The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 14, 1926, Image 3

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    The Care of Her Baby '
weight upon the
energies of the Mother
1 J
Mrs. W. E. Spink
FVllaiil, OrrR. "After motherhood
tny Itralili i'ntii,U'irly gave way, and my
lirrvo went Nil tci pieces, l lu.l pains
trrou my bulk and sharp, ilitxiting
(mint would extend up Mwrrn my
shoulder blades, which would keep me
wake at nifilit. 1 K"t very linn and
weak was not alile t lake care ol my
l,ahy, I v;ii jnt a miserable cihiIJ
lie when I started to lake Dr. fierce'
Favorite prescription and by the time I
had finished the second bottle 1 wit well
and strong, My nerve were in good
cmulitM'ii ami all my palm and aclir
tlmatipeiirrd." Mrt. W, E. Spink, 7i2
MiMiuri Ave.
Mothers and prrnpectivt mothers, Dr.
Pierre'i Favorite Prescription ii great
friend to women.
Send 10c (or trial package of tablets
to Dr. I'irrce'i. llulfalo, N. Y.
Car Ferry American Idea.
Car fnrrlci that transport whole
freight train across varlou bod let
of watnr Id title country wors th first
la the world. Thoy wer first usod on
Uk Michigan In 1HB8. Ferrlo on
l.ak Dalkal, In Siberia, acroi the
llaltlc lint odd Oortuany and Sweden
aero the English channel, and be
tween Havana and Key West, arc all
designed after our lak Michigan
. Extracting Flower Etaene.
Perfume must be drawn from the
bloom on the day that it la plucked,
In 24 hour the dedicate, aroma ) at'
moat gone. Many flower arc re
quired to produce imall amount of
the perfume. It take about two ton
of vlolrt blossoms, for Instance, to
make about two pouoda ot essence of
Engliah a Translated
In the American conimerca report
aotn amusing exampla ot mlstrans-
latlon are given. Tbua In a Spanlih'
speaking country, "vacuum cleaner"
wa rendered "cleaner of emptine'
and "Iron washere" became "machine
for waahing Iron" and "barncaa for
aingl home buggy" came out a "bar
Ben full of bug for a bachelor hone
American Mutual Magailn.
"Outer) Bargain."
A Dutch bargain la a bargain made
when both partloa are drunk. In other
word. It I no bargain at all. Tbla
expression, along with many other,
such aa Dutch courage, Dutch treat.
etc., aeem to have come Into ue In
the English language at time when
It wa consldored mart to coin i
preialona derogutory to the Dutch.
Better Not.
Tha philosopher. Ilia, wa once
overtaken by a atorm on ahlpboard
Among hla companion were onie
very hud character, who began to
call on the god for help. Ilia said
"Hold your tongues; don't let them
know you are on board." Edinburgh
Weekly Scotsman.
Rip Butter for Riff
The nativea of Tangier are reputed
to ha extraordinarily fond ot butter,
but not the freib, iweet kind that
Americana like. To satlefy the taate
ot a Rift hla butter tnuat be at loaat
year old before It attain the proper
aroma and (eng.
Matter of View
It you want to "take a larger view
of lite," the way to begin la to take
smaller view of youriolf.
Br'tr William
' De roaHon aome folk don't act wli
I kate wisdom, don't day wld 'em
long 'miff to git good acquainted.
Atlanta Constitution.
Another Art
Salesmanship I the art of making
yourielf bollove that a polite refuaal
I an excuse to go on arguing. Akron
Deacon Journal.
You Want a Good Position
Very well Take tha Accountancy ani
Hualheaa Milnaa-amanL. PrlvatA Muntkrl
el, Calculator. Comptometer, Btonosra-
Brie, r-oiimansnip, or CommeroM Yeaan
era' Course at
The foremost Business College of the
Northwest which bis won more Aoouraor
Awards and Onld Medals than any other
eeheoi In Amsrlue, Hand for our Buocans
I'siaie. Fourth Hlroet arnr MorrUMO,
rwiiajiii, ur. imrq m. waiKor, tree.
P. N. U.
No, 20, 126
( kr Sfcorl (lory rub. Vs.)
HER trip had been platuied hur
riedly and her packing bud
been done In bait and con
fusion, ud when h entered
the pulluiau and the porter had found
her berth fur her, she waa all lu a
flutter. It had been one of those last
minute trips te New York to do some
shopping, devldod because her hut
baud had wade her a present of a
nfty-dollur bill which, with the uiom-y
she hud alreudy laid aside, wa suf
ficient fur her to make the Journey
now Instead ot later a aha hud In
tended. The matter of the money
which her bushund hud given her wa
merely on of the odd little surprise
he wa generally luvlshlng upon her,
and she had stuck tha bill with a pUi ,
Into the pincushion and decided then
and there not to postpone her trip auy
longer, and bad begun packing Imme
diately. KelNed at last, the hurry and ex
citement of the lust hour seemed to
fude to a mere nothing, and changed
from a bit ot annoyauce to a rather
pleasuut memory. Itemliilscvntty she
rehearsed the scenes In her mind. She
remembered how flustered she had
been, bow aha hod ordered the muld
about to do ber bidding, how she bad
literally thrown a few clothes Into her
traveling bag, how she bad taken a
most hurried leave of her husband.
She could remember distinctly having
at the last minute matched up the
Dfty -dollar bill from the pincushion
and thrusting It loose Into her hand
bag. And uow after all the confusion
and excitement and worry, here she
wa safe aboard the train, and ap
parently none the worse for the rush.
There were not many people In the
car. Two middle-aged gentlemen aat
three or four seats In front of her,
heatedly discussing some topic which
she could not overhear. Opposite wa
a rather young woman, oddly dressed,
whose eyea aeemed to wander restless
ly through tha rsr. llehlnd, a mother
and two smalt children were convers
ing tlreaomely, the mother endeavor
ing to answer patiently the questions
of a very talkative son.
When the train started Mrs. Rock
well purchased a magaslne and
passed an hour or two lu Ita perusal.
Then becoming thirsty she started
down the aisle for the water cooler,
aud It wa while drinking a glasa of
water that aha remembered having
left the handling In the seat and she
realised that thla wa a most careless
thing to do aa It contained all her
money. Hurrying back she saw with
some relief that the bag whs still
there, and, sitting down. Sirs. Rock
well, obeying some strsnge sudden im
pulse opened the bag and looked in.
The fifty-dollar bill waa not there I
She aat op rigid and stiff, gating
straight ahead ot her. She had been
robbed In that marvelously short time!
She could scarcely believe her seiises.
She searched the side coinrnirtim-nts
of the bsg, found her other mone
which she hsd parked away carefully
but there was no sign of the fifty-
dollar bill. She did not know what to
do. She glanced about her cautiously
and found the eyea of the oddly
dressed woman upon her; when Mrs.
Rockwell looked at ber she Immedi
ately glanced away.
Mrs. Rockwell was not a woman of
very decided character, and whs
rather easily excited. She lacked Uie
acumen which enables one to art
quickly, and she lost much time sitting
rather dasedly gazing ahead of her.
She waa at a toss whst to do, There
wa nothing particularly suspicious In
the attitude of these near her, yet the
only person- who could posslhly have
had the time and the chnnce to look
Into her handbag waa the woman
arrosa the aisle. Hut Mrs. Rockwell
did not relish the task of accusing
her openly, and had Just derided to
call the conductor and explain the
circumstances to him, when the lady
serosa the aisle anise and went to tlio
water cooler for drink, leaving a
black handling behind In her anat,
Acting on a strange swift Impulse Mrs.
Rockwell took a long chance. Glanc
ing through the car she saw that the
woman with the two children wn
very busily engaged with them and
that the men ahead were at the height
of their argument. So she noiselessly
slipped across the aisle, picked up the
handbag, annpped It open and there.
thrust In hurriedly amongst a confa
Ion of other things lay her flfty dol
Inr hill. Mr. Rockwell took It, re
turned to her seat, and calmly de
posited It In her own bug before Uie
lady returned.
The success ot ber Impulsive plan
did not surprise her so much as did
the extreme boldness of the other
woman. She had heard and read of
the hundred and one little robberies
that occur aboard trains, hut she had
alwuy believed them with rather a
shade of doubt. That in ordl
nnrlly Rood looking young worn
an, whose wearing apparel, to any
the worst of It, was of rather an odd
selection, should be so daring a to
actually try to commit robbery In the
space of time required for one to pa
down the aisle and take a drink of
water wna Indeed astounding. She
could rendlly appreciate that It wits
merely because the time was to limit
ed thnt the woman did not ransack
the whole bng and strip It of It mon
eyed coutent.
When the women returned to her
seat, ib rather carelessly pushed her
bag' to one side snd picked tip I book
which she had with ber and began to
read, leaving Mr. Rockwell to wonder
what kind of a criminal she was.
As she studied her, Mrs. Rockwell
thought the woman had a bard face.
There was nothing about It by which
one could Judge her age. The lack
of the faintest trace of wrinkle might
lead one to think she was young, but
the lips were too thin and the eye
gated about too calmly and too care
lessly for person of Inferior age.
Her easy manner, too, gave one the
suspicion that she had seen lot of
the world, and that It would take
a great deal to throw ber off her
guard. Vet there waa something about
the face that attracted Mrs. Rockwell,
and she found herself at times almost
pitying the. poor creature, and even
going so far as to advance to herself
the theory that posslhly she waa a vic
tim of kleptomania.
The gravity of the act she herself
had committed, or the possible conse
quences of It should she be apprehend
ed, did not once occur to Mrs. Rock
well. She wss one of those women
who move upon Impulse and never
top to anticipate possible results, and
It never occurred to her that If she
had been caught In the act of going
through the other' handbag her own
story of having first been robbed
would not bsv been credited by the
conductor, and the other woman bad
only to tell a simple little lie to put
Mrs. Rockwell In a very compromising
position. However, ah bad not bean
detected ; she bad made a really lucky
move, had recovered her fifty-dollar
bill, and waa Inwardly congratulating
herself tliat she bad done a clever
thing. And the rest of her Journey
was divided between patting beraelf
on the hark and watching the move
ment of thl woman acroa the aisle.
In New York the money went fait
enough, but even with what he had
aaved It waa quit Inadequate to com
plete the list she had made out How
ever, when one runa abort ot fund
there I nothing to do but to return
home or go somewhere where the
funds ran be replaced, and Mr. Rock
well returned borne.
She telegraphed her husband, and he
met her at the train. There was an
odd little expression on bis face wheu
he kissed her, and a certain reserve
In his voice when he asked what kind
of a time she bad had, both of which
Impressed Mrs. Rockwell a peculiar.
"An1 about your shopping," he said
suddenly. "You didn't do much, did
"Indeed t did." Mr. Rockwell re
plied. "You did!" her husband exclaimed
rather wonderlngly. "Why, what ooT"
"Why, on tha money I had aaved.
but principally on the fifty dollar
you gave me, dear."
Rockwell (tared eghsst at her.
"The fifty dollar I gave you. Why,
my dear, dou't you know that yon for
got that fifty dollar and left the bill
pinned to your pln-cuihlon, where I
found It the morning after you bad
Easy to Draw Crowd
of Dweller in City
The man In Immaculate tweeds
stood outside the shop. He gated up
Into the sky at a point midway be
tween a church spire and a neigh
boring factory chimney.
A passing errand boy noticed the
rapt Intentnes of the man's gaze.
He, too, stood and gated up between
the church spire and the factory
Three men tlso (topped, saw the
Intent git ot the man In gray and
the errand boy, and their heada
nicked back for examination of the
aky between the church iplr and the
factory chimney.
Half an hour later, when the three
policemen sent to move the crowd
away, also, gated op, motionless and
with open meutha, a tailor emerged
from the shop and retrieved the man
In gray from the midst ot the crowd.
Carrying him Indoor, he wa re
lieved to find the wax model was un
damaged, unscratched.
Honey U$ed lor Food
From Earliest Times
Honey wa probably the first pur
sweet known to mankind. The cradle
ot the rare wa In southwestern Asia
where bees In a stute ot nature have
always been numerous, and where
honey from prehistoric times baa been
a common article of diet The descrip
tion of the Land of Promise given In
miraculous manner to Moses wss that
It waa a good land and Inrge, "a land
flowing with milk aud honey." Modern
traveler In Palestine agree that the
description still holds good especially
with respect to the honey, bee being
abundant even In the remote part ot
the wilderness, where they deposit
their honey In the crevices of the rocks
or In hollow tree. In some part of
northern Arabia the hill are o well
stocked with bee that no sooner are
hive placed than they are occupied.
Of Court Of Court t
Slngulur, Isn't It, bow the obvious
escape u sometimes. W wrote the
other day about a fish that washes
It young, and an exchange, wonder
ing how on earth the little one get
dried, "Why, on a fish line, proba
bly," answer a correspondent, and
thl no doubt I the reel lolutlon of
the problem, Doston "Transcript
' Toofui' Philotophy
"What I your Idea about life, Too-
ftis?" nsk post trader In moralising
mood, "What are we here for, heyf
. "Growth. I think," uy Toofus. "No
mutter how snmll a potato you are at
the Hurt, you can grow,"
WE CAN'T b merry all the day,
but If a friend should come
your wsy
With smiling fact snd huppy air,
Whatever load you have to bear,
What sort of sorrow for awhile,
I hope you gtv him srlle for mllel
Now, much I said about the need.
Of bringing cheer to hearts that bleed
And bringing Joy to soul that weep;
But there' another faith to keep,
There' something for tli sad to do
To smll at folks who smile at you I
So when they come, ss come they wilt,
To spesk of good In time of 111,
To speak of blessings, too, no doubt
Perhsps you hsd forgot about,
When Joy come knocking, night or
Run out to meet It half the way I
Yea, there' a duty for the lad,
When good folk com to make yon
And that'i to grin, and (bow your
And cheer yourself a little bit
At least this much you ought to do
To smile (t folks who smile at you.
( if MoClara Mavsespar Sradlcata.)
oAmong the
ber 21, 1045, belong the honor of
bavlnf been tbe first w hite man to ex
plore the upper part of the Missis
sippi river. Munr historian claim he
explored more of the rlvrr than any
oilier man of that time, taking tbe
honor away from both La Salle and
I Soto. Beyond doubt, be wa tint
to establish Uie fact that tbe great
river did not run into tbe South sea.
a It wa believed In Canada.
Jolllet wa the (on of a wagon
maker, better educated than most of
hi time, since the family hsd de
rided to make him a priest But be
turned Into a fur trader and mer
chant. Instead, and made many daring
trip Into unexplored wilderneaae.
So great was his reputation, that be
waa chosen to lead Uie expedition
that was to go down the Mississippi,
Father Marquette being one of the
party. Through tbe Illinois and Wis
consin river they traveled, and final
ly came Into tbe Mississippi and went
oo to the Missouri At thl point, the
Indiana assured them it wa but a
ten days' trip to the river month, so
they concluded the great etreara ran
Into the Gulf of Mexico and turned
back. Crossing a lake In a canoe, all
Jolllet' map were lost, and much
valuable Infonaitlon destroyed.
Ill next trip was to explore the
Hudson bsy region and then the
roast of Labrador for seat fishing. II
wanted to colonise the beautiful val
ley of the Mississippi, but the Cana
dian government gsve blm no encour
agement He died wealthy and hon
ored In Canada In 1700.
tC by Qeoree Matthew Adams.)
I it GOT tp get on my diet again,"
1. said th hotel stenographer. "I
got weighed this morning."
'Why yon are not fat!" exclaimed
th house detective,
"Right you are, Kelly," answered
the girl, "and I am not going to be.
An ounce of diet Is better than a
pound ot adipose tissue. Fat hss
divorced more women than Mexico.
If fat doesn't put women In the ceme
tery It puts them on the shelf, and
any woman would as soon have a
nice quiet grave In a cemetery as a
nlc quiet place on the shelf.
"It is on thing to take off fat and
look like tbe hsnd ot a laundress aft
er s bard day' washing and quite
another to keep the fat oft and not
have the skin on your face full of
little wrinkle like a punctured toy
balloon. I sm going to keep It oft
and believe thou me that It you re
to be popular with the men you've got
te wear a svelt figure, if you know
what I mean,
"The new style dresses are made
for the hlpless women. It she swell
In the middle Ilk a tenpln Ita fare-ye-well
any place except a ben party
where they dp tea snd knock flupper.
"Stylish stouts are for fat women
who are not stylish. If keeping my
eye on the calories will permit me to
wear a section ot fireman's hose for a
dress I will watch my weight like a
Jockey. Prlt fighter, Jockey and
women have to keep Inside the weight
limit If they hope to get engagements.
"If spending few cents on weigh
Ing machines and having a little sense
about eating will keep me In th ruu
nlng I shall face th durter fit a r
couple of fiddles mil neither one of
them will be the bass fiddle either,
"I am two pounds overweight and .
have rut out candy und sodas till 1
am back where I belong."
(Cap,rlsbt ay the MaNauf at i
Children, 10 cents Any Time. ,
Continuous 1 to 1 1 p.
T , .- We hava a fow select cars that are big value. Bee
vDCdD I rSnSDOruJUOfl "1,m heror you buy. Expert repairing and Storage by
oar i
day or wk.
171.00 AND OT
Dundee Auto Repair & Machine Vorks
The Oldest and Best Equipped Repair Plant In Oregon
East Water snd Halmon flts., Pertlstwl, Oriron East IMS
a y
N box Lwvhe to takt out 25c and 35c 1, - Treat
l tir.HC. 9 a uirrr.itr.nvc
1 21 Slilh Street. PORTLAND, or MS Waahlnttnn Rtnet
Best Horse Collar
All Ion rra straw stuffed.
Insist on having tha collar
with tha "Fish" Label. If
your dealer dor not handle
this brand collar, write to us
63 Union Ay.. Portland, Ore.
Feminine Reasoning.
"But, officer," protested Esther, "I
Insist that I had the right of way."
"But lady," tbe officer explained, pa
tiently, "this man was on your right
and therefore be bad tbe right of
way." "That might apply ordinarily,"
aaid Esther, "but you see, I'm left-
handed, o the condition are just re
versed." Toronto Telegram.
Polea Vary In Attraction.
While the north magnetic pole at
tracts the north end ot tbe needle and
repels tbe south end, the south pole
repels the north end and attract the
south end. Thl Is true no matter
In what part of the earth the needle
la placed, and there 1 no reversal ot
the needle when the magnetic equator
is crossed.
Protect Painted Floor.
Wben painting mop boards or
wainscoting or walls In general, lay a
strip ot paper on the floor, tight
against the mop board to catch drops
of paint. The paper can be moved
along as tbe work progresses and, with
reasonable care, no paint will reach
tbe floor.
Snake Bridge Approved.
Washington, D. C The passage by
the house Monday ot s senate bill to
authorise the states ot Oregon snd
Idaho to construct and operate a
bridge across the Snake river at Bal
land' landing complete congressional
action on the measure.. It now goes
to the president.
Your Own Sun
An electric arc lamp, which, when
attached to tbe ordinary electric cur
rent socket In your home, produce
light of 4,000 candle-ower equal to
that ot the sun ha been developed
in London. It 1 (aid to produce the
same effect aa a lun bath.
First Sanakrit Book.
The first book ever painted In San
skrit was the Rltueauhara, a poem by
Kallsada on the aix seasons ot India.
It was edited by Sir William Jones
and printed In Bengali characters st
Calcutta in 1792.
Add Novelists' Mistakes
Fanny Heasltp Lea in her story: "A
picture ot the Good Shepherd bringing
home the nlnety-and-nlne sheep," Mrs.
Lea la one short In her count" R. H.
points out; "it was the hundredth that
was lost." Boston Transcript
Man's Ingratltuda
Do you know what is more hard to
bear than the reverses ot fortune? It
Is the baseness, th hideous Ingrati
tude, ot man. Napoleon.
Not So Hazardous
It Is claimed that 97 per cent ot
Arctic explorers have returned alive.
Too Will Feel Right st Hone Hera
Sab aai Ctatnl bsNsiUi bus.
Excellent Cafe. Special Weekly
Bataa, Bus Meets all Trains. 11th and Stark.
446 Washington St., Car. 12th St.
Earnestly solicits your patrenag. Too
will have all tho comforts of vou own
home. Very reasonable rats and prompt
Mil wurwius airvwe,
Qive us a trlsl
Btitt Tetttd VI. L. Chirk
from itiKk with tfft to 'ttu
.KK rvt'ord. Otvtet ulu
I im thl WfWt. lNr UTS) ilss.
ItvPry ffiiRrniitii-ri. Orilrr lm
aaV, V
m. Portland, Oregon.
Better Franklin Service
402-1 Hoyt Bt. at Ninth. PortlanS, Or. BRoadway 170
Moderate Rates. Varied AsiuHinante
Olarka Broaw FlorUtta. St Montaaa St
order. Raw 11 rig a Film Co., Portland, Ore.
Successful Correspondence Club." Re
liable; Descriptions free. BOX 6M,
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
Send as roar shipments. We mail ym cheek
the same dajr we race! goads.
Foruano Hide a Wool Co.
im Basja MTJsjt assrs, nvnjaa, sswss.
Book Not Hla Hobby.
Samuel Eutler, the famous author
ot tbe great satirical poem on Puri
tanism, "Hudibres," v.Tltten betwtea
1663 and 168, i said to have owned
the smallest library ot any literary
man In London of hi time.
"Gift of Gab"
Thla expression, meaning fluency
of speech, comes from the old word
"gab" which means idle talk or un
meaning chatter. A person who could
spiel it oft by the yard was said to
have a special talent or gift of gab,
Excess of Chrlorin
At Barbados, In the West Indie. 117
pound ot chlorine from sea sir falls
! every year on each acre ot land.
Forestry in New Work
New York State maintains th larg
est forest tree nursery la th United
eat heartily and keep healthy
with Barkroot, the tonic that
has brought health to thous
ands. Corrects Run-Down Condition
"I bsv more pep and ambition and
ran do my usual day's work without
the exhaustion I had experienced for
some time paxt. t am only too glad
to recommend lift rk root Tonic te any.
on whne health to impaired."
11 118. M. KEVNoLua, Portland.
For Sale by All Druggists
NatureV Own Tonic
VUl R 1 Bt i
R 1 1
b .1
llfftu rrrrrTvirniTrrJ T
YOU can't be vigorous, alert,
energetic, capable if you are
suflcring with Piles or other Rectal or
Colon aliment. Th important nerve
centers affected by such conditions cause
sever reflex complication throughout
th entire system. I will GUARANTEE
IN WRITING to safely and satisfactorily
cure your Plies as I hav don for thous
ands o others by my uuaous tnatsMnt-wr retura
your fee. No confinement, hoept
talopmtkm or anacsthet k.8end
today tor my new 100-page Hkie
tratrd book ot (acta, met hodaand
tstnmHiil letters. M m rku.
omen: matt u orricit:
Dp n Lain BuilHintl taOt aUI Ifcsribr ftutl
0 TH AN tV-M Al N 6 TM AND Pi ft
DflUTl dMfl