvh." It la one of LongfolIuV
best and tha moat popular of tila
longer works, and contalua many paa
auga of great beauty.
No Thaatraa In Java.
In Java there art no theater to
apeak of, and eulartalnmanta that call
fur an auditorium usually ara given
In larga concert bulla, the perform
ancea opening at I: SO or 10 o'clock,
became It la too warm prior to that
bour to ak an audlenc to aiiemblo.
Tbe concert balla are connected to
cluba usually.
Cava Name to Street.
Tha word adolphl la the Greek for
brother. It la given to a district of
London, England, on the aouth aide of
tha Strand, becauae tbe principal
buildings la tha district were erected
by tour brothera, John, Robert, Jamea,
and William Adam, after whom tbe
streets ar atlll named.
. How We Got Collar.
It la about a hundred year alnc
tha collar cam into blng aa coin
rerclal propoaltlon. It baa been aug-
geated that tha necklace of teeth or
claw or atrlnga of bead with which
our early anceatora adorned tbem
alvee waa the forerunner of tha mod
ern collar.
i.:mm Meat Causally Places'. -
Th right place for tb bed, many
people aevm to think, to agalnat the
wall, where It will be fairly well out
of the way. The right place for tha
bed la alwaya away from the wall, o
that there will be free circulation of
Ir all around th ateeper.
Haa "Tuber Coalhouse"
A woman aougbt aid of London
hospital phyalclan after the family
doctor diagnosed her huaband'a lllneaa
a "tuber coalhouae." Tbe hospital
pbyalclana gave th aama dlagnosla.
claiming the man' Illness waa due to
working In tb coal yard.
Beginning of Famous Order.
Tb Young Men' Cbriatlan as hoc ta
ttoo waa formed In London In 1844 by
Sir George Williams and waa Intro
duced Into tha United Stale In 1861
It held Ita first International cbnven
tlon In Buffalo In June, 1824.
Stuck Up.
"Osculatory demonstration may be
all right," mused tb mistletoe, "but
aa rule I am above that aort of
thing." Boston Transcript.
Job' Comforter.
First Artist (to depressed Brother
Brush) Don't take hi criticism too
anrloualy, old fallow. - H doesnt know,
And, anyhow, our picture ar never
a bad aa they ar painted. Sydney
An Oxford lecturer prophesies that
cbemlatry will create ayntbetlo men.
There should atlll be room, however,
for tha self-made variety.
When in Portland
Do not forgot to visit
th Famous Halraut.
ting Shop for Woman
and Children.
The Bob Shoppe
109 linger hi
Bet. Ith A Broadi
on Alder
O. B. UARIION, Prop.
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
Bond us roar shipment. Ws null roe shsek
Ins sum day w reoatv goods,
Portland Hide k Wool Co.
N laaaisviwlajara, rMiuas, esraoa.
P. N. U.
No. 88, 1920
Defeat Most Clearly Shown
in Once-Famed Port
Kiel, Germany. Nowhere would
tli kaiser, were b to return to hi
country, flod mora polguuut con
trast between the present and tb
past than lu Kiel.
William II waa the creator of this
powerful naval fastness, with It bug
dock and all the apparatus of ahlp
biilldlng and repair. II wa th
builder of th formidable fortlflcn
tlona defending th sea approaches.
This waa tha scene of soma of hi
great moment when a commander
la chief of th fleet, ba steamed Into
th harbor a rounds of applaua
poured from dosene of guns.
All la Deserted.
Today th harbor look empty. Th
fort ar partly dismantled. Th na
val academy I closed. Th caatl In
which l'rlnc Henry, the kaiser
brother, lived la an oftlcs building.
Th yacht clubhouse, presented by
th cider Krupp, I now a seleiitlllo
Institute. It wa there the kaiser,
lurrouadtd by bit admiral and gen
erals, made many an utterance that
cauaed flutter In foreign chanceller
lea. Everywhere ar suggestions of
decay and neglect and change.
Th kaiser baa not been her line
that afternoon of June 28, MM, when
b waa occupied with arrangement
respecting the regatta. An aid, de
livered a dispatch, saying that Arch,
duk Fraus Ferdinand and Ids wife
hid been assaaaiuated at Harajevo.
, "Now, I must do everything over
again," were th emperor' first word.
Flag were ordered hslf mast. II
terminated the recalls, aent messages
to Wlnaton Churchill, who was on an
English boat In tha harbor, to the
prince of. Monaco on hla yacht and
to other Invited to dinner that eve
Ding, composed a telegram to Fran
Joseph, and took a special train for
Prlne Henry come to Kiel occa
aiocally but nt often since ha left
it in a closed automobile flying a red
flag when tbe revolution broke her
in th early ditye of November, 1011
Tbl manner of leaving la the subject
of adverse goaslp among the towns
people. They say also that hla demo
cratic manner which mad him a pop
ular personage ha changed; that b
I now distant, brusque, somewhat bit
ter In speech. The prince Uvea no
hla estate, Hemmelamark, near Ecken
foerde, not far from Kiel. The tailor
prince baa become greatly Interested
In hla farnitng and stock raising and
ahowa hla visitor flu cattle with a
much pleeaure a be formerly took
In th equipment of hi flagship.
Flag Hauled Down.
Th wsr appears to have placed th
Vol ted Bute rather outside th
prince' eyrapathlea. An American
yachtsman living In Hamburg, who
la a member of the Ilansa Yacht club,
after th treaty of pear waa signed,
flew th American flag abor th
Ilansa pennant, having fleet obtained
a letter of assent from the club'a ws!
retary, l'rlnc Henry was displeased
and some of tb club member ques
tioned tb propriety. The American
eiplalned that although the club au
thorities bsd approved of tb Amer
ican flag, be would remove the Hutia
pennant and bolat that of th Iloyal
banish club, of which he also waa a
member. That be did.
Representatives of American auto
mobile companies, member of th
Hamburg Automobile club, wer a lit
tie annoyed over the prince' Insist
ence In bis apeech at the opening of
th new clubbouae, that good Ger
mans should' not buy foreign care;
that th money went out of the coun
try and that German cure wer all
Th prlnc at on tlm drov an
American car.
However, th prlnc I described a
having th moat agreeable recollec
tions of hla American experiences, of
hi cordial receptions, and of th suc
cessful political effect, aa he believed,
of bl mission.
Ship's Doctor at Sea Aids
Injured Prieit Ashore
Montreal, Tb Increasing use of
radio wer clearly demonstrated re
cently, when th C. O. M. M. at earn
r Canadian Forester, by a tonstunt
Interchange of meesngea between
tb alilp's doctor and a ahor station
wa abl to render valuable medical
assistance to the parish prleat of
Clarencetown, Long Inland, Bahamas,
According to th story, aa relayed
to tb Canadian Marconi elation
here, the Canadian Forester while at
sea received an urgent call from sta
tion 0O1I for th service of a doctor,
There wa no doctor on th Island, th
meaaage aald, and th parish priest
bad fallen from a bora and Injured
hi leg. .
Tha iteamer carried a doctor, but It
wa unable to get to tb Island, (0 the
wlroles operator was directed to Duk
the slior station for further partlcu
lara about th prleat' Injuries and to
stand by for Instructions. A message
toon come buck to the ship that the
parishioner wer itundlng by to ren
dor what aid they could. The ahlp'a
doctor, (landing beside the wireless
operator, then gave the shore listeners
definite Instructions ai to bow to pro
A week litter, a th Canadian For
eater wn homeward bound, tho doctor
received a wireless message from th
Bahamas Informing him that th wire
less prescription hud been followed
to the letter and that tbe patient wai
making satisfactory progress.
"Bif Ditch" Earn $18,000,000
for Government.
Washington. With another good
year' record In light, the Panama
canal has apparently reached a bails
that will yield the United States gov
ernment glti.OOU.OOO or more each
year, Th steady growth of th "big
ditch" Joining the Atlantic and th
I'aclflc leads government official to
predict that It not only will pay for
Itself but also prov on of the best
investment of th government,
With receipt for th fiscal year
iceedlug 110,000,000, tha canal bus
two month to go to pass the 1029
toll of $10,021,410.77. Tb Panama
railroad, power plant, and other busi
ness adjunct also ar (bowing hand
aoma prollt.
Th canal, following a period of un
certainty after it completion in 1014,
now la earning money at the rute of
8 per cent on tha Investment. Host
of th fund wltb which th canal
waa built were derived from govern
ment loan bearing 2 or 8 per cent
Th net cost of th canal and ita
adjunct I figured at 1200,000,000,
and net earning for the Inst two
year hav exceeded $15,000,000. In
tbe fiscal year ending June 80, 1024,
net revenue were nior than f 17,000,-
Tb business of the canal ha in
creased six-fold alnc th first fiscal
year, which ended June 80, 1013, the
net tonnage Increualng from 8,702,572
to 22,855,151 tone.
Amerlruu shipping bn gradually
taken first place In use of the canal.
During th first year American and
British tonnage wer I most tb
same. At present American tonnage
la mora than doubl tbe Ilrltlsb.
Tonnage of commercial vessel of
th largest User of th canal during
th last fiscal year wer: United
Ktatea, 12.271.487 : England, 0.040,801;
Japnn, 828,800; Norway, 072,003; Ger
many, 728,007.
Dr. Truman iilchelson. of the bu
reau of ethnology of the 8mlthson
Ian Institution, who hn left Wash
ington for the Fox' reservation at
Tama, Iowa, to atudy tbe old I'agao
ritual of tb Fox Indians.
Gorillas Seize African
Women; Troop on Trail
Madrid. A Spanish military expe
dition under tbe leadership of General
Munes de I'rado, tracing the frontier
of Spanish Guinea In Africa, report
that large band of enormous gorilla
ar terrorising the natives.
Above th cataract of th Benito
river near Otocho, th gorilla have
raided th village and hav captured
nattv women, whom they are keep
ing prisoner In th dens Jungles
round th town.
Nightly th women' screams ar
heard by the villagers, who ar afraid
to seek to rescue them.
The general announce he t pre
paring an elaborate military expedi
tion to rescue the women and to kill
or to capture the gorillas who also
ar devastating the plantation.
Th Spanish government ba In
atructcd th leader to capture the gor
illa 1 1 he wherever possible for re
search on tb Voronoff glaud experi
ment, i '
Break! Precedent
rtoatnn. The Hub bu broken an
other precedent For the first time In
Its history, a woman, Miss Myrtle (X
Dickson, ha been appointed principal
of a blgh school.
Runian Women's Feet
Lost in American Shoes
Moscow, Rusalu. Twenty-five
thousand pair of : American
I women' shoes recently shipped
Into Russia have proved unsal
able because, of their largo sire.
Next to th Japanese and
Chinese, th Ituslan women
have tbe smallest feet In (lie
world. Tbe 20,000 pairs of dls- I
f carded ahoes will be shipped
Into Finland, where th women
ir laid to hav considerably
larger feet than their Itusalan
American to study
Mexican Wealth Producer
Over 400 Years Old.
, , Washington. The mine which gav
their wealth of gold and silver to
th Toltecs of Mexico when tbe Bpan-
lab coQijulstudore discovered them
400 year ago, and which have pro
duced unceasingly since, will be In
cluded In. a mlueraloglcal survey on
which a Hmlthsonlan geologist left
Washington recently.
Dr. W. F. Foshng, assistant curator
of minora logy and petrology In tbe
National museum under the Smithso
nian, will make th survey under the
auspice of th Institution and of th
mlneruloglcu! department of Harvard
university. He will go to Chihuahua,
Durango and Coahulla nnd other im
portant mining region of northern
Mexico, a tlm permit. In spits of
tb great age of and great wealth
produced by Mexico' mine, no one
ha ever described the mineralogy or
geology of the region. Even collec
tion ar rare. Doctor Foshag will
lielp to remedy this lack.
( Richest In World.
- Tb ' richest silver mines In th
world ar at Guanajuato, 12 hours
by rail from Mexico City. In histor
ical times It has produced nearly a
billion dollars' worth of metal. Th
Couiftock lode In Nevada, which wa
th richest deposit In the United
State, produced $.140,000,000 In the 30
year of operation.
Tli great main shaft npon the Veta
Madre vein at Guanajuato Is one ot
tb mining wonder of the world. It
I 80 feet In diameter and 1,700 feet
deep. To th depth of 300 feet It Is
lined, with maaonry, but for tbe re
mainder of tb distance the rock
ar firm and do not require timber
ing or masonry. The raaon for the
great width 1 to permit eight or more
windlasses to b worked at once.
Until comparatively recent years
these great mlnea bad no machinery.
Even the water waa baled out of tb
baft in cattle skins to be dumped.
Production haa therefor be.;n slow,
which account for the long centuries
of operstlon.
Discovered by Convict.
Two escaped convicts discovered
th Santa Eulalla mlnea In th moun
tains south of Chihuahua, where Doc
tor Foshag will go first. In 1703. Not
daring to return to civilization, they
sect Indian carrier to a priest with
Die request tbst he Intercede with
tb government In tbelr behalf. They
promised that If allowed to go unmo
lested they would build tb "finest
cathedral In th western hemisphere."
Tb bargain wa at nick and Chihua
hua cathedral Is th result admit
tedly on of th finest specimens of
Spanlih-Amerlcaa architecture la ex
Utenc. Doctor Foshag ba aa Invitation
from the governor of Durango to niak
hi (urvey of that (tat and has been
promised aid In getting collections
and Information. Ha will Inspect par
ticularly the large gold, sliver, copper
and Iron mine, and possibly the opal
and tin mlnea, studying mode of oc
currence of the ore, minerals In th
ores, and. If possible, bow they were
Offers Timely Safety
Hint for Swimmers
Chicago Some timely safety sug
gestion for swimmer are contained
In a bulletin Issued by the National
Safety council, which says:
' Don't swim If you hav heart
It I advisable Dover to go In swim
ming alone.
If you are tired or overheated don't
go In tb water.
Walt at least two hours after eat
ing before going swimming.
Dive only where you have accurut
knowledge ot th depth of tha water.
Swimmer should not become ex
hausted. If you have overestimated
your strength, rest on your back until
you feel strong enough to swim ashore.
Do not atrugiile If caught In a swift
current or undertow. The fore of the
current will bring you to the surface
and then you can work Id toward
He sure to learn the prone pressure
method of resuscitation. Ho capable
of applying first aid method to people
who hav been apparently drowned.
Gwinnette Signature
' Sells for $19,000
New York. A promissory note
signed by Hutton Gwinnett, signer of
tbe Declaration of Independence from
Georgia, was sold for tt!),0(0 and a
rut signature of the same patriot,
detached from memorial lu supiiort
of a colonial polltlcul candidate,
brought $10,500 at tb Anderson gal
leries. Th two specimen were port of
tbe historical library of Dr. George
C F. Williams of Hartford.
Dr. A. S. Itosenbach purchased th
document, bearing on of th finest
example of th signature. The price
waa $.1,500 tea than th same buyer
paid lust January for th tlwlnnett
signature from the Col. James H.
Manulng collection. The present clear
and forceful slgnntur wus appended
to a not for 14,3(16 pounds mad out
by Gwinnett to John Ncutvllle, of
"Charlo Town." S. C
Buys Napoleon' Hat
Pari, France. One of Napoleon'
fumnus cocked lint ha been sold at
auction for 45,000 francs. Tha pur
chaser Is tb prluca ot Monaco,
A WAV A JUef-lLA 11
11th and Salmon
Children, 10 cents Any Time.
Continuous 1 to 1 1 p.
Pres. 1. M. Walker
Dundee Auto Repair & Machine. Works
Th Oldest and Best Equipped Repair Plant In Oregon
Raat Water and Bulrnon Pita., Portland, Oregon Kant U91
C" ' ' "' y Moderate Retas. Varied AmuermnU
Bos Lunches to lake out 25c end 35e fe TVonf
123 Stath Street PORTLAND, or MS Wiihinelon Street.
L Cafeteria
The Beet
Ceffeo an
Rubens Inspired by Wife,
Rubens, the great painter, was so
Inspired by bis second wife that the
genlu flashed anew, according to art
critics. Many critics also say that
her likeness appeared In hla religious
any mythological paintings for years
afterward. She 1 (aid to have fur
nished the inspiration that blossomed
forth In "Dido," "Andromeda in De
spair' and In "Susanna."
Vowel Formatlona.
There are numerous theories con
cerning the formation of vowel. C.
K. Rogers, writing in "Tour Voice and
You," aaya: "Th theory most com
monly accepted and most generally
taught is that they are ahaped in tbe
mouth by various position of th Hps
and tongue, which positions furnish
so many forms or mold into which
the stream of vibrated air la poured."
American Eagle.
Tha fathers ot the American repub
lic decided upon an eagle as an em
blem, and unfortunately the species
known to them, waa tb ea or bald
eagle, feathered only to the knee,
and a "piratical parasite of th os
prey." The golden eagle, to which a
change has been made on th coins
ot tbe country. Is feathered to the
Proper Phrases.
One sees so much of fiddling con
tests and champlonshlpa in tbe new
ot the day tbat on la prompted to
exclaim, "Ob, fiddlestick!" or "Oh,
fiddle-dee dee!" Perhapa on may be
sufficiently stirred to exclaim, "Oh,
fiddle-faddle If you don't believe It
they're all In tbe dictionary.
That Did It.
Outside the storm raged. Th thun
der was deafening, the lightning
flashed almost continuously. Present
ly a bolt struck some part ot tbe
houae and knocked the owner com
pletely out ot bed. He rose, rubbed
his eyes, yawned, and said, "All right,
dear, 111 get up."
Turkish Name.
The nam Bosporus I from the
Greek, meaning ox-ford. It wa nam
ed from the legend that Io, transform
ed into a cow, swam across it Tbe
Dardanelles ar named after the Greek
city Dardanus on tha eastern side of
tho ancient Hellespont
At Least, Mak Effort
The Chinese begin their new year
by paying all thelr'debta. The Amer
icana only try to. Lo Angele Time.
Literary Rule.
It ha coma to ba practically a sort
ot rulo In literature that a man, hav
ing once ahown himaelf capable ot
original writing, I entitled thence
forth to ileal from the writings ot
others at discretion.-Emerson.
Golf Widow's Refuge.
An Atchison woman see so little
of her husband, who i a folt player,
that aha will become a foreign mis
sionary. Atchison Glob.
. Where, Nutria Com From
Tha coypu I a curlou web-tooted
rodent ot South America, known com
mercially a nutria.
Rotten 8upport
Those who loan upon their dignity
ar in noed of a better aupport The
It you are Interested In a
Yielding a Comfortable Cash Income; a Bigger and
Better Position, snd Independence and Happiness,
Writ for catalog to
Business College
Portlsntf, Oregon
m. Portland, Oregon.
Eatln Piece In the City. The Finest
Pastry a Specialty. Reasonable
Brosdwsy at Star (Oregon Hotel
Portland, Oregon,
Standard Acre.
The acre a a land measure wa
at an early time an uncertain quan
tity, and differed In various part ot
England. It was reduced to a stand
ard by King Edward I, about tha year
1305. In 1824 th standard car waa
ordered by act of parliament to con
tain 4,840 square yard. That la tha
standard acre today.
Aid 8preacf of Truth.
All those who opposed Intellectual
truths merely stir the fire; th cin
ders fly about and aet fir to that
which else they had not touched.
John Wolfgang von Goethe.
Avoid "Knocking" Habit.
At the end ot tbe day, review what
yon have said and see If S9( per cent
of your remarka were "knocka." Th
"jawing" habit Is easily required.
" Doesn't Sound Rest.
The man who alngs or play "Horn,
Sweet Home" In a rented flat la either
aerenadlng hla landlord or kidding
himself, according to Billy Sunday.
New York Herald-Tribune.
Modern Precaution.
Never give the boy all the allow
ance you can afford. Keep back com
to ball bim out. Baltimore Sun.
The world is a playground
for those who are healthy.
Nature knows the way to
health. Take Barkroot Tonic
Feels Much Improved.
"t hare been In poor health for some
time, aystrm (rnemlly run down and
eurrerli.a with severe constipation. On
recommendation 1 tried your Barkroot
Tontc, and after using two bottles 1
began to feel Improved to every way."
For Sale by All Druggists
Nature'- Own Tonic
ji St . Ll eaW 1
SEVERE mental and physical
nervous reflex complications
accompany Rectal and Colon ailment.
Eliminate th cause and you remove
these reflex conditions. And they CAN
be eliminated despite your discourage
ments with "quack" remedies and surgi
cal operations. My thousands of success
ful case In many years practice PROVE
this. Further, I will GUARANTEE IN
WRITING to curt any case of Piles or re
fund the patient t fee. No
confinement, hotpltil ooentloa
or snecithetlc Sena today
for my 100-paae Illustrated
book, it it Free,
o omcts: seattic omcts:
Or neon Buildine Sl'Sia SbetW Butlifey