nmjTrofl TINY GERM SPREADS , DISEASE AMONG FISH MUCH BLINDNESS IS PREVENTABLE SUICIDE EPIDEMIC . SWEEPING GERMANY PHPTI A Nn OFFERS A MARKET V-TA A J-X1.1 IJLsP- FOR YOUR PROniirC .Diminutive Parasite Attacks the Gills. Washington. Thur ar Dull duinles ui Well as liuuma enldoinlcs. lteally serious ones due to a tiny para lit rejoicing In the nam Iclitliyoph- tlilrlus iimltlllllus hav owurrwl (ruin tliu to tlm In 1'ruiun, (Iwmiuiiy, Hol land end lii'vsrluvjs jmrt of th United Btat. Tills iiamslle attacks frssli wetur Hull, both In tlmlr natural en vlruainunt and lu nquurla with s re sulting Iota running into hiimlril of dull lu t recent paper II. F,' l'rythorch of th 'United Mutes bureau of fisher loi doscrllit's various methods of con trolling tlili dlsuaso In Imtt'lierles, fish farms nod all places where Mull are knpt In arttnYlat confinement. To tusk dear bow tlia problem run be attacked, lie myi, It li tint necessary to unduritHiid something of tli Ufa history of tlm pursuits. "Polka Dots' Ars Symptoms, The young li'btbyoililhlrlus, accord ' Ing to Mr. I'rj thiTih, gov through a fro swluimlug alago during which It wanders around through tlx water la search of a Inwt (in coming In con tact with a fish It burrows Into soma unsealed part. especially prwfnrrtng tha gills or fins. (Hies embedded In ths fish's skin It grows rapidly front ths tiourlshiiH-nt It absorbs from tlis tissues aud soon shows on ths outside as a suisll wlillf spot Dndly Infected fUh ara covered with these "polka dots" alt over their bodies. In a few days this whits body leave the fish aud sinks to ths bottom, where 'It shortly undergoes a transformation Into a hard shelled reproductive cyst When reproduction Is complete the cyst wsll bursts and releases hundreds of young parasites of ths free swim ming stage. Mr. Prythercb states: "There are two gHiieral methods for treating the disease-first, by killing the parasites while they are attached to the fish. nd second, by destroying them after they lesve the fish and are free-swim-lulng In the water. The first general method ran be used to hold the disease In check, but wilt not completely wipe It out." Alum Sulphate Helps. The logical time to begin treatment, be continues, la when the first symp toms of the disease appesr and the whole tight Id controlling the disease ahould be directed against reinfection. Direct application of alum aulphate has been found most efflrsclous In rid: ding the fish of the parasites. Tbe heeling action of the alum leave tbe "patient" In a less weakened condi tion than any of the various other chemicals tried so far for this pur pose. The second" method Which attack the adult parasite after It has left the fish Is more sucressful and should be utilised, saya Mr. Trytherch, wher ever possible. It consists simply In placing the fish In awlftly running iwater where the parasites wilt be carried away before reproduction can take place. Tbe overflow should be carried off both at the top and the bottom to take care of any tliat do not fall directly to the bottom. In fected Ash, In warm weather, It la atated, may be cured In this way In a week or ten days and further epi demics prevented by quarantining hew stock In running water. In some Instance swiftly-flowing streams may be fenced oh and used for (Ida pur pose by leaving the fish In the Inclos ure until cured. Tadiwles and goldfish kept In tanks with flshe subject to this disease ' have been found extremely helpful In keeping It down, since they prey on the parasltea for food. Finds Movies Offer Field for Organist New Tork. Modern organist have found their greatest opportunity for , develpoment In place where a few i year ago It was least expected to ex- 1st the American motion picture the ater aay Dr. Melchlorre Slauro-Cot-tone, concert organist and composer. Many of the finest organs In the world are In the cinema palace and : the men who piny them, In Doctor Oottone'a opinion, reach larger audi ences than they have ever had before. "There waa a time," be said, "when It was thought the organ was not very , adiiptahle to the motion picture thea I ter. Hut we now know how false this opinion waa. The orgun Is most elas ' tic, even more so than the orchestra, aud In playing for the acreen we can i switch Instantly from on theme to , another. "Nothing more develop the Impro ' vlsatlon of an organist, Her we i also play all typea of music. In the church, our range Is narrow and there . la little need of Improvisation." Heat in One Peanut Can Type 1,000 Words Princeton, N. J. One thou aund word may be written on a typewriter with the expenditure ot heat contained In a single peanut, Prof. Andrew Hunter of the University of Caifornla said. ' The amount of heat given off by persons In various occupations 1 during a day he estlroutes as: ! Nn work, 1,130 calories i tailor, 2,700 calories; carpenter, 8,600; ! and lumberman, B,500. , Proper Workshop Conditions of Importance, St. Louis. "Jlulf of all blindness Is prevmitiiule," declured Dr. Turk Lewis, enilnout ophthalmologist of buffalo, N. Y,, aud vice president of the Na tional Committee for the I'reveutlou of lilliiduess, In uu address before the chamber of commerce hure. ''J'lils I so," Doctor Lewis said, "despite ths Important reductions lu both tli fre quency and severity of sum of the principal causes of blindness resulting from ths organ I ted and uullon-wld campalgu for the prevention of blind ness which Is now lu its eleventh year. The total amount of blindness and half eight, however, 1 growing propor tionately ll'KS." Kpeuklng on the economic necessity for conservation of vision, Doctor Lew I pointed out that the cost of edu cating a blind child Is at least ten times that of educating a normal-sighted child. A further evidence of the heavy cost to Industry resulting from accidents and disease affecting the eye, he declared that In New York stuts alouo close to ll.OUO.OUO Is paid as compensation for eye Injuries In a year and that almost an equal amount is paid by the employer of Pennsyl vania each year, "in considering the economic phase of the subject," Uoctor Lewis said, "we are not thinking of the frightful loss to the man In the moral , suffering which be Incurs, In the dependency which necesearlly follows from the loss of his own self efficiency, neither ar w considering that long line of related losses which enter Into the question. ' "There Is not a loss suffered by any Individual member of a community," Doctor Lewi added, "that Is not In so rue degree shared by every other member. I think, then, that It would be agreed that In Industry today. It I a matter only of forethought and busi ness scumea to so plan each factory and workshop that the greatest re turns are produced with a minimum of loss, that the most serious loss that can be sustained hi the Irreparsble In jury of the most valuable Implement In the shop, the workman, that the av erage workman 1 apt to be careless of his own Interest aud h need to be guided In preserving them, that the loss when sustained is a triple one first and most aerloUa to tbe man him self who Is thereby handicapped for the remainder of his life, and who. If he works, must thereafter work at re duced pay; second, to the employer who ha to psy the price either through Insurance or otherwise or he my lose tbe service of a valued and skilled workmsn, and third, to th commonwealth." THOMAS HALL ' ' I I , '. W - . ', ; ;? v ' . i i J An especially posed portrait of Hop resentative Thomas Hall, Republican, of North Dakota. II la a member of th house committee on agriculture. Sound Waves in Water. Used to Fight Disease Baltimore, Md. Dr. It. W. Wood, professor of experimental physics at Johns Hopkins university, makes pub lic tbe result to fur attained In the experiments conducted on the estate of Alfred L. Loomla, a New York banker, at Tuxedo, N. Y, with treat ment of disease by high-frequency sound wave sent through water, Mr, Loomt assisted In the experiments. Th possibility of applying the dis covery to medicine I described as be ing found In th fact that circulation la greatly stimulated In any part or the body which la thrust Into water In which tha sound waves have been Introduced. Doctor Wood said that while the ex periment had not gone far enough for him to claim thut euros might b accomplished, It hud been found that circulation could be tremeudoualy atliuulated and that a method for stimulating circulation without In Jury was valuable to medicine. Indian Relics Sold to - Museum at New York Lo Angeles. Purchase by the Mu seum of American Indiana, New York city, of the A. B. Sanger collection of, relics of Indian clvliu-.uthm lu south ern California waa announced by Prof. M. U. Harrington of Now York. Th collection, described by Professor Har rington as tie most complete In ex istence,! consists of 1,360 stone Imple ments, shall 'ornaments, beads, skele tons and other archeologlcul - speci men unearthed on Cutiillua and other channel Islands and assembled here. r v r-l . I 1 . I ' 7 -lit . - I Economic Depression Given as the Cause. Berlin. A grim and mysterious epi demic of suicides 1 sweeping Germany. Many t the leading dallies now carry a regular section tucked away In an obscure corner of the puper aud bear ing the caption : "Die Bolbatmord Kpl deuile" Uie epidemic of lf destruc tion. In till th dally list of suicides 1 given, many of them receiving only line. Th more ensatlonal rase get a short notice of ten to twenty line. On ha th impression tbt many case ar not reported at all, or, at least, not published. Epidemic grow through Imitation, and this th authorities wish to avoid, Th cause of the abnormal rat of suicides In present-day Germany are, Ho doubt, the widespread economic de pression, the Increased tempo of mod am life, th depletion of nerve fore' through th war and th tremendous financial and personal losses the war brought about, the shaken condition of th social structure, and a general fear of life which ha overtaken thou sands. All these factor ar augment ed, in the case of th German, by hi tendency to brood, to ponder th rid dle of existence, to regsrd life and ita trial and problem from the angle of soma particular philosophy of Welt anschauung. Where Pessimism Linger. When Uie man' philosophy goes to place upon tb rock ot experience, th man himself often go to piece likewise, and the unfortunat human creature hi driven to tb lost positive act of which he Is capable th act of self-nnlhllation. It I also often in the nature of a "grand gesture" t on blow h destroy th whole vis ible and palpable world for himself, Suicide ha at time even a roman tic tinge la Germany nt!mentl rem nant from th day of Goethe's "Sor rows of Wertber," of philosophies! pessimism from tb work of Schopen hauer or Von Hartmann. In no other country a re young lover so prune to end their live If parental permission to marry Is not forthcoming. In no other country la the proportion of child suicide so great These cases of Ju venile self destruction mania usually arise from fear of punishment at bom or at fhool, fear of disgrace, or mor bid conception of honor connected with failure to pas examination at school But It Is not only the poor, th dis traught th lovelorn or th Inexpe rienced who lay violent hand upon themselves in the Oerman republic. Th Hat of prominent, well-to-do, ap parently happy people who hav re cently ended their live in Germany la appalling. To mention but a few case: there Is Paul Oaaslrer, the art dealer, husband of th famous Gentian actres Tllla During, who allot himself In the lawyer's office, whither he had goo with his wife and daughter to arrange a divorce settlement ; "Blnmen Rothe," a famous florist of Berlin, who body wss found, long after h had vanished, under pine in th forest of Grune wald. Plunged Into Ice Cavern. There la also th mystery of the death of Jurlevsksia, a beautiful and celebrated star of the National opera at Berlin, In private life Fran Bremer, who went to Zermatt. in Bwltserland, some month ago and threw herself Into the Ice-bound ravin under the lofty "Devil's bridge," apparently with out the slightest cause, her body com ing to light a few weeka ago after the tneltlug of the Ice. There I th case of Carl Uau, once a well known law yer, who had been accused of murder ing hi mother-in-law and sentenced to life Imprisonment twenty years ago. II waa recently pardoned and began writing and publishing his prison memoir In a big Berlin dally. Th stst attorney of Wurttemberg re opened proceeding against him. Hsu fled th country to Italy and threw himself Into the sea from a train. Strange tragedies ar of dally oc currence. Day after day th news paper reader la confronted with such little notice as this: "Suicide of an Aged Married Couple." And then tbe sordid. Inevitable detail tbe cause for the grim act, often described by on word "nahrungisorgen," food worries. Cards Amundsen Mailed 13 Years Ago, Delivered Chicago. As Copt Roald Amund en swept over the northern roof of th earth recently a sack of mall, from Finland reached Chicago, bear ing postcards mailed ou hi polar ship, th Fram, thirteen year ago. Stanley O. Swanberg. Wllmette, re ceived on of th card. It waa seat to htm by a friend, who has been dead eight years, snd started on Ita Journejr In Colon harbor In the Canal aone, De cember 4, 1018, Swanberg explained that the card waa on of a number Amundsen gave visitor to his ship. It bor tb printed not: "Will be car ried across the polar sea and after ward conveyed by poet to th ad dressee." The cards bor two postal atamps marked lo polar latitude, but nothing further to Indicate their history. Movie Help Paris. Movlea are keeping French women away from tbe saloons. Th picture and Improved housing, thinks Professor Lnbb of the Academy ef Medicine, ar doing more than any thing else to decrease alcoholism In the country, BsMiHMsswMaannesssiMMM GROWING CHICKS NEED CLEAN PEN Cost of poultry production can be lowered by raising big hatches Just a tb cost of pork production csn b reduced by th railing of big Ut ter. Heavy mortality among chicks can often be prevented by timely ob servation and care. By the time they ar a week old th chick should be allowed, In th ordinary season, to run out doors. Confine them In small yards at first ex until they learn where Uie heat I to b found and they will go In and out of the brooder bouse freely. Id tbe early spring th yard should be Inclosed In muslin-covered frame which later can be supplanted by poul try netting or lath. A th chick grow, tb yard should be enlarged sufficient ly to keep them on green grass. One put on free range, there 1 likely to be difficulty In feeding the chick unless they are kept apart from th ben. Th earn difficulty arises when chicks of different agee are being raised do together. To avoid Interference by the older chicks or hens, the young er one should be fed In small mov able pens, saya N. E. Chapman, poul try specialist at University farm at St Paul. The side of tb pen may be made of lath placed so that th lower strip 1 high enough to permit th entrance of th smaller chicks, but low enough to keep out th larger one. Pullet will grow more rapidly If eparatsd from th cockerel when about eight week old. Cockerels that ar to b old a broiler should hav th run of a small green yard while being prepared for market. Open Type of Equipment Useful for the Chicks There ar two good reason why som open type of equipment I useful In raising young chicken. They are: Need for more room than 1 supplied by the regular equipment and need for a hou that can be thoroughly ven tilated In hot weather. A bouse can be cheaply constructed that will be of material help In suc cessfully growing out young chickens. For a small flock thla can be made six feet square aud a board roof extend ing from six Inches to a foot over th Inclotur. Th framework of the house may be made of 2 by 2-Inch piece If they ar wall braced. Two-inch wire mesh is latufsctory for the walla. No floor 1 necessary, a th bouse can aslly b moved. On a email hou th sld walla do aot need to be over two and one-half feet high, which will make it some what higher in th center. Low roosts should be provided so tb chicks may be comfortable and be off of the ground. After the warm weather come the protection which U chicken need Is from torm and rodent and other peet which bother mostly at night Transmit Tuberculosis . From Poultry to Stock Som thought should b given by poultry raisers, particularly In th dairy district of northern Illinois, t th probability of finding tuberculosis In their poultry flock. It ha been definitely proved, as described la tbe Orange Judd Illinois Farmer, that tu berculosis may be transmitted from poultry to other live stoTfor from other live stock to poultry. If chickens fbow distinct white spots on the liver It I safe to be very auspicious that they hav tuberculosis. In case of any question on matter ot thla kind It I possible to send speci mens to the state universale and ar range to hav technical examination made. Mash Brings Forth Eggs It' th mash that la going to influ ence the egg yield, yet If hen hav their choice of grain or mash, they msy slight th math. By giving them a light feed of grain In the morning, their hunger wilt drive them to th math hopper and hence to th nests. On hundred hens should consume 12 to 18 pounds of scratch grain dally, two-thirds of which should be glveu them at th night feeding. Let th fowl go to roost with a full crop. Feed for Ducklings Equal measure ot rolled oat and bread crumbs, with a sprinkling ot about S per cent sand, will mak s good atartlng feed for Incubator hatched duckling. Thl can be fed three tlmea per day until th fourth day, when a maah composed of equal parte of rolled oata, bread crumbs, bran and corn meal will produce good results. A maah recommended after th first week consists of three part bran, on part low-grade flour, and on part corn meal How to Handle Roup Roup In chick la successfully han dled aa follows: Remove all ailing blrda from the rest, to check the apread of th dlsex. . If over-crowded In houses, relieve th condition, giv ing th light varieties Ilk th Leg horns three and a half aquar feet ef floor apace per bird and the heavier varieties four aquur feet. Provide good ventilation without direct drafts. Wush the eye and nostrils with 8 per cent boric acid solution, afterwards greasing tin. head. . . ... Children, 10 cents Any Time, Continuous 1 to 11 p. ALL WORK GUARANTIED Dundee Auto Repair & Machine Works Th Oldsst and Best Equipped Repair Plant In Oregon Fast Water and Hnlmen Bis, Pertlsnd, Orffon Fast IMS SVLINOER ORINOINO CRANK SHAFT ORINOINO Of N. OVKRHAULINQ SEASIDE HOTEL DROP IN- FOLKSI IRELAND'S SANDWICH SHOP 'Whereto Eat Bos Lenchss lo taks out 2St snd 35c x 1e T-Dtt , THKkK 8 A DIFFEKKNCE 15 1 Teal 129 With Street PORTLAND, or MS Wathlnrtoa Strict l L Cafeteria Best Horse Collar Made All kmc rye straw stuffed. Insist en bavin tb collar with the "Flh" LebeL If your dostar do not handle this br&ud ooUax, write to us direct P. HARKEY aV BON U Union Av Portland, Ore. The Pyramid. Th "Pyramid Field" lie in the eastern desert near Cairo, Egypt There are altogether about aerenty pyramid, nineteen of which bay been Identified. The best known ara tbe three pyramids of Olia (Olxeh), that of Unas, the brick pyramid ot Dal shur, and that of Sneferu at Medium. They are aald to be th tomb ot royal and august personages. Tidal Wave' Movemsnte. In general it may b aald that tbe rate at which a tld way proceeds de pend on the depth, th formula be ing: Rat of th adranc of th tld equal tha square root of th accelera tion ot gravity, multiplied by th depth of the water. Therefor, In deep channel th tide progresses at more rapid rat than in a shallow channel. Old Villa Found. Remain of an ancient Roman Tllla, uncovered at a depth ot IS feet In London, England, (bowed brick wall Intact, covered with two layers ot plaster finished with a further layjr ot whit cement of paperllk thick ness on which bad been painted soma very artistic designs. It Is something more than 1,500 years old. Immorality Condemned. "The man who write an Immoral hut. Immortal book may be tracked Into eternity by a procession ot lost souls from every generation, everyone to be wltne against him at th Judgment, to show to him and to the universe the immeasurablene of bla Iniquity." O. B. Cheever. Painter Used No Brush. Adolph Montlcelli, a French paint er ot Italian descent, used no brushes In painting bla pictures. H applied th paint direct to the canvas with a palette knife on which h squeezed his color from tha tubes. Through a Glass, Darkly. Age bring discretion. A man is Ilk a window, not so easily seen through after th frost come upon him. Boston Transcript. Sign f Progress. Time "files, and barbers ar chlro tonsors, undertakers and morticians, wlremen ar electrologlst and trusts are mergers. Detroit News. PALACE HOTEL 44 Washington St, Cer, Uth Bt, Eersoatly ealtclta war petrona. Ton will have aUl the comforts ef your ewa bonis. Very reaaonabl rate sad prompt aud courteous asrvlo. Olve ue a trial AU0U1T KRATZ Manager WE BUY Hides, Pelts, Wool Mohair, Tallow, Cascara Bark Horse Hair. Baad us rser shlpnoata. Ws stall jroa shock the esoM day wo roeoiro suds. Portland Hide a Wool Co. IN MM MMM MIY1, fMtUN IMMflt You Want Good Position Vary well Take th Accountancy and Businoss Manaoront, Private ttooretarl si. Calculator, ComptemsUr, Btonorm prlo, Psnmananlp, or Common UU Xoovoh srs' Course at Behnke-Walker Th foremost Business College ef th Northwoat which baa won more Aocurmoy Awartla and Oold Modale than any ethar school la America. Band for our guonaos Cslalo. Fourth Stmt near Morrison, Portland, Or. laaae at. Walk or, Fro. P. N. U. , NO. 25, 12 VAUDEVILLE PICTURES Mate. Eves. 15c 25c m. Portland, Oregon. ORECON'S FINEST BEACH RESORT HOTEL Moderate Rata. Varied Amustmsnte TWO COLT LINKS. SEASIDE, ORF.CON The Best Estlng pisce In th City. The Finest Coffee snd Psstry s Specialty. Reasonable Price. Brosdwsy at tsrk (Oregon Motel Building), Portland, Oregon. CUT FLOWERS t FLORAL DESIGNS dark Bra. Flortsta, MT Momaoa BC KODAK FINISHING FREE KVLARdKMENT with rverr Ma erdar. Kaw)lns Film Co., Portland, Or. MARRT IT LONELY: Join "The Successful Correspondence Club." Re liable; Description tree. BOX (&, OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA. Mistaken Identity. A Hot Springe woman waa charged with assaulting a collector when he called at her house. When asked by the magistrate for an explanation, she replied: "Well, be shouldn't hay call ed after It was dark. I thought It was my husband." Arkansas Thomas Cat. - Antedated "Jan." "Blue" song bad a vogu In the southern central state many yean before Jait wa known. Th natnr of the song Is all that th nam Im plies and Is in tbe tame category aa the "spiritual" and the "Jubtle" heard so frequently through th South. First Italian Opera. The flrat Italian opera, aa distin guished from musical drama, wu "Daphane," which waa produced by tb Society of th Alteratl In a private house In Florence In 1591 The music wa by Cacclni and Peri. Butterfliea Absorb Psrfum. Butterflle absorb perfume from flowers, according to an English natur alist, who claims to be able to Identify certain species by their odor. Mirror for Macaroni. By using mirror to supplement the sun In drying macaroni, manufac turers of the product have found the color to be more satisfactorily pre-' served, sine th deep fellow tint 1 not bleached so easily, and tb flavor also is said to be Improved. Tb proc ess Is quicker than sun bleaching. LIFE'S PLEASURES are enjoyed only by those in good health. Are you get ting your full share of the Joy of living? Take BARK ROOT TONIC. Oalna Sevsntsen Pounds "1 hava gained swvontecn pounds, have a hearty aupetlta. a healthful color and ths dull, dapry foolln which I hav oipoiiencsd In tho murnltuf for so long a time has entlrrlv loft ma." J. W. MASTERS. Portland. For Sal by All Druggist Nature's Own Tonic HANDICAPPED FOR LIFE SEVERE mental and physical nervous reflex complications accompany Rectal and Colon ailments. Eliminate the causes and yon remove these reflex conditions. And they CAN be eliminated despite your discourage ments with "quack" remedies and surgi cal operations. My thousands of success ful cases In many years practice PROVE this. Further, I will GUARANTEE IN WRITING to cur any case of Filet or re fund the patient's fee No conanomont, hospital onoral or snscathtllc hand today for my loo-pass Illustrated Book. It Is r kliB. DLAIN. MD..Inc i nrnrrc u avtti nwwv.' Or DVn BujtVlmg ftW MI ttato ButltW 9TWAriAI H TH AND PireJC rt't fO-tWl M.t.i.P trl-S'lMtf Hfflf b Nll'.i Mm jggg Minn an !