THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by, J. V. HEAD, Editor Publisher . SUBSCKIPIION One year $1.50 Six months ,1h Three months..... 50 Entered tut bwdiiiI i'Iiikh nun (er Ht tile pi'8t office at lone Oregon, under net of March 3, 1S70. Friday, April 23,1926 THE WAVES What are the wild waves saying, Sister, the whole day ions:, That ever amid our playing I hear but their loV, playing I hear but their low, lone sng? Yes! but there's something greater That speaks to th heart alone: 'Tis the voice of the great Creator Dwells in that mighty ' Tone. Joseph I dwards Carpenter, MAYBE SO A Georgia farmer once wrote to his local newspaper asking ' What the Sam Hill is the matter with my chickens? Every morn ing I find one or two of them keeled over and cold as a brick." To which the obliging editor re plied: "They're dead, pardner- they're dead." KICKING AS A NATIONAL INSTITUTION R. E. Hardison, Morgan, Ore. Dear Brother Harbiaon: I read with much interest and no little surprise your letfer in the last issue of the Independent on "Kicking as a pastime". This letter of yours, like your fish in the market, awakened a train of recollection. But, oh, how different! Before I proceed further however I must announce the text and my text is found in 'Acts 9:5 and the words are these: "It is hard for thee to kick." Having now our text. Brother Harbison, let us to our onions. Kicking is more than a pastime. It is an institution. It is an instit ution hoary with antiquity an'' well fortified by precedent as i shown by the fact that it was re corded, long before New Testa ment times, Deut 32:15, thai Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked. Please note that the waxing fat preceeded the kicking which would seem to indicate that in old times the better people were off the harder they kicked, and in deed this is not without its mot', ern illustrations. Once upon a time I was employ el on a farm in a capacity that brought me into very intimate contact with the bovine element of the agragarian population. One day my employer, a very kindly Chrutian man, directed me to bring a young cow in from the field, put her in the s'.able and milk her, and it so happened that I was bringing the cow in just as he was driving thro 'gh the irate behind a high steeping andalusian or maybe it was a hamt'letonian ar.d 1 remembered afterward that he gave me very sunny smile. . Well I put the cow into the stable, seized a one legged miik stool in one hand and a milk pail in the other and, with the confi dence born of long experience, proceeced with the milking, but not very far. Did she kick? I'll say she did. She kicked me out of the sta'l, kicked the stocl through a window, flattered the pail against a post and kicxed three boards out of the stable wall. Well I recovered from the surprise and ignominy of defeat and bringing to bear the needed machinery of restraint, I followed the boss's instructions. In the evening I said, do vou know that cow is a kicker? Well he said 1 knew she always had betn. You may say that the eow didn't gain anything by kicking, and it may be so but I remember that I always treated her with great respect from that time on. Kicking is not only an ancient and honorable institution but one that is consecrated by the conceited conduct of all gener ations of Americans from the very beginning down to the pre sent time. But I am especially concerned to note that you easily pass from the condemnation of the institu tion to aiming the barbed shafts f yours with ridicule at the treat modern exempears of the irt of kicking, the politicians. Really Brother Harbison I am il led with wonder and concern. After this 1 shall not be surpris- id to hear that you have for iworn mince pie and fried chick n. You may have some who agree with you as to politicians, ' but not all, Brother Harbison. I am sure that our editor will tay that the true sentimet.t is rather expressed in this para' phrase of a song of our childhood Jays: How dear to my heart is the thought of election As anticipation presents it to view; The platform, the speech and the add in connection, The good politician who always comes through. The good politician The brave politician The kind politician who always comes through. A statesman ia naught bnt a dead politician Whose plans are preserved in the laws of the land And those who have . hope of a better condition Should now with their chosen in politics stand. The bold politician The true politician 1 he wise politician just now in the land. How joyous and bright is his smile as he meets us, How hearty and firm is the grasp of hand, How pleasant the tinkle of silver that greets us As we sit the platform on which he will stand. The wise politician The good politician Our own politician who now takes the stand. sincerely yourn, The Village Preacher Liva Long on Simple Food tp lit the HlmilayM whrt the pen pic live on ilmple natural food they 'n ir nothing of bacterial Infection. IVople live to food old axe and men wl:o lle prowrlj become fat lien wlito une hundred and twenty-five yetr old. They eat very Utile meat. Tlit-y eat a simple pat tie made of whule rain ground In a huad niortur, pl n:' of ecetnblei und freah r dried fruit. tr. yvilllum Howard Kujr In Tlierupy and 1'raetloal Be--.clrU. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF BANK OF IONE ' Charter No. 1U ltewrve OUlrU t 111 At lone, In the titnto tit Orognu, at the clone ot Innliiemi, April li, lll'.'O. RESOURCES 1, I.otuit) anil (IMooimlM. InehuItiiK reillNOounU, Hoeeptaneea, or hill of exchange, aihl with the eiiilorHemotit ot the hunk. Including (tenia nhown In 11, 'AO ami 32 It any I'ttf.'.'SO.Sa 8. Overdrafts, aecureil and uimwurvtl , 714.1 J 3. U. 8. Government wcurltloa owned, Including thorn ahowu In Items 30 and !1S. it any 4 Other IhiuiIh, warrants ami aecitrltleti, Including for eign government, atnto, municipal, corporation, etc , luclmlliig tlume ahowu la Items ;t) and X, It any ft. Stocks, Hirurltles. claims, liens. Judgement., etc . Bautlug house, S.IOOO.lM); furniture and fix tures, $1,51X1.00 , n,3nO.00 7. Heal estate owned other than bunking house U vi.'.Ttl V. (a h) Cash ou ha ml lu vault and due from luniks, bankers and trust companies, desUnnted and approved reserve ngenta ot this bank ,. ., -O.ti' 11. Check ou hanks ouUlde city or town of reporting buuk, and other cash ileum r.tii.flj Total cash and due from banks. Items N, II, 10 ami 11. ;i.U4.2 12. luttreat, tuxes and expense jiald 712.42 Total 810.131.74 0,000.00 1.1W3.0I 3,1141,02 LIABILITIES lrt. Capita' toe': paid In 25.00O.llO 17.iur1.1....d W IS. (a) Un-'.!vld. I pro: Its 23 Indivlduul dep.Htlta aubject to check, Including deposit due the Suite ot Oreogu. county, city or other public tuinls . . .K.t,4'.'f. Jit 24. Keumutl certificate ot dcpiwlt outstanding Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject ti reserve, Items 211, 24, 2o, 26 S3.414 .30 Time and savings deposits, subject to reserve ami payable on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certltleiitce of deposit outstanding Total ot time nud savings deposits payable ou demand orstlbject to notice, Items 27, '." 1 13,007.72 30. Notes and bills r.hllscounted, Including bonds or other seeurltles sold under repurchase agreement with contingent liabilities 81, Kills payable with Federal Itew-rve banks or with other banks nud trust companies ... 13.0iiT.72 1 ,13,0.1s. 27 ni,ri 4.1 Total t 310.1.11.74 State ofOregon, County of Morrow, SS. I, Victor C. Peterson, cashier oi the above named bank, do solemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Victor G. Peterson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19 day of April 192G. F. H. Robinson, Notary Public. My commission expires 2-20 -1928. CORRECT - Attest: M. R. Morgan, C. R. Gunzel, Victor G. Peterson, Directors. ... , . Portevoranet Wins E. W. t Ubtervation j,.,, , wy , mM ,,.,,, , t (hn I have noted this a long time: I that marks him as success or fall- visit at home, and am Introduced to are. Mirny fellow has won out at a grandmother, an aunt, niece, and the eleventh hour Just because be always the kin of the wife. E. W. wouldn't let go. Don't be a tattler. Howe's Monthly. Fanlngion. LOCUST CHATTER No. 119. O. E. Meets the second and fourth Tue. day of each month. W.XI.Mr. 1ra Howie; Sec. Mrs. Ruth Mason. IONE LODUKNo. 135. I. O. O.F Meet every Saturday evening. N. tl., Edson Morgan; V. U. Ernest Hellker, Sec. Earle A. Brown; Treas E. J. Urlstow. Ul'NCHGRASS REBEKAH No. PI. 1. 0. O. F. MecU the first and third Thursday of each month N.O. Etta Howell; V. (1. Vlda Hellker Hec. Verda Ritchie: Treas. Etta Brls tow. i FIRST BAPTIST CHUltCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor at5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up .Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. 1 ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON i D. MCMURDO, It D "Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon . WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Bristow & Johnson Phone-Office Residence HEPPNER - . Main 933 Main 4!)2 OREGON BOOTS and SHOES Fall and Winter Clothing PRIME GROCERIES PRICES LOW As Consistent With Good Quality IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. DECK. Proprietor Drop In and loofc over my Line of WorK Shoes. j. I have a tfgod etocK of Cloves and t Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone Marhet T. E. Peterson, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. Good Service. uaa aaaaaaaaaaajiBiiaBaaaaaaBaBBaaaaaBBa Farm Wlemen., VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WLND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon leu SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURNCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courts 1 MORROW CENERAL HOSPITAL Mist Zona Westfall, Graduate N arse, Superintendent. ' A, JI. Johnston M. D., Physician in charge. Kates Reasonable Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Oflicc: Odd Fellows Building IONE, OREGON I Ilennner. Oregon. B - - w O