The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 08, 1926, Image 1

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JANUARY 8, 1926
Mr. and Mrs. W. Parkins, dan
ghter and son in law uf Orand
man Ilooher, from the Palnime
lection apent several duvu lant
week at Urandmu'ri home.
Freeman Hill who anent hiu
Christmas vacation with Inn
grandmother in Portland, return
ed to Lexington on Saturday.
Word was received in lwing
ton on Saturday morning of Mr.
I. W. Allion of Hood Kiver pas
ting away early Friday evening.
While Lexington Kr.ew that her
illneid could not h ntavd yet
the newt came as a slunk io the
f' ienda who have known und ad-
mire I her for year her many vir
til"-. To the Borrowing family,
1, 'Xi'Ui i i extends deep syrnpa
Kail Peach and Harold Shears
drove their eura filled with twen
ty young Sunday hcIioo! atudents
In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
cox on Thursday evtning where
they spent the while at a jolly
watch party, Following gamea
and a feast.
The New Year was ushered in
with much metritnent by the atu
dents who report one of the ttea
Hons very deiiuhtful af fuirtt.
Elmo McMiilen, Dalliis Ward
and Glenn Shears returned ly
mouor on Sunday to Corvallist.
They are students at 0 A C.
Miss La Veil Leather left for
Monmouth whirhe will enter
the Normal Sei ool.
Tree ol Vait Age
There wan a joint installation
of officers by Hunch Grans Keb
ecca Lodge and lone Lodge No.
135 I. O. 0. F. Thursday. The
names of the officers installed
will appear next week.
Mrs. U M. Akers is repu'ted
as studly itnroving in health.
Mr, and Mrs. 1'arkins have re
turned to lone and will remain
lor a month or more.
Judge F. 11. Kohison apent a
few days of IuhI wwk and thin
in l'ortland, returning WedetK
George Kitchie, Edison Mor
gan, Lee Howell and W. W. Head
attended the regular meeting of
the Patriarchal degree of I. 0.
(). F. at Heppner lust Monday
Total precipitation 'Jl
Number of clear days 2
Partly cloudy days C
Cloudy days 2'i
Prevailing wind westerly
Total preeipitation since Sept.
1st for the corresponding period
last year '.... 3.31
MarshaH Cets Orders To
Collect Rents Or
Discontinue Service.
A'. ;. IIAKtllSDS
Ctmpcrutive Observer,
& $
Mri, JohanuD Troedson, thou
still at the I ospita, is steudilj
Mr. Victor Peterson is havit
the trees on his lot trimmed.
'1 he work is being done uniin
the supervision of MjihIiu'I Gi'o
Mrs. Celestine P.alsiger who
ha hern indeaposed for souh
time innw recovering and bids
fair to hoon be enjoying I.
usual h"a'tli.
Radio fever is now epidemic ii.
lone and vicinity. The disiasi
has been in progress for nom
lime but as t there are no d
dared convalescents.
An 8 pom. I b!i''y girl arriv e
at ih home ot Mr. and Mi .
The r i '.:..r rr. etie of 1 "
Town Council was held at It"
hue Teen Hall Iwht Tuesrl. y
.evening, 'ihere wne presn t
(Mayor Mason, and cou'cilmen
Man', a Contrary Critter Brihtow. iMehi". P.ryson t
"My hii-lmnd m f..n-ver kirklnit j'd Lunilell.
(Mint the -r-t ,f .m:h"i' rhi'iici." In the ahpeence of thp City It'
-a lot f ,,, i" ii mi. J '"' 'lCor,,.r. Cour.ciln.a:. Urtow .ct ci
they hiiiij iiroiiml the hi .tl.
drexwd wninii ill purlli'S.' , lor that GI iicer.
' U npp P'iej t'';d lane is whh
Dizzy .jut u iocm ne.nt.1 owicr, on nv-
"How d'Ju t i..ur ImlrV' .;.. MtlU!tl o
carri-d. Dr. W W KePie w :
"VVIuit cl'Jii worry nlinilt?'
"Loslii' my liulr." Amln-ritt ihoaen as Biich officer.
Blow Best Way
Harry U-id. Or. Kettle was 1 1 e; whirh.v.r y
A trr trunk f rrrnrd llM, thit
grew In the conl nuklnf fomti mil
llom of rriiri nin. lint bwn dliiruTeraJ
ly I'rof. Hurl N. .Mi.nboiHiiit of th atteiidirn! pl.ysiciar.
I'nlvrmlly of CIiI'-hko. TIic find w
Dud to a coal bi d of the Carboudal
formation, nrar Went Frankfort, III.
Tlit rlrriinifi ri nrr of the aticlrnt trunk
la txa fit. and ilia lencth of th wo
(Ion, snrarllied a'oiit flr. Tha whole
trir, aa It origin ul I jr rraw, may ban
hrrn In t It a nrlgl Imrtiooil of lm fwt
hlKli, Iortor Nov Tlix aurfura of
(he trunk la rorcrt .l with clow m pita,
which are th ari.. a wjirro the Irarrf
once grew. Tlu ancli-nt trwa had
few branchm, and the li-avra grew all J he Way Today
over the trunk. I Ue O.r acnlra of a m,v .,,, , mH.k ,,
nan. ine name 01 ine tcnua, iiimo
oeadrou," nieuni "t ule tree."
Mni.fl I juot l-u. Jack he'a j proceed to collect delinquent
r.iliMi up in ma nue
Miiuil What n terrihU anmuli up It
inuM have Ixi'ii!
The petition of M II Martin
praying for the extension of the
City light service to hirgidem.
out side th" city lim-.tx, rei:.g
!preun!ed after due c ns-iderri-
lion it was vote i that Mr. Mor'j
gnu be nctilieu that the cii!
' would extend the linht line it'
city boundary.
! The City Marshall pres'-nt'd n
ist of delirqumt light ami wat i
patroiis ar.d was intrticten io
... 1
Cuuntsor discontinue the Service. !
Trading At
Bristow & Johnsons
What He Would M.u
"l wlh I w.-rr ii ,-Iirk My u.jh
'rli-d rlnrllo 1'lnii'
"For tlirn lit nrnr Imvr in ,i.h
My h4mU Hint fare."
"Wlint nri- )or fuvrtrile nillm"T'
"You iiifim ttho, don't you?"
Princeton Tljier.
Thi-n hl"i
Whii hrvf
., i il ilh blow
It ,iipi or l.l"w It ift,
wjiV. Ihttt tvav In h" tt
Mr. T C l rnjre of the lone ci";- j
Dray called the attention of lot'
fact that l.-iie is vvittn ut a rut r
i-h ifump and as-k.-d that s'nu
setii'ti tie uker, raving con!
L'tpi'ni Smoke and Ham Pick'i to trie knowledce of toe couitii,
H iHard's Pharmacy (that a dump location might be
soc ited on the ;'ropi rty of Woli
K"r Side Oorley. Jfr. Troge was asked f
A Go d Vii bn and V. ZMivr Wl,n (;0,ey and n.
Inquire rt. this ofUce Juort to the councd as to Mr. O r
FOR UI'.NT les inclinntton. No bills wnt
Four roome i ap;ittniet t over' presented.
hf piintirg office. Pate ton do!
lone Independent g
Good VorK and Reasonable Prices
jarsper month. Wat ernnti lectrir
"We thotiKl.t e.l give I hi. Job te ; t conections nee mid'.
Conservative enough for safety
Progressive enough tor service
Strong enough for any storm
The Legion Theatre has the
following pictures contracted for
'or, and wi'l tdiow ttcm in th
order named. This is the very
bet-t list of pictures that was ever
brought to lone and are worthy
of your support;
Jan. 9. Tounges of Flame
, , It?, Forty Winks
, , 2d, Story without a name
, , 30, Kmpty Hands
Feb. C, ' Coming thru
, , 13. The Horder Lurion
, , 20, The goose hangs high
, , 27, Wander of the waste
Code of the wed
The deviln a-go
Notice Of Stockholders
Notice is hereby "ivun that the j
annual meeting of the Stockhnlri
ers of the lone National Farm
Loan Association of lone Oregon
will be held on the second Tues-
Jay in January lUliG. January 12,
192G. at the hour of 2 P.M. of
iaid date, for the purpose of eltc
ting directors and for anv other
business that may legally come
before the meeting.
C. U. Kmey. Sec. & Treas.
Mar. (1,
., R
.. 2(.
Apr. 8.
. . 10.
,, 17.
.. 24.
May 1.
.. 8
.. 15.
For Sale
On" 8J inch wagon with hund
red bust el w heal rack. ( ood
shape. Pi ic. $'J0. 00
W. E.Tompkiis.
lone Oregon.
Oldtime Wedding Cake
Findi Stout Defender
Whntever the nmderne mnjr think of
the newi that the wedding cake ti
Thcn'r miiii H,'lin,,,"llnlf 1,1 Gothic coniileltlea of
, ijtuuiiMui, ii i9 rcnuiu iinii line ram
The tlr river pr fnu,Ug cooij wuld hnve been hor
Adv ittirei rlllod ut the ohanRf. Header of "Pen-
Old home veek ''nn'8" wl" remember that when
.ii. Aii'ioe aimuoiant wianea to aig
nlfyhla undeclared pinmlon for lllnnihe
Aiiiory, he eent up to her a inerlnl
dinner, the dlnhea of which wero de
alKiied from heglnnlng to end to aytn
btillze her tiinldcnljr vlrtuea and hla
own ndinlratlun for them. lie wound
The top of the worle
Welcome Home
The night club
Aro parents pep;"1"
Oaths to p'ua t
In Radio Land Atwater Kent is re
cognized by every one as something
better in the reception and delivery of
the music from the air.
I have the agency on this well known
line and you are invited to have same
demonstrated any evening.
I am installing a line of Radio bat
tries, tubes, speakers, phonograph at
tachments and all materials for anten
22. Light of wester tnr,!- - -29,
lhe shock Punch' two bearta' united with an arrow, on
Cut this out and keep it for "'''eh I hud laid, before tt entered,
future reference We wi'l onM ,r""" VWI m cnt mH ""rl''mi
tuture rt lert nte. t t. i oni )y a wr),nh of vlrfni ornnw fl(lW.
raifC prieCS when the tnc of, era." If Mntmleur Mlroholunt could
program compels us to. Dontj t" nmch wltha mere liv, to what
, . . . i heights' would tils aymliollain hnve
niHH ft Hingle number of thm con-! .,.,. . KMu' nt .
ract. American Legion
lone Oregon
ding cuke? It la elenr that be would
have bud no nyniiuillijr with a cake
which depended on a clnsalcnl lever-1
llv of Una Ita ffo-t.i:.r...r
If you want the best, try out 'the
Bert Mason