Advised Young Girlt Concerning Health 1 Mm. Anns Fisltcr o 01 Wsdiinrnn St., Kugrnr, Orrg., pnyt: "liver mice I waa a Rnl 1 have l.ikcii t)r, 1'icrce' Favorite I'rmrriiition and it lis been mil a woiulcr I ui lirlp In nic that 1 urn glad la give (lulrtiti'iit fr publication. Ai i girl, when 1 wai growing into vvununluMxl, 1 gilt nil run down in licalih, win ncrvutii anil weak, due to backward development, and had to quit itltuul. Nothing did me any R'xvl until my timilirr giving me Ur. Pierces favurile Prescription and it completely mtored me to (food health and I grew into womanhood without any more trouble." .Start at nnre with tlili "Prescription" tnd ire how quickly vnu pick up (pel stronirrr and better. All dralrrs, Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel in Buflalo, M. Y fur Irce advice Great Lakti Guile, That lulla and tirni Inhaliltlni the Ort-at Lake region ecuttur over s wide range during their migratory flights baa Indicated by a check' up k ii pt on bunded bird, according to William I. Lyon of the Inland Illrd se- auclatlon, who marka more than 1,500 n( the (owl yearly In an effort to lucre thi'lr length of life, mating bablta and traveling ability. Prevention of Rablea. ljtrgidy by muana of doga, the fa mnua Kronen Inveetlgator, Paalour, worked out hla preventive treatmetit fur rablea, a treatment which baa re duced the mortality of peruana bitten from 16 to ! than 1 per rent. Now doga are being treated In a protective manner, o that they do not become rabid. Ilygele, ilagaalne. Attitude Toward a Friend. Deliberate long before thou conse rrate a friend, and when thy Impartial Juntlce concludes him worthy of the boaom receive him Joyfully and enter tain him wlecly; Impart thy aacrete bodily and mingle thy thoughta with hla; he la thy very aelf; and uae him ao; If thou firmly think him faithful, thou makeat blm so. yuarlcs. Another Doom. A new needle finding button U aald to aave the worker'! time by encourag ing the needle to allele eaally Into the thread holea. The underside of the button la molded In aucb a way that wlda-mouthed cliannela guide the needle toward the holea. London Tit- lllta. Uae for Flehee' Seals. rear I essence I obtained by rub bing off a eubatanre from the icaloi of certain flah, freeing from foreign matter and aunpending In water or other aultable liquid. In tlila coun try the icalua of herring and men haden are uaed. Avoid Bad Company. No company la far preferable to bad, berauae we are moro apt to catch the vice of othcre than virtue, ai die rase la far more contagloua than health. Culton. Big Coffee Conaumptlon. The annual conaumptlon of coffoe In the I'nltnd States 1 about 1,000, 000,000 pounds. The annual oonaump tlnn per capita I over nine pounda per year. First to Uae Vlollnt Gnupar da Sula, who workud about 1560, wua the flrat maker who la known to have produced the violin. Earneatnees 8upreme, There la no aubatltute for thor oughgoing, ardent and alncere ear- nuatneas. Dlckena. Little Farm Near Oakland, California Induntrial Capital of the Wcat Full prico, $900. $90 down; $10 per mo. F. J. LYMAN, 37S1 SWw.T, IMui, Uid You Want a Good Position Vtry wall Take the Accountancy and jiujutiftna Aianiii-emeni, rrlvate Hacretan ul, CiiliMilutor, Cumptianatar, Htanoara prle, I'annmnahlp, or Commercial Twuih ra' Course at Behnke-Walker The foremnat llualnaaa Collrg of the Northwest which hue won more Accuracy Awarde and (luld Madala than any other arhiNil la Aimrlii, Hnd far our Hiiniwaa Cauiliie;, Fourth Htreet near Jiton-laon, l-onmiiu, nr. laaao . waiKar, I'ree. P. N. U. No. 14, 1926 THE MOTTLED SPIDERS By MARINER J. KENT l(Q by abort story fuk. 0.) IT WAN quite a number of year be fore the United Hlutea government began It arvheologlcal reaearche along the Utile Colorado river In Arizona thut the following announce ment, which altructed considerable at tention, appeurod In the advertlalug columni of a liewauiper: WANTKI): Hneolmane of aolden. miilllril auldara of Ilia aoeolia Mvaale llanUII, (in dollar each will t paid fur euat-tmane. in l,,i. not ezaaadln una intra from the aama loi allly, which inuai ui aooureiaiy uaacritjaa. iienver 10 underaltfiiad al tha Union Hulal. Clara Wharton. Clinton Jluther, on the itaff of the puper, muile It bla purHiae to find out about the aplder nil. He readily found Ml a Whurton and wua gruvloualy re ceived. She wua a chunulng young wonnin. of perliupi twenty-eight, and without bealtutlon told a very Inter eating story; A brother and heme If were left nrphaiie when ahe waa twenty and he eighteen year old. Their Inheritance wua ample, and Alfred, the brother, became an euthualaatlc atudent of archeology. When he waa of age he departed for Arliona to pureue hi einillca there. 'Thle wua five year ago," contin ued Mlai Wharton, "and eiceptlng a alngle letter 1 have received no tldluge of Ii I in. After exhausting all meana to find him I waa led to a final reeort by a peculiar account of golden apl dera my brother gave In hi letter the one letter I received from Alfred at our home In Iloaton a few niontha aft er he left me. It waa dated from Tbe liuln, Arizona,' and briefly told that he bud dlacnvered a Tuanyan cave, heuped with gold-duet. He wa led to eicavnte for the rave becauae of the great number of golden mottled apt- dera that came out of the ground through an opening they had made. Thl opening led to th mouth of the rave, which had been covered with rocky debrl and send. He Incloaed a little of the gold-duet In hi letter and upon that alight clew I am work ing." "Yea," Interrupted Mather, "I know that aplder marked with gold are common to the Southweet, but wby arc you bunting them)" "I am naturallat enough, replied Mia Wharton, "to know that th col oring and marking of Inaect are large ly Influenced by their environment. and It la logical to Infer that, a the rave my brother found waa tbe home of golden-mottled apldera, their mark- Inga would reflect the character of tbe gold dual In the rave. At any rate, I have proceeded upon thl theory, and, with tbe nld of a powerful mlcroacope, I compare the golden marklnge of the aplder I obtain with the gold duit from tbe cave. When I ehall find a lot of aplder wlme marking are of the aame color, tenure and finenea a the gold duat, then I can locate the rave and, I fear, find tbe remain of my brother." A the week went on Mather' ac quaintance with Mia Wharton ripened and he grew euthualaatlc over her quoat. One day he found her greatly agitated, and ahe could only exclaim, "I have found the aplder I" "From what par' did they comer eagerly qneatlnned Mather. "Krom'the llomnlobl ruin." "Why, that la only three mile from Wlnalow," exclaimed Mather. "We will go there tomorrow." It wa to arranged, and for many day th two hunted the ruin for the golden Ipldcra, At laat they found them, countlpH number of them, puurlng out from under a large fiat tone Imbedded In ahattered rock and bowlder and half burled by drifted land. The following dny they returned and, with lultnhle tool, rleured the flat atone and rulaed It on It edge. The lifting of the atone dlacloeed an aperture only large enoush to admit a alngle peraon. From It extended a flight of itep rudely cut In the aolld rock. Tlicr wa nothing forbidding or nnrnnny about the pnaaageway and Mather at once deacended, followed by Mia Wharton. At the depth of perhapi a dozen feet the atepa ended In an nlmoat aqunre cavern, exceed ing but little In width or height the future of a tail num. Evidently It wa the treuaure-vuult of aonie archaic tribe, hollowed, with Infinite labor, out of a niaaa of granite. The rock had been covered for age with hot and arid aiinda, baking In an a I moat ralnleaa region, and th air In the vault waa therefore a dry nnd parching aa that of en oven. The bright ray of the noonday ami penetrating through the narrow atnlrwny but dimly lighted the rave, yet the light wa aufllclent for the two explorer to ee a lomber inaxa, In the aeinlilnnce of a humnn form, atretched out on a bed of glit tering gold a marvclou bed cover ing the entire floor of the vault, and ankle deep with preclou nugget of gold, mingling with float-gold or neat ling In the lupernbundant gold dust. The roof of the vault wa hung with dark featoou of age-thickened webe, and from wall and web a thouannd golden-mottled aplder retreated be fore tbe unnccuatomed light of the aun. With their bright marking, acomperlng over the web canoplea, they aeemed Ilk minute moving atar. Aa Mather' eye roved the weird ur rounding they fell upon a knife driven Into a crevice In the rocky wall. Ad vancing to examine It he found that the blade trunaflxed a iheet of web coated and dlacolored paper upou l which were acrawled loine line. Hi removed the puper and handed It t. Mia Wharton, who atood gazing t the , aomlier mime a one trnnallxed Mechunlcttlly ahe took the paper end read with difficulty theae word; "The atone which covered the entrance to the cuv ha fallen and 1 am burled alive. I thought I hud eecurely propped It up, but th yielding eund hu let It topple down. I cnnnot move It and 1 am dying of the lumt auffocutlng." "It I the huudwrltlng of my brolh er," aald Mine Wharton quietly und moved forward. Mather bounded up the tep and tolled at the flat atone until It fell buckward and away from the en trance of the atulrway. When he re turned Mia Whurton wa kneeling be ilde the Inert uieaa, aoliblng geiilly Mather knelt bealdu her and examined the ahrouded form. In punning hl hunda over It he could feel the full nut line of a human body which the bul and dryneaa of the vuult had abrlveled and completely mummllled. In alienee Alfred Wharton had gone Into the land thut loveth alienee und by client mlnlMer had been en alirouded In alienee. No dead and anointed king ever had a more gor- geou atiroud than thut with which the little toller of the cave had enwrapped the Invader of their home when he bud perlahed. They had thickly covered III in with layer after layer of allken weba, and niontha, If not year, had been eoneiimed lu tbe conaummntlon of tbe Imperial robe. In tbe uncenalng effort of the weaver bit of the flout- gold, light a the humuiered product of the goldlieater, had attached them- eelve to the worker and In turn hnd clung to the allken menhea of the weba, till th dlapbiinnu winding eheet wua reaplendent with Burlferoua flecking. It wa like a luatroua robe of black Ilk tarlatan, ornately embullUhed with many golden apunglea. Mlaa Wharton and Mather a roue and ought the wn air. Freed from In trualon the little atiroud weaver In myriad column mounted the atone atepa In ecarch of foodful prey. To and fro nnceaalngty they puaaed. un heedful of the dead and living, un- ni luil ful of the teeming wealth reflected by their golden-mottled bodle. Suez, Viewed at Dawn, Like Enchanted City In the eouth, to which w were headed, a high range of Africa' atark llmeatone crng atood over a bur nlahed ace. The aun looked itralght at them. And Juat above them, parted from their yrllow metallic iheen by narrow band of aky, wa tbe full globe of the declining moon ; and th moon heraelf wa no more dietant and nn more Ritectral than earth' bright rock beneath her. It wa not eur prlalng that acene waa motlonleaa and constant, write II. M. Toinllnaon In Tldemaroa. There waa no wind, there w no air, or all would have vanished like a vlalon of what hae departed. Thnae lumlnoua berg ahone Ilk copper. Their marking were a clear and fine a the far landocape of a newly rlaen harveat moon. Hue wai not far away, and It lilac ahadow were aa unearthly aa th deaert. Some vlllua were Immediately be low, arbored In tninarlak and rnaala. A few tree. In that green muaa were In crlmaon flower. I could imell the burning aabore of aromatic wood. A child In a cerlxe gown Hood under a tree, hut ahe wa ao atlll that, like the pollahed water. Ilk the hill of brum, and the city built of tinted ahadea, alie might have been the de- celt of an enchantment A tugboat rounded a point, ahattered the glaaa of the aea, and the child, re leuird from the apell, moved from on der the tree. Men In our ehlp were aboutlng. Mull hag for Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai and other place a well defined, were thrown Inboard. Theae men gave no aften tlon to dead hill and the tyrant In the hea vena. I am prepared to believe they would have been Incredulou con cemtng any town about there built of lilac ihadowo. Our ehlp rounded away Into the Gulf of Suez, th north ern corner of the Ited aea. Uncultured May Have Appreciation of Ait Itut If ni'iat people of the cultured crowd are liiiiiervlou to true art, la It really poaidliler thut a common country pennant, for Inatnnce, whoxe working dny are filled with labor, and whoae lelaure I largely tuken up by hi family life and by hi participa tion In the affair of hi village I It poaalble thut he can recognize and be touched by work of art! Or- tululy It I I Juat aa In ancient Greece crowd naaembled to hour the poem of Homer, to today In many count r leu, a hu been the cane In tunny age, the goapel purublea, and many admirable folk title aud folk aonga, and much elae of the hlgheat art, are gladly heard by the common people. And thlx refer not to any rellgloua uae of th llllile atorlca, but to their uae aa literature. Aylmer Minnie, In Intro duction to Tolstoy' "What I Art.' Pre-Civil War Act The name "Mlaaourl Comprotnlae" In popularly given to an act of tbe United State congren, pkaaed February ST, IHL'1, admitting Mlaaourl Into tin- Union a a iluve-holdlng atate, but ex preaaly declaring that zlavery thould thenceforth be prohibited In any itute lying north of latitude 30 degree, 30 minute the touthern boundary of Mlaaourl. Although Henry Clay wa one of th moat prominent iupportera of thl meuaure, It originated not with him but with John W. Taylor of New York. Kauau City Tluiv. nrarrmr - GUINEAS ARE BEST n PEST DESTROYERS The guinea I a native of Africa and I beat tulted to a warm country, though they will do well In the lati tude of Weat Virginia and Indiana, write A. J. Legg of Weat Virginia In the Iturul New Yorker, There are two breed of guinea In thl country, the pearl and the white guinea. lioth are about the aame nature, the main difference being that of color. lloth breed are of a wild, nervoa nature and enjoy traveling all over the farm In aeurch of bug and worm. They can be taught to return home at night and to rooet In the poultry bouae. Guinea are about the beat Inaect deatroyer that I have ever tried ; they prefer worm and bug to grain, though they will eat tome grain. I have eccn them eating currant worm and Colorado beetle, two neat that chicken pa by without molectlng. I bav alao aeen guinea killing field mice. To anyone who want to turn crop peat Into a valuable product 1 would recommend a flock of guinea for the purpoee. The guinea I a good auromer egg producer, begin laying In April and If kept from ilttlng ahe will continue to produce egg until late In tbe fall. The hen lay an egg every day while they do lay and an average of about 100 egg to the ben may be expected from a flock In a aenaon. The egg are not a large the chicken egg, but are of a better flavor and have a harder ihelL To anyone who la thinking of rais ing guineas I would recommend that they buy egg and batch them under chicken hen rather than to buy old guineas, as th old guineas are liable to rang away and not come back to their new bom. Tbe beat season for the young guineas to be batched Is June and July, as they delight In warm, dry weather but cannot stand a cold, wet season. A good-Blzed hen can cover twelve egg very well A soon as they hstrb tbey should be Incloaed In a close box or coop for a few dayi until they learn their adopted mother's call, elae tbey may stray awsy In the weeds sod grass and get lost. A young guinea la Ilka the grouse or quail and will hid when scared. After the guineas are a few days old they become very much attached to their adopted mother and will fol low her until grown. They should bar free range with shelter only wnen it l raining. Only a tew male birds should be kept about, on for eight or ten hene. In this wsy Uiey will go In flocks and several bens will lay in the sum nest Poultry Diseases Cause Heavy Losses to Farmer Heavy ose of poultry are being raueea oy a form of cold known a oronctiiti or cold In th windpipe, D. C Kennard. aaaoclate in animal lndutry, Ohio experiment nation, who I receiving numerous reports of re duced egg Droductlon and Ioum (mm disease, attributes theae loeaes largely to cloalng tbe poultry houses too tight and to overcrowdlne. In bronchitis, apparently healthy Diroa aie suddenly from strangulation caused by a thick mucus which Alls the windpipe. This can be detected by opening tbe trachea, or windpipe rrora end to end with a pair of small telaaurs. The disorder respond to preventive meaaures better than to treatment Prompt relief may reault from admit ting an abundance of freah air with out drafts. Drovldlue ainole It nor anil rooat apace, and replacing old litter witn fresh, clean material Epsom salts may be given to aid birds In overcoming the disease. Ducks Demand Plenty of . Water With Their Feed "A duck la contented so long as It has plenty of water with Its feed, and a dry place to rooat In ; If water 1 not upplled, and If the roosting ahed I dump and cold, th duck first drowae, then roll over on their backa and die much a ducklings die from "flu" when they encounter digestive difficul ties of any sort Give the ducks animal food of some kind buttermilk, or beef scraps. Utve them also mineral feed In the way of bone meal, and of conrae moat ground grain and green food. Keep water In deep pans before them at every meal Lemons' ration for ducks Is good for either breeders or laying stock : One huahel bran, one bushel low- grade flour, on buahel corn meal, on buahel green feed, one-half buahel either raw or cooked vegetable, one buahel In ten of beef scraps, one-half bushel In ten of cooked fish. Fresh Ground for Chicks Ild you ever keep chicks In a smull run, and after they were eight or ten week old' notice that they begin to droop their wing and Risk a alow growthr If you had plowed or spaded the run It would have helped. When chirks have only a small rang they soon contaminate the soil No otbei cause does more to promote tubercu losls among fowls than growing chicks on th uine ground, year after year, Muny caae of gape tiiuy aluo b traced to th! cnuae. . PHP TI A Nn Jm I LarYlvLJ Portland, Oregon. Cheap Transportation FRANKLINS 71. W AND VT ALL WORK GUARANTEED Dundee Auto Repair & Machine Works The Oldeat and Best Equipped Repair Plant In Oregon Flant Wutitr and Halmon Hu.. Portland. r-aon Emt JMJ CYLINDER GRINDING CRANK SHAFT GRINDING GEN. OVERHAULING NORTONIA HOTEL Yon WID ral Rlrht at Bom Bar ' 1 55., 1 aah UmntlnuuMi gaUa. EleaUant Cafe. Soadal Waaktj Um Marta all Traina. 11th and Stark. PORTLAND. ORKGON PALACE HOTEL 444 Waablnoton C, Cor, 12th SC Karneatly aoUrlta your patronaa. Yon will have ail lha comforta of yuur own horn: Vary reaaonabl rata and prompt an oeuruoua service. Oive ue a trial AUOUtT KRATZ Manager racrmfii. in TESTFD 'Wat AlLiaatF W. I,. l.t-avr Hrtwt tram flurki I bk1 tctti utxlrr But l:t-rl' 1 .1.-- .U. v.a f.H.uia LL'.-I.t UvaI VS Mirs'la Wb. Ufiborw. It rn. rrp- ii'BiitfB i"tr i iivr rrjTis, nTir iu.bMtr awrricv. eatakag QUEEN HATCHE RY Joy Tod4 4M HfAVlNUf - fc ATTLa? MARRY LONELY: Join "The Successful Correspondence Club." Re liable; Descriptions free. BOX 654, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. W. L. CUoka ef Itirdr aortkwaat tuck, lit MC let. Sai4 i aar In U er4ar, kaiajua 0. O. D. 1M far aaa Im Uilyrj lurulai Aak tar apeaial arlaaa aa Baa aad aaoka. Honor Belong to Morria. Robert Morris wa America's flrat financier. In May, 1781, Morris pre sented to congress tbe plan for the Bank of North America, the first bank for general purposes In the United States. The financial operations inci dent to tha achievement of independ ence during the Revolutionary war were chiefly carried on by Robert Morris. Wster Not Fattening. Water is not fattening, neither does It influence digestion or other bodily processes so as to govern obesity. Prohibition of water Is effective only as an indirect means of making a per son eat less food. Many people are surprised to learn that the current Ideas about water are a mere super stltton and that they may drink all the water they please while reducing. First Diving Bella. Tbe diving bell Is first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher, Aris totle, about 32S B. C. This Instrument was nsed In Europe as early aa 1509. It Is said to have been used on the coast of the Island of Mull, western coast of Scotland, In searching for treasure lost In the destruction of the Spanish armada. Keep Ring On. When washing your hand In a pub lic lavatory, keep your ring on and wash your hand a bit carefully, so they do not wash off. The ring may get a bit oapy and dull, but that I easily remedied at home. There is too much risk In forgetting and theft to remove them In a public place and let them stand on the wash bowl. Whsrs In a NamsT Her name was Orange Grove. When she wa marriod one of the little niece who did not know ber very well heard member of the family calling her Aunt Orange. She said: "Is there an Uncle Lemon!' Useless Saving. Chap over In Cleveland has started a movement to save the old cemeteriea. Right now we'll say he needn't save any for ua. Philadelphia Inquirer. Is 8h Extinct? Observation of Oldest Inhabitant What has become of the old-fashioned housewife who didn't think It was grounds for divorce It her husband expected to have dinner ready when he got home? Cincinnati Enquirer. Puullng. Lover I'm afraid to ask for her hand in marriage. She knows how to cook ; she can mend socks snd she doesn't care a thing for the movies. She's abnormal; there must b some thing wrong with her. Paris Rlre. i Poor Way to Pray, Too many people pray with the feeling that It won't do any harm even If It doesn't work. Sun Francisco Chronicle . I Ratm V tr.Fui OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PUYS Complete Changt Saturday Adults, Week day Matinee 15c: Evening, 25c. Continou 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cent all time W have a law eelact cars that are bis valuas. e thorn before you buy. Expert repairing and Htorage by day or weak. ANDERSON A RICK MOTOR tERVICI etter Franklin Service 402-1 Iloyt St.. at Ninth. PortUns, Or. II Road way 170 CUT aOWERS i FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Brae, Florlata, MT Maniacal ft WE BUY Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara Bark Horse Hair. Band aa roar ehlpmaata. Wa aiall ye ehack the bum day era raeaive good. Portland Hide a Wool Co. IN 6MM WDM MMTI, fMTUM, MMM. Best Horse Collar Made All long rye atraw atuffed. Innlat on having the collar with the "Flah" Label. If ymir dealer doaa not handle this brand coUax, write to ua dliect. P. SHARKEY A SON SJ Union Av.. Portland, Ore. Original Bailiffs. Bailiff Is a name which waa Intro duced into England In the time of William I, and came to be applied to various officials representing or acting for the king. The sheriff was tha king's bailiff, whose business It was to preserve the rights of tha king within his "bailiwick' or county. Not Really Hemp. Manila bemp, which I used In mak ing rope. Is not hemp at all, but coarse fiber, eight to ten feet long, found In the sulk of the abaca, a fruitless sort of banana plant Railroad on lea. During tbe Russo-Japanese war full-sited broad-gauge railway waa built across Lake Baikal, In eastern Siberia, on tbe Ice for a distance of more than thirty miles. Bound to Be Dissatisfied It's just Ilka a fellow who has been fussing for rain to grumble because ba has to get up In the night and close) the windows when It comes, say tha observing cuss. without "fear! Barkroot Tonic keeps your digestive system active and your body healthy. Portland Mall Carrier Sayei "Ituva tuken Itarkmot Tonic with moat aHttarui-tory roaulta after a aavere caae of Influtnsa laat aprtng, and find tt equally effective to head off a cold." For Sale by All Druggists Nature's Own Tonic Your Health Demands It! MV celebrated treatment for Piles and other Rectal and Colon ailments Is so sure, so safe, so easily obtained that it is folly to post pone proper care until your health I en tirely broken down. My new 100-page Illustrated book, which Is yours for tha asking, discusses those diseases, contains scores of letters from patients, describes my methods and state my unqualified UUAKAN THE to per manently relieve you of Piles or refund your fee. Write or call today. L DEAN, M.D..Inc a nmrfi: sfattle orrirrt: e Dean Bullctina SUS SII BuHrfiaa iTMNOMAI p TM AND PINS TBI" '" J EAT WHATYOU LIKE SB I 'M ' V 5 C B B1 1 CHASiJ SHiatLaN