t Misfit 3uhtpnhtuf VOLUME XIV IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1926 NUMBER 50 Locals Wipe Echo off the Map lone defeats Echo by 8 runt Echo's infield has streak of lightning luck. , Ions Base Ball team took rev tnge on Echo, Sunday, by hav Ina first class pitching and lots of pep at bat and on the field. When Echo visited lone, last and shut us out there pitcher Berry had the lone batters at his command and errors by lone gave his team an ersy victory, but the reverse came in the return game and lone made 11 tafe hits with but two errors on the field and thos did not result In runs, berry 'truck out but four men and only rare fielding luck kept our boys from running In flocks of runs, while Echo secured Sscattered hits and made 7 errors and 10 men onton called strikes. Arch Cochran was the leading batter with four bits and three runs. Hosklns made two hits, got on three times by errors and made four runs just to show Echo fans that his intrests are transfered to lone. The boys have real confidence in our old reliable pitcher and are giving him great support and ex pect to put a stop Uoatdman's winning streak, Sunday. - Skiing in I860 FklliiK ae i aport began In Norway (bout 1800 In (ha dtatrtrt of Telemark n'J rapidly spread orer the rVundl Davlan peninsula. Tt aport baa la lalir reare been Introduced Into othtr tountrlea whore tlit winter la aevare, and baa become, very popular In Swltierlaod, Canada aad Uia I'ulteU State STEIWER t REPUBLICAN For U. S. SENATOR The strongest opposition to Fred Steiwer is found in the lemecratlc party. Democratic iioliticians and newspapers brand Sieiwer as an enemy of the direct primary. They cry "conspiracy" and seek to lead people to believe w .y j n,: steiwer wi u!d abolish the di y? I 'lreL't primary. Nothing is further '':'Xf ? Vjfroni the truth. Steiwer'a enem- Vies are doing every thing in their 'power to shatter the great i-ttrength of public approval that . is back of Steiwer. They fear him Thav know thev cannot de. feat him in the general election. Steiwer will be a credit to Ore non in the United States Senate. jHe is clean, energetic, capable and aggressive, ins record as a public official is flawless. A VOTE FOR STEIWER Is a Vote For a Republican Victory I'tild Adv. Steiwer for Senator Committee ISAAC STAPLES. Chairman. YOUR BANK Think of this as your bank. Come in and tell us how we can help you. We know that our success is dependent up on the prosperity of our customers upon you. We are here to serve, to boost and to grow with this city. Make use of our facilities and service. We sincerely offer you our earnest co-operation. THE LIVE BANK YOUR CITY, U. S. A. t IONE, OREGON. LOCAL NEWS NOTES The All School declamatory Contest resulted In a decisive vie tory for the lone Bchools; lone taking six out of peven first priz es offered. Mr. J. Clifton Tucker, former Supt. of lone Schools, was in lone this week and was present at the lone High School Commencement program. WooU in Rug$ Blended Whan orli'iitul ruica are being manu factured, tlia wool used la oftep bland ad from eiierlmena received from all pa ti of the wool growing world. Tbla flvea the comhlnittlun of lualer, ' atrenirth and long niter required. Prop er blending contrlbulea rourb to the finished appparanre of the rug. Worth Knowing If you ever find the ellver polish hot He amply when you are going to have a oartr. ordinary tooth imate will clean allver beautifully and wlU help yon out In an emergency. Nimblaneu Win$ Prix Haate and raahneaa are atorma and tempest a, breaking and wrecking busl neaa; but nlnibleneat la full, fair wind, blowing it with tpeed to haven. -I'uller. FRED J. TOOZE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR Superintendent of Publ'c Instruction At thf Republican Primary May 21 Preparation Formal and University graduate. Experience Twenty years in rural and city schools Compare satement in Canrli dates Pamph'et with state ments of opponents. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the underslrned will receive sealed bids until 10:00 o'clock A. M., the lit day of June, 1926, and Immedi ately thereafter the bide received ill be publicly opened by the Coun ty Court, at the County Court Room in the Courthouae In Ileppner, Ore ton, for the purchase of an Issue of bonds of Morrow County for the Con struction of permanent roads therein In the aum of one hundred twenty thoutand dollar. ($120,000), eaid bond, to be in denominations of ft, oOO each, numbered 1 to 120 inclusive.' to bear date of June 1, 12, and to mature aerially In numerical order at the rate of 16,000 on the Srst day of June In each of the yeara 1932 to W.1 Inclusive, said bonds to bear In terest at the rate of five per cent per apnum, payable semiannu ally on the first days of June and December, principal and Interest pay able In gold coin at the office of the County Treasurer in Heppner, Ore gon, or at the Fiscal Agency of the Mate of Oregon In New York City. All bids must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for (5,000.00. The Court ressrvet the right to re ject any and all bids. The approving legal opinion of Kessrs. Teal, Winfree, Johnson t Mc Culloch will be furnished the suc cessful bidder. CAY M. ANDERSON. County Clerk, Heppner, Oregon. Attention is called by the Sand blast for Senator Club, 420 Rail way Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon, to his plaiform and biog raphy, which are published on oace 8 of the Voters' Pamphlet by the Secretary of State, Chief plank is MODIFICATION VOL STEAD ACT - REFERENDUM OF PROHIBITION LAWS. Ills slogan IsWine aud Beor under Government Control JNo baloons GREATER ECONOMY... LOWER TAXES T. P. GILLILAND PILOT ROCK For Republican nomination For JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Vmatilla end Morrow Countkt Subject to votera at tho l'rlnmry Effective Sundav, May 16, the pres-'iit mixed tre'n service on the Ileppner Branch will be changed to night service connect ing with main line trains, Nos. 23 and24. Time cards will be re ceived at local office the last of this week. This will call foraddi d help at the local station; adding a niirht man to meet the train, who will work from 10:55 I'. M: until 7: 55 K. M. The regular agent will work frcm 7:55 A. M. until 4:55 P. M , leaving no one op duty from 4: 55 P. M., until 10:55 P. M. Eye Specialst in Town, Dr. Clarke will he in lone all day and evening, Tuesday, May 18th, at the lone Hotel pat lor. See him about your eyes. He makes regular monthly visits to lone. All vorkBtrictly guarantted Clarke Opical Co. Merchants Trust Building, Cor. 6th & Washington. Successors to Clarke, Stram Co. STRAYED From my place near Morgan, about three weeks ago one four fyear old black filly, weight about 1,000 pounds. A liberal reward will be paid for information as to her wherea bouts will be paid by John Gray, Morgan, Ore. CHANCE IN TIME U. P. TRAINS ON NEW SCHEDULE Team Won Hermiston 5 lone 4 Boardman 2 Umatilla 2 Echo 1 Arlington 1 Last Sunday's Results. lone 12 Echo . Hermiston 6 Boardman Umatilla 5 Arlington Batting Averages, TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE STANDING CAMES MAY 9 Lost Per Cf. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Roy W. Ritner 0 1 3 3 4 4 1.0001 .800! .4001 .400, .200 J .200 1 4 0 2 In a Bad Way Clerk to Pom This rheumattftn has me f"l ns, air. I can't get my arm to my bend, and It'a tlie same with my leg. Good Hurdware. PATTERSON of Eola Polk County 1 'M Republican Candidate for GOVERNOR Reduce taxes . by reducing cost of government. Place penitentiary unde" Board of Control. Make Bovrd of Cou- tol the Parole Board; fewer par dons. y Enforcement of Prohibition by official) who believe in enorcing the law. Hasten construction of Roosevelt Highway. Adequate provision for retiring bonds, hsue no tax free bonds Fish and Game Commissionfunc tioning for the people and noi as political machines Play fair with ex service men. Maintain high standard of public schools and institutions of higher learning. I do not believe in taking any po litical power away fom the tndi vidual voter, No discount on the taxpayer's Candidate for Republican nom nation for representative. Farmer and taxpayer, residing in the district 44 years. Experienced legislator, serving since 1915 in house tnd senate. As president of senate in 1921 killed Portland "1925 Fair" bill, saving the state $3,000,000.00 Sponsored law loaning state funds to frozen out farmers for seed wheat. For state income tax and against Dennis resolution. Helped pass "market road"bill in 1919. Served with A. E. F. In France, in 1918. (I'uld Alv ) lie nervtt Us pert? best who serres his country best. Samuel J. Tilde n. IHMIMMMHIHHHMHMHIHimMHIHimi AB II R Pet. Bristow 23 0 7 .435 Wynans 13 4 2 .308 W. Rietman 22 6 4 .273 Adams 21 7 7 . 333' O. Rietman 23 7 3 .273 1 A. Cochran 16 5 5 .312 Hnskins 11 3 6 .273 Eubanks 22 4 3 .182 V. Rietman 14 2 1 .142 Lindiken 4 0 1 .000 I What's the Price? This is the question that enters the mind of every custo mer who examines merchandise with the expectation of buying something. Realizing that most people make this the first consider ation when they go to buy, we have priced our goods con sistently low- - but never at the sacrifice of quality. If you tiud any article bonght at this store not as repre sented bring it back and we will make good our claims. Try This Store For Satisfacton ; Bristow & Johnsons WHY Summerfallow If you want to grow weeds? You can grow weeds without plow ing, but if you wish to raise wheat on your plowing you must keep the weeds down. THE CHENEY ROTARY ROD WEEDER has stood the test of time and is leading all others in sales and satisfied owners. WHY TRY AN EXPERIMENT? If you need a weeder, see the new Rotary Rod Wizard. 4tMI HWtMMMMMHMIHitl Bert Mason dollar. -fiild Adv. i Election, May 21at. raid Adv.