J VOLUME XIV 1 ' rrrfi HIGH SCHOOL PUTSON CARNIVAL. "Sins: a Honir of sixpencd A pcrkot full of rye' Help us hold huli tarnival at lone III." j On Friday riiuht, Feb, li, put on yonrold clothe, fill your pork Hs wild all the rash you have nndcome to the lone IIih Schi o jrymnnsium, We miaianleo c v t'ryone a Rood time. "Hothinn iver 15 cents" in the- carnival r!o Kan and there will besomcthi tg for 10. IONE. OREGON.' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1926 NUMBER 36 In the Graveyard on will b' permitted to like a look into the future. Them will also he some t'j psii h who will read your palm tell your fortune with cards oi p-ad J ho hump on your head. Th;n th'-rc is to L a fiwh pond, where Homij m ra?.K vnritks ol fnh are caught. The orcJvKlru music wi!. I" LKXINGTON ECHOES ,, LOCAL NEWS MOTES -t VVillow Brarjch Christian En deavor Uliion held an interenicei .uieetirijr at the CoiiKreKational! I"'"" bartraina in Oiiver orVul-jt (ViiifnVi M.,.l ni.urli.u i..tnnnn ran Hiln'ril urn T'unlf! I'.i! As fit . I -. . - . I he lots adjacent to the pnaiin wuh aucn ha toi.et lortn a central . , it HHIMMMHMIMIMHMHMt therniiofSut'ceM" Tnoj-eiakinjr plowed tod .levelled this week. free; a,,d we w.sb to Hmioumcifleppncr, Carl U-aeb, Mae r" wVn.Ulro the firHtappeiinnireof thisaelt'etltry. Jurnea and F.dmard Kello-,' Bokn to Mr. ond Mrs. Chas. Iftoup or line muMciuns. Following ine deVotihnal Birvicehiw- -nrintopnerori. a seven unc You wi I ho uivt-i a ct tio(; t(, a ut.ju lour wu3 t.Joye(j during8 !lulf P',un,! Bon- on Jotuiry 29. wiiich time MeidnifB'.Siorum anr,n,! 00' "tts "e"n named Kicnard Allyn served dainty reireymeiits, nar't'8, ' Abvancn Kumely Combines. deeiiie a vital question: Who it, the most poi.ular irl in IhoHih Sehoj!? Should you ;et huni'ry betweet, The plen Is to suit the tastes of ( courses you can yet n hag of can all. For the Irish there is ti e from th trnhket ball nirl.. meat and potatoes rerved in Iritdi I '" l CHrni.vtl fot a jo l style. For the Mexicans nood Cl-i li beans nerved in the Mexican evening at time next l'ri .'a ill. M. A1 n rrnn imi ,,t I,..,. CAI,,,. n me v.runese loom one pnr , Board h, Id m ihe sehuol hoice takes of rl-'e and ten. VeetaMe wudm s lay i veoin some rou:ii. or fruit lalad will be served you , m 'na ji btnii e ;s were (Ji r,o-. d bv Uawaian maids. Every one;8 Lawrence l'almer is makirn provmenti at his ranch near the hlubway. Uiint machines. B. st terms I'aul G. Balaiifer, Ajcent. It .. i : i . .i . K, , . ... I la" ",l otriiix uia'jo jor mi- ,lwn',r0' twoerKPauj a organization of u hiirhachool or- ... . , ' ; , " (Criegira in lone. air. tarl tfrown lof h.s brother the lie v. Wallace L.j,, be the di.ec.or jf a 0 . Jor.es. pasior oi the Christian :zulion js efftcted Oiiurcr:. KCMINGTOM The only pooteble typewriter will waut to tro to the American1 " 8 m? ,tm,w,,h? n bo th and fill up on pie a la m de tra? ' M':. n"' ' P-.ta ...wifr.- .fiiolcrjea bu.omary action va Mr. nnd Mr V. II Cnnlm at.ri after whl-ii tin Board v ted laughter same up ftom Porllanc oyat a leal sucrss over the U. W. It. & N. on Sat Bl'LLARD's J-HAKMACY. urday to opt-nd a few hours amontt relaiives. n't Get Your Plow Shares And Extras For John Deer Plows SAVE a.io lasen lir t-iL' proimtioii oi 1,1 ft"- Nnd:ird of pI ci r,1, p, ' Kev. Giore N vVuiia Walla, workinir in the in Dr. Cunder of Ht ppner favor- it The I.idependent with a briel Greater Value Lower Price, Mon flan toco rp J St Fiwt l:.-r;...;.,m.-,i ,pi 9 SERIAL STORIES K;::--:; 50 SPECIAL ARTICLrS 200 SHORT STORIES .. IW( C,,'.r.n , r DON'T MISS THIS CREAT YLRI OFFER No. 1 I. Tin Youth' Compnioo 62 waakly iuu Rducd from $2,S0 . Now Only S2.00 OFFER A 1. TT Vauth't Compftnina 62 wcrlly ittuu . . $210 2. McCkli't Mt.fiutut . Ci.00 All for 32.30 or Tuia rauL, m wTiik vouiui coueAwoN, lua, cull on Monday of this week jAjcmr e: quiau as to Uieetatt tere.stof the Sun.'uv School V.x 0i lno editorial health and oroni tension Socielv. de.ivered bi. in., 0l'c ot taljlt w as:ureJ hui p:riiiK irriiion ct the lont-cya lorai Lhurch on Sunday evening For Sale, 12 Tom of mixed barley hay. C. C. Sarjfent. Liquid Smoke and Ham Fickle Bullard's I'haimacy ihat we wire in the ' ink of co:i dilion. We it-mcniberedafterAaio Ailh regret that this did not ex ac;ly square with the eternal ver alfalfa anodties iasmuch as we were barth auie to navitfte. However. trusg that the Doctor will pardai the lap.sns linguae and f f he asks ut auain we'll tell the truth if tht heaena fal!, For Sale A CiO d Violin and Case. Inquire at this oflice. Count tht "?" iH'etl iiii)Iio,1 put at my (ll.,,'!:!.' he kil'nTViM, the ft rof- frou. Lit lungue nltb a hcurly burr." : BANK, Of IQHl N ESTABLISHED' IN 1903 CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVE '' STRONG . Conservative enough for safely Progressive cnous'h tor service Strong cnoi!(!i for any storm ONI OREGON PIANO MUST Bli SOLD Will sacrilice hitfti-grade piar.t. n storase near h re forimtnedi ate bale. Will uive easy ttrin3 tt established home. For full parl'C iars and where it msv be seen, ad dr.ss Portland MusicCo., 221 G:h S'.net, 1'ortland, Oregon. LEGION HALL THEATRE The Lecion Theatre has the 'ollowinu pictures contracted foi ror, anl wi I shr.v tnem in th trdi r named. This is the very best list of pictures that was ev.r brought to lone and are worthy f your support; Jan. 30. Empty HanJs Feb. 0, Coming thru , , 13, The Border Lni.i. , , 20, The tr.io3 hn:ij;3 lii;;l , , 27, Wander of the waste- innd. .Var. G, Code of the west , , 13, The devils ca' ifc , , 2.), The air mail , , 27, The Chi'rniet Apr. 3, Adventure , , 10, Old home week ,, 17, The top of the worl.i , . 21'. Welcome lion May 1, Theniuhtclul , , 8. Ar parents people . , 15, .Oaths to paradise 22, Littht of wester stare . , 21V The shock Punch Cut this out and keep it for future reference. We- will only aise prh es when the i rice of program compels us to. Dont mis9 a nineje number of this con- Iract. American LcRion Troy Bogard and wife ant: litte boy wire in lone Wednes lav an 1 tpem the niula tt tne noma of Mrs.-Jorban, They drove iver from Ileppntr where they had Kone to consult a physieiar c;ncerninf a lameness developer uy the chiid. We ate iulurnie, hat the lameness was muc rei.'ui d at the tim-f of their ie:ui n to Kikht Mle on lhursday mor'nihr. Mr. J hn Call, ins has deen greet it'8 friends about lone this week. Let Dr. Hcsj do it. S- e Musu'.- abvertist nient. By $ & $ IN 1926 TA' - radmg At Bristow & Johnsons MMHIimMMHMMIHHI-l MHIMMIIMM At the meetiii.' of the lone CiH Council, Tuesday eveiiiie, of week, the matter of lbs dera tion ol a cleah up day was broach ed but no action w as taken. .We hope to see the idea .taken up at a later date anc' adopted. Bith the School Di,tiicl ami he City contemp!ute tree phirt w iiiKT m the near future. -Lot th uood work go on. Ctisy Fiantit Ofti'D nilyins 3,tKH) ikiiiucIii of lrt"4iirp Oi Hie keys In a tuinttto. 1'lniii.tt In the tunic time rrmla 'M un mill iiiuktt 2,000 linger wove-nieiilt. aiiijjo 'ii'I Ul'Sl,) JdAJ U05NJ JSAJ "Aqs Bjm HIB i;q 4-itusiid jo iuoiuabu uo oiui.c ACtJ UCJ JJUmQ 'pUBIH -( A ou qij.w po suu3.( oa 'oinui isioq )(0Bq ouj 'oaoi jo q,nii ).i!UI 0O!l,a AlU OJ p iAJ)s Stationery new and nifty. Bullard's Pharmary. , For Sale Barred Bock Cocker Is at $1:0 each. Iver Nelson lone Oregon. For nifty printing call the pHIIlllIIW I lone Independent 1 JOB PRINT E Good WorK and Reasonable Prices H liIII!IliiliillI!!!Ilil!l!!i!l!!i!!i!li!!!!liil!IIIiOi!!ii!iI!!! rannry n to y -,i jfM Let Dr. Hess Bolt Put activity into yonr Horses, Cows, Hogs and Hens by feeding them Dr. Hess' Remedies. I have Dr. Hess Stock Tonic, Poultry Pan-a-cea, Louse Killer, Dip and Disinfecoant, Fly Chaser' Roup Tablet; Healing Powder, Worm Powper, Colic and Distem per Remedy Every package sold under Positive GUARANTEE Bert Mason k-0 (Independent. Both may be reach lone OreKon ed by phone Main 62.