The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 08, 1926, Image 4

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Charier No. 14 1 ' Reserve District 12
:: Um ::
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J I..
Vf vY T !!',";, i
I I'tf -V..
TWO H-r-v-rl-Ci..iUu.a
it M ou'.i I
cEfji t of your life to go.
era to
be the
Representatives of the
At lo
VU! bI'!:
sun thin i
enjoy ou' i
or Salt Li!.
rtotiub!." roil id trip fares.
Let us 1 tip you plan your
itinerary, ojv.ote you fares,
and mflk; c'.l your arrangements.
.If. out . a-nt.
' f iniiih you illmtrtitJu booklets giving
if .wmn'inn aSo r this '.".n.l wliers the
I -mt of the time and where you can
f .lo.r life all the time.
n; train connections either via Kirtlund
City at very
- i ti
Sultan Evidently Had,
Well, Just a Little!
Mulul Hufld, sultan of Morocco, was
born gambler. While he was still
ultan the French resident-general In
Morocco gave party in his honor and,
knowing , the monarch's passion for
KHDibllng, organized a baccarat game.
While Mulal Uuild was winning,
ItrlllBh newspaper man nnmed Lorls,
who wai losing, said : "You do wrong
to take that money. It's against the
teachings of the Koran." Thut so
worried the sultan that he was on the
point of giving hack his wlnulngs.
when be taw nearliy the French chief
Justice, a recognized authority ou
Mussulman law. "Tell me," said the
saltan, "whether It Is against the
Koran to take this money." The Jus
tice remained silent a moment before
replying. "Yoor majesty, if yon have
played a straight game, you cannot
touch this money because It Is mere
haxard that made you win and It la
forbidden by the Koran to take ad
vantage of hazard. But If you bow
shall I say? forced your luck I
mean, cheated a little you may put
the money In your pocket because you
wu it by yonr skill and cleverness."
The sultan smiled. "Tlion art the
greatest snd most learned Judge I
have ever met," and be pocketed the
lone, in the Slate of Oregon, at the donf of business, Decern
, 1925.
1. Loans and discounts, includin g rediscount acceptances
or bills of exchange, sold with tlie endorsement uf the bank,
including items shown in UD, 30 and 32, if ;..iy ,.$217,18 U9
2. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 7;
.. .. ..... . s f f, eVVJ
U. S. oyernnicnt securities owned, including those
snown m items m and J5. if my 9, 000.00
inner norms, warrants and sec irities, IncIjJing for
ciin uoverninent, state, municipal, corporation, etc.,
including those shown in ikiiu 30 and 33: if any 916.77
o. Mocks, securities claims, liens, judgements, etc 3,977.92
(i. Itonkintf hoiKe, $3.000.0 J;tiirniturc and
fxUns, ,v.5(h),00 6.500.00
7. Real es.ate owned other than banking house 6,95Uii
9. ('i t) Cash o,i 'wnj la vault and due fro-n banks,
ban'e:s and trust companies, designated. ; nd
approved reserve agents of this bank 19,672 57
11. Checks on banks outside city or town of
reporting bank and oilier cash items
Total cash and due from bank.., items 8, y, 10 and
11, Sly, 702. 03
'Iota --- - $295,209.45
Nutiivix lion-hv tlven time tin- n n
'l"riiriii il Iiiib (ti,-,i ni rauil ai-i iiiiul
us ii(liiilnitral-ir nf tlie ltato nl
-li'llil II, ( liriHlllplll-rMMI iliO'OM I.
witli tnet umilv l',,iiit ,,t tin- Mine
n( nrepm, (nr Mnrmw miiily. mul
tlint l-l Court Ii.-im M-t ti time i : . 1
iinl pint v nI liejirin nil, mul final
4-ltlHlli'llt III f.'llllju-Cllllllt, .!lllir.,.V
liintmr.v Htii. l ei. hi die li.ttn- f .': (i
) 1'. ,M. lu i... i una t- ii u(
nl. I I'linri nt llei pi cr. clrcuim, nli,
.i! iei tlini tc MiUl (iitiiiiiit in unt be
ill il nil r'tiefmv li. f tillii- nl will-. I
mi lit. . I
I -ate of I irnt pulilU-alion I'cu'im
'm i- mil, 1 .').
1'iiti" nf l.ict iuiliiKatlmi J.iiniai v
It. A. While
Apple Tree Honored
by Canadian Farmer
A monument In honor of an apple
tree stands In Dundos county, In Can
ada. It is made of marble and Hands
oc or near the spot where the original
Mcintosh apple tree grew.
It is nearly ISO years since John
Mcintosh emigrated from Scotland to
Canada and settled in Matilda town
ship. That was the day of the pioneer,
and "honest John" bad to clear bis
own land. In this prrp he Is said
to have come across a mimi er of ap
ple trees, which he liri-d. Oue of
tliese produced a bright-colored apple
which he called the "Mcintosh lied,"
und it soon became famous.
His son, Allan Milntosli, propaKntfl
It. so that now It Is grown In many
purts of tlie North American Conti
nent. The original tree was Injured by
flic in 1SUG, but it continued to bear
li bright red fruit until 1!08. when
Ii fulled entirely. To murk their ap
:eclutlon of tree thut hud been so
protliuhle to tiiein, the funuers of the
country raised monument to 1L
Difference in Teat
The same kind of tea leaves can be
a.u'd for Uie manufacture of either
green or black te(., tlm difference of
Uie two teus lying merely in the
process of curing. Vet, some vnrletle
of lea leaves ure better inl.itiie.i ll.iu;
others for muklnv cert.iln klmls of
tea. In producing green tew tin; lenven
are sterilized by sienni. This pretenlK
oxidizing or fi'nnentutioii of Hie l"uf.
nlili h retulns Its tree" color, mul hen
boiling water la poured over It the re
suit Is the green or gn-enlsli-ycllim
liquid. In manufacturing Mack lea tin
leaf Is allowed to ferment, wlild
ehiuiges Its color from grei-n lo very
dark brown. In tho cii" of onlonu. i.
seini-fermctited tea, tlie feniientntloi
is ulluwed to reach a certain desire.
Ji.niper Trei Older
Than Kir o.'or.:: i
There is :l i;,.- n!..i:it an mic'.c .t
trur thut wins our rrti-reinv lie!lu-i
we know iiiij.-Ii u! out In es or not. An. I
sohieiii:ie ore ll-i-e vi-temni i
fol .nil of Mich in;., t'mt we sm-U In
vain fir ii nurd tint our
fl'f ill llhi'Ul II.
I 1 Ijitall rallv-n. I'tall, a kiln le-'
i-ld j;in'i-r l as lerv n-'i :tly lii-en lc
-ii;.rc': r. ii- n of nv '. s.i t!i:
It I. ad re'-l,ii a tinro,, ,u- l.i i ir
Kli.j Soln-ni.n a. Imrn. A Miitl. ni
In tlie I'tali uirrli roll,..-e ,!;
rmered II. TI.e tree t still cmwin.'.
Iti roots iinS'i 1 In rm k sat i e
vnt'on of 7..".'i f.-et above sen lei el;
It is Hho lt forty fulif fe..t U -n. The
old tree has Uen..; Its no :r'.h
mi nt friin, tire ill: -i-'iine rlilT I r .'!(' 'i
: A" tU : ;.. :....!. .;.
er .n lam f..i:s!i u lonely toil 1 1. orio:.
tlrl.t nculn'-t .;nl ami diorni mil
Irons!.!. Tlirmi'.i'i its l..r.x Mnifi!
tlie old Ji;n:per Ihm aciiiiri'l mi. Ii
rin:':li that It is in-inally breakl:.;
rt the leil.-e on uliich it grows a I
crinlii.'i;!)' pushing sevi-riil Inns.ii;'
ioi:,y ir.vny fr the ill.'-
of the cl!X The natioanl fore I loiri
l has been linked to prote-t I hi.
lou-li l'l settler froii the souvenir
hnnteis, by siirrouia!.!:.- it with a
slrmig utt-el fence. YoUlli's Coin
16. Capital stock paid in
17. Surplus fund
18. ( a ) Undivided profits
Demand deposits, cither tht.n banks, subject to reserve:
23. Individual deposits sudjjet ta check, itic u !'iti de
posits due the S:ate ot Ok;; inty, ciiy or
oti.erpuhlic funds
2 Demand certificates of de,) ) outstandii '
Total of demand deposits, other th.. i bank
ileposi s. subject to reset ve, items 2;!, 25,
2i fiS.),8.t'..42
Time an J saviiu deposits, suSjcc! t) reserve and
payable on demand orsuMect to notice:
27. Time ccrlifi ;,ies of depo. t o:itslan li!i
Tota- ot tiiiiL anJavints depo-its payable on
demand or subject to noilce. i ems 27. 2S 512 Hl.l.ll
20. Notes and bills rcJisco-ix'jd.iuclaJiru b) i.h or
r sei'uriti.s ''! i :v! i n purchase n-.-emirts
v.:th c .iliii-iin: i. it .!. .t$ '
31. Dills payable wi ll I'ciletal Unserve bauKs or with '
other banks and trust companies
... 10.0n0.00
Wotcrninn'i Ideal Fountain Pen hm
bcrn imitated ntd empluted but it
bus never bcrn duplicat xt.
Only two movemniia are required to fill a
Waterman's- pull out tho Irver and puili it
1 sck. When the ien is lillrd it automatically
1 s-k. This Is Jmt one of the gootl fcMtutes
Hint udil (o Wulrrninirs popularity. Ask US
to tell you about the Wateiuiun lyoon fcd.
Stationery New And Nifty
Bullard's Pharmacy
12,831.1 1
State of Orcei n, County of Morrow, ss.
I, C. R. Cunzel, cU.shitr of the above named bank, do
so'emly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief , C. K.Cuiuel
Subscribed and sworn to before me tiiis 7th day of Jan 192(.
Victor Peterson, Notary Puni c.
M commisioii expires 7 13, lD2d.
CORRECT -Attest:
M. R. Moiuan, C 1J. Cunzel, A. M. Cunzel, Directou.
i .. ... .'
z Mi?
' i A. A i.i J.
Punctuation Remarht
The punctuation marks have per
sonality. The period Is linK-ratlve. It
says -stop here!- The comma la
free and ensy little chap. He says
"Slow up a hit, net your brenth. and
then trot along." The colon calls, "oh,
look what's rnmln get ready I" Quo.
tntlon marks Klve notice that the
wrlier Is lettlnir some one elso do the
tnlklna for a while. Parentheses mark
the side paths when we leave the
nisln line for a detour. Asterisks
flash the messnue: "We're sklpplnf
.itiMitliitik'." The hyphen Is a notice
of partnership; sort of a typographical
wedding ring. Inland I'rlnter.
Atteiition Farmers
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your
fuel is almost gone.
It pays lo investigate fuel prices at
When you are in need of fuel at reas
onable prices
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
iney an nit wrung' whu
no mors.
Whn ones I knock snd full
you in;
Tor svery day I atnnd outsM
And hid you wske and rise to Ouht
and win.
suy 1 corns
to I'll .1
Hill's Catarrh Medicine
Those who are In a "nin-down" eondl.
Hon will nolle that Catarrh bothers
much mors than when they are In irwl
health. This fact provos that utill-.
Caiarrh Is m local dli"-sse. It In urmly
jirliixncM by conetltiitlnnnl eonKlons
Hl,l,'i rTHHII Ml:l)K INK, Is
romlilnsd Trratmenl, both lom and In
ternal, and has been surcwuMI In tho
trmimsnt of Otsirh for over forty years
gpld by all drus-irlsta.
F. . Cheney Co.. Toltilo, Ohio,
Vcluo Burriltclezs
ct Weight in Cold
l:uil.leliee ure IVol'lll iinnli more
"ery day to tlie l nted States 1)1:1.1
all our Kohl miller. Yes. they lire Hlirtll
mure than all f nti i siher mines
lo;;etlier even If you multiply the
mine by two. You run rate the hum
Mcliees ul uliout :,t)0,iHHl,"SSl,
1'erliapii yon il; 1 nol know It, hut
e owe our clover hay crop to the
.'itltiilileliee. And our i Iomt la worth
nore than $S(si, every year.
When rude Sin 1 tried to Introduce
red clover In the l'lili;ppluii lie maili
1 hlj; dlwinery Hc( clover would not
reproduce llself In llio-e Isliiti Is.
II look conlili TaMe lime lo lind om
he reiison for tlmt fiillure was till
once of liiiiulili-liti-s. Tlie-e litiz.ln,:
Kiilers lire (he chaps who fertilize red
,loer ill-irllitue the pollen nud so
'otnplete the yearly cycle of maturity.
And no Insert except (he liiuil.le
iee with his iilinorinally long tongue
an do thut Utile trick in a red clover
When L'nrle Sam took a enrco of
iitiiiililehees out to Manila the Jolt of
mlslng red clmer hay la the I'hlllp-
il ns accomplished. I'hlludel-
plilii Inquirer.
Algy Knew Them
A man liaij fiillen overboard and a
triu-eily was t hund. "J hrnw 1,1 m a
llfe-niverl" yelled the rnpliilii.
"Hi, no!" shrieked Ali:y. "Worst
hlng In the world 3011 know, ruilly,
lliey take Hm hr-aih mvny." I', nu
'tale I'Volli.
May - Mad.'e seems to haw- l -t he
ioiiilar;iy sim-e she returned f." u.i i.i;i
Maud -Mv ilear. vlie .;; ; :y eau'.
Wear u hiitloiv suit 111 Ikv.ii,
Saving T tie phone Pelt
I.arj:!; leleplmnii compatili-M thro, ik.,
out tin- country liuie found llml pin
poles iiupn nali-d with coal I ir en o
sole glie the loiui'l n-rile. Cull
foriila elctric poni-r linen ore using
a lare nuuilar of yellow pine and
lioiigliis fir poles which have l.een lm
pri-gtuiteil Willi creosote. In
stead of iintrealed red cedar poles
which were liadly duiuaircl i,y ti r
nillcH. These pine ,o, 8 have lieon
treated for their entire lenc.h hy t o
oeii cel piei-sure inelliod, which w il
prevent liUifding or nwculliig of ti.s
YOU MY WIN $1,500
II ai r t il I't -fJi if 0 , , w t' n,K of 4
itierrtii)'.4inisl in t'lK wwU "lull. lit NhC-.i
t.S. ' A I-. nl qf IN CAti, ftu ll
1 e wr ir t to nni'fitt'f In itii
dMi;r wi-M) iji'iujiN'i con 1 r s r
Sn4 ftU-np tnr mi rtr. AJtru
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent is
Courage Is from llrst to last a vic
tory achieved over one of the most
powerful emotions of human na
ture. . . . It may fairly be ques
tioned If any human being If naturally
courageous. Many are naturally pug.
mn Ions, or Irascible, or enthusiastic,
und these pillions when strongly ei
illi'd may render them lusensllilii to
fear. ISut take away the conflicting
emotions, and fear reasserts Its do
minion; consistent rourngo is always
ihe effect of cultivation. John Stuart
I Identified
j "A mnn Is easy to reud," ssld Itob
1 crts to iinliiidy In particular as he
j und a few of his friends lounged In
the window of the cltih one evening,
j Juki then a street cur stopped lu frout
I f the window, and Perkins and bis
wlfo and sister got off.
"Which, one Is his wife?" some ono
, wnnled to know. Nobody could answer
until Huberts remarked: ".She la the
woman lie didn't help off the car."
Social Error
Mrs. Mller had her bridge club to
luncheon and the afternoon session it
cards. Al tlie lust guest dopnrtcd,
Theodora, the little blond daughter,
remarked :
"Moiher, some one 1ms used one of
tho guest towels."
"Is It poshIIiIo?" exclaimed her
mother. "Some people don't seem to
know whiit guest towele are for, you
lilt Luck
O'Ony Did you have much luck on
your Hulling trip?
Vun Kport on, pretty fnlr I quit
slight winner. I
rJ- .
i -. 11
'I .' '" -TT" "J
Tt .-. : T
Holcfcfire lon0er 4
ihcinkr to z hot diityniji
Q lIE HOT Air OR IT i n.l the HOT BLAST
PRINCIPLE mo exclusive patyutvj feature of
every LANG rwn.u tnunufuttured. Forcing tha
fluiiics entialy nrouml the oven, thoroughly and
uniformly lieatinft every inch of cookinft surface,
this principle of Movo co:i.Htruc:iou lius proved
itself the moat (.'conomii ul, convonient and ener
o'!y (utisfuetory hfiitinfc ntcihod ever invented.
The Alaska runu pictured uboe is Hal tor the
snmller kitchen, pyasessiti ull the features of our
liirjer models. Every heut unit it utiliwd, enub
litt(,1 LANG sieves lo ojienite nt lest fuel expense
thun uny other ran.u manuf.ictured. A visit to
our store will convinco you that your next stove
will bo a
Ask Us About Them