The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 19, 1926, Image 3

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for Women
irre". W. Z. Simmons
Salrm. "F.vrr thice I va alntit
twenty years oi l Dr. rirrct'i Favorite
J'mcriptinn has been my only tonic
ami nervine. When I bfm to feel rim
down or Ret into a ncrvotu state I take
II Treicripliini' and it nlntyi
Itiven satisfactory rctill. During nil
of my expectant periods I liave
depended entirely on it to krrp me well
ml itrong, and it was a wonderful help.
I always grt ilnns '" was able to be
round and had no ili-lrm to iICuk of
at any tune. 1 do believe tliere it no
other metlkine so helpful in mother
hood" Mr. W. Z. biihinuni, VJS S.
Htli St.
Obtain thli (arnotii 'Trejcriptiou"
now, in tahleii or lionld, front your
druwtit. Write Dr. Tierce, ('resident
Invalidi' Hotel hi liuffalo, N. Y, if
jrou dcir free medical advice.
Rata Lowtr; Amount Increases.
Washington, I). C Despite genur
ally lower levels of tui rata In effect
during 1.'5 tho federal government re
ceived a greater volume of tsxns than
It did In 1: I. Official figures for the
two years, mado public Sunday night
by Inn bureau of Internal revenue,
showed total recelpte of J2,94.257,m
for l2&t compared with $3,688,045,20
for Ifll. or an Increase lait year of
.2I1.C25. '
Tim revenues from aourcea other
than Ihfi Inroina tax failed to go for
ward umli r th atlmulua of reduced
taxation. The Ineoiua taxea, however,
yielded lt.fi2S.7a4.13S last year, gain
of IZ4.509.T24 over 1924. Mlscellan receipts dropped from IK86.H1,
I(iS In 1924 to $SGM5J,I10 In 192S.
Rial Health rtsaort.
The Falkland Islands bare ona of
tha moat aaluhrloua climates In the
world. Againat 56 blrtha recorded
there in 1923, there were only IS
deatha. The population, tetlmatod, la
2.142, of which 1.2UG ar malea. There
waa no alckneae of aerloua character
throuKhout the year.
Aiklng Too Much of Fox.
She wua In Alaska looking over a
fox farm. Aftar admiring a beautiful
allver aMelmen aha anked her guide:
"Jul how many tlmea can tha fox
be aklnncd for hie fur?" "Three
tlmea, mailum," said the guide grave
ly. "Auy mora than that would a pel I
lila temper." I
Few Aggeetalve Snakee.
The Impertinent of Agrlrulture aaya
that the king coin a of Aula haa been
known to follow and attack persona,
and the large constricting anakea of
the tropica also at tlmea are aggrea
alve. The poisonous snakes of the
United Hlutes usually do not attack
men unless molested.
Ancient Anesthetics.
Aneslhutlcg In surgical operations
were used thousand of yeara ago, we
are told by one high authority. They
commonly used vegetable drugs such
as jnorphlno and hashish and alcohol.
Kept In Cage Elsvsn Years,
Jenu do la Ilaluo, French eccloslaa-
tlo and politician of tho Fifteenth can
tury. Incurred tha displeasure of King
Louis XI, who had hlnrsb.ut.ap In. an
Iron cage for sloven year, from 1469
to 1480. ',"
' , An Angle.
Jud Tunkln says tryln' to please
aonio men,' fiiakes 'em feel so lrapor-
tunt that you don't nut any thanks.
Kiinsaa Clly Star, , ,
Suspenders, or "gnllusea," to hold
up the aklrta la the latest thing In
women's" fashions, aaya tha glrla of
Con verse college at Spartanburg, S. C
who are, filing over tha campus thusly
nttlred., The girls do not trust tha
nail often used, In lieu of tha missing
button and connoct the "pallusos" and
aklrt with anfoty plna.
You Want a Good Position
Vary wll T the Aoeonntiwey and
Business raanagamaiit, rami Itemrtart
ai. Calculator, I'omptomator, HUnuark
Mo, HABimutahlu, ur Common Tea
trs' Osama at
The fnremnet Business College of tha
nennwMi wnien nu woa more Aocumoy
Awards and (told MMlaJi lliu ur rvth.r
school la America. Hand (or our ailoe
Li"if, ruunq mrrm naar jniirneaa,
mnumi, kit. ihh at. waiaar, i-rwo.
P. N. U.
No. 8, 192o
; ar abori atom rob. uo.i
T1 II ICY met at Qulmhy'i unex
pectedly, for the first time In
three iiinntha, and aftar the
handshake proceeded to their
old table In the corner, '
"Well, how goes Itr asked Bendy.
I "lleudy," aald Dudd Ilronson, Ignor
ing tha question, "I am the greateat
man la the world. I myself, am for
ham and cabbage, since It tickles my
feelings, but It you want anything
from peacocks' hearts to marmalade,
lt'a on ma."
Bendy atared at tha roll of tills)
Dudd brought out of Ida troueere
pocket "Pudd," he said, hla voloa
trembling, "I respect you. I'leaae put
It In your breaat pocket ao I can see
the bulge. What waa tha occur
rence?" I "1 bate to tell It," declared Dodd.
"llendy, I am a modest mun, When
yon admire ma moat, remember I aald
I "Tha pity of It la that tliere waa
no one to wutch me. I dona tt In
I "One day, about two weeks ago,. I
walks Into the aanctum of David Jet
more. Jetmore la tha best lawyer la
Ilorton, over In Jersey. lie's ona of
them fat, bulgy men that looks right
through yon with clrcnmambloua
I "'Mr. Jetmore,' aaya I, my nam la
Aba Del man. I been running It
store over In Paulino wttb my brother
Lao. a bad fight over a personal
matter which ain't to the purpose, and
when Lao began lookln' for ma In an
unpeaceful mnnnur I came away for
my health. Vow 1 wont to get my
half of the etore wtihh I am broke
till I got It, and you should writ to
Lao'a lawyer, who la Mr. Devlin of
Ironton, shout a aettlemenL'
" 'Have you aomcthlug for a retain
er T aaka Jetmore.
I "No,' aaya I. 'I'm llvln' at a boUL'
"I'm busy man,' aaya Jetmora,
and how do I know I'll get any
money T
! "'Mr. Jetmore,' aaya L that store's
worth tbrea thousand dollars If lt'a
'worth cent And If my half ain't
enough, maybe you can get Lao to
give you aome of hla.'
"Finally, after I explained prorala
cuously why I had to keep at an un
safe distance from brother Leo, and
other delicate nolnta. Jetiuora mmrm
(he'll take tba Job. When be aaya
Devlin, Leo s lawyer In Ironton, la a
personal friend of his, I told him that
made It all tba better.
"That aama afternoon about four
I hours Inter I walks Into Dcvlln'a office
in ironton. 7 .
"'Mr. Devlin,' aaya I my nam ta
Leo Dolman. I been runnlne It a
store over In Faullne with my brother
.Aba. Wa had fight over a personal
matter wnicn am t to the purpose, and
Aba left for parte unknown. Two
daya ago cornea a letter from Abe'a
lawyer, Mr. Jetmora of Ilorton. about
Abe'a share la tba store, which ba
dldnt wait to take with him, and I
told him to write to you, because you
should make It aettlement for me.'
I "llendy, these lawyers la all tho
aama.- All they think about la wbat'a
In It for them. They're paroaltea,
Bendy. They're a menace to aeclety.
i "Have you aomethlng for a retain
er T asks Devlin.
Mr. Devlin.' aaya 1 1 have not'
Than,' aaya be, "how do you ex
pact to aettle with brother Aber .
"Bendy, I know you won't repeat
this to any of our friends, or I
wouldn't tell It It fills ma with
'ahama. Bendy, when I remember that
i fifty I handed to Devlin. These law
yers la tha worst kind of graftera. -
"I told Devlin I dldu't want any
i Paulina natlvea to know about mine
and Abe'a Intimate pertlnacltlea, and
l walta In Ironton for a aettlement
Aa aoon aa ha got my fifty ba wrote
I off long letter to Jetmora which ha
let ma read to correct tha aentlmenta.
I "It waa Inst Thursday when I got
to Devlln'a sanctum Just In time to aea
I him pnttln' on hla coat to go to lunch
With the Stenographer.
;i "Hello, Dolman,' aaya he. Til era
you In about half an hour, riore'a
letter from Jetmora. Make yourself
' at home till I get back.'
' "When be'd gone I read tha letter
over Just to make aura there wasn't
j no changca since ( aaw It the night
(before In 'Jetmoro'a office. It aald
j that Aha had decided to accept Loo's
, offer of twelve hundred dollara cash,
provided It , paid within throo
I daya. .'
""I goea to the atcnngrapher'i desk,
picks out a Dlca printed letterhead,
and wrltea on It aa follows:
- March 11, lilt,
Mr. David Jetmore,
Morton, N. J,
. Dsar Blr '
I As pr advice 'eontslnsd In your
I favor of the 10th Innt., I am an
eloatnc herawlth cheek for twalve
hundred dollara In full paymant of
in i ibiiii vi nu, fciwiiii laimi.i
l Tn lulmir
I ahall be pleased to have you
eoknowlada raoalpt of same.
Tours vsry truly,
" "I ' had already practiced Devlln'a
hand till I waa tick of It, and I
signed that letter ao that Devlin blm
olf couldn't a' told tha difference.
Then I pulls out blnnk check, niukea
It to tha order of Devlin for twelve
hundred dollara and slims It 'Leo Del
mun' and Indorses Devlln'a uarue on
the back. - ,
I vi course, i coma nave none some
1 1 of this work In toy own boodwar, but
1 wuhtef to use Devlin's typewriter,
and besides, I had a feeling It would
ba mora gentlomun-llke to do every
thing right there In the office.
"When Devlin come back I had the
letter all ready to mull flowed away
In my pocket
"'Have you got that twelve hun
dred?' aaya he.
"Mo,' aaya I, 'but I'll got It In three
daya or bust' '
"You'd better,' aaya he, 'for when
Jetmora aaya three daya be don't
mean four.'
"I mailed the letter and check In
Ironton that afternoon, and next day
that waa Friday I goea over to
Ilorton on tha very first train, and
pedeatrlnatea Into Jetmore'a office on
the atroka of ten.
"Jotmoro met me cordial Ilka mul .
that'a Just found aomethlng to kick.
He'd amelled my money.
"Did you get ltr aaya L
"lie pulled out the check I'd mailed
In Ironton tha day before. I looked
at It over bis shoulder, him holdln' on
with both hands.
" T guess about fifty of that belonga
to you,' aaya L
'Fifty I' aaya he. TlftyT
" 'No,' aaya 1, 1 only aald It once,'
"That'a what cornea of guttlu' Into
the clutches of one of them graftera.
Bendy. But I let tt go at a hundred
to preserve my own Interests;
" 'Well,' aaya I, 'give me the check.'
"'Give me my hundred,' aaya be,
" T ain't got It; aaya L
men wa'u casb the check,' aaya
he, and puta on hla coat and bat
"Bendy, ain't that pitiful? Ain't It
pitiful? It waa comlu' ao easy I
yawued right la hla face. Saya be.
'then we'll cash the check.' Oh, the
big rat boob I
"We goea down to the bank, and
Jetmore steps up to the window.
" 'Good morning, Mr. Jetmore,' aaya
the teller, obsequIee-Uke.
"Jetmore takee a pen. Indorsee the
check, and paasea It through the win
"'Give It to ua In hundreds,' aaya
"'Not for me,' aaya I, ateppln" up.
Make It twenties.'
"The teller counta out ten twenties.
slaps 'em on top of a pile with a ban-
dine on 'era, and shoves 'em through
the window to Jetmore. He counta
off five and I aticka the rest In my
" 'Better count 'em,' aaya Jetmore.
"Til take a chance,' aaya L The
young man looks boneet' The truth
la, I waa beginning to get the ahlvera.
"Me and Jetmore turned to go.
Just aa we reached the door I felt
that pile of twentlee Jump right out
of my pocket and alap me In the face.
Htandln' there lookln' at ua waa
, "'Hello, Jetmore,' aaya be. Good-
morning, Mr. Delman.'
"Bendy, stand up. No man can alt
unrcapectful while I relate the se
quence, it fills my eyee with tears to
think of tt Tve been a modest man.
but this la too much for me. I must
tell the truth.
"I was In a bole, all right but I atUl
bad bold of the rope. I koew that
IVvlIn thinks Tat Leo and Jetmore
thinks I'm Abe, and aa long aa they
didn't get a chin on It I waa safe.
"Mr. Devlin,' aaya I 'I'm glad to
aee you. There'a a little matter I
want to ask you about'
"Jetmore started to spout before
Devlin could answer and I Inter
"lt'a an Important matter,' aaya I,
"and I won't keep you long.'
"Devlin stood lookln' at ua like he
dldnt understand. Of course, Jet
more knew I knew Devlin, because I'd
told him be waa mine and Leo'a law
yer before the fight
"Jetmora pulla out hla watch and
starts to go.
" 'I've got an appointment,' aaya he.
Til ace you later. Drop around to
tha office about one.' Then he turns
to me. 'Come In and aay good by,'
aaya he, and off he goea.
"It took me about two mlnutea to
explain to Devlin that I'd come up to
Uorton to try to get Jetmore to chop
off a hundred on the aettlement Dev
lin laughed.
"'Jetmora don't do no choppln',
aaya he.
"Right you are,' aaya L He wont
even give me no extra time.'
"'What waa It yo-1 wanted to aak
me?" siijs be.
" 'Mr. Devlin,' aaya L To a poor
man. Whether I get that twelve hun
dred I don't know, But I got friends
In Pittsburgh what's got It, and If
you'll let ma have fifty back for rail
road fare, I'll make It a hundred
when I aettle up.'
"Devlin blinked hard, and I thought
he'd Jumped It But beta' a grafter,
that hundred looked too good to lose.
He putla out a big black wallet
counta out five tens, and hands 'em
to me careful-like. '
" 'Delman,' aaya be, 'I know you're
an honest man. I can tell It by your
eyes. I feel aura you'll . get the
"Mr. Devlin,' aaya I, holdln' hla
band In one hand and the fifty la the
other, 'I will get the money.' And I
leaves hlin.stnndtu' there In the bank,
wotchln' me through the window.
"Did jou go to Pittsburgh?" asked
"Bendy," aald Dudd, "don't be fac
tlous In tha presence of genius. Ton
offend me," '
. "Forgive me," aald Bendy, humbly.
"Let ma see the fifty, Dudd. I just
want to touch It"
Remit, a Rtl Scrap
Manager That la the moat reallatle
fight I ever sn on the acreon. How
did you work ltt , i
Film Director I told each actor on
the quiet that the other considered
him a potik scrapper.
Republic Will Make Agricul
ture Science.
Constantinople, The Turkish re
public la going In for agriculture on
a scale the like of which the country
previously haa never witnessed.
Ilecognlzlng the principle that there
can be no enduring prosperity In a
nation of oppressed and unwilling
producers, the government haa made
numeroua changea ameliorating con
ditions under which the peasants
The feudal system which obtained
during the rule of the sultans haa
been abolished. Tba overlords, who
claimed vast stretches of land and
used tha pea inn ta as serfs, have been
executed or exiled and the land di
vided among the people. With the
departure of the sultans went the tax
on the peasants which took one-tenth
of their profile.
To create body of expert man
agers, the bureau of education haa es
tablished 18 agricultural schools for
which there were 2,000 applicants
this year, and also la sending students
to farm collegea In Europe and
The department of agriculture la
encouraging scientific farming through
the dissemination of Information, dis
tribution of seeds and Institution of
tractors and other modern machinery.
It haa elaborated upon a program, to
extend over the next ten years, for
the Intensified production of tobacco
and the "three whites" of Turkey
cotton, sngar and wheat
Aa for I'realdent Kemal, be la ao
keenly Interested In the development
that he ta running an experimental
farm of hla own on the outskirts of
Latest photograph of John D. Iiock
efeller, made recently while be waa
playing a game of golf at Orruond
Beacb, Fla.
Patrolmen Save a Woman
After Leap Into River
New Tort Her handa clasped as If
la prayer, a gray-haired woman, about
fifty five yeara old, plunged from the
bridge at the Delaware, Lackawanna
4 Veetern railroad terry atlp at
Twenty-third street Into the Hudson
A throng In the waiting room aaw
the woman disappear la tha Icy water.
Aa unidentified young nmn sprang to
the rescue. Aa the crowd watched, he
dived and brought the woman to the
surface. 1
Patrolmen ' Voung and Morrison
lowered a ladder Into the slip, but
found It waa three feet too abort Aa
the watchera cheered, Morrison held
Toung by the ankles and awung him
down until hla handa grasped those of
the rescuer.
Assisted by several men, Morrison
and Young hauled the two ashore.
The rescuer shivered a few seconds,
ahrugged hla shoulders and disap
peared before police could learn bis
Dame. The woman, Identified aa Mary
Regan, fifty-five, unemployed and
homeless, waa taken to Hcllovue hos
pital to be treated for submersion.
Young Men of Pennsylvania
Town Losing Their Hair
Klttannlng, Pa. A atrange malady,
which ao far haa defied dlugnosls by
physicians and scalp experts la rapid
ly denuding tha heads of the town'a
young men of hair.
According to a local newspaper,
physicians at a meeting here an
nounced that they had received more
than 800 applications for treatment
for premature buldneaa : from men
ranglug In age from nineteen to thirty
la the past two weeks. , .
X Live 13 Days Without
Food or Even Water
Dellalre, Ohio. After being
Imprlsoued in the Webb mine
for 13 days without food and
water, three horses and a mulo,
forgotten while efforts were
I made to recover the bodies of t
nine mlnera who lost their Uvea
la aa explosion, were led from f
tneir uving lonui ana t rented to
fresh air and austennnce. There I
i waa great rejoicing among the
townspeople and miners when
the faithful animals were re-
I ported safe.
ev ' " T m-
1 Jt 1 LiiallJL
Portland, Oregon.
Too WiD T Rlrht at Borna Bm
!aft aal Ctstral IctNaaUt Ukn.
Emlknt Cafe B racial Wwklr
bat MwrUtfl Trains. 11th and 8 Uric.
etqgcr nn fUi, in TfSTFO
W. I,, A fifMfjr V.TU from aWkt
ttxj urwr ttr! HoiwttI.
(!. iair fMDii WrrCl't K 14
W(rlo Wfa. .'-Kh'frtM, IK jrt, rrp
utati'ti f"r letter rblr-k, ltft-r
vaiii, rwtir Rmr. t re cutikag
QUEEN t lATCfir: R.V-Jnv Todd
MM intvlnul - SSATTLO
44a Washington It., Cor. 12th St
Rameatljr sollr-Ua your patronafa. Tou
will hava all lh comfort of your own
home. Very reuwiruibl rates and prompt
and courteous servtca.
Civ us a trlsl
Cheaper Lime for Farmers.
Governor Pierce haa under consid
eration a plan proposed by the State
Lime Doard to establish lime crushing
machinery at the penitentiary, the rock
to be ahlpped In from Marble Moun
tain In Josephine county, and ground
at the prison, with prison power and
prison labor. State Market Agent
Spence aaya the fanners of western
Oregon are nearly all to need of lima
for full productiveness, but that the
high cost haa bold tbla back. Governor
Pierce thinks, If the plan la carried
out, that at least $2 per ton red no
tion from present prices can be made.
with delivery at Salem.
The Canadian Way.
In the wheat aectlon of Canada a
farm Instruction train will be run, two
cara, one with samples of the best
seed grain to ahow what good aeed
looks like, the other with two modern
seed cleaning outfits, one to be operat
ed by hand, the other with gasoline
power. Farmers along the route may
bring In their wheat and aee It clean
ed and they will be advised to form
syndicates to produce the larger ma
chines for community service or the
smaller onea for Individual use.
Hope Lies In Organization.
Labor haa daya work to aell and by
union strength It haa been able to fix
Ita selling price In many lines of In
dustry, in localities where it is solidly
organized. Farmers have no such
control of what they have to aell they
cannot tlx prices they permit world
wide competition and manipulation to
set prices on their products and tlx
their incomes. Once labor thought
the undertaking of establishing wages
by organization strength waa hope
Enormous Grsln Losses.
The Toronto Sun gives some start
ling figures of grain losses from smut
and winter Injury of Canadian wheat.
In one day, tt atatea out of 1278 cara
handled In tbe western division, S18
were classed as "No grade" against 164
"So. 1 northern. Hi No. t and 179
No. S. The difference In price that
day waa 42 centa per busheL
$225 Per Family for Clothes.
The U. S. Department ot Agriculture
statea that $225 per family waa the
average amount apent for clothing by
1,337 American farm families In 1922
23, the families averaging four per
sons. These figures are positive proof
of the utter unfarenesa between form
and other incomea, the average per
persons on the farm being 155 per
year (or all wearing apparel.
. Quarantine Against 8mut
Quarantine against flag-smut wheat
went into effect In tbe United Statoa
February 1, prohibiting Importation
from India, Japan, China, Australia,
Union ot South Africa, Italy and Spain
ot all varieties of wheat and wheat
products except such aa have been ao
milled or processed aa to have destroy
ed the flag smut spores.
Grading Paya.
It gives the producer more money
for fewer products and it gives him
ready marketa. The farmer who fanns
with hla head la the one who a
guaranteeing the quality of a contain
Br'sr Williams.
"Don't argue with a fool," aaya
Drothor Williams, "for that dea gives
him a chance ter make a fool of you.
Atlanta Constitution.
Laea In Revolution.
Four persona by the name ot Lea
took important parte In the American
Revolution Gen. Charles, dismissed
by congress for disobedience, Richard
Henry and hla brothers, Arthur and
Francla Llghtfoot ot Virginia,
Completi Chanei Saturday
Adults, Week day Matinee 20c:
Eveninps, Wc. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 centa all timaa
Clarke Bros Florist, stT Mum Bt
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
Band a tout Bhipmamta. W dmO too check
th him day wa nciv (oodt,
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
Greeting Yields Return.
Qulncy, 111. Mrs. Fred Nelae of this
city haa received word from Spokane,
Wash, that ahe waa the aolq heir to a
1000-acre ranch well Blocked, major
sharea In a large wheat elevator and
$50,000 In cash through the death of
her uncle, John Schroer.
At Schroera' death it waa believed
In Washington that he had no living
relatives, but In one of hla iocketa
a little Christmas card waa fount! from
Mrs. Nelae signed "lovingly, your
The new imperial city of Rome,
which Mussolini's magic wand haa
commanded to come Into being with
in five yeara, may bring Into aa artis
tically jaded world architectural in
novations ao startling and revolution
ary that, compared with them, the
most de.ring aky scrapers of New York
will seem old-fashioned. This la the
present determination of the vanguard
of fascist architects and artists, which
la furnished the bone of contention i
the moat spirited esthetic controversy
which haa rocked Italy since the glor
ious days of the renaissance.
Study In Relativity
Pat waa la the middle of the stream.
hla canoe turned over. He waa des
perately working hla arms and legs,
splashing around trying to find a hole
of safety. Mike, running along the
shore, frantically yells: "Hang onto
the boat. Pat bang onto the boat."
"The h I with the boat." aald Pat;
"lt'a myself I am after saving." New
York Central Magazine.
Jardine Saya of Farm Income.
Secretary ot Agriculture Jardine
saya tbe Income of the average farm
er In this country last year waa $S4s
$510 In cash and $335 value ot food
produced on the land. Since the in
vestment ot an average farm is a
little over $5000, the Interest on the In
vestment at six per cent would reduce
the net return per farm to $646, or
$70 per month. With an average ot
four persons to a family tbe per capita
return would be $11.25 per month.
Red Haada Beat
Sam tel Long, automobile Instructor,
saya he can tell at a glance whether a
woman will make a good driver. Fat
women, he says, make good drivers.
but red-beaded onea are better. Tall
women are "not ao good," and achool
teachera are "terrible."
That Familiar Crossing
A fool and hla automobile part at
the railroad crossing. Lynchburg
News. . '
Kelso. Three Wahkiakum county
property owners received $4750 la
awards (or right of way through their
placea for the Ocean Beach highway In
condemnation aulta In Wahkiakum
superior court Gua Svenaoa receiv
ed $1750, Campbell brothers $1500 and
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