The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 19, 1926, Image 4

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    - -
Choo$e Best Time to
Make Home Alteration!
Repair work and ow connructlim
ahoald b claswd ariiaratcljr for a
Botnbr of reanona. Repair work of a
minor character 1 nsuully paid for on
time basil ; that Is, tlie owner pnjn
a fixed rate per hour fur the services
of the men engaged. When this is
done daring a period of Inactivity In
a given trade the most efficient work
ers are ordinarily available, and tliej
are able to do a better Job in Wsi
time than less skilled men who inL-lit
perform the work during an active
Home owners from time to time em
ploy building trades workers to do
outside and Interior palntins, to put
on new roofs, to make alteration a:i!
additions to plumbing system, tf
overhaul and repair the tieutluz f:P
paratus and to do Interior rcino'MIr'.'
such as chancing piirtltlons itnd lay
lug tile floors In bnthpHiius. They u.-.
require Krnilitm of (rrouti ls, the i"h
atructlon of driveways and env'.lo.
or eulHr-ement of ganiKt-s and oil: -outbuIldltiKX.
Tlieti there are aid
walk repairs, laying of co-icrd.' n
masonry floors In the cc!hir. n-it"
priKifing. replacing nwnl:;'.-s mi
screens nnd repairs to exterior !
work. The time chown by the o v:i.
fur such work Is of ImsHtrtuncc t
hlmelf and to the community n.
bears a close relation to the ui. i.:
cunt of living.
Citiet Now Recognizi
Need of Player -uni:
AlthotiKh in the last qu:ini r of a
century the lulled .States l .- ;,hsmm'
from a predominantly rurul ; ile to
a predominantly urban people, the av
erage American is "uu outdoor unl
inal." As proof of this statistics show that
711 American cities today, offer play
grounds and recreutlou us a nutuinl
and usual function of government, nnd
the profession of play leader, or recre
atloo director, number almost 1G.UK)
Municipal playgrounds, parks, audi
toriums, stadia, bathing beaches, golf
courses, opera and rudlo are to be
found everywhere, and public recre
ation Is about the Inst word In the
evolution of positive functions of gov
ernment for the promotion of the hap
piness of citizens,
Home Ownership
As a practical proposition home
ewaershlp should appeal to every
family. When It 1 considered that
approximately one-third of our life
Is spent In the borne It Is readily
obvious that home li of paramount
Importance. Paying rent, It has been
pointed out. Is purchasing a home hut
It Is purchasing It for the other fellow.
Money paid out In rent over a period
of years represents home ownership
to some one. Modern methods (level
Ped In purchase pluns huve Hindu It
w 1 - mm n m n i in in m i n umi
Independent Garage
ION". C1-'.
possime ior tne aveniKe ierson to
eventuully own a home with practi
cally the same monthly outlay that
would be required as rent. In pur
chasing a home one should be careful
not to undertake a proposition beyond
their means.
Preserve Highway Beauty
Action to preserve the beauty of the
hlehways in San I,uls Obispo county,
California, hus been taken by th
hoard of county supervisors in the
passsee of an ordinance prohibiting
the erection of Fiirns and billboards
alone the county highways, ' Kxceptloo
Is made for legnl notices and recog
nized direction sitn for tourists,
while h'i-f.n will not be permitted on
fmces, trees, or on buildings belong
ing to the county. Fines provided
r;ince from : to $3)0 or Imprison
ment for not more than 50 days, or
both, for violations.
Frsf Sheep in America
She p were Introduced from Mexico the portion of the country now
kt.oun as Txas at a very early date.
In 1ST2 Mexican sheep were brought
In umnher Int'i t!:e state, but at this
t!::ie the Industry was not prosperous.
In a report f the Department of Ag
riculture for ls".i2 It was stated that
111 a short p rlod of M yeurs the In
dustry had developed to a great extent,
av! that the jleld of wool per head
had Increased from 2.ftS pounds to 6.8
pounds. This Indi utcd that the In
diivtry was established before 1872.
Eao$t Home I own
Tliere may be a great many features
about your home town of which you
ratinot be Justly proud, lots of things
Kiiinn Just the other way. the way you
dhln't want them lo go. Just the same
when you po on the outride to speak
of the affairs and the p''i)j;re-.'sl.venes
of your home town smile. Voii never
see families with any degree of intel
lli:''ine displaying dislikes and hatreds
ont the members have transferred
the scat of operations to the outside.
Albnny-Oecattir I)ally.
Greater Value Lower Price,
Mart that looo Pat of ibe Vintst Entertainment for tyi6
9 SERIAL STOF2SZ3 F;r';;'"i.inj .,! ,i, worth. ta
"" I""", tin . net ul a y.t' tuUcnpuas.
50 PEC!AL ARTICLES F"n ', r"'' '"
200 KCHT STCR2LS ft",'":'' rt;,,"'- M""',c""i
. cin, Aiufctici.
tod rhilotnphy W, oil Crult Nulut'Luim
1 hm tint LhJldrvn;
1. Tha Youth's Compsnioo
2 weekly ittues
Reduced from $2. CO
Now Only $2.00
Check rour choic md lend ihu coupon with rour remliianca 10 tin PUULIMIKRa
0V T1US fAl'tit, am TUB VUUTU'S COMi'iWION, fiotioa, Usuuliuau
h hS m 1
the fliameiit. The U'll.d circuit, sinrt
lug at the grid, runs from the grid
socket terminal to the secondary of
the audio frequency, transformer; '
other terminal of the transformer sec
ondary to the correct terminal of the
"("" battery, while the positive of the
"("' hntte-y goes to the negative "A"
battery lead.
The I V 11H1 tube used In the first
stage of amplication should h ive a
4'i volt negative bias, but docs not
work wild a 224 volt bias. Three
cells give the required 44 volt.
Securing y, Volts for First 5Ug.
The novl-e may be confused by the
mnrhlrgs on tlie battery when he Is
dlreited to cotme.-t ths grid ret;:rn
of the first nmpliler tube with the
4 IS terminal of the "Q" batt. ry In
order to obtain 4'. volts negative
bins. As compared with 22'. how
ever. IS volts Is Vi volts hs or
negative. Cmseftieiitly, to secure a
grid bla of volts, we connc -t the
grid return to the IS volt tan of the
JCH volt battery. The 21 volt tap Is
1'i volts negative, as compared with
22'i: l'-'4 Volt tap, 3 tolls
negative, and the IS volt tup, 4
volts negative. If you bow have no
V battery in the first stage, I in ply
disregard this part of the process.
The grid return from the secondary
of the second stage transformer is
connected with the negative terminal
if the 22 volt battery. This give
'."."4 volts negative bias, the amount
required by the CX 120. The method
of Idetitlfjlng this terminal has al
ready been described In connection
with the Instructions lor Installing the
4 volt -C battery for the fx 112.
and a few pounds of copper sulphate.
Hinush op the churcoal as small as
possible, then mix charcoal, salt and
copper sulphute together. Fill in the
earth, packing the above mixture
tightly around the ple as you Oil op
the hole. This Is very Important
When you have filled tip the hole tuke
hose und let water Into pipe to thor
oughly moisten the ground. This will
give you a ground that Is 1H0 per cent
eflilent I'Mlliidelphla Itecord.
1. The Youth's Companion
62 weekly Utues . , $2.00
2. McCall's Magazine , $1.00
AH for $2.50
J. 10. MrsuiuvK
May MistniAve
To May MusKrave, the iitnive
imnu'il tlcfeiitlcut' IN TI1IC NAM1C Ol''
TIIIC STATU til-' OKKHDX, yuti are
hereby rcplrtil to itppcnr ami an
swer the complain! tiled aualiixt you
III the above eutitli'il atill on nr w
fore the 20tli ilnv id March. HUH. Wild
date licliin more than kIx wifkn after
the date ol the first publication ot
this HUiiitiions, ami you will take no
tice, If you lull to answer or other
wise appear In said suit on or before
said date, the plullltlft for ant
thereof will apply to the above en
titled t'oiu t (or the relief prayed lor
mnplalnt on. file ItiHuldeiuno,
to w It; Tor a ilecn-e of ilw uliove en
titled t'ourt.thattlieliouii oliiiairlmti'
now exlH.inii lietwwti the plaint If
and the defendant he forever dlssolr
ed. umi that the plaintiff l k""1
ed uu absolute dlvoreo from ttm oe
(eiiilaiit, and that Ihf onrw. custody
ami control of minor children o
plalutllf ami defeiulant, to wit; M
Mustfravc, ml uimhter, iK 1" Ji';
Mary Musnruve, a ilauirliter, ne HI
yenin.nml Harold Mii)jrtive, n son
ae 13 years, nil llvlu at roiiiol
lllinolse, lie awarded the defendant,
and tor such other and further re IK-1
as lo the court limy "eein eiiutrle.
-.-rr.Thls S i l in Is pulilUli 'd pur
suant to nn order ol the Hon. 1'. U
Heiue, t'ouutyJu U( of tin if o
'rctfon. for Morrow t'ouiity. ninde
in open I'ourt at llcppuer, tlr.ou.
on the 2'itli day of Ja.iu.iry, Iti.'H
s:vbl order tlrovld til it s il I Sum
mons shall de pulillshed In til" lone
ill led lld -nt, li weekly newspaper,
once it wwk forslx coaseciltlve week,
tho date of til ' first public U Ion
hereof pell February ;.tli. l't.'l and
the date of the last publication of
tills sitmui nn bdiirf Hv, l tl" l,-rt
f. .1, i: tt irii"v for
lie rinl'il.ff.
Cost Olflien ldr -ss. lone.O.- !'u
X otitis Is lier-iiy kWcii that under
.iiei! has Is-en a poliited by the
niinty folirl ot tlieMtateof Oreitoo
.r.Vf irrow otnuy.a ImlaUtrator o
lie Kstate of l'i rry hmiii. del
All is rsoiis bavlnir elalnm I'ttl"'1
.,..,1 1 i a ie lire h. n by notifl to n
scut the siime. mly verfled w It Is prop
er vouch, is aitni I id. lo Hie limn I
sinned ul Ills "HI" I" lo''. ! K'li,
,,l i sil mouth fro'ii tne dale ..I
llic lirsl Hlldicatlnll of till uol Ice,
me same le lntf .Intel and pil'dl-lc-I
r. ti l..ilMl I i !' I. .
-iry lwJ.
K. H ltomoN
Administrator of Hi'' estate "I
p. rry I'. Ileiiill. IHv;t.el.
Sotitk Is In n by kIv.-ii tliat the III!
I. rMiC .illui les-H appoliited l.v tie
uiiiity t oiirt of the State of r. (.iii
r Mormw County, Adinltii! into.
of Mie Kstate of Anna I. itu (,i ...
ciu'd. All persons liuvln claims a
, rl it'l leilie lieiiMI u 111)
i pl.selit the mi in l III V V M illed ,
,i law riipilrcil, with oroper voiicii
saltaclie.l, to the iiudcr.lua d nl
d office In lone. Oregon, within m
inoiiths of the date of the first publl
cation of this not lie, tlie same being
dated nml pulillshed tae first time
this mil day of I'cbrimry; UIJll.
I' II It.illlllNOll.
Aliiiliilstriitor of the KstnU of Anna
... Kiikvu.II, ilcceiuM-d,
Notice To Creditors.
In the 'County Court of the
tote of Oregon, for Morrow
In The Matter Cf The Estate
Of Franklin F. Ross, Deceased
Tlie IlllilemlKneil huvlllH been lip
pointed by the (.'utility Court of the
State of Oregon, for 1 'run k 1 1 1 ,
(iihs, deceased, lo present tlieiu duly
verllled a rciiilrei by law, within
,x moiitli after thn fit'Nl piilillca
Hon of this notice to inu at my In h
(.lie In the I ll of lone, Oregon
V, II. Itobliisoii, Adnilnlstrntor ol
i.e estate of 1' raiiklln I' lion, de
cased. Dated .luiiuitry ;'!), l'.liii.
Date of first piibliinlt. hi Jan. 1".,
Hate of last pulilli ai Ion Fell, in.
. Remingtom
The only porteble typewriter
that is a real success,
The First Tube
The "Twopenny Tube" was the nlcl.
nntne of the Central London railway,
bedim. When Ilila tube was opened
Hie churge wnt twoience for any ills
("lice. It an not the Oral tube rail
n. however i the first In the world
being die city and Boutb' London,
opened In 181)0.
Mr, and Mra. Curt lu!metfor
anJ children were the dinner
uuestsof Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Troenson Sunday.
Oryttl CuUfoitli enteitalned
tliitry five young peop'e at a
house Warming Friday eveninir.
Everyone present had a very en
joyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harbky of
Vancouver, WaHhinnlon, were
th6p.ues.taof Mr. and Mrs. James
liardctity Thursday and Friday.
Jack Ilardesty started working
for Krebtt Brothers at Cecil
Mr. W. F, Palmuteer apent
Sundny with his daughter Mrs.
Eail Morgan of Broadacues.
Earl Morgan was over breaking
horses for W. F. Palmateer the
lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ilsrbenty
were calling in Cecil Wedntsday.
Mr. and Mrs Noah Pettvjonn
werecallingtn Mr. and Mrs Fred
Pettyjohn Suiieay afternoon.
Mr Farrena of Cecil was calling
in Morgan Thursday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim II infesty
were the guests of Mr, und Mrs.
Tom Dean of Eight Mile Sunday,
Interesting; Facts You
Should Know About Set
A five per cent overload of flhanent
volt nee run- cut the life of your tube
In half.
OlrntlnK tubes at five per cent be
low rated filament voltage niny .hot. li
the life of your tubes.
Cult Ins; jour plate vol In ye from
00 to l)"'i saves two mll1liitiiM-rt of
"II" bntlery current per tube, usunlly
without sacrifice of volume or nunllly,
nnd this step In some rases tuny
double the life of your "ll" batteries?
A 'V buttery used with a two-stife
SUdlo freipienry aniplin.'r havln IMi
volt ilnte, ruts Us current
drain from twelve to four ntllll
amtere, a saving of twn-hlrda.
Not more than forty five Tolls
should be Hed on your dtiector tube
to secure the crestest volume and the
best quality of reproduction?
The use of ii volts Instend of
T.tlts treble the current Con
sirmptlon of your detedor tube with
out Improving n-sulls In any wny.
A superheterodyne ilriiwlng M
mllllaniiHrei gives no better results
than a well designed ore drawing but
1.1 mllllnniperea.
If the vacuum "tutsTdnes nt UkIiI
It may be rausi-d by many ether de
fects besides a hiinit-otit tuba. Tha
"A" battery switch or connection
may be open, dirty contact of the
rheostat, socket or tube tips, or ths
tube may not be seated properly la
the socket.
A vacuum tube regenerative set.
using only one tube, will bring lo
wlgnals from nerirly the same distance
as a set having an aadlo-freonency
amplifier. The amplifier serves to In
crease the strength of algnals brought
In by the detector tube, for ths pnr
Post of operating a loud speaker or
Asking tha iignala loader la Ut
.just now is not fuel but
15 & 15cts.
Before you buy, see
at the
SaOIlDa N010NIX31
Ted Johnson, former Lexlug.
ton boy, Is here Cresham
meeting old friends and looking
after bslness.
The Inst sad funeral rites mere
Raid Thursday afternoon for
William Wright by Kov. Wallace
Jones at the Christian Church,
Mr. Wright passed swry Sunduy
In a Portland hnspi ta, following
an operation for a trouble ef long
lie was a son nl Mr, ar.d Mrs.
Sylvanus Wright and a grandson
of Mayor and Mrs, Munkers. To
the sorrowingtelativ-a weextend
Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Miller.who
have been spending some days
with their sons, Harry, John and
Carl returned Thursday to their
home in Salem.
Mrs, 0!a Ward came up from
Portland last, r eck to attend hr
sister, Mrs. Eva Lane whh ia re
covering from an operation.
The Turn A Lum auditor, Nr.
W, A. Wim w doing tntsiriefa
t the lone, Lexmgtou ana Hepp
ner yards this week.
Kev. and Mrs. Walace Jones
spent a short time last week at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil
Warner, Hcrmiston.
When Karl Cvach drove over
to upend a week-end at Walla
Walla, he was accompanied by
Mrs. OJ. Cox to Pendleton and
Earl Warner to Weston.
Itudio listeners heard broadcast
ed on Fildry eveui.l?, a pleasing
idimoNoloby Parold tt.ach, Walla
Beuuiful high grade piano
must be sold at once. Ladge Dis
count and terms $10. mothly to
reliable party. Foe Pmticulars
writ Cline Piano I .. GC Front
Portlat d. Ore.
Grewtome Relic
The flh.-er of (lulllro Is shown uu
er a gluaa rase In the rlorenr inn
eum. It stands, mysterious looking
it of purchimnt, polutlng toward
icsven. The hand to which It b-
inged Is supposed to bav been put
to the tortui by the Inquisition for
iscrlhlng motion to tho esrtb, and the
linger la n .w almost worship! for
having proved the motion.
Yet, ot Least One
There Is at leusl no inun of your
.icqimlninnre ho can convince you
you are wrong Just by snylng so
Kparntsnl.urg (H. (' ) llernl't
Odd, bnt .if" i in
Alt'iK the n-ll lo .
aioved In his rhslr Kor t ) km. .
the time he rested his heml on h
Chin. Fort Worth Telegram.
iitiHHMtytMiHtpitMiia tmtt tliiniml