The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 27, 1926, Image 3

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    Mrs. Eliza Winger
Mae Busch
I '-'-My
Salrm, Orrfr. "During my fint
expectancy my health failed completely.
I (t run down, weak and to nerveui I
Could not slrep. I could not cat, ws
nautratrd all the time. Also 1 had
cvere brarlng palm in my lide. I wu
too miserable to do my work, when I
saw Dr. I'icrcc'i l-avorite I'retcriptlon
advertised as being good or women
during motherhood, and decided to try
it, it strengthened my nerves, over
came the nausea, relieved me of the
lide ichei, and I Rot strong and kept so
riitht up to the lunt, and my baby wu
healthy and line. Tuvonlc Prescrip
tiun' is the bcit medicine (or every proton-live
motlicr to take if the wtihei to
avoid a kit ( nniery," Mn. Lliia
Winger. IJV0 Waller St.
Obtain Dr. Purees Prescription now,
in liquid or tahlcti, from your druggist
or tend Kkr for (rial ply of tablet to
Dr. Fierce"! in liuflalo. N. Y.
Mirrored Anlmala
Auimuls can ana themselves In
looking gin, but they do not nca-
aarlly recognise tliemsolve. They
have not our Intelligence to undur-
aland the Imago, and tha reflection
lack their particular mark of Identity
the ainidl ut (ha original. On 111
other hand, the reflection sometime
"VI arroaa" to an animal, In which
rase the animal la uaually atigry,
afraid, or putiled.
Bhortana Tongue
Doctore at tha Kyuahu (Japan) Iiu
prrlul university are pustled by a die-
aae that cauiiea the ahortanlng of
women' tongue. Tor two yeara Mlaa
Aids Toril, eighteen, haa been affected
by the disease. Bho waa taken to the
clinic at the university where an op
eration on t he tip of her tongue
seemed to check the ahrluklng for a
8x In Plgton'a Egga
It la fact well known to pigeon
fancier that tha two egga laid by pi
genna almost Invariably produce male
and female. Borne rurloua experlmenta
aa to which of the egga produce the
male and which tha female have re-
aulted la ahowlng that the first egg
laid la the female and tha aocond the
Battle Made Hlatory
Iltatorlnn disagree on the llt of
battlea that have turned the deatlnlea
of a race; but two have been aolected
by commun conaent from American
hlatory. Tbeae are the victory of the
Americana over Purgoyne at Saratoga
and the battle of Gottyiburg.
Defining a Politician
The term politician waa flrat uaed
In France In 1569 and referred to men
of wisdom and running, of artifice and
deep contrivance, but never rlalng to
the height of real abttoamanahlp.
Lake Alwaya Ice-Covered
On Mount Kenya, which la the aoc
ond hlghnat peak on tha African con
tinent, and near tha equator, there 1
large lake which la covered with ice
the year around.
Collecting Cobweba.
One of the moat Interesting and
novel pastimes la the collection of cob
weba. Each kind of eplder epln It
wob In a different manner, and sped-
mona can easily be aocured and pre-
aerved In tholr natural ahapa.
Odd Material for Clock
A watchmaker of Rockland, Maine,
haa made clock, ualng oyiter ahella
at the hour mark, and a knife and a
fork for hand.
. Bird's Peculiar Feathers.
Feathers, of which the color
waahed out by rain, are the curlou
poaaeaalon of the tourscou, a bird na
tlve of Senegal. ,
- Famoua Bella.
According to legend tha Shandon
boll are aubmergod In tha water aur
roundlng the laland of Inlahmora, one
of the Aran lalanda.
, Root of All Taxation,
Taxation reachee down to tha base;
but tho base la labor, and labor paya
all. Donn Piatt,
Beat and Second Beat.
It wguld be bettor to do our aecond-
beat at the right end than ouf best
at tha wrong end. Vlicount Orey.
With the hatching eeaaon aooo to
get Into full awing, puultrynien are
observing their breeder and their
urroiindlnga. For weight, tha breed
era ahould meet the atandard require
ment! fur that breed. Leghorn hen,
eaya W. II. Allen, poultry apeclallat
at the New Jersey College of Agricul
ture, New Ilruuawtck, ahould weigh
four pounda, and the American breeda
at leaat una pound heavier.
Handle every bird and aee that it
la free from foreign color and dlaquull
Bcatlona auch aa aide aprlga on the
comb, feather on the shanks, crooked
toea and poor tall carriage. Then
treat the bird for lice.
Good alxe, health, and vigor, aa well
aa weight, muat be obaerved In the In'
dlvlduala that go to make up the
breeding pen. Icpth from the center
of the back to the front of the keel
bone, a king keel bone, and dlatauce
of three Inchea between the keel bone
and the pelvic bone, together with
long, wide. Hat back are the eaaentlal
quallflcatlona for which to look.
Then factor apply to the male of
tha breeding pen aa welt aa to the
female. A male bird with pedl
gree la worth twice aa much aa one
having the aame quallflcatlona but no
pedigree. The lighter breeda require
only one mala to a pen of 15 breed'
era, and the heavier breeda require
one with every ten.
Breeders need mora eierclae than
do the layer. Allow at leaat 4 aqnare
feet of floor apace for every bird. He
that the Utter la deep and that the
flock la kept hungry enough to work
for the acratcb grain. Uange ahould
be provided when It la possible. Fred
plenty of green feed, auch aa aprouted
oata and cahbagea. Freah air la an
other essential. Don't cloae the cur-
talna nnleaa It I freezing weather,
atormy, or tha wind la blowing from
the front of the pen.
Leu than 50 per cent production
gives beat results. Collect tha rgge
often and do not hold longer than a
week In a dry room before aettlng
m , a. tV.,,.1,, frt
Treating the Fowls lor
Diseases During Winter
If the flock developa cold, or kin
dred dlaeaaea Oret give a doe of ep-
eora aalta, about on pound to each
lot) birds. The aalta can be dissolved
In water and the water nurd In the
maah. Use shout a pound to three
gallona of water.
Then treat tha Individual Mrae ny
painting their eye and noatrlla with
iodine or 20 per cent aolutlon of
t. tw. la ranker lo the
mouth, remove It and paint the apota
.i.h in... , ir ti.. .r. m scsh
on the comb, remove them and treat
,,, .
' "
Very little Is known about the con
trol of chlckenpox. roup, and canker,
but the main la In preventive meas
ures One way to prevent the aprvad
of tbeae dlaeaaea la to keep vialtor
out of the poultry house.
Remove alck birds from the flock
when they show the first eymptoma
of alcknesa. One alck bird may con-
tamloata the whole Bock.
Cull Flock Rigidly at
Beginning Of the Year
One of the largest coata of running
poultry farm la the death rate
- - .1
among the laying hens On author
Ity figures thla loss at 1 per cent a
month or 12 per cent a year, caicn
lated on the number of bena on hand
from a given point to the correspond
Ins Dcrlod the following yesr. Thla
i f ..v. r .n ...irt.mie
If It hlta tha flock
It can be readily seen that tha wl
thing to do la to cull out very rigidly
mt ha hednnlns of tha laving year.
and carry only the most healthy and
Vlgorou nena mrvun me wnuci.
Feed Hens Liberally
In a laying pullet feed will pasa
through the. crop, atomach, glaanrd,
and five feet of Intestine In less than
four hour. Thla fact ahowa tha ne
cessity of feeding liberally late In the
evening and early In the morning
throughout the whiter to shorten the
nutht aa much aa poaalble and In-
creaae production.
, Poultry Facts
Gather egg at lesat twice a day.
(Have sufficient neat clean and
Den ought to bav a dust box to
nein Uiero Keep tree rm vrniin,
f r-
Birds that ahow algns of weakneaa
ahould be removed, l'ale and ahrunk
cn comba are good Indicator of weak
Tha blrda need a conatant aupply
of oyster shell, grit, mineral and
charcoal, readily acceaalbl or mixed
ln tha dry maah.
Egg production depend upon two
factora: (1) The Inborn capacity of
the hen for egg production, and (2)
the condltlona to which th ben la
Eiperlmenta have ahown beyond
reaaonahls doubt that It due not pay
to milk cow continuously right up
to the day of her freahenlng. Almost
any good cow can give milk right up
to the day her cult 1 born but It la
better and more profitable practice
to dry her up several weeka before
this. Till rest that the cow geta be
fore her calf cornea enable ber to
produce much more milk after freahen
lng and puts her In a good atrong con
dition to wlthatand the atraln of a
heavy milking period without ao much
danger of alckneaa and weakening of
ber constitutional vigor. Contlnuoua
milking up to freshening time un
doubtedly tend to reduce a cow's pro
ductive life. Generally It paya to dry
t a ew from alx to ten weeka before
her calf la expected to be born.
Borne heavy producing con a art not
eaay to dry up. Hut It la always poa
albla to dry a cow up within a period
of from two to three weeka by cutting
down on the amount of grain or meal
feed and green feed and by milking
her less frequently and by falling to
remove all the tnllk from her udder.
Do thla gradually and get the milk
ing farther and farther apart until
aha I giving only a quart or two of
milk dally.
Aa aonn aa a cow la dry ahe ahould
be given all the rough feeda ahe need
to get her In good enppy condition be
fore ralvlng. It la not neceeaary or
advlauhle to feed a dry cow heavily
on grain or meal feeda. A cow ahould
be fat but not overly fat when ber
calf cornea.
Do not let a row go unbred too long
after ralvlng. It doe not pay. It la
recommended that a cow be bred be
tween one and four month after calv
lug. Failure to breed a row promptly
results In financial lusa and In eoma
raaea long delayed breeding la thought
to reault In the cow' becomlug bar
ren. F. R. Edwards, Animal Husband
man, Georgia Experiment Station.
Plenty of Water Needed
for Higher Production
An Iowa dairyman whose cows have
tiesn mailing one or uie oei run ana
butt,rf,t ttcori, ln ,te ,t.
tributes no email ahars of hia auccesa
to the use of individual drinking nip
In hi barn. The drinking cup were
Installed about a year ago and tha
dairyman aaya be noticed from the
tint the good effect the handy drink
ing eyitem had on the milk yield.
He uaes one cup for two cows, hav
ing It attached to the feeding rack
lint between each two etanchlone. A
Urge tank Is up against the celling In
one end of the barn. Thla Is filled
I .1.- lt L. Atwl.ftltw An.
- r
rated pomp. The water flowa on
P'te In the cup. a valve open. When
the pressure I released, the valva
closes and water top flowing. Tha
cow very quickly learn to uie them.
the dairyman aaya.
Since the ctipa let tha cow water
themaelves, they are a great labor-
saving device. But that la not all. "If
yon wsnt to get high production from
cow," the dairyman aaya, -yon musi
aee that they get plenty of water,
With the drinking cup right at their
head all tha time tbey are In the
barn, cow drink much more than
they would If tbey were regularly ws
tared, or bad to go to a tank to drink.
ou would be aurprlaed to aee how
" " , "
mm T.lrln 4uaf m lift) Bin thill
cup. Taking just a lime aip inuc
way every now and then, they drink
much mora In the course of day
then they would otherwise. Another
thing, with the tank up near th cell
ing, the warmest part of the barn, tha
water ataya at a comfortable tempera
tur ,n the wln,er. wulcn ta noth'r
Inducement for th cow to drink
Grinding Hay f Or Dairy
Cows Is Not Profitable
Experlmenta conducted by the dairy
husbandry aectlon of the Iowa expert
ment atatlon Indicate that It doesn'
pay to grind alfalfa hay when It la to
be fed to dairy cow. At leaat tt
waan't profitable In these preliminary
testa. Eight cowa were uaed In tha
Tha use of ground alfalfa did not
Increase tha yield of either milk or
buttcrfat in these teata and. In addl
tlon, there wn a greater amount of
ground hay refused by the cowa than
of th unground hay.
It cost f3.S0 per ton to grind the
alfalfa and there aeem little likeli
hood that thla figure could be reduced
on tha average farm, those In charge
of the teat aay. The grinding coat,
they atate, represent from 20 to 23
per cent of the market value of the
i... on th farm lu th average year.
Dairy Facts
Th water supply la of greater Ira-
'nortnuce than moat farmer realize,
T produce 80 pounda of milk a cow
require lUU pounu or waier.
Calve placed In the fecdlot
weaning tlmo and continued therotn
until finished for market make from
CO to TS per cent more gain from the
I 1
B? P : J
if Mi
M Mm
Hare la the popular "movie" atar
with a Buatar Brown bob, In her latest
picture. Ml Busch wa born In Mel
bourn, Auetrallc. After attending 8t.
Elltabeth'a convent, Madleon, N. J.,
ahe atarred In vaudeville bafor enter.
Ing picture. She haa black hair and
gray ayea.
AT 21 George ulbb, th Novelist,
Dscldsd Definitely to Abandon th
Real Estate Business.
I THE time I began th really
X aerloua bu:lness of working
every night at an art achool, aeek-
Ing the equipment I long needed to
make an artist of me.
"Before thla I hud been a midship
man at the navy academy, because
my father bad been a aurgeon In the
navy. After I spent three years work
ing laboriously at football, verse and
pen sketches, with accidental mo
ments of mathematics and chemistry,
I waa permitted to resign.
"My second endeavor was ohlvously
to plumb misfortune to Its depths,
for I ran imagine no other reason
for entering the real estate business,
or ln studying International law, the
one too concrete, and the other not
concrete enough to avoid the wars
Into which my country waa aucresa
fully pluuged.
"When I decided to enter the art
achool I bade a long furewell to real
estate without regret. Instead of
great artistic auccewi however, there
followed auccesa aa a writer of ape-
rial articles. After this a studio. 11
lustrations for the maguzlnes and an
Invitation to move to Philadelphia
aud work on the staff of a well-known
magazine. George Glbbs."
TODAY Mr. Gibha I a famoo
American novelist He wrote bla Bret
book when he waa thirty-one. It waa
called "In Search of Slademolselle,
and by a neat coincidence be actually
foand her at the same time In rhlla
delnhla and married her. Some nf
Mr. Glbhs" novel are, "The Bolted
Door." "Sackcloth and Scarlet." "The
Splendid Outcasts," "Fire of Am
blrjon," "The Yellow Dove."
(ifi ST McClur Nppr (radical )
((tTTlIAT do the Kartnwomen iuik
W about T wondered Jaxzbo, the
man from Mar. "It would be Im
possible for me truthfully to reflect
the life on till planet in my forth
coming book unlers I gain an accur
ate Impression of the distinction In
the conversations of it various chimes
of women. I will start at the bottom."
And he betook himself to the poor
est aectlon of the greut city and he
hearkened eagerly a Mrs. Ilardflst
conversed with Mrs. Kermjuw serosa
their mutual back fence.
"I don't know what we're com In'
to a-tall, with servant get tin' io Im
pudent and Independent," Mr. Hard
flat waa saying. "Would you b'lleve
It, Mrs Fermjaw, the little hussy
says to me only this morning, the says.
'Mrs. Hardflst,' ahe aay. 'I know Mr.
Hardllst geta $4.50 for every 'JO bricks
he laya now, and I won't come In and
help you with the dishes any more
for less'n a dollur an evenln'." ahe
"Most Interesting," reflected Jur.iho.
And he hied himself to Mra. Vim
Boostera sumptuous drawing room
where an Informul tea puny was in
progress. Just In time to hear Mrs.
reyster-I-tigga remarking, "Ilully, la
dle, what the end of It all will be,
I rully don't know. My maid Celeste
demanded another Increase of $10 a
week yeeterday, rully."
"Odd, very," thought JrsxIio, and
wafted himself to a meeting of the
Ladles' Browning and ShukexpeRre
club, where Mra. Highbrow-Specks,
the president, wna anylng, The sit
uation la one not to be lightly dis
missed, you know., My rook gave no
tice today because I refused to give
her $3 more week and the use nf
the automobile."
"1 think I'll omit that chapter," anld
Juaxbo apologetically to himself, and
went to tuka a lesson to change the
Portland. Oregon.
Fraud Mlatlntrprtd?
'There are many In these daya who
profess to find tupport In the Freudian
psychology for the claim that all 'ex
repression' should be abandoned. Tbla
la a most ludlcrou misunderstanding;
the Freudian doctrine are much near
er to being triumphant vindication
of the metboda of living prescribed by
conventional morality." Elton Mayo,
In Harper' Magazine.
Art and Life.
"The artist depends for his aucceas
on the aoundnesa and range of hia rela
tione with life. It aeema to me that
the frultfulness, the productivity and
the power of man'a work In. art de
pend on the frultfulnes and reality
of hi relation to life, and that the
depth and force of a man'a Ideas are
determined by the closeness of hi re
lation." Hamilton Wright Mable.
Historic African Region.
The Gold Coast region, long famed
In history and fiction, la a portion of
Guinea, on the west coast of Africa.
Here gold waa found, and the country
became the mecca of the adventuroua
and aeekera after fortune. The Gold
coast la bounded on the east by tbe
Slave coast and on the weat by the
Ivory coast, and haa a coast line of
about 350 mile. Kansas City Star.
Agricultural Pests
The ten most injurious Insect pesta
In the United State, aa selected by
tbe vote of eleven government ento
mologists, are the boll weevil, Hessian
fly, codling moth, corn earworm, mos
quitoes, chinch bug, Colorado potato
beetle, grasshoppers, the bouse fly andt
the San Jose icaJe.
Hawk' Odd Perch
Bird aometimea chooae queer
perches. A cparrow hawk electa to
spend bla time perching on a tomb
atone In the cemetery adjoining the
Southfield Reformed Presbyterian
church on Evergreen road. Detroit
For aome reaaon or other the hawk al
waya chooses the same tombstone.
Wealth Hoarded In Gma
Among the richer people In China,
who do not place reliance on native
banka, the most convenient manner of
keeping their wealth la to Invest It In
precloua atonea for the adornment of
the ladiea of their families.
Human Nature
"One' taulta and bablta are one'a
children," observe a writer. Jusso!
And like real pa rente we are prone to
believe that our "children" are not ao
bad aa our neighbor'. Boston Tran
script Novel Book Cover
Old book whose binding are shab
by can be made very decorative by the
addition of covera of band-blocked pa
pers in fascinating deslgna. When
each book la covered with a different
pattern the effect la extremely gay.
Mutt Be Up to Standard
All the world aaka of a man la for
blm to do hia beat; but It that doean't
auit It haa mighty little use for him.
Boston Tranacrlpt
Rotten Wood aa Polish
Rotten wood I (till used In Swltier-
land to polish the delicate parte of
watchea. Uaually It bring around $4
a pound It perfectly dry and finely
Japaneaa Braille Bible
Tbe complete Bible transliterated In
to Braille type printed In Japaneae
characters comprise 34 volume con
taining a total of 4,106 pagea.
Word for th Day-Dreamer
One thing that can be aald In favor
of the day-dreamer la that he doean't
anore. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Big Economle Loaa
The economic loss from mental dla
eaaea ln thla country la estimated at
$300,000,000 year. '
Three Quallflcatlona
Reading maketh a full man; confer
ence a ready man; and writing an ex
act man. Francla Bacon.
Cut Flower
A five-grain tablet of aspirin dis
solved In a quart of water will give
cut flowera prolonged Ufa.
Borrow Temper Pleaiur
There 1 no auch thing aa pure unal
loyed pleasure; aome bitter ever min
gle with th weet. Ovid.
Power Well Defined
Patience and gentleneaa 1 power.
Leigh Hunt.
Complefi Change Saturday
Adults, Week day Matinee 20c;
Evenings, 86c. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cents all timea
Clarke Brm, Florists, OT Morrison St.
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
Send ui rout ihipinaitts. Wa naO res) shack
tha ana (Say w neatvs ftxxJa.
Portland Hide k Wool Co.
11 SNMM MIRtfl a&STS, miUa, (SUSS.
Ciqgcr Profit X in TfSTFD
V-'W, I.. f ffv' Ittwi friifo tlm ksf
him tUii liiMlff ls't riTTWt
alMtQur fn:int IWortl
Htriln Wh. I tfimnin, IH w, r-p-ntntum
tt tVttfrr etifrfc. htt-r
Tajlurthbe-traT styIch. ftm niilotf
You Win Taal Bifht at Hams Ben
Salt taj fwtrsl ttimialt lata.
ExeeUent Cafa. gpecial Waakly
Bui Marts all Trains. 11th an) Start,
Th Unusual Again
I stood on the mountain summit
and enjoyed the panorama. Then I
heard a voice say. "Ah, glorious t Thla
waa worth all the trouble of tha as
cent." Overjoyed at meeting thus what
I thought to be a kindred soul and
nature lover, I turned round and found
the speaker with a bottle elevated
above hia mouth. Musket e, Vienna.
Peeved the Kangaroo
"What's the matter with the kanga
roo?" asked the manager of tha cir
cus. "Gotta bad case of clue devua.
replied the keeper. "We got blocked
during the parade thla morning and
he bad a chance to watch the pedes
trian do their (tuff and It' made him
feel like a back number cornea -to
hopping and Jumping." Cincinnati
The Hit-or-MIs Man.
If the Individual who alta too close
to the aide of the canoe and peera
over the edge Uvea long enough, ha
will probably fall out of an airplane
In leaning over and trying to aee
everything below. Detroit Free Press.
Far a Corp
Sailor are believed to be the most
superstitious people. Often they have
been known to desert ship when a
corpse wa taken on board. Minlstera
are not liked on board. Tbey are cred
ited with bringing bad luck.
The Fun In Flirtation
The Cynical Bachelor observea that
It la no fun for a girl to flirt with a
man unless she knowa ahe la making
some other girl miserable.
Like Many a Lad.
The ladder ahould make a good em
blem of poor luck it la generally up
astatnat It. Boston Transcript.
THE Happiest Resolve you
can make is to be rid once
and for all of your Piles or other
Rectal and Colon ailments. My
treatment I to scientific, so certain, to
complete, to conclusively proved by
thousands of successful cast that all
doubt it eliminated. Further, I wilt give
your I ilea or reiuna your
i itr-it- ....1... .
-.w w ICC wn.c uniay lur 1117
iWt-l w .vv in....
new iwj page, musiraivu.
FREE book of information.
irHAno omen; scattie orritn.
Or Dtin Butld'n
9 TH HqM ai rs
US-MS StlMW SUIIfflflf
Vou Want a Good Position
Vary wait Tsk the Aseountaney and
Bualnaaa Manas' man t, Privst aratar.a
ai. Calculator, Comptawatar. Htora
phle, Panmanstttp, vr Coovuerolai Zssah
ira' Courae at
Tha foramnal ButlnaM Collat of tha
Nurthwaat which ha won mors Accuracy
Awards and Gold Medal than any othar
tchuol to iMnarlra, Hand for our iacrsa
Catalnc. Fourth 8trt ntar MorHaass,
Purtland. or ! . naisar.
P. N. U.
No. 8, 192S
ami taed than an mm
(IB by Oaors KalUMW Adaiaa)