OTP VOLUME XIV IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1926 NUMBER 34 LOCAL NEWS NOTES W. E. Billiard recently Bold a Victrola to the people of Morgan and vicinity fur school use. Quito t number of lone Odd Fellows and Rebeccas were In ut tendance on the get-together meeting at LexiiiKton. Full pur ticulari next week. Uullard'8 Wiamacy ban taken the agency for the Hemington Portable Type Writer. , Two hoboeu rode into town on ,tne local train Sunday afternoon, They were lying on the top of a tnjs wepk Ilnp Wooil motored to Portland and Lugctieon business this week Ho was accompanied by Eurnent lleliker and Albert Rhea. Thev returned on Friday.arriving in the evening. The current Ihuo of The Indt pendent Is somewhat delayed the partial breakdown of the tripple expunHion engine UBed to drive the cylinder preas, Erneat Chriijtophcrson and wife arrived In lone on Wednesday. Mm. Llmer Hull who has been vimting her parents at Spring lieu, rcturneu Wedneaduy 01 box car, U. S. Senator Robert N. Stan field presented the lone schools with a fir.e wall map of the Uni ted State, this past week. A large assortment ot ladies spring drennes In latest style and ahade, at very moderate prices, have just arrived at Hert Mason's Stationery new and nifty. Bollard's Pharmacy. The Freshman Class of thelont high school tendered the faculty, faculty wives and upper clause a party on Friday evening of thin week. B Contldtrale Mr, lie mik' -tx.u't throw t!nw. I i'ii nut kIii'IU urouml on the floor Willie. KeiiK'iulK-r, tldi It Hit maid Jhji ult. Unrtator.able Being All wmilil live lutij Inn noun wouli' lt iilil I'.ciijnmln rVtmklln. LEXINGTON ECHOES (REBECCAS INITIATE . ll'Mi J?7: f.Ti"T.! PRESENTAION TO THE nciQ vinnuia III fcii'Ali'Klwil iaa week from Kelno, WaBh. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lucas are entertaining their mother from Wasco, Oregon. SECRETARY LUNCH SERVED HtMsMMIMtMUMMMMMIMIIlMMMIItltlMt A- Lum Co., was a visitor at the local yard on Monday. Greater Value Lower Price. httn Tit tooo r.ipi tj tit Finttt Eoiiiijinmtnl for iyi6 9 SERIAL STORIES r''""1- nii ty i 50 SPECIAL ARTICLES irmiZZ "'""' 200 SHORT STOHIFS . -. Mm.,,, tip, Ai'.ttic. Corf tlulwrhr - W,-j Crn - .ru. Lun Jhm Bmt ClulJrtn I ftf DON'T MISS THIS CREAT YEAR I OFFER No. 1 1, n Youth' Cempanioa 02 weekly iwuca Reduced from $2.80 Now Only $2.00 OFFER A 1. The Youth' Companion 62 weekly i.Mi. , , ,2.00 2. McCeJT Meiuine . $1.00 All for $2.50 CWl row eki taa mmi Ik iinnxm wilt rmir naiiinn to tbi HUI.IMII US Of TUl fil'LH, grwTHE lfoUTU S CUMi'AMluN, baua, Uuckuwiu. BANK Of ONE ESTABLISHED IS 1903 CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVE STRONG "Conservative enough for safety Progressive enough tor service Strong enough for any storm IONE OREGON Thursday evening a very pleas fusion was spent with the Rebec cas by all those present, it beina Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Slocum.their rejrular meeting night and are now driving a handsome Over' Annual Roll Call. land coach. " One candidate was initiated after . ., , . , which tha roll was called; those A. MOilliaofWaitsburg.waiih ' .-..- PhPr bv u ington, stockholder of the T'lm . . ,k ftr h ... r,rp,1(n, i There were a number of cardi-. an 1 letters from absent member.' win .!..iin a ut p,w.ora'0'i ine secretary s oesK. xnest! I! HUG nODIDllll Hi ill! iinmviJ in well drilling, at J. E. Gentry rea,J fitld the wr!trs marK ! rnnrh lust w.-i-lc. I.Pwia AIIhii mpL eJ Present. ! ' I tr. j . . . .'r ith Dainful burns about the feet! lur8' veroa uucn.e was preseni - ' '.It iL. . I 1L and hands. Thev were Dromntly,eu u lne memuera 01 m. m w -'III. 11 . I ,A dressed and helsreuorted as able wn.i a oeauuiu t m l. f wnrlf Biniin. ,Rebecca pin 83 a token of appr. Iciation of herfaithful and willing ,T On Friday evening last about service throug a good nianj year.- f forty friends gathered at the' Rev. VV. W. Head made tht handsome Leqinton home of Mr.'presentation in a way that wai and Mrs. II. E. Warner and spent rery plcsing to all present, a number of dclghtful hours with! After the lodge was closed t them. -.nice lunch was served aud games The evening's entertainment, weae played till every one was was given ove to music, song and ready to go home. We hope that dancing. After the daibty lunchjne may have the chance to attend wved at midnight, so pleasingiany more of these enjoyabli were the old time steps that It meetings. was w un reluctance idbi me nuests bad the host and hostess Walace Jones w as called to Vada, to be at the bedside of u lister who Is very seriously all. BODY F. T. ROSS FOUND HARRIS 13URG, Or-., Jan. 14. The bo 1y bf Franklin T. Uosi. drowned in tbo Sweet Home vi cinity durii g the high water of last February, was recovered Mrs. 0. J. Cox has returned ear Sweet Home yesterday. A ttrum IVndleton where she wentitogbearinir the name "Estill Hill. to aist in the care of her young; Uarrisburg. Oregon", was foun ijxand son who has been i with,n th boi, and the authority ;meumonia. The littln one who is'oelieved tht hhe, no.v Mrs. Bei the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rayoli, 0f Halsev, mieht identif) Young is improving. . !he Loly. Mrs. Holt said that she had lost the t"g years ago. It it- L'q'iid Smoke and Ham I'ickle presumed that Ro.-s found it anr Bullard's Pharmacy For Sale A Coed Viciin and (!aje. Inq lire at this of I ice. FOR RENT Four roomel apartment ovet ihe printing office. Rate ten r!ol- ars per month. Water and electric liplit connections are msd-?. SAVE ' $ & $ IN 1926 BY Trading At 0 iBristow & Johnsons UMXHIIHHIIIIIMtlimiHIIIMMtHMUHmt Ml LEGION HALL . THEATRE The Legion Theatre has the following pictures contracted for ror, and wl I show tnem in th order named. This is the very best Ut of pictures that was ever brought to lone and are worthy of your support; Jan. 1G, . Forty Winks , , 23, Story without a name , , 30, Empty Hands Feb. 6, Coming thru ,, 13, The .Rorder Ltgion , , 20, The goose bangs high , , 27, Wander of the wnste land. Mar. 6, 13. ., 20, ,, 27. Apr. 3, , , 10. 17. ,. 24, May 1. ,i 8. . , 15. , 22, Code of the west The devils ca-go The air mail The Charmer Adventure Old home week The top of the. world Welcome Home The night club Arc parents people Oalh3 to paradise Light of wester stars , r 2!), The shock lnch Cut this out and keep it for future reference. We will only raise prices when the price of program compels us to. Dont mhs a single number of this con ract. American Legion lone Oregon k- ptit, Identification was accom p ithed latea by other means. Hoi E. I ii.ho, Jan. W - Mrs.James A. Taylor's dream thr.t'the to t of her brothf-r A ould be discovered, w i ll preserv ed, in the waters ot the river which took his life 11 months ago, came true today when she was notified that tne body had been found. Mrs. Taylor resides here. Last summer Mrs. Taj iordiram that an embank rpent had caved into the water, burying the al ready submerged body, and that when his was found it would be easily Identified. Doctoring a Mountain Knnie h 1 1 1 r in hn Ikvii i-iiiim-iI Id I'lime ty llii. ulnlonioul of m'lenllsli llml the Miiilrrliorn, imp of lliily'i fiiiiioui iiiuiiiitiiiin, In In dinky run till Inn, mid limy niii nvrr Into Hi llnllnn rnllcjf. Yen iiro ulnilliir f r fr tlie Riiclicr dc la Clusoita In Jum I'niiseil i iipliHiTi to ruli to (lie innun tain mid utiure II up Willi concrete. Rcfreiltirg A CMraKft iiuin linn Invt'iitod run clilne for milking Ice fifniu without U"Iik Ice, 'i'liug the ilinple iiici,illn In rciiilcrcd pompli'tA Several y;iM ngn niimcrnim niuiiufui.tur.'r tuinied t It ft t Ice criuni could he nui'lc nltliniit uhIiis cibiiiii, mid now with thl new est liivinl lnh all onu him to do to g-l gome Ire civ.ir.i Ik to got It. Kxi'lntiiRf. I lone Independent j JOB PRINT E Cood WorK and Reasonable Prices lti!!!ll!ll!!!III!li!l!l!!!liSilll!!l!i!ll!!l!!II!Illl!il!!;ill!!l!!!iO "ll0fijv .m.v( .(unm joj pniw) i!timjnm .nt a j,),iii grip amM. mm jo a.nn).iil oi t.'l:,ldn ni 11 1! I II A-I4l oi j.Mlinn iMt.iiilip i Joj .'pnf..iJ iniioiii JMittt i.)i iltpui;tj iuo tl pnoj ot) J jo (1itcpi..iJi tit To Mak Fern Crow Keep your fern In ir ilwp ciuititlniM vcuuse tltvlr riMiti extend f.r la the iirth, For Sale On 3i inch wagon with hund red bust el wheat rack. Good khape. Trice, $90. 00 . W. E.Tompkins, lone Oregon. ATWATER KENT In Radio Land Atwater Kent is re cognized by every one as something better in the reception and delivery of the music from the air. I have the agency on this well known line and you are invited to have same demonstrated any evening. t I am installing a line of Radio bat tries, tubes, speakers, phonograph at tachments and all materials for anten- nas. If you want the best, try out the ATWATER KENT. Bert Mason