MMIHMimMIMHMMtHMWMMOtmHN The Ground Ho2 mm HERE'5 ONE.a fHA' DIDN'T 60 ?ACK- P MM B -.1 IS' v...-. M f - MORGAN IT-ISMS Mr. and Mrs, F. P. Fly were callii'tf on Mr. end Mr?, Herbert Hynds of Ctcil on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ba'eomb tin children of Umatilla wene eal inv en Mrs Esta Rmireiifeimt and son Martin on Sunday. Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist In Internal Medicine for the past twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be in the Dalles on Sat urday Feb. 6, at the Dalles . Hotel. Office Hours, 10.00 A.M. to 4:00 P. M. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Melle-thin is a regular grudu ntt In niedieiiii' iiiul mirry mul i licensed by the state of Oregon, lie does not operate for cbrotik- npsn. dielli. jj.iil stone, ulcers of stom ach, tonsils or mleuoids. He him to his credit wonderful re eults lu diseases (ii tllf somacll. liver bowe!, blood, skin, nerves, heart Kidney, bladder, bed wetting, arrii, wvik !aa. rUuuiatisin, sdn Ica, Icjr Ulcers and roc tal ailments. Iteiilw are tin! n.ii.ies of a lew of Iflsinntiy s.itNf led patients In ore. . Uom' J.. Ipia. ('i.'o;i Wash,, iniw trouble. .Mr Oao Win. .Iilf rsuji, varicose ulcer. Ick M. 1'. Cl?rttlan. noil, Albany, bladder irou'nle. M rs, M. A. Kwuu, Coi j n ;;!, sioiii.u'li Me. Koliert i:iKllal. N ion, tom acli trouble. .lull n Kuril. Alli.uiv, a euul'lx and Mr, it. I. oUnti, I'orl l.i ii.l. n!;ii'iidli'i:iri. K'-tii.-rii ltr ill - ab.ive ilnt, tint ColiMilwilli a on tin trip will In- n-r and tliat liiit t rn 1 1 1 h 11 1 Ix dlffi-n-al Married woinea in u-t lieaecmnji.-ili led by their liti!i.ual-i. Addn-Ks: '.'11 llra iniuy P.ld., Lo.i anize'" nfn'ii'-. Catarrhal Deafness la oftn rausd hf an lnflaml rendition of tli mucout linlnx of th Kut-hii Tub. W'hn thia tube Is Inflamed vou Jv a rumhin souni or Irntertt Hearing Lnlc th Inflammation can If rJ uce4. your hcarin may bade troyrd fnrrvrr. MALL'S CATAntttl Jl KOI CINE Trill do what w claim for It rw your avjtfrn of CatarrA or Leafness caused by Catarrh. Sold br alt drurltf tr orr 40 TearK F, , Cheney Co., Toledo. Ohio. Notice To Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. In The Matter Cf The Estate Of Frankiln F. Ross, Deceased. Tin- uiuler.-iljtiied liuvltij; been ap pointed by tlie County Court tif the State of Oregon, f,,r Franklin 1' Rons, iliwimed, to present tliein duly verilie 1 an ri qnired by law, wltliltt six niontlm nfter the first publica tion of tbl not lev to me at my law ofllee in tlie ( It of lone, ( trefoil. 1'. II. I'nl. In, hi, Admiiiint rator of the estate of Kmii kl ia I'. Uokh, de-o-'iised. l'ated .lannnry .'.). lii.'i;. Date of first pnliliivilloii Jan. .'!). Date of last puliHentiou I t li. iii. WEATHER IILT Mi:i., A. F Paimateer and chiU iien returned home Sunday after viiitinjr with re'atives at Eslaca ba for a nionth. Gladys Medlock, Gertrudu Pet tyjohn and thelnia Morjrnn are all eonfined to. their homes by sickness. Mt. W. F. Palnikeer returned home, Sunday, from the Valley where he has been visiting tor the last two months. The neighbors of Mr. and Mr?. Noah Tettyjohn went to tniir home and enjoyed a party Satur day evening. The hours were spent in games and convolution. A lunch massesveJ at midnight. (nil Total p-ecipifation till Number of clear days 1 Partly clou Jy days C Cloudy days 21 Prevailing wind westerly Total precipitation since Sept. 1st 3.51 For the cjrrespju iinjr p -riol last year 4.03 ' ; . U7KO.Y Cocprraiivt Ohurrcr, With Fewer Plecei Wlslresa IlUJa, what do we Bw4 for dinner? Ililda I'lease, ma'am Tv tripped over Hie rug and we need a Dew let of dishes. The Progressive Grocer. YOU M Y WIN $1,500 f , aj i't a ! (-j hi ?h n tt w h-Js oui of Ih tt.r cnnttfitj in tl.e wkJ "IOIIHT N CCtS TIL .'" Atju!ot5(co IN CH pr xc e Jt J to co-nitnnrs in tMs ScJ stamp for circuUr jii rus. Allies A Good Time To Subscribe for the Inde pendent is -NOW- Ingeniout Victim I wish some one would muke a safety nuor thutfa really anfe." rl Tliufa easy. Just leave ont the blade. Ratker Hough For two yeiirs .Mr. Wiuiilmt went to ' a m:i:i1 1 hotel In the moimt aiiis. An j ! he w orked Imrrt to lsiy out on the s!ei p lillliile ii three-hoie (rolf coiirw. The third e;ir the hotel man rnisod his Mte. Mr. Woinluit Impiired why. "We Imve n polf coiie now," the I hotel iriun explained. Usually Short "It's funny that you ehould be eo tail. Your brother, the artist, is lioi ' Isn't re?" "Yes, usually." CONCRCSS MAKES IT SO OUT OF SIGHT Via) "How times linve rluinpedl Wbat'i become of the villiie blacksmith who Used to stand under the eprcadtDg chestnut tree?" "lie's lying on his back under A bu wngon now." Southerner (proudly) Norfolk Is the pi unlit cupUnl of the nallon, my friend. KiiKllfhiniin I thought Wiisliljit'toli Was Ktill the ciipltnl, y' know. Cat in Texat ' An nuto rontulnUig a lady end gentleman mopped before a wayside Inn somewhere deep down In the state cf Texas. A porter came running out. "Iley, your gruff voice from the auto rried out "(Jet me some gas," "YcsHlr," wy the reply, "And what A Woman's View Wmre-n'ii fituliw iir many; ilfii hHV only two tverytlitiu; thy nay. and Lvtryiliing thoy dot Libel "I hnd a lovely nut sundito " "Yes, I huve one coming tonight Notre lainie Juggler. Bert Ptilateer and Martin Ban ernfeind have each purchased a. i Atwater Kcnt radio. Mr. Freneh an.l dauirhter of Stanfield spent the weekend at Morgan with Mrs. French. Mr. and Mrs. Rjss Pettyjohn 'and fami'y were the dinius Kiiestiof Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pet tyjohn on SatuJny. One day last weeek Miss Gene va IV ttojohn visited the dental office at Heppner. At the special election held on Saturday, Morgan district vot ed against consolidation. The to tal vote cast was IS; 5 for and l: atrainst the proposed consolida tion. Mr. Milton Spurlrek of Heppner i3 visitirc Fav Pettyjohn. WijvFor rustle, F. l. 2. PJ2-;. F.litor The Indep-ndetit: I told you in niv last lenrwr a'. nit k from Mi'fouri to' C hn -i !o in th" sprinjrof '71. 1 liwd i-i t;o' terri try and sts.'.e a.iout V.v? y ar? or uttiil th spi'nz of lST. I went, to flic I! 'K'k li'.lls in tl.e spi inir of '7') a'd may tell yon about t'.'-t-'p whit I'!..n- etc.. la1' e()n. I I .' I in i; C;c!,,. e poiiiire i i , -1 ri Pu.v.K'i' '3 ' .', p.i.f, it M m'' s .-lu'h r is ('l.i cum-' liutv r I'i.i' f I a i k Hill excit' m -lit nri 1 was in ('it - t-uii -duriiikr th" riirh 2nd tni-'ht have joiii:'d the tti:mp!;-!e b it an o!d fellow I w;-3 wi:h to'.l me it was we!l enough to stay with ell enonirh and sale that not ov r on tenth of Hi" !.)'nj tn-''i soinv in th; re would v 'f work ar, I hi was riiiht. Hundreds of met. tramped into I he hii 8 and I tin dreds tramped out uf.iin. adi lance of three hnn.irfd milit, ro Hutl lenicnf'.only a Iw-kfwv'w ranch from U to 20 rr,i.-H ajini and the Sioux ii.ri is r,.. the m de-pirate iudians in An:eiicaort the wurputh. If v.iu will li-itn awhile Pwili sinfi you a boiu, I will try to amu.-.eyou As alonjr. I am just in from Dea-lwood And feel veny ill BcCLtiHC' I've hern In i hose, dreary Pluck Hii's. At Cheyene the round hom.e Is filled every nizht With prospetors and miners In a terrible plight. They are hunjrry and dry In their pockets no bills, Ye they say they art" frointr Out to the Block Hills. , I've travelled to exitemetils Since tha days of my youth And have always bonneted' Fo t'.llitiK ilie truth; Always been known . To pay all my bills But III by hanged if I could In these dreary Black Hills SUMMONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATU OF OltUCON 1-011 MORROW COUNTY. J, K. MCHUKAVB I'LMSVIVV YS ' M vV MtHoitvve I'Kt'USNKNT 'l'o May Nhei;i a Ve, the above named def Midest' I I I K N A M I I Ol TIIF. S'l'A !'K OF ( 'lilMi IV, y on are hereby -eisin'd in rteppar mul au HWer tile colllplllllll filed nt'.alllMl ymi lathe above mliivl suii on or be fore (lie ;i)ih day of Maivli. lll.'H. miid dale lielnx luol' In. 'II six Weeks after tliedateof the fust piihllen t ion o! this summons, Hiel you t III take Ho tlie, II a on lull to nnsner or otliir wise appeal' In said sail on or before said dale, llie plaitulf? for want thereof will apply Id llie iibove en titled Court for t lie relief prayed lor Inlliis i-oiuplall.t.! lilnaide.'iilse, to Wit; For n ileen'e of the above ell I It led i on it, loi ; I lie bond of man In ;e now ex S.I114 be! We. 11 t'l ' pl-lilltlll and I he deb adaiit be foivu r dl , ed, mid liia tli dlalnllff lie i.iht cd an abso.nii'divoreii from the de fendant, anil t tin t I hit care, custody an I eo.itrol of minor children of plnlntilf ati.l iletelitl.i it, to It; liv Mnsrave, aoaiuliter, a IT yeai.: Mary M ii-' ; t a e. a daa-liler, ae !i. years. and Haloid Mil Mi'nve, u hoii UK" Fl years, all ill lu' al i'oipioiH( Illlliolse, le 11 warded t h d f.-iidiin E. ami for s 11, Ii oilier and tun In r tvlh :i a to the court nri; sei-m ,-i put rS. .,.,.,'riii.s S i:ii hh U pu i.i.n '. pur i-iiaiil Vi .111 or i. r ol the 11, 11. i', I.. lU'line, Cotilily .In tue of tile st.;l o ' 'rviioii. for Ait ii. w 01111 ty, ninbe III open Cot. t nl le,;e,ir, l"lei;,,ll on the :'' t!i tiny o( .lainn ry, -.ii sai l oi-ih r (rtv.ils ih.vt ar. mj. Ill OH sll lll de pi h i i.e, in llie lone linl .Ii 11 leir, a weekly lieu p ipi r, onee a uv.'k (.irU eon .1 ,11 U v, , eks. llie (in le ol the fust id .i I, ai hereof beh i' o y .'.ill, p..", ai d the d:.te of th- !.,sl piii.u, .,t,.i, of I ttti-Miaiil s belli:;' Mur.di I 'ill, I'.'.il. 1 I . II, Kobliisoii. Aitorney the Flalnlilf, 1'ot.l Offi, ..i.hliv ,-s, lone.Or. illlll!l!l!IHIII!!llllll!l!l!l!llliIlillillllllilli;illil!ll!llllll!llllll!l!ll VALENTINES I I Now Displayed in our Winpow I Umakum Assortments I " Enclosure Cards, 1 Post Cards - I . Cut-Outs IBULLARD'S PHARMACY1 lAttcntioi. Fanners or n DON'T Be Inconsiderate Yourself ill TIT Wit if In the orenry Ulr ck Hi'ls No fold could I find But I ih-ui-rnt o!'"no 1 cruS j That h St far le hind. Colo. siet and ftno w Ard ii'i t to th- i:iils And they c: ih .1 a-.e the orpl u i, Of tiie dreary Black lliil.. Don't k"J 1 ay Stay tittay if ',o i can Far, far froiil that city, They cull it Cheyenne. Old Sittinc Bud Or Co.icti.'che itiil Wil!-f.J! o!f your locks jj fur tli h li t. I'arit'f a 'To' Minn in the !;.; t til lit.! it l Mi' J I ( ( Id! In (C t"!uns wen it. ! u; for unib ai d stae r i i'.) r wene s cjiiniion us yi iio.v .j. li-iii.i iii a iii'H'-r Adios, Tii' Life of a Sponge The separate existence of a span if begins Willi the breaking awiiy from the parent of a tiny particle. The tut ter, after bring whipped nhout for a time by tides and currents, eventually attaches ItRcIf to a piece of rock, and from that heme It seeks Its own liveli hood, auys Natural Helence. The food of tli f u lit spoil i;e con h! sis of yolk cells, which emit uln a form of nour ishment, loiter, as the sponge grows, It requires something more solid, and thts Is brought by the currents, which sweep Into a bug half mouth, balf stomach liilnuto particles of the new food. When you come to know that your I j luel is almost ijor.e. if $ It pays to investigate fuel prices at When you are in need of fuel at reas onable prices Sec Us. Farmer's Elevator Co. lone, Oregon. t4t0M JM Ji 44 I 44 H 4444 44444444 44t44 ti 1 I, 1 L '. Hold? fwe lon0er io lite hot oiPilroji. First Iron Vessels It Is not recorded who first discov ered thut nn Iron vessel would flout ns easily as u wooden one. It Is recorded that an Iron bout was built and liiuuclied on the Jtlver Foss, In York shire, England, us esrly as 1777, but the date of the Invention of Iron as a recognized material for ship construc tion Is often given ns J 818, when the lighter Valcnii was built on the Monk land CMiml, near (ilnsgow, Scotland. CI HE HOT All f iiaKC!M.n. California's Capital P.efore being iidialtted as a state, (he capital of Cullfnrnln was Mon terey, iillernately with Los Angeles. Monterey wiih llie ciipllul from 1810 to ISlfS, I.os Angeles from 184.1 to 1847. Monterey wns iignln the rnplt.ul from 1847 until California whs admitted as u new si ale. In 181(1 Hucrumento of fered $1,000,000 for the honor of be coming the stale capital, mid became officially recognized as such In 1851 Too ttJucft lu bxpeel lie thut would please nil uml him- elf, unilerliiltes whut lie Ciinatit do, lJutcb Proverb. AIR DRAFT and tho HOT BLAST uru exclusive patented features of ' every LA NG rw.p,o manufactured, forcing the'.is eniirely rmumd tho oven, thoroughly and utiiformly heating every inch of cooking surface, this principlu of itovo construction has proved iliA If the most economical, convenient and fcener olly tali .factory ro'ntinfj rtioihod ever invented. Tho Al'' '.:a runfce pictured above is ideal for tho tn uiler kitchen, poa.'C4.'.ini ull the ft nturcs of our riiodels. E.veiy heat unit is utilized, cuab linji LANG sioves to operuto at less fuel expense than ni;y othi. r ranftu nunufuclured. A visit to our storu will conviuca you that your noxtstova will bo a ... Uiul . Ash Us About Them