The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 12, 1926, Image 4

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    Footprints " I
tM !
Coming to
The Dalles and Pendleton
Dr. Mellenthin
In Internal Medicine for the
past twelve yen in
Will be in the Dalles on Sat
urday Feb. 6, at the Dalles
Office Hours, 10.00 A.M.
to 4:00 P. M.
No Charge for Consultation
Dr. M'llethin Inn regular ralii
ate III medicine nnd surgery mid (
licensed hy the state of Oregon. 11 e
does not operate for chronic appen
dicitis, gull stone.-i, ulcers of Htom
ncli, tonsils or adenoids.
lie has to hU credit wonderful re
HulU 111 disease of the sumach, livci
bowels, blood, skin, nerve, heart
Kidney. bladder, bed wetting, cut
nrrh, weak lun,'i, rliuiiuttUm, sclu
leu, li'jf ulcer and rectal nilim-lit.
Below ure the mimes of a few ol
blmiiauy satisfied patients In (ire.
Kose J.. lpln, Carson tt'unh. nerve
trouble. Mrs Olto Will. Jefferson
Viiriose ulcer, leg. M. I'. ('hrMluti
son, Albany, bladder trouble Mrs.
M. A. F.wan, l'oiullle, stomach troll
ble. Hubert ZlKliiixkl. Xclon, mom
ach trouble. John Uotli, Albanv, nd
etioidti ami toslls. Mrs. M. 1. obuii.
Portland, tippi-ndlcltls.
Itemciulier the above date, 111. I
consultation on thlM trip will be f
and Mint his tt-nitiuciit 1m d ilf. i it
.Married women must bcmciiiipiii.
ed by their liunhai.ils.
Address: llll llrudbury lildg., Loh
annel 'Hlltorif'!
Catarrhal Deafness
to Often caused by an Inflamed condition
of the mucous llnlntr of the Eustachian
Tub When this tube la Inflamed you
nava a rumbling aound or Imparfaet
Hearlnc. L'aleaa the liifUmmatlun run
be reduced, your hearlnc may be le
atroyed forever.
do what we claim for It rid your ayntetn
of Ceyurtt or Ltafneu cauaed by
Bold by all drurlst for over Team
F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo. Ohio,
Modett Philanthropitt
A philanthropist, feeling that Ida end
wai approaching and not desiring any
publicity fur Ida kind acta, advertised
In the newspuper and offered a prlza
for the best hint of how to dispose of
Ma property. Many replies wert re
ceived, some sound and sensible, and
others wildly funtastlc. Finally on
came which suggested that he e . abllab
a fund to supply Ire to dumb p .r.-ots.
This delighted the philanthropist ao
thnt be Iny buck end laughed hc.irtlly,
lie caught his breath with (11 111 u"y and
liiiirfheii aKiiln. In the mlJn "f hi
mirth he burst a blood veiiwl and
pussed atvay, leaving his fortune to hi
heirs nnd nothing for the poor dumb
parrots. Kansas City Times.
Notice To Creditors.
In the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow
In The Matter Cf The Estate
Of Frankiln F. Ross, Deceased.
The uiidcrxlKiicd huvluu; heeu np
ioiiited by the County t'ourt of the
State of Oregon, for Frank I In V
Ityss, deceased, to present them duly
verilled as reiiilrel by law, within
six months n!ter the first pnlillni
Hon of thlx notice to me at my law
office lu the City of lone, Oregon.
V. II. Ilohlnson, Administrator of
the estate of Franklin I'. Ilium, ile.
c-imed. Dated January ill,
Date of first publication Jan.
Iiate ol lust iiubllcnllou Feb. 21.
Total p'ecipitation ... .90
Nu-nber of cloar days 1
Partly clou iy days C
Cloudy days 21
Prevailing wind westerly
Total precipitation since Sept.
1st 3.51
For the correspatidinij periot
las', year 4.03
CoiifirrHtive 0isercrr.
YOU M AY WIN $1,500
f oj 't i1!! to . th aiti fjfJ out of th
eiter rontatnW in tht wwJi "TOUtT NBlES
irih-." Atoulotl, k f CSH priiet HI
19 t tirSti to cdflpf t(:ort B thlt
GRiHT WOJ IV I: DlNti coxTtsr
Seij) Hnj (or cir.aijw an! ruUt. AiJrtti
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent is
Sociology a$ a Study
8oclitigy is the term upplled hy the
philosopher, ('unite, to Hie study of
mankind In their social relittlon. It
recommend the prevention of natlonul
wars hy arbitration, and the settle
ment of the war of elHwies by board
of conciliation. The term sociology I
regarded by some u equivalent to his
tory. The Kii(.Ih1i philosopher, Her
bert Ppetieer, used the term Id the
titles of several of his greatest works,
for liiHtnnce, "The Ntudy of Sociology,"
puhlhdicd In 1872.
Lee as Matchmaker
General played the part of fa
therly iiiutchiiiuker to many a pretty
girl of his circle. In fact, he had al
ways 1 11. cd that rote.
"Tell MIks " he had written from
Mexico, during the occupation, "she
bad better dlnnUs that young dlvln
and ninrry a soldier. There Is some
chance of the latter being shot, but It
requires a particular dispensation of
Providence to rid her of the former."
Serlbner's Muiuzlne.
Some Family
Ruddy went to a dog show nnd came
home all excited, lirocds inenni notb
ln to hliu nnd blue ribbons less, but
I lie puppies delighted hliu beyond
!, i;o-iire.
"til., mother 1" he exclaimed. ,-I saw
l.e puppies tilth tl.eir mother. Ttt j of
'lii iii were brothers ami the other three
tve. c twins."
Nature's Lavish GL'ts
to Left-Handed Folht
If you had lived lit any lime In the
r i-Hod it. c. to a. i). vm, nnd
bud liwu left -handed, you would have
been regarded us one hliibly favored
by the god and fur superior to ordi
nary folk. Jf, of your own Initiative,
vim had not (seized on power. It would
hiivo been placed In your hands. lint
In nil probability that would buve been
I'lipecexnry, for nil down the age the
left-handed have gone nhend nnd made
n success of life. They've wimelblng
that the rlglit-hiinded haven't. The
lendlpg I'liaroahs were lefl-haiiiled j so
were the 'm-em-jt ; no iiIho Alexander
tint (Ireiit and l'burlenini,ne.
Whether Nature compeiemti'S the
bft-liiiiiilrd by endowing them wllh
Kjiecliil talents Is a mutter of specula
tion. ,The fact, however, reiniilns that
the left handed are, In bniln power,
far superior to the rlght-hniided, A
silioolleiiclier, through whose hiinds
thousnnds of boys have passed, Is em
phatic on Hint point. No left-handed
boy Is, or could be, a fool Is his dic
tum, ,
A number of Mortriwite's att
eridid the pub ie uli of E.H.Mii-
lor which was held stven itiiUs
south wcsiul Lexington Thursday,
Mr T. W. Cutsfoith has com
pleted his new house which Hikes
tue piuce of the one wnicli burn
ed Home time iijjo.
Mr. Put Medlock is working
lorNoah Pettyjohn. '
Herb HyndM of Cecil was calfirn
i" Morgan on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. F, U. Ely were can
inu in Cecil Sunday eveninkr.
A number of farmers hava
started their spring wotk. .
Dick Smith repaired his well
on Tues lay and Wednesday.
Wale Crawford was shoppini;
in Morgan Wednesday.
1 1
.uMrs. Jim Hardesty took her
son, Howard, to lonej Friday to
be doctored by Dr. Kettle.
Gladys Medlock started to
school Monday after being absent
for three weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Medlock
and sons of Cecil were calling in
Morgan Sunday afternoon.
Dert Palmateer helped J. K.
Wagner kill hogs Saturday,
C.aJys Medlock was the dinner
guest of Bculuh and Geneva Pet-
john Sunday.
Cave Name to fabric
Damascus was f unions In the .Mid lie
age for lis silk and linen futirlcs;
bene the mime "damask."
Nurtery tor Children
Some young mother are so exer
cised over the thought of genus that
they won't let their babies or children
play on the floor. They let them tum
ble or sit up to a table to play. Now
really, this seem a shame when chil
dren of all age enjoy "scooting
around" so much. No cutting table or
dining table ran compare with a floor
for a place on which to build blocks or
set up railroad track. Why don't these
people have a nursery with a floor kept
clean enough nnd dust less enough to be
played upon? Hsre this room kept for
the children to play In and see that
they wear little house (Upper or san
dal when playing there and that DO
grown-up enters who wears shoe (hat
have trod the street.
J. K, Ml KiiitAvu
May Mi'siiu tvt
lHr KMH'i.NT
To Mn.v Vti-jsrnvo, the nliov
lialncd ilefeudciiC 1 N Til IC N A M K OK
Till'! NTA'iK OK OKKliON, you nre
hereby required to nppciir iiml nil
int er (lie complaint (lied ui:.iIiihI ymi
lathe above eulliled cult on or be
lore the L'Oth day of March. IIU1, sal. I
date bclnd more Ihaii ! weeks afler
Ihodnteof the first publication i,
this Numinous, Mini you tvlll take no.
tlce, If you lull to nnswer or other
nine appear la said milt on or before
Hub) date, the plaintiff tor want
tlicronl tvlll apply to the nbove en
tilled t'ourt tor I he relief prayed for
I ul his complaint on. tile liiHiild cause,
to ttit; For a decree of the above ell
titled Court. thattheboiid ol marring
now cxln.liin between the plaliitlif
mid the defendant be forever diss ilv.
ed, and that the plaliitlif be urnnt
id ail absolute divorce frmii thedj., nnd that I be care, custody
and 'control of minor children of
plulntlll ami defendant, to wit; Iris
MiHtfruvo, mlatlirlitcr, a 17 year;
M iry MiHirrave, n ilaiiuliter, nti M
years.aud I in roll Milium ve, n sou
age l;l years, till llvlnit at Iroquois,
Hlini'lHe, be ntvarded the ilefeuiluut,
mid for such other nnd further rclhtf
as to the court may seem cilutile.
. Thls Siiiiimis Is published pur
mi nit to an order ol the II in. 1'., I.
itciuc, County JiI'Ikc of the State o
' 'icKoti, for Mt.rrow I'otnity, mad,.
In oh-u t'ourt at licppu. r, ur.toii
on the '.'iltli day ol January, li:jll
said order drovldcs til it said Num
inous shall de published lathe lone
luihvlcli lent, a Weekly newspaper,
Hire a week fornix coiiscCUilve weeks,
the date of III.- first publication
hereof beii g Feiiru.iry Mli, pi.' i and
the date of tile bint pllbliiVitloii of
thinHUiuuious l-l:in M.uvli pith, IU.U
V. II, KoIiIiimou. Attorney for
the riaiutitf,
t'ost Off lie address, lone.Oi-cK'iu
The Foreman'e Report
A spinster living In a London sub
orb was shocked at the language used
by two men repairing telegraph wire
close to her house.
She wrote to the company on th
matter, and the foreman was asked
to report. .
This he did In the following wajrj
"Me and Rill Falrweather were on
this job. I wrs up the telegraph pole,
and accidentally let the hot lead fall
on Kill. It went down hfs neck. Then
he said: 'You really must be nor
careful, Hurry."'
Now Displayed in our Winpow
Umakum Assortments
. Enclosure Cards
" Post Cards
1 Cut-Outs
Romeo and Juliet
I can't beur to think American a
a race are unromantlc, but the evi
dence all around me la fairly strong.
For Instance, ask the average modern
dapper If she thinks Komeo and Juliet
are Khnkcspcare'a saddest lovers, nnd
she may say, "Saddest? You mean,
sappiest 1 (lee! It' bard enough
nowaday to Hud someone you ran live
with, let alone dying with them!"
From "If I Know What I Mean," by
lOUIe Junls.
Congenial Tree
One time as Tuofiia Is going ii!ut '
I lie trail leaf (Imps rlbt Into h:
linn. I. Toofus Is pleiiH'il, slops un l
mi. kes talk tvlth tree.
Along comes Willow I'liime nnd si:y
"TiHifus, I told you II. ul you must it-'
talk to trees, l'cople will think y-.
nre nuity."
"I did not Intend to tiilk," Toofu
said, "hut this tree bun. Is me his v.'hIi
tng card." IOtilsvllle Coiirler-Journul
Chronic Vorry Never
Solved Real Problem
We all know the chronic worrier1
1 The woman who alwuys sees culiinilt
uhend. Kuril new event Unit comes
'or threuten to come, Is for her a lie
matter of apprehension.
To be sure, most of the things she
worries about never happen, and Ihc
! real problems of her life are not the
tilings she foresaw In time to fear.
Hut the fact remains that slm Kipnuv
ders her vitality and her nervous sys
tem, miiybe ruins her good dUestlmi,
and brings wrinkles Into her face,
worrying. .
And she accomplishes nothing with
all this tremendous waste of emotion,
Things happen Juit a they would
have If she could have remained calm
and tranquil about things. Montreal
Family Herald,
XllTIi K Is lu rcby Klven!i,it under
"lulled lias been ii ipolnle I by the
l oillily t'ourt til the Mate of OrcK'iii
or A.irrow i ouuty, administrator of
i he Kstate of lVrry O, Iteiiuis, ib .
censed. All persons huriiii' claims n-:ilnr,t
niiid estate nre hereby iiolifl u to pre
. iit the hiiiue, inly Vcrlieil Willi prop
er voiii her alliu I'ed, to the no. I. r
sitflieil lit his office In lone,,
itithlii six inoiiths from the date of
I lie Hint publication of tbistiotlce,
the sulue bclnu dalcd and piililUIn d
the first time tliUWtli day of iil.iu
nry. 'J.i.
F. II. ItolllNl-OS
Adnilulntratoi' ul the estates i f
I'crry t li.-nnU, lui rased,
Norn : in In r by kIwii that the mi bull appointed by tic
County Court of I he State of Or. k"!',
( .r Morrow County, Administrator
of the I state of Alma I.. 1 iiKtall tie
ceuncd. All persons hnvinic rlaiiiM a
guliint said csliiteare hereby notl.led
to prenent the saiile duly Verified a
by law rcmiiivil, tvlth proper vouch-
csaltachnl, to the unil. r-lr.nril nt
his office In lone, On-Kon. within six
mouths of I lie date of the llrnt pllbll.
.atl' ll of Ibis notice, the mine beln
,1,'ilcil uud pilbll-li' d tae first lltii
tills U'lh day of February; llljil.
F. II. lioblusiia.
Adinliilntrntor ol the F.slute of Anna
l KliKVall, dei eancd,
Ladies' uliHmpi)fi" und hair
cuttinjr. 2:U0 lo 5.00 V. M.
Harris Apartment No. 3.
Celling Sl.avcd In London
A Ktinns nmn In London eo ib'.n
n.l n r'Kiihitlon cluilr lu a I.oml.iu
li.irlier simp a i linir In which mm can
ul.'e n imp wiilie I lie burlier npcrntcii,
is In I'ncle Sum's him). Innteiid, the
list. nner Ims to sit up straight In n
loliifnon kitchen rlmlr when he gits
i sluive In London, t'npper'a Weekly
The Ideal sltiinllou tvlll he altalneil
iIicd a nir Is ttllliln the rench of
. very mnn, and every mini out of
.ouch of a cur, (iicenhboro Uull)
BelirvK in Your ml f
Helf-dlslrust Is the inline nf must of
l our failures. In the assurance, of
ftreiigili there l;i flrengih, and they
ire the weakest, however, strong, who
'.uvc no fallli In '.liciniielves or tholr
(lowers. Ilovee.
Love jour laud and krp It In gimd
rim, so thnt your burns tuny lie full
of provision lu due season. , , ,
Whaleter ho your fortune work Is
liest lleslod.
Too Much to Expect
He that would please nil und him
.elf, iiudertults what Im cuuuot do.
Dutch l'roverb.
Attention Farmers
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your
fuel is almost tfone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
When you are in need of fuel at reas
onable prices- '
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
!- H4m
rMliitit i
Hoick fire lonfizr
ihdtl 1o -fhe hot ciinlwjt
jf PRINCIPLE ure exclusive patented features of
every LANG mno manufuctared. Forcing tha
flumes entirely nround tho ovon, tlioroufilily and
uniformly lioulinft every inch of rooking surfuce,
this principlo of stove construction Kus proved
itself tlie most eeonomicul, conveiiiuut a. id gener
nil, suti-sfuctory hc.itinft nielliod ever invented,
The Alusko runfiu pii:iured above is ideal for tha
smuller kitchen, poMessiiiJ ull the fuuturcs of our
lurJ,or modi Is, Every heat unit is utilized, enub
linft LANG stoves lo opsiuto at less fuel expensa .
than any other runfcu munufueturod. A visit to
our store will convince you thut your nextstova
will bo a '
Si K; i
k ",fe'i.-i4i
Ash Us About Tiem