THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by, i. V. HEAD, Editor Publisher subscriphon One year., $1.50 Six months ,15 Three months 50 Entt'ivil h Htt'oml i-lnss mutter lit tlic pi Htndliv nt litne Ori'Kiin, under lu-t of March 3, 1S7D. Friday, March 16, 1926 fv'.-iiia Ir-'jr is pmoif thai he has knrncd so much; V .i' (vim is humble that she knows no more. William Cowper. THS MOT! ICR'S 11Y.N Lord, who ordainest for wankinri Benignant toils and tender cari1! V thf:k Thee for the ties tha' bind The mother to the'child ahe W. 'hsik Tne for the for hop 8 that rise, Wilhin her heart, as, day by day, The dawninjr soul, from those young f yes, Look, with a clearer, steartie' rav. And grateful for the blessiusr i given With that dear infant on her knee, She trains the eye to look to heaven, The voice to lisp a prayer to Thee. Such thanks the blessed Mary gave. When, from her lap, the Holy Child, Sent from on high to seek and save The lost of earth, looked up anb smiledr All Gracious! grant to those that bear A mother's charge, the strength and light To lead the steps that own their care In ways of Love, and Truth, and Right. -YV. C. Bryant HOW THEY DO IT Salina. Colt rado, March 6,1926. Hon. (Jhas. B. Timberlake, Washington. D. C. Dear Mr. Timberlake: No doub- you are besieged these days w ill many letters pertaining to In- contents of the inclosed clipping and herewith take the liberty tt convey to you some inforrcatioi to the effect ahat while in a gro eery store at Boulder last Satur day, it was said a man trade statement in the store that sam day that he had Voted more thau forty times by clipping and mail ing in the Denver Post coupon What a wonderful vote this State could cast for Representative under the same condition, ano should I ever feel disposed to op pose you, I certainly will employ the Post service. I am, very sincere' y yours, Geo. D. Parks. From Cong. Record. W ATKINS ANNOUNCE' HIS CANDIDACY Excongressman Elton Walk in; has announced his candidacy for the United States Senate. Mr Watkins stands on a platform of eleven planks;Americanism, Agri culture. Hydro-electric Power De velopment, Irrigation and Recla mation, Public Domain, Income Taxation, Merchant Marine, Pre hibition, World Peace, Tax Re duction and Other Issues, The planks on World Peacejand Prohibition are as follow: Prohibition is being weighed in the balance. It should remain a permanent policy of the Ameri can people because it is morallv and economically right. Sober senators are needed in Washiug ton to recomend proper enforce ment officials. Furthermore the law shoald be amended penaliz ing the purchaser, seller, user and possessor with identical pun ounbhmenL Violstior-s enn h initantly rebuced 90 per cent bv enacting a statute deportingevery alien engaged in the trafic. The outlawry of war, reduction of armaments, and universal peace are possible by prohibiting prof its in munitions and mateiiuls o' war, subjecting capital to co icription the same as man pow in case of war, and establishin a method and a place where caus es thai iia'i to war c in be settled by arbitration, diplomacy and law. Action, Stability in Five-Tube Set Receiver Using Basket Weave Coil Mounted Be hind Condensers. By CAPT. P. V. O'ROURKK In Radio World. The standard live-tube tuned KIT set la abown In the diagram. The receiver uses baaket-weare rolla that re mounted behind the tuning coo den eri. Thla introduce an action In the circuit which tenda toward sta bility. Cnles thla were dune the tubes on th radio fid would b nncontrollable. Aa a further check upon diaastroM action by the radio amplifying tube the rheostat controlling th two KF tuhea max be varied. The greater th resistance of the rheostat In the cir cuit, the leas brightly th tub burns and the less oscillation. Fits On 7 by 1S Inch Panel. The set may b constructed on a 7 by 18 Inch panel. A convenient method of assembly Is to as a socket shelf. There Is Just enough room for the colls behind th condensers. Angl Iron are need to secure the colls to the socket shelf. Although, called Irons, they are most commonly bras. A tubing Is inserted through one of the apertures caused by the method of winding a basket-weave col I. This aperture formerly was occupied by a dowel sUck or other rod of the wind ing form. Inside this tubing a long machine screw Is placed, with thread toward th condenser, so that a ant may be affixed at that end, to damp the screw down upon th bras angle. The other end of th angle is affiled (o th socket shelf, i'sually on angle, bent Ilk an L, with short horlsontal plane aa th base. Is sun dent for each coll. The Cells. Th Inductances are silk In con struction. Th primaries have elgtit turns and the secondaries have M turns. The wire Is No. 24 enameled silk covered. The form diameter Is three snd one-half Inches. Csuslly there are 15 rods on which the wire Is wound, these constituting th fiirm. Th secondary Is wound for 24 I urns, then the primary wire Is picked up and wound along with It, side by sid, for eight turn. The primary winding being terminated then, th rest of th secondary (25 more turns) Is put on. Th small primary Is used a a further aid In obtaining a re ceiver that will not cans trouble some oscillations. The set, made under these direc tion, with .00065 mfd. tuning eon denser,' will tun approximately la atep. One factor that tend to op erate against this IS th added ca pacity In the first radio transformer, I.1I-2, due to th aerial-ground sys tem. Thus CI might tun with readings a little lower than do of th other condensers. To get away from this four turns may b r amoved from the secondary of th first radii IP ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON i.niiai'-., i m'i-ji it- .lin i eimn transformer, or, in tn actum vnuau.;, the number of turn might be made four fewer than that on the other secondaries (t. ., 52 Instead of W). The circuit enable on to use ear phone at the detector output, but the jack providing for thla purpoe, Jl, Is to facilitate th tuning In of dis tant stations, and not for general earphone reception. Ou that account the rheostat that controls three tube the detector and two audio haa no auxiliary switching arrangement. That Is, when the detector tub la lighted th audio tubea must be lighted otherwise there would be something wrong with the wiring, if the diagram were the guide. J2 la for Insertion of I How to Connect Loop td Your Receiver Set A loop antenna consist of num ber of turns of wlrt! arranged on a wooden framework of diamond or square shape. One advantage of a loop antenna la the fact that It haa dlrecttntial qualities or will receive a signal from AMT. I ANT Method of Connecting Loop Antenna to Receiver Set on direction with greater strength than from another. Also, lu rotating the limp to help In selecting the sta tion on wants to listen to, this kind of an antenna may at times aid In reducing Interference from undcslred stations or from static. History of Lock$ The history of civilization could be written from a atudy of Its locks and keys, for since the barred gat of Eden problems of Inclusion and exclusion have concerned mankind. Egyptians and Oreeks were adepts st lock-making; the Spartana wrought an Improve ment of which th description I lost. It I a historic fact that th downfall ef th Roman empire gav t marked Impetua to th manufacture of wards and bolts, for Rom had policed th world and thlevea were encouraged by the disappearance of strong armed au thority which they had feared. It Is singular, In view of the prevalence of padlocks In official employment today, that the derivation of the first ayltable of the name Is uncertain. Webster says that It may hav meant a basket or panuler. Lodge Directory U.SR LI DUE So. 120. A.F. A A M Meets every first unit third Wedne itf encb month. W. M. W. K. Uul'hrcl ec. Elmer Griffith LOCUST CHAPTER No. 119. O. E. Meets the second ami fourth Tues day of each month. W.M. Mrs. ( Ira Howk; Sec. Mrs. Ituth Mason. IONE LODGE No. 133. 1. O. O.K. Meets every Saturday evening. N. '., Edison Morgan; V. U. Ernest Hellker, Sec. Earl A. Brown; Tree K. J. Brlstow. nr.vciioitAss rf.bekah n. pi I. O. O. F. Meet the first and third Thursday of each month. N.O. Ettn Howell; V. (1. Vlda Hellker Sec. Verda Rltcble: Treas, Etta Brls tow. nni i! tee trpJ -A- T - I m inn mum i n 1 1 Bible Thoughts for the Week Sunday. I Am th way, th truth, and th life, John It ;. i Meaday. That They Should 8k th Lord, . . . For In Ulra w live, and move, and hav our being. Acta 17:27, 23. Tuesday. I Will loth Lay M Down In Peac, and aleep ; for thou, Lord, only mutest m dwell In safety, -r. :8. I Wedaseday. Lev Not th World, neither th thing that are in th world. If any man lov th world, th love of th Father Is not In him. I John 2:15. Tkanday. Pur Religion and undefiled before Ood end th Father 1 thla, to visit th fatherless and widows In their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from thf world. J aa, 127. 1 Friday. Thou Art My Lamp, O Lrdl and th Lord will lighten my darkness. For by The I bav run through a troop : by my Ood hav 1 leaped over a wall II Satu. 22:31, 8U Sstardsy. There I N Man that bath power over th spirit to retain th spirit ; neither hath he power in th day of death: and there Is no discharge in that war. Kccles. 8:8, til I II llll HII Hill Mil 1 1 "Fricndf - MarrUf Th la we of th varloua states pro vide that a marriage may be solem nised In accordance with the rule of Friends, which consists In simply tak ing each other for husband and wife before w"trte(se. CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. VV. HEAD, Pastor Servicea 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M Prayer Meeting-, Wed., 7:30 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Me-rtinj? Thura. Evening Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor at5.30 P.M. Prayer rrweting Thura. 7.30 P.M HEPFNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up i Satisfaction Guaranteed Hcppner, Ore. A. D. M31UKD0, H. D. Physicl in and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained iVurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSC IN & SWEEK Attorn eys At Law First Nation at Bank Building Hcppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat .at the Elkhorn Eestaurant Cood Meals Best of Service Lvoich Counter Dr. A. He Johnston PHYSICIAN & .SURGEON Phone-Ca7ke . Main 933 Itwidence Main -)'J2 HEPPNER OREGON Bristow & Johnson BOOTS and SHOES Fall and Winter Clothing PRIME GROCERIES PRICES LOW As Consistent With Good Quality IONE HARNESS SHOP I C. A. BECK, Proprietor- Drop 111 and looK over my Line of Worh Shoes. ,. I have a good stocK of Cloves and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. I fcAAAAAAAAAAAAA -V - - - A AAA AAA At A A J r "f TTTff ffffTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTvl lone Market T. E. Peterson. Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURNCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courti IONE, OREGON Good Service. Their Fin Qualiti$ Many of th world's greatest men ur unknown lo fume, They are great because they sluire their Joy with oIIhts snd keep Ihelr sorrow to themselves. Fatt Ftyr$ In Its migratory flight wlrt th change of sen sons th wild fo flie t th great speed ef Dearly sixty miles an hour. But th plover doe better; It averages about sevntv-Bv. miles sa hour. Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Oftice: Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon. ,A