THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by, J. V. HEAD, Editor Publisher SUBSCRIP110N One year $1.50 Six months .'iS Three months..... 50 EtlttMVd IW Bt'ClMKl I'lllWI IHHtUTIlt the pcHtofflce ut lnue Oinoti, uudi'r act ut Mil roll 3, 1S71. Friday, Jan. 22. 1926 CWiinfr die many times helore their deal I t; Tbt valient never taste of death hut ShnlKKpeare. Webster's dictionary tells us that thrift means "a thriving condition; prosperity; success; Rood fortune" It also means "irood husbandry;' economical management; frugality. "Instant ly one can see that those qualities are capable of application to the indivinual, business or communi ty problems. senateTujles Church News ' Notes ol Interest to All Local Dnominatlons AN OPTIMIST'S PRAYER Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray , 0 Lord, that you may keep My constitution free from dile So I may wake up with a smile. That pleasantly I may proceed To spread the happy, hopeful creed That whatsoever may betide Haa somewhere got its brighter aide That worry never did pi event The coming of some fell event; Or. if by chance, we miss the pain, We've had the worry all in vuin. Endow me, therefore, with the grace To ever wear a smiling fact; And if mis fortune comes along, 0, let me meet it with a song. Let not Suspicion's poison find A breeding place within my mind, To make wonder if old friends Are meiely serving selfish ends, If I, unjuHly am abused, Or other wise denied my dues. Or made the butt of falsehoods vile, Still let me "carry on" and smile. If in return for good deeds done, Ingratitude is all I've won. Let me not harbor bitterness, But keep on doing none less. To keep me human, now and tnen. Please let me fin like other men, So I may not presume to pass In judgement on some fellow ass. I'd hate it but I shall not wHn.e, If time enlarges much the line That marks my waist;and though I care, I shall not mourn the loss of hair My teeth, tis true, I grtatlt prize, And, most of all, of course, my eves; But one thing more I'd keep -this then: My sense of humor, Lord, Amen. THE DIFFERENCE 'Twixt optimist and pessimist The difference is droll; The former sees the doughnut And the latter sees the hole. COURT PROCEDURE. Authorities on jurisprudence, great assemblies of the legal fra ternity, publicists in genersl and the great man of the public are anre"d that court proceedure should be reformed in the inter est of justice and publie safety. But the reform does not come. Lwayers inthe courtroom are prone to asume a position tht very opposite of that taken ir the state association or on tht public plat form. In the, free air of public discuf- on, a'l are for reform, but in the murky atmosphere of tht courtroom, dilatory mot ion?, end less red tape, disagreeable condi tions of jury STvi:?, all combin ing to block Jhe free action ol justice are exalted as essential elemsnts of judicial proceedure, THRIFT Pay rolls form the foundation of community growth, and indus tries are established and pay rolls created oy the investment of money,- funds saved by the people of a community who have' appreciated the value of thrift. The pactice of thrift is the foun dation stone of success of the in dividual, the family, the corpora tion or the community. BIBLE READING THE WEEK FOR Vice President Daws isTestrain ed by the prohibitions of his of fice from saying anything about the advisability of a reform of a reform of the Senate rules but the batta ion of aVath is doing his work for him, A supermajotity of the Senate is ready to vote adhesisn to the World Court. Not so the bull headed an fanatical minority. We have therefore the unedifying spectacle of national legislation held at a standstill while Senator Cole Blease of South Carolina reads hour on hour from the musty pages of his campaign speeches of yester year, not in the hope of changing the vote but with the purpose of preventing a vote and only yielding the floor in order that another member of the battalion may take up the chain of obstruction and read on from the writings of Washington and Jefferson, Paine and Lincoln and if need be the Encyclopedia Brittanica. AMERICAN LECION R03EBURG. Ore. Jan. 20. Special "Though our goal is a 13,000 membership for the Amer ican Lgion in Oregon in 192G, I would rather see 5,000 members in our state for what th'y can give than 20,000 members in the American Legion for what they can get! With this ringing assertion, striking tne key note of Ameri can Legion ideals. Dr. E. B. Stewart of this city, departmant commander of the American Le gion, this week set in motion-a membership campaign which will contnue with gathering momen tum up to March 1. The present of the Legion in Oregon is 9.200 and in fixing the 1926 mark at 12.000. Commander Stewart has set a goal which it is not impossi ble to reach. Pre campaign reports reaching department headquartershave in iicated an increased interest in the Legion this year with rapid payment cf 1926 dues ond the en rolment of many new members before the drive started. Cla$$ Bottle Bequeathed Because they were rare and valuable Ihm bottles frequently were men limed In the Willi of tit American iluneen. Polished Tablet The ajr to remove hut water marks on polished table topt or pa plr uiaclie traya It to treat them with a iwKte made of olive oil and "iilt. The Mixta ahould be left on for half an hour nnd then nibbed away llh a cloth. If ib flrtt application dea not succeed, reeat the pro?! which roreljr falls to flv good remits. The Sunday School of the Cong church elected a full set of off -cers last Sunday morning. The official list is as follows: Superintendent Mrs. Ruth Mason, Asst. Supt. Mrs Verda Ritchie. Secretary Leona Ritchie. Treasurer, Garland Swanson. Pianist. Elva Balsiger. Asst. Pianist, Luella Beck. Advance notices have been sent out State Endervor Head quarters of the annual all Ore gon Christian Endeavor conver tion for 1926. The place is Albany and the date April 15 to 13 inclu sive. The slogan is True Blue and Stay Thru The officers of the Baptist Sunday School for the coming year are as follows: Snperintendent; S. E. Moore Asst. Supt. Mrs. Ina Hale Secy,- Treas. Mrs. Halick Stange Piomst Mary Grabil Practice Wellington Can I borrow a clc ret? Warrlnpton (tersely) Well, ouKht to be able to you've eooUKh practice. Answer. you had Cau MMKlxtrnte Why should I show you mercy? This lun't your flint offense. Prisoner No, your honor, but It's my lawyers first case. HE'LL NOT FEEL CHANCE 02M TMiEN shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blesBed of my lather, inherit the kingdom prepared for ou fom the foudntion of te world. Matthew 25:31 Father, that which thou hast given me, I will that, where 1 am, they also mny be with me; that they mny behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foun dation of the world. John 17: 21 ForJknow him worn I have be lieved, and I am persuaded that he is able to guard that which I have committed unto him against that day. 2 Timothy 1:12 Come now and let us reason togeaher, saith the Lord: though your sins bo as scarlet they shall be white as snow; though theybe red like crimson, they shall be as wool. UaiahJ : 18 I beseecn you therefore, breth. the mercies of God, to prsentyour bodies a living sncri fice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable sei vice. Romans 12:1. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begottnn Son, that whosoever believith on him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3 ; 16 Remember the Sabbath day. to keep it holy. CIIURCTT DIRECTORY "The poet has given up writing for living and taken to gambling." "He'll not feel the rhanice, I'm sur&" Causes Eye Strain "Ttiy are rilled y on the , And jral 'III edd," Mid Crane. That looking- at the girl, like thai 1 what does c.u.t eye atrala." Lodge Directory IONE LOIKIE No. 120. A V. t A.M Meewerery first nd third Wednea of each month. W. M. W. E. Iiullitrd Sec. Elmer Griffith LOCUST CHATTER No. 119. (). E Meets the second nnd fourth Tues day of each month. W.JI. Mr. 1rn Howk; 8ec. Mrs. Ruth Maxon. IONE LODGE No. 135. I. O. O.F. MeeU every 8aturday eveulug. N. 0. , Edson Morgan; V, U. Ernest Hellker, Sec. Earle A. Drown; Treas E. J. Urlstow. DUS'CflGRASS ItEBEKAII No. 01 1. O. O. F. Meets the first and third Thursday of each month. N.U. Ettu Howell; V. (. Vliln Hellker Sec. Verda IllUhle: Treas. Etta BrU-tow. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, PaHtor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 1 M FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M Prayer Meeting Thurg. Evening Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST DAPTIST CHUKCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor nt5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.33 P M HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS SuiU Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, H. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner -: Oregon UK1 WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon When Vou Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service ' Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Office Residence HEPPNER . Main 0.13 Main 492 OREGON Bristovv & Johnson BOOTS and SHOES Fall and Winter Clothing PRIME GROCERIES PRICES LOW As Consistent With Good Quality IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. DECK, Proprietor Drop In anil looh over my Lin of WorK Shoes. I have a good atocK of Glove and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone Market T. E. Peterson, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FRESH and CURED MEATS ,Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL Ionet Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WACONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon 9 r SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURNCE IONE, OREGON" H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all the Courts IONE, OREGON W.W.KE1TLEM.D. Physician and Surgeon Eyes examined & Glasses fitted. Office in Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner .j. Oregon