The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 12, 1926, Image 4

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Record of His Achievements
During Five Years in Sena's
Basis of Candidacy.
HI Important Committee Plaeae Help
OrtQon to Get Aid It Nedi
For State Development.
Portland. March 11. (Speclnn Milk
toi. on behalf o Senator Robert N.
Stanfield, duo acknowledgment of tn.
assistance rendered him In Congress
by the other members ot the Oreeon Senator Charles L. McNary
and Renresentatlves W. C. Hawley.
N. J. Slnnott, C. N. McArlhur. now de
eased, and Maurice E. Crumpaoke;-,
Mnn P! n Cusiok. manager ot tho
Btanfleld campaign, fata to the press
tr ik nit indue a statement of the
Senator's record of serrlces durlnc the
five year he baa hew onice. i
complete otatement. It la announced,
will be Issued ahortly In pamphlet
form tor general circulation. The fol
lowing 1a a summary touching brief
ly the high llghta of Mr. StanfieMt
record In the senate:
Splendid Committee Assignments.
Senator Stanfleld S placement on the
following Important Committees helps
to put Oregon in the front rank In the
United States Seuate:
1. Public Unda ond Surrey.
Financa. (most Dowerful and Im
portant ot all Senate Commit-
3. ClTfl Service, (next to Chair
man). a ri.imn (next to Chairman).
K Prmt Offices and Post Honds.
tSTd member in 16).
Btanfleld and Oregon Appropriations'
During Senator Stanflcld's live
gears' of service in the U. S. Senate,
he has been a leading factor in the
obtaining of the following appropria
Hons for the state of Oregon:
iTnl for Five Years 1921 16 )
Federal Aid Highways ii.5:!.S94
Forest Roads and Trails . .701 oS7
Rivers and Harbors 7.S.0
Indian Affairs 2 "? .;I
Crater Lake National Park 29!.sO
f ftie MoTTrlio ranking mm
W of the Committee on Claims,
whlen passes on all claims coming De
fore Congress. I
Secures sillr for Aorloulture.
When Mr. Sninlltltl beeame eenator,
on Match . 1M1, afrtculture w" de
pressed, prices were duwn and many
banks In western asrrlculturnl communi
ties ware an the vere ot ruin. Althouah
n expert on aarlculture end livestock.
Senator Htanfleld fonr.4 that ths esnlur
Ity rule greatly handli-emud him In his
efforts to have an emeiency tariff bill
;asrl. Because no tariff bill ouverliui
nolety atrlcultural duties hd ever been
passed by tirs;rasa, be found the Com
mittee on Plrutnoe opposed to the enact
ment of such a law. Senator Btanfleld de
voted weeks of effort to portraying to
the Eastern members of this Committee
the actual conditions which made It Im
possible for farmers and livestock men
to make a profit on their product, because
butter from New Zealand, sfs irora
rtvmtt from th forwU for tfu f1nel
li,... iv AA art 4 Dill aa
thatch... fores, revenue. .!, to the i Qp
Kvery m"!, 'a..."' .14 the MORROW COUNTY,
miner and proapeetor baa met wlta tae
active support of the genater. The mining
Industry, he believes, la particularly well
qualified to judge tta owa needs. This
Industry added more than II.W0.M0 te
the wealth of Oregon during the past
Improving Rivers and Harbors.
The Junior Senator urges larger ae-
nropilatlone for river and harbor Ira-
. . .1 V, - ..ta , V. I I n
consldertng river and harbor projects, j Til K NT.Vl K OK UltKUON, voll lire
future tonnage as well aa present ton- j hereby rt'iislivtl to Hlihoitr lllnl Mi
nnie be considered, and maintains that ,.,..,,.. , . , ,,, . ,
all development of rivers and harbors 'er tllo ii.iiiplulnt (lldl liuniUBl. J oil
should be paid for by the Fsdsral Uov-,: III the uliove vlllll It'll Willi on or
-t.M,t ttvllttniil A, 4ltftrlt ftnSnft '
rial cooperation. Since he kas been In tolv the L'Ulll (Illy (if Nlart'll. IU.1. Hilld
May Mrettiuvo .
ToMny MilBu;nivt', tlui ulinve
muiictl tleleiKlclit' IN Til K NA.MK OK
appropriations for rivers and harbors
amounting to IJ.lls.000.
Widening and Deepening Columbia River
The future development of Portland,
Astoria, Rainier, Ht. Helena and oilier
communities located on the CuluiiiHa
River from Portland to the sea, requires
the nMinttnanre of a channel of suffic
ient width and depth to permit the larg-
"Editor nd Qeniral Manaqtr
Total 32..S7S
A grand total exceeding all Federal
gpproprlatlona for Oregon from Its
admission to statehood until 1921.
Senate Seniority Helps.
States which re-elect their senators
nd representatlvea have a far greater
Influence In governmental affairs and
obtain much larger appropriations and
other Federal aid than those states
which do not follow this course. The
reason for this la the aeniorlty rule
of Congress, which requires every new
senator and representative to start In
China, tinned beef from Argentina and the Senate, Oregon has recelrsd lr,d,rl1 . tlnto living iniire ttmil hit NVi- k titter
llieiliiliMif tlin flrat inililliiilloii ol
tli le mtiiimotix, mill yon III tuK no.
tire, II . von lull to tuiawcr or ollu-r-..
im ii. enr In hum milt mi or lt'firi
id ilntc, tho ;ilttiii(l(f (or wiiut
ilicrt-iol wlil tiii!y to tin-iilmve i'ii-illlt-il
Court, for tin- relict irn,veil lot
IMlllllllll Otl.fllt' til Mil i'l
to w It; Kor it ibn-ive of the iiliovti ell
titled Court. tliuttlieliouil of ninrrliiw
IOV cl-ijn lHlVH'l tilt) pluiutlf
nil llie ili'lrn l iut lie (orover ilUa.ilv
I, hiiiI tlmt the iluliitllf lie icutiit
I .tu inolut iliv.irou front the tin
nilitiit, Hinl that tint cure, custody
,.i I control of niiiior clilltlieii ol
iiaiuillf mi I tl.'lmi'laii t, to wit; IrU
i Kr.n , iiiljiiiiiler. ito 1? yt'iirx;
d.iry Mu rtv.', h iluiitfliter, huk Itl
t ears, iiinl llitrold MiHuniVe. n aim
.iBf lit yeiiri, all llvlnp; itt roi)iioia,
lllliii.lw, Ih iiwiirdeil I lie di-li'iulimt ,
nnl for eurli otlu r u ti l (tii'Lticr n-lh I
14 lO tU'COll.'t Ul.l.l M.'CIII I'lJHHllu.
,1'lllH 4 I l I l 14 I I III 411 . fllll'
tl me to mi or lor ol tlu il u It, I..
I'a , t' mat . J.i I ; i i. 1 1 Sial.' o
rion, for M.'rrmv l oaiiij, man e
it oh-ii t'ourt itc 11 'piiiiit, Ori'Koti
u the .'tltn lay of J i.uiary, I .'.'U
aid order ih'ovl I -4 tli it a ti'l Sum
ions mIiiiII du nililUlie. In the lone
il I -1 -a I -a ... a iv s-kir u-ii ie r
a i'ii teivk foraix voawt'U'lvo w -ek
lie d ue of Li' (iri an If itliin
t r'of la-It Kearuary ,'nli. MM and
ur llati' ol till list I II 1 1 il 1 1 1 III ol
ll-ll.lllll'Hlt Id'lll.f Vl II i ll l'ltll. I'l.ll
K. II, Ktiiiiiiaon. Attorney fur
ne I'liiiiit.ff,
Cost t li'd.eadiln'ss, lotit'.Or Uoil
: ' A
l -r. j
t ' - & H ' '
l--j : : --'
other oroducu were being sold in the U.
8. at prteea lower than like American
producta brought. The Influential Chair
man of the Finance Committee, Holes
Penrose of Pennsylvania, was only par
tially convinced, however, until one day
Kenator Rianfleld. In riding through,
frnnrylvanla and New Jersey, pointed
out to him cabbage rotting In the fields
because It could not compete tn price
with cabbage Imported from Denmark
and Holland. Shortly thereafter, on May
17, 1SSI. the Emergency Tariff Act waa
unseed and furnished Immediate relief by
placing substantial protective dutlea upon
:igrlcultural producta.
Obtains Losns for Fsrmers.
In order to remedy the condition of
hundreds of banka tn smaller western
towns, suffering from sgrlrultural depres
sion, tienator Btanfleld Introduced a Dill
authorising the War Finance Corpora
tion to make agricultural loans. 1 ns
Art became law Aug. 14, the War
Finance Corporation authorising the mak
ing of loane to the amount of ttTS.OOU,
(Km, actually advanatng t39l.0P0.0tiO ot
this amount In western agricultural and
livestock losns dtilrng US1-IH1. In order
lo assist the banks and local loan aaso
c In turns afrerted to secure quick relief
under the Act, Senator Btanfleld travel
led through the west tn mi and visited
many communities for thst purpose.
Worked for Agricultural Credits Act.
He was a leader among Ihe senators
who secured the pasisga of the Agricul
tural Credits Act of Merch i. MM. The
lew permits loans to be made through
Intermediate Credit Banks operating la
conjunction with Farm Loan Banka to
eitend credit for a period of sli months
to three years on warehouse recotpt to
Cooperative Marketing Associations and
other sgrlcultural organisations.
Stanfield Bill for Leans on Hemes.
8i-tmtor Rtunfleld la Ihe author ot leg
islation now before Congress to provide
Government-supervised loans at low
tea of Interest and favorable terms ot
payment to home ownera, and says: "The
bunkers, and Induetry through them, haee
relief through the Fedenu Ko-
erve Banks; farm loans have been pre-
Idtd at low rates of Interest and long
me through the Federal Farm loan
stem: Intermediate credlta have been
provided for carrying agricultural pro
ducts until favorable market eomlltlnns
jbtaln: but the dty home ownera, who
pa the highest price named for all they
must buy, have been afforded no relief.
II Is time these workers were provided
Ith easy means of securing homes ana
paylns for them."
Tins blu provides for a system or
ilnme Loan Hanks supervised by the
Government, with bond-Issuing power,
similar tn that of the Land Banks.
Oregon Should Control Her Resources.
I'ernsps Benalor Btanneia s Diggesi
flKht Is based on the demand that uia
tinvernment ahall recognise the principle j
that the resources of the withdrawn ana
reserved public lands within the state of ,
rron are really the property ol trie
gtate. All revenues obtained rrom tim-
ber or other sales or from the utilisation
of these lands should be paid to the
tale, he Insists. In lieu ot taxes that '
hee areas would psy if In private own-
rsiilp. K-M-ctlng this vital problem, .
er.stor ltai.fiUd says: "As Chairman
Ihe B'-nate Committee on Publle
Lands and Hurveys, 1 maintain that the ;
natural resources of Oregon belong to
Ihe people of Oregon and not to the uov-
rnmrnl. I am leading the fight to es-
Uilllsh Oregon's right to use the revenues
ind to reduce materially the taxes now
burdening our people."
Hss Worked Hard for Oregon's
Reclamation Projects.
H-nntor Ktanfleid has worked unceas-
ngly for th succeis of Oregon's Irriga
tion projects. Being In full accord with
the attitude of the senior penstor from
iregon, Charles L. McNary, Chalrmaa
it the Benate Committee on Irrigation
ird Reclamation, he favors the active
continuation of the reclamation of our
arid lands until every Irrigable acre tn
regun la reduced. In due lime, to culti
Hint Btanfleld entered the Henste, as- .
nroprtatlons amounting lo fk.tll.eee havs
s.een ohtnined from the Government for
-eclamatlon in Oregon.
Backs up McNary in Fsdersl AM for
As one of the acknowledged leaders
among the tl senators representing 11
western states, who organised on Marea
t. ViA, with Renator McNary presiding,
Menator Ktanfield Joins tn opposing In
ferior Department s demand that settler
jn federal Irrigation projecta. Including
re-on. niunt be financed by the Htate
ind nnl by the Government. This f Inan
Inl aid. Htanfleld maintains, should come
fiut of the federal reclamation fund, which
'in June lu, Wi. had a balance of llsLs ,
mk.JiJ 9 on hand
As a result, the Interior Department
hss abandoned Its demand for Ktats aid
and haa agreed to use KWv.PMI of the
reclamation fund for the purpoae of
making experimental loans to settler on
-ertuln projects over a period of tares
yen re.
Hslped Rass Fsdersl Hlghwsy Act
As a member of the Committee on Post
If flies and Post Koads, Benator Btan
fleld whs a leader In securing the paaaage
if the Federal Highway Act on Novem
ber t, 1021. The Act provided for the
present deelgntlon of a system of Fed
eral aid to Highways In the various
Ktatra, and carried an Initial appropria
tion of 176, 0(i, 000. iU procured Inclu
sion of forest roads la this Act, with an
appropriation of 1 11.000,000 the first
large appropriation for forest roads pass
ed by Congress. Rlnee Renator Btanfleld
entered the He nut. Oregon haa reoelved
from the uovernment H.,2.17,6111 for high
ways and forest roads.
For Roosevelt Military Hlghwsy.
The economic value of the Roosevelt
Military Highway to the whole Htate of
Oregon cannot be overestimated. This
highway should be completed at the earl
iest possible moment, because of the great
development It will bring, particularly to
all of Western Oreon. As nearly all of
this highway traverses the national for
ests It should have a major part of the
foeeat road funds eipended upon It.
For Conservation and Raforastatlon,
Hanator Htanfleld believes In the con
servation of Ihe timber resources of Ore
gon. If Oregon's timber can be care
fully harvested and reforestation mede ef
fective, her timber Industry will be per
petual, legislation to trim end Is es
sential, on pnrt of both Federal Govern
ment and Bute. Oregon's privately own
ed timber la valued at I114.r)uii,000 and
paid state and county taxes for 1826
(l Another "tJ'ilt" DurHam Jvt
I rlieamd terven tidtr, aoti I !- i
II stag American humor!. (Mar ,1
law CUUallt. V',wK tl (sJT (hffl.
News Taken from
the Daily Papers
A headline in the pr r !) "'n
thrir war China won't fight on
rainy day," They don't mind get
ting shut, but they won't fet wet.
Imncine a si'jn as you start to en
ter China: ' 11A1N. NO WAR
TODAY." li that was the cuMom
in this country, wc could prevent
all wars by announcing that all the
fighting must be done in FortlanJ,
Oregon. .
Anct! ?r r- p-T "- ts, "Where doei
a Florida Krai Estate man go in
the summer?" lie goes to Cali
fornia to his all-thc-year-round
home. e e
A newpaper aks "Whv does a
these reaourcee to develop the Htate 1 President of a concern a'.H.IVt talk
at the Ccmpnny's banquets?" It's
an incentive to the workers, who
saw "If that's all he knows I may
be President some day."
Another r-Tcr s'ipKfMs, "The
WindHor Custle, March 4, '20
Editor the) ImiepeniliTit:
How duos thin May-like woh
thor strike you? And what do you
think of the punt winter, if it
could he railed a wintur, no unow
or ice, tiomo climate hey? J often
wonder why people will live in a
cold country ent of the Kockieii
with ice-cicled hanwinu to their
j coat tails six months out of each
yt-ar when they can net ch'-ap
lands here In enatern Ureuon and
enjay a fine clinute and ehott
winters. But every one to their
notion as the old lady said when
hiih kiuHitd the cow.
I was out couthof town last
Sunday and Haw the irreen wheut
fields and Rreen urass hillH and
,t made me feel like I was olf of
my tanire. 1 felt like I ouht to
he hack id the Rock Creek hills
looking after cows and calves. I
sometimes think an old buck
oujrht never chanxe hia moue of
warfare or habitation. ) have
always heard it was hard to
teach an old doir new tricks ard
by hock I believe it. If was
not most to old and lame for the
tame, 40 cow punchi-rs cmiM not
herd me away from it stock
r,ni:e I would eurely tn out
amount; them, way out
Where the dew drops fall and
th wild birdsnest.
Where the Wild roe nlooms on
prairie en st,
Wliere the coyotis howl and
the wind aports free,
In the bunch grans hills on the
lonesorrm prairie.
Notick la hereliy given tlmt until r
lulled llHH lavll ll'lllllltei Ii.v the
County t'titirt lit the Htnte n tln iruu
r M i rnw t 'utility, mliiilnlatrator o
the F.stiite ot lVrry V. iHtiula, det
All itersolia tut vlusc elitlim Mtfiliisl
snld twtnUiiiru lien-hy aulld 'il to pre
sw-iit the siiiue, inly Vi rlli tl with prop
er t iM.rih rs attiu l'i-tl, to tin' tunli-r-hIiiimI
at Ilia offler 111 lull), )H yll,
wltlilll Mix luiilitlia from tilt- (lute ot
the llrat pulilli'iitlou o( thlauoihv,
the siiine iH'Ina ilitU-il nml iiil)lleln-il
the first tlliif thUtith tl iy 'i( Ki-hru
i IViB.
K. It. Hohissiin
Ailnilnialriitor of tin- eelJiti a nl
IVrrj C. DriitiN, IhircHS'-tl,
;nited ttaus Senator Robert N. Stanfield
r.t the foot of a committee and staj
there until tha death, retirement ot
resignation of a senior memoir per
mils him to advance a grade. Thh
rule has do exceptions. As some com
mittefes have as many aa 17 members
It generally takes years before a ne
senator can obtain the chalrmanahlr
of an Important committee. Onl)
twenty-two Republican Senators no
outrank Senator Btanfleld in senior
Sonata Committees Control
The leading committees of the Fn
a'e and House control all leglnlation
This is because it Is impossible toi
fnnrreas to consider thousands ol
bills Introduced (in the last Congress
the number was 18.8.VI without firs
referring them to committees for con
sideratlun, report and recommends
tion. The chairman of a leading sen
ate committee possess.:.: great powei
over U-EUlatlon het'ause V" deeliles, a
a rule, the order In w!n. j bills thai
be considered. His ': Vvmrnt als
usually determines which bills she!
be reported out for the Senate to ac
Stanfleld'a Committees Big Asset fo
Benntor Stanfield Is Chairman
the Committee on Public Lands am
Surveys, one of the leading Commit
tees of the Sennto, with 14 member
Thla Committee Is of vast Importune
to Oregon and the olher ten weilert
states because It hnndles ell lenluls
tlon dcal! :g with conservation, reHet
vtttlon, use and tllipcsnl of publi
He has the distinction of h ilng. will
one exception, the only Senator fron
a Pacific Coast State to be mad3 t
member of the- Committee on Flntmc
the most Important and powerful
all the Senate coir, in It lees In tho pa
alxty yeurs. TIiIb ctuimilHeo has
members, bundle, nil tariff und I
legislation and all bills pertaining
the Income of the Government.
Senator Slnnfteld ranks third on th
Committee on Post Offices and Pos
Roads, passing on all legislation
(uctlng postal rates and post roads;
also on the compensation ond work
ing conditions of postal employes.
He Is ranking member (next to
Chairman) of the Committee on Civil r"!!.?.' :? V'"'"'0'"'- O"0"' tim.
gervlce, with 11 members, and, as f?!'..!! hl reserves, payi r,j ne
v.. ,,.,. ,t. u...i txatln to the State, Is va ued at 1230,-
juch. has charts) of the Civil Service 000 000 th, .roount
JMUresiewt Peaslon B11L . Hints by the Oevernment oat of all
Notick la hereliy alveii tlmt tin- un
,,-ri.liifil haa Im-s-Ii niointi-il li.v He
cheapest w ay to enforce Prohibition I otitity Court of the suit.- of t.n
il to have everyone that drink ! Morrow County, A.linii.iHtn.tor
watched." Wha'i coin? to do the"' l teof Anna I. i iikvoII il-
watching? o o o jeeiuwd. All im tboiib Imvlim t lalins ii.
KUlliMt mini eainteiin- m-n uj iiuiiiirii
to preM-nt the sunn' ilulv verifleil us
by litw r'(iilreil, with iiroiier voncli
tfMiit tut hid. to the mnlir-lKUcd ut
An article in a Business Man'
magazine inquires, "What busines
in this country has the largest turn
over?" Cucumber for supper have
the largest turnover, with Ford a
clo second. , 0 e
The Concessional Record speak
ing editorially, say, " 'Bull' Dur
ham is the best Tobacco that ever
entered these Stately Halls."
6 .
P.S. There will be another piece In
this paper soon. Watch fur it.
mm la
1 "Bull
Mias Etiilort HarduHty Mpent
Snn'luy with her parent. Mr, tnd
Mrs, Jim llardcftty.
Mian IU'len Streeter of Cecil
ttpent the week end with Carrie
Gutrtnteed by
1 1 i Fifth Avenue, New York City
his otflec III loni'. Ori-non. within six
months ul the date ol the first pilliii-
ciitlon ottlila notlce.tlie auiiic Mug
diited nml published tne flrat tlmo'
thla l'Jth day of IVIiruiiry; l'.l.
I'', 11. Itoliliiaon,
AdinliilHtrutor of Hit! Katutc of Anna
1 Eligvull, di'tfiiaed,
Notice To CrcJitors.
In the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow
In The Matter Of The Estate
Of Frankiln F. Ross, Deceased
Tlif iindi relKiitd Inivliiir Imn-ii ii
pointed by the County I oiirl of tin
Stale of Ori'K'ii tor I-'riink I In 1 .
Itoaa, ileceitaed,tM,',,t'"'' them duly
verlllt'il na ri'Ulri-il by law, within
Hi iiiolitliH lifter tin firal putilleii.
tlon of thla notice to nut ut my law
ofllteln tlmt ity ot lone, Oregon.
V. II. ItiililiiHon, AilinlnlMlrator ut
tliei'Btateol iraiikllu 1'. Hoes, de-
i i'iieetl. Dated Jiuiiiiiiy I'll, lD.'ti.
Date of flrat piililknll in ,lun. 20.
Ilntc' ot liiat piihllcutlon I-el i. 26.
The only portcble typewriler
that In a real nuccess.
Nest i of Air Monarcht
The National Zoological park any
tlmt (he bald or golden eagle's nest
weighs from 10 to 12 pounds, tnd that
of tho harpy eagle approilmately 14
pounds. Ai rat inch neat aro
bout t feet serosa and 1 foot htfh.
coroUtlnf o( loosoljr wojn ittcki,
SchooU of Highest
Importance to Town
There are certain quite di-nuli re
quirements whli li the m'IumiI hulldliig,
equipment and grounds muat meet If
they are (o promote the heullti of the
arlioul childrru.
The Iwatltui of the schrxil house Is
the flrat point to bo roiisliWred. t'n
ftirtiiiialely. there la only oue time
when deliberation run accomplish
tuucli In this reaped, and tlmt la bo
fore the K'himthouse la built
Hoard of eUiiiiitlim biiildiiig rules
read : "The achmil site must be acres
slhle. well drained, quiet, and safe."
Ordinarily, (he at bwilhtiuKe should
be not more than a mile and half
from the most dlidiiiit home. This rule
does not apply In rural dlstrli-ta.
A site should be rhoavu which pro
vides generous space for plat grounds.
The usual sliimlurd Is tlmt there
should be from .VI to 2O0 square feet
of playground a-r child.
The hiHiDioiise should be planned
by a skilled uri'hliM'l who la familiar
with the best atiiiiilurtls of school rou
alrticlliMi. Ughtlng, healing, veiilllat
Ing and flra-iriioflng are the oiitstand
lug pmlilebis ot hygleulc coualructloii.
ilygela Magiitlne,
Mimj Gladys Medlock wbi call-
mit In Cecil Saturday,
Mrs Okev WlifwIt'H worth and
Children of The Dulles spent the
week end wiln her sinter and
family Mrs Fred IVttyjulin.
Mr. Frtni'hund dutiRhter of
Stsnfiulil Hinnt the week-end
with Mrs Fn nch.
Mrs Fred I'tltyjtihn and tons
were culling! on Mrs Ellis Minor
Mr, anil Mrs. Jim Hurdestv
were Tallinn on Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Pettyjohn Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halferly
nml chil Ten of lone were the
dinner (fin sta of Mr, and Mrs.
11. 0. Ely Sunday.
Mr. a.nd M-s U K Hs-biiiori
Jrove lo liood lwer Ust ihurs
dsy in response to a special invi
tation to he prevent that evening
at a meetinit of the Pioneers of
the valley, in the Pin Groove
Granite Mali, Trie Harbisons set
tied in that vicinity in the early
'80s where they resided for 25
j ears.
The "annual "iret together
meeting-"of the O Id Fellows was
held at Mrjran last Saturday
evening. A tartre number of Odd
Fellows ami II bek h er pru
ne nt from lleppner, Lexington
and lone.
The U lie of Morgan sraged
ylay entitle! "Sinter Old Ft.'
io". The aU'tcivo ot unts
which they war ail t ie witty
tnke orfs oi Oil Fdllowship
t ouuht 1ovi mac i applsuse.
fter the plav h k tuqa-t wa
I' ve I ani t much ion msklng
h ! l in as i'u limited
n) ice in th-j hall would permit.
U other li u I irivs a uleine!
jddress un 0 1 1 K-ello ship and
it nndnight the erowJ disrjred
ill seemingly well pleased With
ihe hospitable reception extended
by the Morgan fo ks.
Catarrhal Deafness
la often eauae4 by an Inflamed eonaitloa
of the mucous llnlns of Hie Kuetac&lan
Tube. When this tube la bifUme4 rou
have rumbling sound or Impart t
Ilaarleg. Unless the InfUmmatloa res
be reitureS. your baarlng may be da
trnyM) forever.
So what we clams for It rM your arsUm
of Catarrh or Poafneoa oauosS by
fold by afl drugftsu for over Team
V. J. Cheney e Co, Toieoo. Obta A
Attention Farmers
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your I
fuel is almost gone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
"When you are in need of fuel at reas-
onable prices-
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
I, 1 .