The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 19, 1926, Image 3

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    Mrs. C. L Wilson.
i n V
Eugene OrfRnn. ."Diirtin my flrat
exnciluticy 1 iiillrrrd (rum morning
mkiiru unci my back hurt nil the time.
1 gut mi weak and miserable that I was
not able to do much cf ti vttiintf. Fi
nally I Ikkiiii taking Dr. 1'irrcc'i Fav
orite Prrwriptioil and it strniKthencd
me and rclirvnl nir of the backache and
made me feci nmrli belter, I Imd prac
tically mi u firm ik, did not line my
strength, and my luiiy was very itronR
and healthy, '1-avnrilc l'rrM'rilion' i
a rrliahlr iiinlic inr for women and enc
cially lnlinl to the proicctive mother
an it ktTiu hrr fee ling well both phvi
rally and mentally." Mrs. C. L Wil
ton. MA K. Jrd St.
(Ihtaiii f liia f unions "Prrncriirtion"
now in liiblrts r liiiniil, from your
uVuiiimt, Write Dr. I'irrce, I'rrndrtit
Invalid' 1 t"l I in litlffalo, fi. Y, fur
free innliral advue.
Remembered All the Auntt
A llltlii girl who had had diphtheria
was much Impressed with the word
"anil toxin." Onu evening when ahe
waa recovering aha knlt at her moth
er's knee, as wua br custom, to aay
her iruyir. At tlm end of It ah pe
titioned; "Cod Idem Auntie Hetty
and Auntie (.rare and Auntie Maria
ret mid (lod bless Auntie Toxin too."
Mora Simplification
The good work of almpllfleatlon
rontluuea. Hhovels have been slmpll
fled from 223 sites to 127, with a total
elimination of 4. ooo varieties. The
tai k people have auld, "me, too." They
have reduced tlm sites and vsrlotlos
from 4S5 to IIS. They have reduced
packing unlti from 423 to 127. Good
Not Always an Island
Kngland la actually a part of the Eu
ropean com Inent that la. It la part
of the continental shelf. The English
channel und the North ea are merely
depressions which were filled In many
cent ur le mko. Originally, England
waa actually connected with the
Ancient Quotation
The (luotuilon, "There la no book
aa bad but something good may be
found In It." la from Cervsntes' "Don
(Julxotn'." Pliny the Younger alio aa
tribes the saying to I'llny the Elder
in a slightly different form: "No book
Is so bad but soma good might be
got nut of It."
Bad Fire For Doll
Tome quick, my house la on fir,"
feminine voice told London firemen
Engines and ladder wagons rushed to
the address given to find a dolla'
houK, stundlng In a garden, In ashes.
The tiny owner, finding her playhouse
In flumes, had railed the department.
Diamond Cutting Old Art
The Chinese claim to have been tha
first to dim-over means of cutting
diamonds, hut some authorities be
lieve the Indians practiced tho art
earlier. I'llny mentions tlmt diamonds
were polished by the Itomnna In his
day with tho aid of emery.
Hardy Robbers
Muss-troopers were desperate plun
derers and lawless soldiers, secreting
themselves on the border of Scot
land. Many severe laws were enact
ed against them but they were not ex
tirpated until the ilxteenth century.
Juggernaut Ethics
Too much of the world li run on
the theory that you don't need road
manners If you are a five-ton truck.
101 Paso lleriid.
Keep Watch on Tongu
Many men have talked themselves
Into good public offices, but they are
by no means so numerous as the men
who have talked themselves out of
good Jobs. New Orleans States.
H has Taking Way
Usually tho man who takes his time
lakes others'. Boston Herald.
You Want a Good Poiition
Very well Take the Aorminlnnry snd
YliiMlnemi Management, t'rlvate HeeretNrl
el, Culetiliiliir, t'iiiiiliintnr, Htenesra
nle, I ViiiimimhIiI, or Commercial Teauh
em' Claim at
The foremen! llnxlneen Ccillngo of the
Niirlliwnal which has won mora Accuracy
Awiinl and (lulil Meiliiln thitn any other
school in America, Henri fur our Hueeeas
rations. Koiirth Htreet near MoitIhoii,
J'orlliiiKl, dr. Inane At. Walker, free.
P. N. U.
No. 12, 1920
$ by Shert Sluryub. Co )
ON TUB broad, oven-hot plain
of the Arizona desert lay a
man, stretched to the full of
his generous length In the
alisdow of spread of discolored can
vas. He was not suffering from hunger
or thirst. It was merely an off day
with Fred llulnes, and he was luxu
riating In Idleness, so fur as locality
and circumstances permitted. At their
mining camp, some distance away, his
purtner, Jack Winn, was shuffling
about In a pretense of activity. Hut
on the whole work was suspended,
while they awaited delivery of some
mining machinery from Tucson.
8o llulnes Idled, mooning over
small volume In hi hand, labeled on
It grimy cover, "I'orket Dictionary."
Near by lay dlscurdvd copies of "Da
vid Copperfleld" and a volume of Kip
ling's tales. Itead and re-read, the
freshness hsd gone from them. Hence
the dictionary.
Combining all literature, he had
never picked It up without finding In
It some new, poignant Interest
"Words, words, words I" Esch time
he found new one be had never used
In bis duys as newspaper reporter,
and correspondent. Th book's supply
of orthography seemed a exhsuslless
as the yellow sanda about him.
Hut sight of the dictionary always
brought lilin certain pain also. He
never glanced at It without feeling the
rehelllotis surge of old, half-submerged
longings, which sent the blood creep
ing more rapidly along his stalwart
llmhs and Into the rough, wind-beaten
crevices of his healthy countenance.
Written on the Inside page of the
cover, In a flowing feminine band, were
the significant words, "From Alice."
The dlctlonsry, trivial as It waa, had
been tli parting girt of Alice Tren
ttwnt There bad been an engagement, a
brief, ecstatic year. In which be had
wooed her with all the fervor and de
votion of young love. Oh, the starry
nights they had roamed together, the
vows they had made, the longs they
bad sung I How they bsd plighted
themselves to eternal love!
Then cam hi sickness galling.
humiliating thing. Weak lungs, the
doctor said. Might be fstnl. certainly
serious. He recommended the arid
western plain aa a posalbt cur.
Manfully Fred Haines had faced the
verdict When he had won Alice, It
bad been In deliberate conquest An
other bsd denlred her, a suitor well
qualified to address her In every wsy.
Hut she had given tier heart to him
self. Now he bad physical fight npon his
bsnd which he could not sk her to
share. Imnetuonsly, he did chsrse
terlatle thing. He wrote her full de
tails of his Illness, and released her
from their engsgement
She hsd returned his ring, at his re
quest, and with It came the dictionary.
What It all meant to her he could not
know, for he had not heard from ber
again. She did not even know where
to address him. Indeed, for three
years now, there bsd been no definite
At first the gift of the dictionary hsd
puzxled him. But he finally attached
certain significance to It It suggest
ed a continuance of his literary work.
Futile anirgestlonl The Ins of Alice,
with all her love meant to him. hsd
closed the door of such career In his
face, he believed.
Here he was now, strong and
healthy In physical way, and part
owner In a nnvtne nilnlne nrnnort
M -jltr. ' Every fJhg
nfi-rrthtnrv tenvhled Mm of her.
lff'frt'oT klvn7ieT her freedom," hut he
htfiJVerrvViisjHlll chained In th fetters
or (jrJt love.. Without tier all else was
at uieaime or aeaa.nre.
Wh ,-hsd- Ji. not written her)
Where wss she now Was she tnsr-
rlSd to another? Had ahe forgotten
Wrds, word, words t" How use
less they all seemed.
Slowly tho pages o the dictionary
passed' under his lhuo. Often had
lie senrrlieil tlieae pages for some fur
ther hint of her former affection for
blin. Oh, for a pressed flower In Its
pages a four leaf clover a wisp of
her brown hair!
Nothing. Nothing. The book was
empty a the desert stretching about
He rolled over little, so that his
face came closer to the page of th
Suddenly his eye was arrested by
the single stroke of pen under the
word "that."
He started from his recumbent pos
ture. Wonderful dictionary I Here
was something he had never seen In
It before.
Swiftly his eye flew down the page:
"Thatch, thanmatnrgy, thaw," ran
the words. In regulnr order.
Ah, here came the nrtlcle "the." Un
der this was another pen stroke, a
little faded and obscure now, hut still
discernible. It seemed to strike up
nt III rit like heat wuve from th burn
lug desert.
On he rend, word after word In the
"t" columns. No further development.
Hold a moment I Here a word un
derscored, toward th last of th "t's"
Fersplrntlon tiended Fred Halnei'
brow. Ho was acclimated to th ex
. tern a! fire, but this living flam of
hope now springing up within him
could not be controlled.
HI finger flnstied at random
through th book. What did the
marked words mean? A message?
Borne oracle from th fount of love
about to break the long alienee?
I'uge after page at the beginning of
the book developed nothing,
Walt yes I Here's the word "never,"
underscored like the rest.
Four words now I He noted them
down on fly leaf with th itub of
Then one more through the page
slowly so slowly,
Here' another I Th word "has."
Now altogether they read:
"That, the, truly, never, has."
No meaning yet. Tediously, pain
fully, he begun again at the very first
The sun bent down with It hottest
fire of the afternoon, seeming to ren
der the canvas almost transparent
The twin flume within lilm biased up
feverishly to meet the other.
He ran over oil the a's, b's, c(,
d's and e's, with sinking hopes, Not
word waa underscored
Then came the "fs." "Faint fnsh-
lon, film, flash, fob, foe, follow" No
mark of any kind. Yes, here I an
other, the word "forgets."
lie let It down and continued his
examination of the book.
HI hands were now dripping wltb
moisture. Grime and dirt contaminat
ed the page as he turned them. II
washed his finger with wster from
hi flask, though It could be Illy spared
for the purpose. The book must not
b further lolled.
The list of "g's" developed no ortho
graphical pay dirt Again fear
caught hlra. but he went bravely on
to the "h's."
'Habit halve, haste, head, hear
heart I" There was word of word,
blazing away Ilk gold nugget In th
sun. I'ay dirt, sure I
He set It down In nervous baste and
continued the search.
It was long In coming, th next
word, but at last his ravenous eye fas
tened upon It Tb word wo "loved."
With whit wonderful meaning could
It be charged? The word shook him
like thing alive.
Tilmly he discerned hi partner com
ing up from camp, between th clump
of (age brush and mesqulte.
Hack to the words be went setting
them down In th order h bsd found
Thst, the, truly, never, has, forgets.
hesrt loved."
H studied them closely. Wa this
Again his eye roamed out to th
mesqulte. Memory caught blm In It
thrall '
He stood In the parlor of Alice Tren-
mont's home. Ther wa piano In
tb room girt was plsylng upon It
she wa Alice. Against th Instru
ment leaned young man himself.
He wss singing an old, old song:
Dtllsrs m. If all those ndrln
yours rhsrms.
Were lo change by tomorrow '
Yes, It was that old melody of Tom
Moore's be had used to sing. A senti
ments) ballad, surely, hut full of sim
ple besuty. The tune persisted In run
ning through his mind the girl looked
up at him. "How beautiful the word
are," aba said, "and how truer
It Is not while btauiy and youth-
Ills Up were carrying the words
now, but bis voice wss low. Some
thing, an unnamsble tightness, teemed
clutching at bl throat
Thst the ftrvor and faith of a son)
eaa be known
What could It all mean? God! Is
this It? Yes I YesI Here they come
the words, In order: ,
For tho hesrt that has truly lovsd.
oevar lorgaiai
Ills voice broke Into a choking cob.
Phe waa true, then I 8he bad never
been anything but true I
HI partner, approaching alowly,
found hlra kissing small book rap
turously. He was laughing and cry
ing like a man possessed.
Jack Winn nodded bis head gravely.
He had seen men taken this way In
the desert heat before. '
"Why, what' up, old fellow?" he
asked, blankly.
Fred Hatne sobered tittle, then
waved the dictionary In hi hand aloft
"You'll have to spare me from the
work awhile, partner," he shouted.
"I'm going back east aa quick as I can
strike the railroad you see I left
girl back there three year ago, and I
think I hope she' waiting for me,
"What mnke you think that?" ques
tioned bl partner.
Hatne held tb dictionary aloft
second time,
"I've just had a message from bar,'
b said.
Hospital Founded in
1278 Believed Oldest
St Bartholomew's hospital, Hoches
ter. little south of east from Lon
don, and near Chatham, England, I
suld to be th oldest hospltiil In the
world "This hospital," write the sec
retary of the Institution, "was found
ed twelve yesrs after William the
Conqueror landed near Hustings In
1000. It wa founded for the reception
of lepers, and during It 847 years'
history It has maintained a splendid
service for the poor and suffering."
Although the present building, I
comparatively modern, th hospital
patients still use the beautiful old
Norman chapel, the only part of th
ancient hospital Unit remains. It I
one of the earliest Norinun churches
In existence, the work of Illshop Gun
dulf, bishop of Rochester from 1077
to 1106.
ft I MLR
In lute winter and early spring, un
less special precautions are taken, a
form of self-polsonlng or autointoxi
cation among pregnant ewes Is liable
to occur and prove fatal. This dis
ease hus for years puzzled all students
of the subject but a method of pre
vention ha been devised. The symp
toms shown by affected ewes are
these: The animal lags, lies down
great deal, loses appetite, grit It
teeth, staggers, may toss Its head
backward, Is constipated and soon
goes down. It Is unubl to rise and
oon dies.
When opened after death, the gall
bladder Is usually found greatly dis
tended, and the liver Is pale In color
and so friable and easily broken that
It I termed "rotten" by the shepherd.
Often there seems to be bat little
blood In the body. It may be added
that sometime th tissues of tb
body sr stained a yellowish color, In
dicating Jaundice.
Almost Invariably the train of con
ditions and circumstances leading up
to the attack are close confinement
and lack of exerc!e, and prolonged,
excessive feeding of coarse, dry, bulky
constipating roughage, especially tim
othy hay, weathered corn atover and
atraw or withered, frozen grass. The
ewea may also bsve been fed corn and
sometimes are fat and often sluggish.
There can be little question, I think,
thst resorption of poisons, generated
In the digestive tract Is the direct
cause of the ailment, the liver having
been overtaxed and made unable per
fectly to perform Its functions, on of
which I th elimination or destruction
of th poison mentioned.
No medicinal remedy ha been
found, but the disease may be pre
vented by tnaklng pregnant ewe take
active exercise dally, keeping their
bowels and kidney active and avoid
ing the weakening effect of close
housing In hot dirty, badly-venti
lated atable. To that end make the
ewe walk several miles dally to get
clover or alfalfa hay scattered over
distant field, feed each ewe two
pounds of root dstly, avoid feeding
the constipating roughage mentioned,
feed oats and bran to weak ewe and,
for all aheep, provide airy, sanitary
stables. A, 8. A. of Wisconsin In Suc
cessful Farming.
Dangerous to Let Hogs
. Sleep in Straw Stacks
Tb practice thst some farmer fol
low of permitting their bogs to find
shelter In straw stacks during cold
weather Is very dangerous one for
the reason that on cold nights bogs
sr Inclined to burrow deep Into these
stacks, or perhaps to pile up closely
together and then when morning
come and when they crawl out of
their nests they are frequently so
warm from perspiration that they
steam they walk out Into the cold
air. Such a condition can very easily
produce pneumonia and Is therefore
very risky policy. The wiser course
Is to provide sheds of one kind or so
pther thst are dry under foot and so
well ventllsted that the animal can-
net become excessively warm.
Fixing Value of Clover
and Alfalfa for Steers
There have been some feeding
trials with beef steers to determine
the value of clover as compared to
alfalfa. When steers were fed In
Indiana on silage, corn, and cotton
seed meat, clover hay wa found to
be fully equal to alfalfa bay, ton for
ton. Doubtless these result may
have been affected more or let by tha
fact that enough protein-rich concen
trates were fed to balance the ration
even though no legumes hsd been
fed. This probably resulted In the
loss of the advantage of alfulfa hay
In Its richer protein content How
ever, when fed In ration which are
low In protein, alfulfa has been found
to be worth more per ton than clover
buy of equal quality.
. Live Stock Notes
Hulld the self-feeders so they will
be ready for the spring crop of live
stock, say farm engineering worker.
Make the sheep barn warm, to ba
In shape for the lambing season. A
little extra car means lamb laved.
In tb production of baby beef, the
calve must be kept fat Since calves
grow more readily than they futten,
they must be fed more grain and less
hay and forage than older steers. Ily
feeding a mixture of grains they will
eat more than If only one kind la fed,
One animal on the farm that we
ought always to eop on the right
side of the horse.
Alfulfa Is not bid for horses, bnt
fine fur them, unless ton much I fed,
They will eat too much If given a
chance, and they then Incline to soften
and sweat easily. '
If you have never tried to keep
few aheep, Just make the start They
are easy to take car of and return
handsom profits. They also perform
good servlc la eradicating weed.
Portland, Oregon.
I7S.0O AND UP 401-S Hurt Ht..
Too Win FmI Rlfht at Home Bm
!sb ui Caatns IcaMsaUs talaa. Cafe. SpwUl Weakly
Bua Kta all Train. 11th and BUrk.
44 Washington tt, Cor. 12th (b
Earneatlv eollrlla your natronaa-. Tou
will nave all the comforts of your own
home. Very reasonable rates sod prompt
and courteous service.
Oive us a trial
Ciaqcr neofit, in TfSTTO
i bHtu tiq UDuvr mil fftjpvrri-
Ik. our tftinMll n urtd Ktrnrd
a Wa. ljrlirM. la in. tro-
IU rof Itwtttr ctli-ke. brft-f
fa luce, better .rrtre. yrre raulus
Successful Correspondence Club." Re
liable; Descriptions free. BOX bit,
use, sjiw awes, bbtjbsj fa pejr sway "
wlU rdwr, tluuw O. O. U. 10 pmr mt
lira tUlivtry rru.ttf. tk itt fpstcuU
"Black Ox" Superstition
In the olden days ft black ox was
sacrificed to Pluto, the Infernal god,
as s white wa to Jupiter. Hence
black ox came to signify misfortune,
sorrow or adversity. To have the
black ox tread on one's foot means
to be visited by death, or to Know
the meaning of sorrow. Pathfinder
The British meteorological office
ha collected much data on thunder
storms, and in Its recent report stated
that thunderstorms occur about once
in ten years at the poles. In Java,
on the other hand, they occur on an
average of 223 days of the year.
About 16,000,000 occur annually
throughout th world.
Got Back at Critic
An actor, who had been persistent
ly ridiculed by newspaper dramatic
critic, mot the critic at social func
tion. "Do you read my criticisms?"
the writer ventured to ask. "Yes,"
replied the actor. "You see I am a
late riser, and when I buy my paper
yours is usually the one left on the
new stand."
Whisker One Popular
A Xew York paper In 18S5 itated
that the military fashion of cutting
the hair close wa wrong, aa the hair
was a conductor of electricity to the
brain and should never be lesa than
two Inches In length; the article com
mended the full-beard custom, and
stated that shaving was ft barbarism.
Good Cleansing Material
To clean guitars, violins, etc., mfx
equal quantities of linseed oil, turpen
tine and water. Shake well to form
an emulsion or cream. Rub the In
strument with a cloth dampened in
this cream, wipe dry and polish with
a woolen cloth, chamois or velveteen.
Patriot's Dssth
William Ledyard, the heroic Ameri
can Revolutionary officer, who gal
lantly defended Fort Orlswold, near
New London, Conn., was run through
the body with his own sword by the
British Major Bromfleld.
Town Orators
Every town baa tour or five men
who favor every movement that offers
them an opportunity to deliver
speeches. Atchison Globe.
. Esrly Photography
The first photographs to be per
manently fixed were made 100 years
ago by a Frenchman, Niepce, although
some years earlier Thomas Wedge
wood, an Englishman, bad obtained
Images which were not permanent
Plant Mors Tree
Six million trees can be grown on
6,000 acres of land, according to for
estry expert In the Department of
Interior. 8lx time that many tree
are cut annually from which I made
nothing more than toothpicks.
Ashe Clean Silver
Cigar or clean cigarette ashes, used
on moist cloth or chamois, mak ft
good silver polish.
Compleli thing! Saturday
Adults, Week doy Matinee 20c:
Eveninps, 35c. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cents all time
We have a faw aelact cars that are big valu.a. a)o
thorn before you buy. Export reualiing snd Storage by
day or week.
Better Franklin Service
at Ninth, Portland, Ore. BKoadwsy (70S
Clarke Bros, Florists, Ml Muailse St.
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
Snd u your ihipmnU. W mail poo ehsKlc
lh Mum Ujr wt ncMn food,
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
las seats artegf sears, raaTUMS, sans.
lc Jam Blast Fall
Oil City,. Pa. Failure marked the
effort of Dr. Howard T. Barnes, Mon
treal scientist to discharge mora
shell of thermite In the Allegheny
river gorge here Sunday in an attempt
to dislodge the Ice Jam which threat
ens to create a flood menace, should
the waters suddenly rise. Two con
tainers placed in the ice at the south
ern end of the gorge failed to explode
because of defective fuses. The shell
were salvaged and work suspended
for the day. Two thermite container
have been exploded, one Friday and
tha other Saturday. Neither charge,
to the observer, ha had any pro
nounced effect on th Ice.
Famous French Soldiers
Mousquetalre or musketeers wars
horse-soldiers under the old French
regime raised by Louis IIIL 1621.
Tbl corps was considered to be ft
military school for th French no
bility. A Suggestion
To the warning Cross Crossing
Cautiously there should be added
Meet Motor Carefully and Pass Pe
destrian Prudently. Winthrop New.
"All Dressed Up"
"Glad rags" mean holiday attire
Sunday clothe. This expression grew
up when "glad" still had tb old
meaning of bright flashy or gay in
color. "Rags" In this expression, of
course, Is used In the Jocular seme
of any clothes. Exchange.
Regular, systematic saving has kept
away want and brought comfort to
many an old age.
eat heartily and keep
healthy with Barkroot, the
tonic that has brought
health to thousands.
A Uaer earn
"Have tekea year Bara-Reet Teak far
aaveral weelu eaa fiaa tt ie m af the Us
bowel and Momack tonka I nave ever taaea"
-A. C. KJtAUS, Penlaad.
Nature's1 Own Tonic
IN my many years specializa
tion In treating Piles and
other Rectal and Colon ailments,
literally thousands of extreme cases
hav come to my attention. It It this
scientific study and experiene which
have enabled me to perfect a method of
treating Piles front which permanent re
or the patient's fee returned. Send to
day for my t KtE lOO-page
book of valuable Informa
tion, or call at my Portland
or Seattle office for examinattoa.
ULAN. M.D..Inf
ruKTiAno uiricts; Seattle ofricit;
Or Ok.n Juilltlna H-M Shift ftulUna