THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by, J. V. HEAD, Editor Publisher SUBSCRIPTION One year $1.50 Six months ,15 Three months - 50 Kntwed aa wcomt cluwi umttcrnt the jH iitofdif nt lone Oreunn, under ni t of Mnrch 3, 179. Friday, March 12, 1926 When daisies pied ami violets blue, ind a Iv smocks all silver white: Andtuckoo buds of yellow hue. Do paint the meaJows with dciight Shakesjxare THE DAY IS DONE Ti.e i don ami the darkness Vn.U from the winRS of ntght i v fted demnward i',..,n an eaute in its i)iht. .iilits of the village .,; the rain and the mist, - '.-u of sadness comer o'er me ,n ii im .no resist; mtf of sadness and longinjr. That is not akin to pain, An.i resembles sorrow on!y m - r sem -s rain. v , raft tame some poem, S , n- simp'e and heartfelt lay. r- it ihM oothe this re tless feeliug And banish the thoughts of day. Not from the grand old masters, Notfrom the bards sublime, Whose distant footfalls echo Through the coridors of time. Read from some humbler poet, Whose songs gushed from hi? heart. As rain from the clouds of summer. Or tears from the eyelids start; Who through long days of labor, And nights devoid of ease, Still heard in his enul the mu.ic Of wonderful melodies. Then read from the treasured volume The poem of thy choice, And lend to the rime of the poet The music of thy voice. And the nights shall be filled with music. And the cares that infest the day, Shall fold their UnU. like the Arabs. And silently steal awav. NULIFICAT10N From the noise made by th proponents of the agitation foi the modification of the Volutes Act and the virtual nullification of the 18th amendment to the Constitution, it might be thought that the failure of ahe Act is total and that nullification needs only to be admited. The truth is that ti c wail is due to the enforcement of the enforcement of act and that the howlers for modificpticn arc learnining that construe IvsnnU ification is dangerous and increas ingly so. If violation of the act were safe and easy, the roar i'or modificationtwould scon subside. WHY DELAY? The big task before the deople of the northwest is electrical de velopment. Provide'this and the useof electricity fo'lows as a matter ol courne. It is idle to ay re must delay development until there is a greater demand. There is demand new for all the power that can be produced and the demand will never be lacking If rates are provided in line with the low cost possibilities open to us. What ws need is a program that will secure results. When we have that we will have the key to future progress; we will not open the door until we (to have the right key. The proposal velodment and private distribu- n connection with the Umatilla rapids project, likewise the Colo rado project, locks to Federa1 de tion. It seems a rational plan, it has the approvrl of the secretary of the interior and it has ihe ap parent endorsement of the bin chieftains in the electrical field. There is reason therefore to ex pect action anc these results may be provided sooner than anyone expects. Tne Columbia river is able and willing to pay for.its own devel ipment; why should thtre bt ielay? Sex and Athletic According to study made by Prof A. V. lllll ot the I'nlversltj college London, woman athlMea arc able to attain a maximum speed of only T9 per cant of that of men, In rminlnt and swimming. A woman 'ta able to expend only fc! per cent of the energy expemluhle by a niun of the unit weight. Keep Home in Repair; Adds Much to Value When Inclement weather makea It Impossible to do much work on the ex terior of your home la an excellent time to plan your repair aud upkeep campaign. Uo over your home thor oughly both on the Interior and ex terior, and make a complete list of all things that require repairs or renewal In the event that you hare been lax In the rant In keeping your home In flrst clas condition you probably will And number of things that will require attention. Thla system of checking up on your home well In advance of the time when It will be possible to do the work will be of great advantage in either planning to do the work your self or In finding the proper mechanic at the least cost, and It will also pro Tide time In which te accumulate the necessary funds. That keeping a home In good repair will add many years to Its life and much to Ita value la recognised by most borne owners, yet It Is surpris ing how many home are allowed to become dilapidated by reason of neg lect. The home usually represents a sizeable Investment and to many the only one ef any magnitude. Those who have other Investments will go to great lengths to protect them, yet they will at times slight the most Important Investment that they can ever make and allow their home to depreciate In value. Any one owning a home should strive to keep It In as near Its original condition aa possible, which can be easily done by strict adherence to the rule of replacing or renewing any worn part in Its earliest atagea of Pay to Remodel "It la possible, by remodeling old houses, for the family of moderate means to own Its own home, or even a country home in addition to Its city apartment," aaya a bulletin from "Bet. ter Homes In America." The country house can even be bad with profit, for it can be leased for abort periods and be regarded aa an Investment rather than a liability and luxury. "Finding such a borne Is sot Impos sible, even within commuting distance of a large city, the only problem being to take time to find It, and to recog nize the possibilities for Improvements on old houses under unprepossessing conditions. Some of the most atro cious examples of mid Victorian archl lecture and the most dilapidated old shanties may be made surprisingly at tractive by the use of a little skill. Ingenious thought and the removal ot meaningless ornaments and parti' tlona." ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Small Towns' Growth Shown by Statistic! For nmny years we have witnessed In thla country the phenomena of pro nounced population shifts from the rural districts to the cities. While this movement still may be In progress, the development of aeml-rurul environment lias been carried to the place where the big cities of the first magnitude are now growing seemingly no more rapidly tlum are the small cities and large towns, ami we even may he on the threshold of a reaction from the traditional pro-urban migration. From the niost complete and reliable ource of building Information avail able In this country. It Is found that during the first nine mouths of WX the '.'5 leading cities of the country, In point of housing construction, enjoyed building gain of about IT per rent over the same period of 11)24. From the same authority It Is learned that 344 cities and towns, exclusive of the 23 metropolises, showed a combined Increase of substantially the same per centage. Included In this list of ,144 centers were some pla'cea with only a few thousand population. While these figures are not conclu sive, they are enough to the point to arouse the Interest of the student of current economic conditions, and to Justify the hope tliut the small town Is beginning to come Into Its own. Thrift Mugazlne. Community Joins in Shade-Tree Planting Residents of Polytechnic, a auhnr bun illstrlt-t of Fort Worth. Texas, are comluftlng a tree planting campaign. tarried to a succensrul conclusion, it will result In the parkways alongside every street and avenue In the suburb being lined with shade trees of uni form size and variety. The movement Is a result of the effort of a resident of Avenue M to Improve the appearance of his Imme diate neighborhood. Sews of the Ave nue II benutlficatlon project spread rapidly to other streets In the auburh, and Its sheer merit swakened the pu'uu'c conscience, with the result that now there Is hardly a atreet In the. district on which some self-appoln1 committee Is not trying to put over a linl! ar program. Indications are thst each street will select different variety of tree. Thus a motorist In a few years may be aide to drive through the suburb la the shade of trembling sycamores, return by another route shielded from the snmmer'a sun by stately American elms a pride of Texas m well aa New Kn gland cities thence to Great er Fort Worth on a boulevard lined with pecans, the official atate tree of Tsxss Christian Science Monitor. Lodge Directory IOXE LOIKJE No. 120. A.F.4 A.M Meets every first nnd third Wednes ufeiich month. W. M. W. E. Uut!nnl fc. F.Imer Griffith LOCUST CHAPTER No. 119. O. E. Mce's the second and fourth Tues. Iny ol ench month. W.M. Mrs. Clrn iiowk; Sec. Mrs. Itutb Mason. IONE I.OIXiK No. 1.15. I. O. O.K. Meets every Hnturday evening. N. ., Edsou Morgan; V. U. Ernest lellker, Hoc. Earle A. Drown; Treat :. J. Urlstow., Bl'NCIiaitAHS KKBF.KAH No. PI . (). O. F. Meets the first and third Thursday of ench month. N. (J. Etta Howell; V. . Vldtt llellker Sec. Vcrda Illtclile: Treus. Etta Brhv tow. MiiiMiiiimiiiMiiiint Bible Thoughts for theWeek Ssadsv. Rlghtaauanasa axalteth a Uon: but sin Is reproach ta any people. Prov, 14:84, u MeBssy. Then Shall Ya Call Upon Ma and y shall go aud pray unto lie, and I will hearken unto you. Jar. 29:11 m Taesdsy. Ha That Paaasth by, tnd md dleta with sulfa belonging not to him, la Ilk on that taketh a dog by. the tars. Pror, S0:1T. WsJasUsy. Far the Lard Oof It and t shield : tht Lord will fivt grace and glory as good thing will Bt withhold from them that walk uprightly. r. 84:11. Tbanday. fT tht tarsi, and itrvs Bins la truth with all jour heart 1 for consider bow great thing Bt hath dona for you. I Bam. 12:24, 1 ' Friday. Thy Sun ahsU at mtrt (t down; neither shall tby noon withdraw Itself: for the Lord ahall bt thlnt tvarlastlng light, and tht days ot thy mourning ahall t ended. 1st. 80:20. Satwrday. The Wolf Mat shall dwtU with tht lamb, and tht leopard ahall lit dowa with tht kid; snd tht calf and tht young Hot and tht fatUng together: and little child shall lead them. Isa. 11 :. 44MIIIMI lllll Roquefort Cheese Roquefort cheese, formerly made only from abeep'a milk Is caret la southern France, Is now made la American aalntary dairies from cow's milk, CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Panto- Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs, Evening Service 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor a 15. 30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M HEPPNER TAII-ORINGCO. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up (Satisfaction Ciuaranteed Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMUIiDO, M. D. Physician an d Surgeon Office in Mas tnk Building Trained Nurr c Assistant Heppner . Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner - Oregon m.atiuiau.iiiji uaaant When You Visit 1 leppner Eat at the Elkhorn- Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SIJRCEON Phono-Office Main 933 Main 492 OREGON Residence HEPPNER . . Bristovv & Johnson BOOTS and SHOES Fall and Winter Clothing PRIME GROCERIES PRICES LOW As Consistent With Good Quality IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. bilCll, Proprietor 1 Drop In and looK over my r Line I have a good stocK of Cloves and t Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone Market T. E. Peterson, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone. Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURNCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson . Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE, OREGON aTaaaaaVaaj of WorK Shoes. J Good Service. il Guard Shah's Jewels , In n wife In lbs slinli of I'srsla'a (mim e hi Trlivriui, inlllluiia of dollars wnrlh f Jcwfls urc hidden, and a body of II fly arini'd men And euiployinant In gtinrdlntf I hem. Immortal Hymn Tht Immortal hymn, "Jerusalem tha Onldon," Is derived from "Lain Tatrlaa CotdeMli," a part of "Da Contsmptu Mutidl," ono of tha seven great hymns of the Lalin church. Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon. a