The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 08, 1926, Image 3

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From School Teacher .
To Great Eminence
A young nun who wee brought up on
farm in weelrm I'enneylvama eludied
diligently unci qualified for diitrict echool
teacher, r'utllirr ptirstiilifl hie etudlr mil
leaching, he managed la save up enough
money to put him thru medical collrgn.
Hi began the prrii uf medicine in ilia
new oil Mellon of I'a.
lie wee etudrnt of nature, knew ami
could euily recogni moat o( the nicdirinal
ilanti growing in Ilia woods.
Later, h moved to IlulUlu. N. Y. where
be launched hia favorite remedies, and in
ahort lima, lliry were sold by every drug.
Rial in Ilia land Today, ilia name of llna
man. Dr. K. V. Pierce, it known through
out lha world. Ilia Golden Medical Dis
covery it Ilia lieat known blood mrdirina
and lonk. Mora than fifty million bottle
bare barn aold In lha U. S. If your drug,
gist dure no aril lha Golden Medical Ilia
aovrry, in liquid or tablets, you can obtain
trial pkg. of lha tahlrta by eroding lfle
to tha Dr. JWe Uiuic,in Buflalo. N. Y.
Lonely Spot.
Onra yonr a little ship, tha Mo
ravian, crosses tha Atlantic to Mora
vian missions aiuonK lha Ksalmoa ut
Labrador. A loIUnrr mlaalonary 01
tha Church of England ti stationed
there at tha Indian settlement of L'n
gara. There are few lonvllcr luhab
lied arena In tha world.
Maaculln Dress.
A phrase In Bulwer l.ylton' Tel
bm" (IMs), 'Teople muat be very
distinguished In appearance to look
wall In black," alerted Uo fashion uf
, black for evening drcee. High allk
bata reached their perfection In tha
'30a and the maaculino dreaa baa
changed Tory little since then.
Eidcri of Oraanland.
Tha northern elder breede on tha
lalanda of the (irvenland and Kllea
Mare laland coaata. Four thousand
egga may often ba gathered from on
amali laland In a few boura. Tha beau
tiful king alder arrlvea at Ktah In
May with tha northern elder and fre
quents tb aam roaata.
To Brighten Ebony.
Bomotliaee ebony brushes -and band
mlrrnra berotna dull In appearance.
They ran ba Improved considerably by
rubbing In a little whlto vaseline with
aoft place of material until the wood
baa ebaorbed all the greaae and baa
taken on a rich gloaa.
Lily of tha Valley.
Tha number of Ita named teatlflea
to the populurlty of the Illy of the val
ley. rrvltli'M of all theao la "ladder
to heaven," which refera to Ita quality
of parity and humility. The French
rail It "Muguet do Mai," the Gorman,
"Mai Illume."
An Explanation.
Women learn to ewlm aooner than
men becauae the men have to teach
thomaelvea. Now York American.
Chicken for All.
On the fiirm of thla rountry aro
five chickens for every man, woman
and child In the entire United Statei.
Fits hand
pocket and pursi
Mora for year meaty
nd th beat Peppermint
Chawing Sweet for any money
Look (or Wrigley'. p. K. Maudy Pack
. . B
lit) lir "hurt Slur? I'uo. Co.)
atieil, withered, little and old
when ha riiina alone from
, Franco to New Orleana. He
died there, but Unit win In 111, ao
Ida atory hi been lout to the world
In tho yeiira that huve pnaaed. Hap
Male LuCroIx had a god Mantlet La
Orolx loved but ono kind of music
lila god waa money and hi mualc waa
(he chink of the alilnlng luclal.
Often, a he walked, llupllale thruat
hla hunila Into bla pocketa and ran
hi trembling flngere among a few
coins he alwaya curried, ao that they
would clink together. Then hla eye
would dilute, hla atep would quicken
ami over hla aenred fuc would creep
a amlln, but It wua a amlle that
chilled the amlln of miner. He liev
r did thla within the hearing of any
ono but hlmaelf. Iluptlste wa aelllah
uf bla iiiunJc, and beside, he feigned
to be poor ao poor Unit th covering
wua worn off the button on hi rout
Und the cloth upon hi elbow thin
nd pollHhed with long ervlee ao
poor that h ecarrely bought food
auillclfnt to suatnln hi in, and there
fore ho (onietlmea went huiigry. He
waa often called a beggar and waa
often plcaaed, for If the World be
lleved him poor the World would not
roh him. I'oor llnpl Intel
He brought with him from over the
ae two cheats which went bound In
Iron, and atout. They were amull, but
they were henvy. In the old French
quarter of New Orleans th miser
bought a bouae. The reason he bought
It wna becauae the house waa put up
at aule to aatlafy a creditor and went
for a mg. The building waa not
Inrge certiilnly not beautiful but It
wee etroiig, the walla were thick, and
that auniced. Into thla home the ml
aer moved the two rheata and within It
he lived, Ita cole tenant. When th
night were diirk he would cloa th
liuttera, bolt th door and, by the
light of a eputterlng candle, unlock
the rheata and filter through hla trem
bling flngere the gold and allver coin
that filled them, until hla heart would
pound In unwonted rhythm to tbelr
mualc Itnptlate would then relork
the cheata, ptiah them under hi bed.
tie th key a about hi neck, blow out
th candle and creep to bed, where
th blended choc of gold and allver
would lull hi in to aleep. When there
waa a moon, enough light Altered
through the wlndowe to make the ciin
die an expenalve luxury. Moonlight
coat Mm nothing.
llnptlMa begun to look about him
for aome nieana whereby he might add
o hla hoard of wealth; the more
money, th merrier mualc. There
were profile to he mnde In th traffic
of alavce. , lla tnveatlgated and
learned that men about hltu bad be
come rich In that buMneee; they had
made immey OiRt mli;ht aa well have
been bla. Hut the buying and aelllng
of alave bad a rlak that terrified him.
Theae black were Ill-treated aod lil
ted; many of them were old and one
or more might die on hi handa. Tha
Inn of their Uvea wa nothing hut
the loa of profit ! He wlahed ha
could have bought and aold their
anula, for be had beard lomewher
that eoule never die.
The condition, however, were be
fore hlin and be muat rlak It he would
win. He bought tvltlf th marvelou
eye of a miner, In a email way at Drat,
but, a be learned the trick of the
trade, more rxteualvely. Itnptlate wna
a niodeat mlddleninn. Its knew where
to put hi hand on inch (lave a hi
patron wanted. He denlt In father,
mother, ami and daughter n If they
had been ao mny atieep or cattle.
He bought low; he aold high, and
proapered, but In euch a quiet way
that few accrued to know who b wa
or where be lived.
Ilnptlate, In hi beat year, had nev
er accumulated money ao rnpldly. He
aaved It, all but the trifle on which
he lived, and In time filled a third
cheat. Th mualc grew tla ewceter
and the more mellow a hi hoard In'
crenacd and a hla creeping age en
fechlcd hlin. Th time came when It
required all hla ttrength to drag th
amalleat cheat from under th bed (o
that be might alft the coin and hear
them ring. The exertion apent hla
itrenirth mid he often wlahed It were
poaallilo to alt Idly by and yet hear
th clinking of the coin. A he pon
dered over the Ide of the money
making It own mualc a plan unfolded
Itaelf and Itnptlate reaolved to adopt
It itrnlghtwny, even If It ihould coat
The next dny, nnd for ninny day
thereafter, workmen were buay In the
mlaer'a borne. Itnptlate followed them
about nnd directed. When they had
Unladed, tho reault of their Inbor
etood In the renter of the room where
he ate and elept It wua mnaalvcly
built, (tone upon alone, from th
ground beneath the floor to the height
of nine feet. It other dlmenalona
were three feet each wny, making Ita
horlKfintiil aectlon aquiirp. Ita wnlla
were elx Inchea thick, lenvlng an In
terlor two and one-hnlf feet iqunre In
which a man might atnnd erect nnd
turn about. The Innlda wa metal
lined. There wa a aolltnry barred
window, n few Indies iqunre, In one
wall of the structure, within arm'
reach from the Inalde, Hint ndmltted a
ah n ft of UkM- There wna alao a
henvy, awlnglnff pnnul door that
locked with a grout key, through which
a nmn might aqucex within th wulla.
Above, nnd with lla apex bunging
downward on th IiihIiIh, wb a metul
hopper large tie the top of tho
(tructure. The (lot In th apex of
thla hopper waa tha thlckneaa mid
width of a current gold or allver coin.
Ilnptlate' triumph might have pnaned
for a huge atone chimney, but It wua
money mualc box and, ut the mime
time, a vault,
The nilHcr bad only to carry hl
coin In (mull loud up the bidder
agulnat the outNlde, empty them Into
tha hopper, releuae the mnchiinlam a).
the lot, which would drop the plecei
t whatever pace deelrcd, and llaten
In Idle ccatuay to their mualc aa they
dripped within the vuult, rolling and
ringing In awceteat aymphony. There
wua aomethlng almoat pathetic In the
rhllillah way poor old iiuptlate would
unlock the vault door at idkht, carry a
few gold and allver biirdetK aloft to
the hopper, relcuao the alhle at the
alot and then alt crouched outalde tb
wulla, llatenlng to the money' mualc.
The nilai-r hnd been bleaaed with a
moat prolltuble week In hla alave truf
fle. He counted bla enrnlnga with ex
cited (Inn-ore on Huhbuth morning und
promlaed hlmaelf a concert, the like of
which be had never heard, on that
very dny. doing up and duwn the
bidder wua toilaome work for a feclde
old man like Iiuptlat, but the prom
laed mualc aeeined to lend unuaunl
strength to hla tottering leva nnd
pnlaled hnnda. How many timet Ire
rrept aloft burdened with coin- b
knew not, but at luat hla wraith lay
gleaming In the hopper and the vault
waa empty.
Then Iiuptlat act the dot at a
meuaured puce, went down the ladder
for the laat time and, eliding through
th open panel door, pulled It iluwly
to aud locked It on the Inalde. He
even removed the key and placed It
on th ledge of the lngle window
which lighted the Interior, t If It
were aufer there. The mlaer'a grnnd
concert waa under way. The colna
fell at bla feet (lid rolled about with
ringing accent. Ituptlata crouched In
the corner and cloaed hla eyea, o that
vlalon might not hn re with hearing.
The mualc thrilled, then oothed, hll
tired fncultlea, and it length hie
whit bend nodded and Uaptlate alept
When the mlaer opened hi eye h
knew not for the Inatant where he
waa, until hla ear caught the aound
of the colna which were yet fulling.
II waa chilled and aching with the
aenantlon of a great weight bearing
hlin down, lie tried to rlae from hit
cramped poalure, but hla atlffened llmba
reapondml weakly and It waa with
difficulty that he ehook off the weight
and draggled to bla feet. Then he
reeled and would have fallen had not
the done wall of th vault auppnrted
him. He waa aelied with a choking
aenantlon, and In nervoua hnete
et retched hla thin bnnd upward to
ward the key which lay on the win
dow ledge.
Hla trembling finger touched It
puabed It through the bar where It
hung balancing an Inatant, and then
fell on the outside.
A th key at ruck the floor It rang
with a rllnk that aeemed to mock the
clink of the falling colna within.
Aa the full algnllicanr of th ml
aer'a altuatlon forced Itaelf upon him,
hla kneea gav way and he aank In a
limp and motlonleaa heap a priaoner
with hi wealth. Ill eye were cloed
and hi bead reated aldewtae on hla
knee, directly under th dot. Each
fulling coin (truck hlin on the temple
nd glanced agalnat the metul lining
of tb vault with a ring. Uaptlate
wa yet conacloua. but without the
power to move. Th coin emote him
with pendulum-like regularity, until
each on pained like a knlfa thrust
and then Jliigled merrily to ret among
It fellow. At length th money'
mualc ram to blm Indistinctly, aa If It
were a great way off, nnd he felt the
pain no longer. Ilnptlate wa drift
ingdrifting In a golden ahlp over
golden aea. The ehlmmerlng water
rocked blm gently, while the wave
covered him with their glittering
pray. Then Uaptlate fell Into a deep
a deep wherein the heart elope end
the flickering llghf of life goei out.
The coin continued to full In niea-'
ured accent, chanting a weird re
quiem nd waatlng their mudc within
that prleon epulcher.
Cavet Are Treasure
House of Minerals
A aerie of grottoea, near Banlfelil,
Oermany, mined for alum and vitriol
long before Columbu wua born, nnd
redlacovered ahortly before the World
war by the Herlln geologist, Ir. Ilea
von Wlchdorff, have been found to be
veritable chemical trcnaure trove. A
eprlng claimed to be the "atrongeat"
spring In the world laauea from ono of
the moat beautiful parte of the grot
toe and contain phoaphorus, urscnlc
nnd Iron anlplmte.
Mineral of the rarest color Jewol
the cave In nuinberles mnny-hued
formations. Chemists, physicists und
geologist who examined the spring
nnd mineral aystemallcally for a
year nnd a half from a aclentlilc nnd
medicinal viewpoint, have found radio
active spring such as have never be
fore been found. Tests bnve revealed
Hint the springs nre almost bubbling
drug stores, limbics phosphorus. Iron
and nraentc, they contain In addition
molybdenum, copper, aluminum, man
guneae, calcium, magnesium, sodium
nnd potash. '
NoUelea Airplane
Hiding In airplanes would be much
more popular If there were less noise.
Ho a Ilrlttaher la working on a noise
less propeller and engine. Ills propul
ler, Instead of having but two blades,
would have many (mull blndes, wulob
b claims will reduce the nol.
' It 1 Just a Important to locate the
Incubator In a Rultubln place a to have
a machine that will produce good
chicks. The beat Incubator made can
not do well unices It 1 properly lo
cated and given correct attention.
Freeh air I essential. When the In
cubator Is placed In the residence It
will give best results In a room where
there la a uniform temperature and
plenty of ventllutlon. A window
should be partly open eicept In ex
tremely cold weather.
The Incubator should be placed In
a room to lUelf when possible. A
good cellar or basement 1 the best
pise for an Incubator If vegetables,
oils or other article which give off
gnae or odor are not stored there.
Th machine should be set perfectly
level, then run for at least two days
and nights before the ergs sre placed
In It lie sure to have the right tem
perature and understand the working
of the machine . It la a good plan to
place a paper over the egg tray when
teating out the machine, lly ao doing
practically the same apuce to heat Is
provided that will be used when the
cgiis are In tbe machine. When the
Incubator Is empty the thermometer
will reud a little lower than It would
If th machine were full, for aa the
eggs become warmed they rals the
temperature allghtly. I!y ualng tbe
paper over tbe egg truy a fairer test
will be tecured.
I'laclng an Incubator In a bedroom
or living room la not advisable. Tbe
fumee from the lamp are not beat for
a Bleeping person to breathe. Even
with the window open at night It Is
beat to keep the Incubator out of bed
rooma unlesa there la no other conven
ient place. The living room lacks the
uniform temperature thst brings beat
reaults. Too often tbe room Is hot
during the day and rather cold at
night Tbls usually causes trouble In
regulating tbe Incubator to bold a uni
form temperature In the machine.
The Incubator should not be placed
In the aame room In the basement with
tbe furnace. The ga and dust from
the furnace are detrimental.
Special rooms In the bssement or a
rrgulnr Incubstnr cellar give an Ideal
location for Incubator. Uniformity
of temperature and plenty of ventila
tion without too much evaporation and
no drafts, give the Incubator the
proper surrounding. When two or
more machine are used It will pay to
provide auch a place.'
Very tittle beat la necessary In the
Incubator room unles It Is necessary
to air the egg. The better machine
are so constructed that the egga are
removed only for turning. If this Is
the esse the Incubator can be run suc
cessfully after March 1 where there
I no beat but It muat be protected
and free from drafts.
It takes a good Incubstor properly lo
cated and carefully attended to substi
tute for the aettlng hen. A ben will
leave her nest for fifteen to twenty
minute even In cold weather, yet pro
duce a good number of chicks. Fur
ther, the chicks will be strong and vig
orous If from the right sort of a flock.
A good Incubator will hatch Just a
successfully and Just aa itrong chicks
If given th chance. Too often a per
eon running an Incubator will take
more care of the machine than be does
of the egg. The Incubator should be
used as a nieana to helping the egg to
produce a good, livable chick Instead
of a method of forcing every egg to
hatch. To a large extent this differ
ence can be brought about through
better care of the eggs and proper lo
cation of the lncubutor. Noel Hall,
Extenalon Specialist Missouri State
Poultry Experiment Station, Mountain
Moldy Grahi Harmful-
In many caees It haa been found
that the fowl out on the range have
been able to get moldy grain such as
Is found around straw stacks or where
the machine was set at threshing time.
Sometime Oil damp sprouted corn I
not Injurious, although fowl are likely
to get too much of It, but the worat
effect are found when thl grain hue
become moldy. Mold are poltonou
to fowl.
Oyster shell 1 good, but It won't
tak the place of grit fur hen.
The beat hen I tbe one that eats
the moat and turn tbe food lute the
form of egg.
. '
After three year old. turkey hen,
a a rule, are unprofitable, but a gob
ler 1 good at five year of age.
e i -i
More turkey loases are due to breed
ing from Immature stock than to any
other cause, including the blackhead
A vigorous gobbler will fertilize all
the eggs the ben lays In a season.
Hence, a gobbler will sullies for from
fifteen to tweuty ben.
Notice tbe candler has place tor
the good egg as well as for checks
(cracked eggs), dirty eggs, and "rota"
When selling eggs Insist that tbey be
bought on I fl'l'iJiiy, buels.
1 VyiV 1 LiafiLllly
Portland. Oregon.
Danger Somewhere.
Two men were watching two women
pitching their tent at an auto camp In
the mountains. "It's dangerous for
women to be traveling around alone
that way," remarked one, as the wom
en set up their cots and unrolled their
bedding. Juat then one of tbe women
opened a satchel, pulled out a big re-,
volver, dumped out some cartridges'
and began cleaning and oiling the1
weapon. "Yea," said the other man,'
It is dangerous. Mighty dangerous.")
Us for Whit Stocking.
An eastern hosiery firm received an
order from a North Carolina woman
with tbe following note: "Tb reason
I get white stocking I on account of
fleas, and we don't know where so
many fleas come from. I can't see
them on black stocking and tbey are
gone before I can see them, eo that'
why I get white stockings, so I can
catch fleas on them."
Br'er William' Petition.
Lawd, make ua bettern' what we
think we la an' keep ua gwine w'en
we thinka we done traveled fur 'nuff.
Make us ter aee dat da worl' whar
you put ua I mighty good ter live in.
an' dat we ain't too good fer de worl'.
Help ua ter love our neighbor much
ex we kin: ter keen up de fire an'
watch de woodpile. Atlanta Constitu
Ape and Monkey.
The term "ape" and "monkey" are!
frequently uaed Interchangeably; all
monkeya are called ape and all ape
are called monkey. Cut tbe term
"ape" I more particularly applied to
the tailless, manlike monkey of the
old world, such a tbe chlmpamee;
while "monkey" I more often used
when speaking of the smaller aboreal
monkeys. Pathfinder Magaxlne.
Japanese Decorations.
Catching fireflies Is proving a profit
able venture for several firms at To
kyo, Japan. Tbe flies are sold to peo
ple giving lawn parties. Sometimes
they are bung as decorations in cages
about tbe grounds. Often tbey are
releaaed among tbe guests like a
shower of sparks.
Liberal Mr. Total.
The missionary meeting was over
and tha varlnua amnnnta i-nntrlhn
bj me memoers or tne cnurcn had
been, aa usual, one of tbe moat popu
lar feature. On the way home little
Jane saW to her mother: "What a
kind man Mr. Total muat be. He gave
ever ao much more than anybody
else!" '
Important Statistic.
A etatlstlciun baa figured that tbe
lumber used yearly In the United
State would build and finish a double
row of five-roam houses, which, 100
feet apart would reach from New
York to Seattle, eouth to San Fran
cisco, eaat to New Orleans and back
to New York.
Relic of Paet Age.
Moat English towna have lost tbelr
walla and city gate. York and Che
ter, however, itill retain them. Many
English castles, abbey and college
at ill have their medieval barrier.
Rods of clear fused quarts are now
being uaed to carry light to micro
scopes and so avoid beating the sf cl
mens by working too close to the light
eource. Science Service.
What Volcanoes Create.
The geologist, Sues, bold the
source of the sea salt was volcanic
eruptions, when the earth's cruat was
beginning to harden. Eruptions, be
says, give forth gaseous compounds
containing chlorine, brought down by
New Mother-ln-Law Lock.
A lock of recent Invention records
the name of anyone who open the
door, together with the date and time
at which It wa opened.
Agreement That Pleaae.
A woman always credit another
woman with having excellent judg
ment whon they both dislike the same
person. Chicago News.
Smll With a Kick-.
Speaking of smiles, bow bad Is this
one. "as friendly and agreeable as
a homely debutante," Duluth Her
ald. Curs of Exaggeratlonf
Wherever two or throe Americans
are gathered together they are stand
ing In line. The Dulutb Herald.
for your produce
Complete Changs Saturday
Adults, Week day Matinee 20c:
Eveninirs, 3f,c. Continoua 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cent all time
CUrk Brrxu, XTorlata, M7 Morrlawa at
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
8nd ui your ihipmmto, W mail joa chock
Um mm day w raedvc foods.
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
im aameraielaMra, nam, Mesa.
Cimcr nrrfifU in TFSTFD
W. h. lU-nfJ ltrttH from florfcl
Ui Uu-H unile-r HMtr eif-fTi-Krfi.
tWifjiir faieKKia Wirtt llrtl
Htratu Wh. Iirlxmw. It yr. r
utatUm for rrtrr fbif-ir,, twttrf
vathiew. ffttpr ewrire. Krm ralakag
Toe WiD Tmi Rirftt at Home Hara
Safe eel Deli ! tiiaenali la.
Eiealamt Cafe. Special Wkly
Bin Marta ail Train, llth and Stark.
Wild Cereals.
At one time or another all cereals,
such as wheat rice, and maixe, were
wild grasses, and many year of pa
tient research have been neceaeary to
develop their edible utility. There
muat be numerous grains of potential
value growing throughout the world,
but until the discovery of adlay no ad
dition bad been made to our exist
ing auppliea for centuries.
Famoua Old Legend.
Tbe story of Frankenstein waa pub
lished by Mrs. Shelley In 1818. In
It a young student relates bow be
created a monster with materials col
lected from tombs and from dissect
ing rooms. The creature acquired life
and committed many terrible crimes.
He murdered a friend of the student
strangled his bride and eventually met
hi death In the Northern seas.
The Russian Beard.
We are all accustomed to picture
of Russian wearing beards. The
wearing of them Is due to a belief that
beardless men were soulless; that is
why even now almost every Russian
man wears a beard.
Flowers That Fade Not.
Theae flower of Jade In their little
box. May your preciou thought be
like these flower, Indestructible and
beautifully arranged. Emperor Klen
Loung. Translated by Touasalnt and
Choo-Choo's Warning.
It I better to atop, look and listen.
The car behind won't knock yon as
far as tbe locomotive will Duluth
We, Ut 4 Co.
Tbe chief benefit of a vacation la
the renewed conviction that It's darned
nice to have a regular job. Dulutb
Herald. -
THE Happiest Resolve you
can make is to be rid once
and for all of your Piles or other
Rectal and Colon ailments. My
treatment Is so scientific, so certain, so
complete, so conclusively proved by
thousand of successful case that all
doubt I eliminated. Further, I will give
your rues or reiunu your
fee. Writ today for my
new 100 page, Illustrated,
FREE book of information.
. DEAN.M D.Inc
pontUND omen: seattu orricis:
Or Oean Building 80S-SI2 Sfcjf Butlriinf
9THAqMAirJ )VMf AN,!!, f MM
Vou Want a Good Position
Very w.Il Tak the Aocountanev anrt
Buatbaaa Masajf.m.nt, Prima aor.erjl
aJ, Calculatar. Comptoanatar, Mtenur
phle, 1'anmanahlPi I Commercial Teach
ire' Course M
The roreraoat Bualnaa Coll- of the
Northwest which haa' woa mar Aeeuracy
Awu-da and Hold 11'da.le than aar thr
school In America. Hand for aur Sucraaa
Catslna; fourth Street near Morrlaoak
Prtlmid. Or. Issue M. Walkap, Praav
P. N. U,
No. 2, 1920