mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mi, n i, i.jimi I, ii mm 1 1 m MtMMMUMIMMMMHIMIMMUMHMMHMMMM Mm ffiSs " I ? J.'- Kf ? rli? f mill V' 13 or Salt L: ke City at very reasonable oimd trip ftrr. Let u he'? ou plan your itinerary, tc you fares, and make ail your arrangement. X I II. on A strut. I 10NE OREGi N HH I tWOMMUM HUM) A CHRISTMAS PROGRAM ! notice of f nm- FOR EVERYBODY T tre will b a Christmas tree a prjiram. some camly for the youngsters and best of all a real, live Santa Claus. Who's comini? to this program? Everybody who lives in or near lone -everybody w ho wants t pend a little while celebrating C'iristmas tide with the rest of ttis community. PROGRAM The program, which the school preparing to give on the even ing of December 23rd, will con s' it of varied numbers. First:, The audience will le ihoffn a Christmas of fifty years azo when the 6th grade presents the play" Christmas at Skeeter Corner". Second:, The 5th gra1will give a play entitled, "Eisie'u Christmas Eve", The Star By the Manger" is a song by the 5il and 6th grades. Third:, The High School wiil present a series of tableau pict ures cf the First Christma. An operetta entitled" The Car tare of Santa Clans" is to 1 1 piven by th 1 2nd, 3rd an l 4 h grades. The Slo parts will Le sunn by Donald IHikr. Genev ieve Farrens and Eimer Sanson Fourth:, The Wonderful thrift mai Telescope, is the play the 7th and 8th grades will give. Fifth:, The lit grade uupilp are going to present "The Danc of the Chrisrmas Blocks". SOLICITORS The High School girls huve promised to help out Santa Clau? ,y soliciting funds nxt Monday to buy candy for the youngsters. EVERYBODY INVITED llommelier! Everbody is invit ed to come to the Coris'mir I'ro gram at the lone Public School at 7:300 V. M. Wednesday i,i;,i December 23, 102"). FOR OVER 40 YEARS ft ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE beta ul uccu(ully to Ui lrtatunt o( Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MKDiriXE eon llt of an Ointment which gukkly Knlitvaa by Icx-al application, and tlx Inurnal Uadleln. a Tonic, whl h art through th Blood on the Mucou Sur face, thu reduclnr th inllummation. Sold by all drurilata. F. J. Chny Co Toledo. Ohio. Tact 1$ Enential "Tact," laid the locturi-r, "l emen tlnl to good entertnlnlnir. I once dined at a bouae wher the hogtpw had no tnct. Oppoalta ma tat a modeit, quiet roan. "Suddenly lie turned 1 red a kb tir on hearing hi bottcM ny to her lumhiind, "How lnattpnllva you ara, 'In rile I Tou muit look after Mr. I'.rown better, lie holding lilmaelf to ererythlng." Hi Six Saved Him The girl wa Interevted In the yarn the fxt old tailor m telling, lie bad Just flnldhed relating hi experience with rannlbala, and he ald: "And 10 the native didn't linrm you, t ." X California it Ja.vU b.-fte cTwt of your life .to go. Rfi-r!cntctlvc or the Unless PaslSae Will g!dl." furtiijh you ilUi.tratcJ booklet c'vh'S convplete i uWm-.'-i eb-1 t':'s land where thu un shines met of the time and where yru can tnjcy out-t f-ii. cr life all the time. Conveni nt train connections either via Fortlar-J Si ALU JUIN 1 Nutli-o l hcri'liy (jlvrtt tin-tit, 'iT-ilirih-il Iiiih filfil Ii in final mriniiit in ir ( tlic I'.htiiti- ui .1 1I1 it 1 1 . ('lirlHtiipl'.crNon iIu ciki 'I nltli yio t'liiinty four! if the Stnli of (r'niiii, fur MorniH' t nimty, nml tiint Hal. I Court lin'rt iih llini' ami plitiv ui lirnrliiK nil. mill limit M'ttll'llll'llt ill HllllllliTlllllit, Jji 1 11 .1 ,1 .1 .iiuui ry lull, l't.'ii, nt tin. Ii nr nl i: v tl'flu, k 1'. M. in (Ii,- ( iiiii'i riMiin ul aniil I'mtrt Mt llffpla-r. 'ttrrmi, iiti) ilij rt Ion tc Kfiid account iiiu-t In tilcil on or before tin: tiiii" ol wttl ini'iit. . Hate of rirwt itililicntioti 1 ' mii-U-r lllli, lt:j.. l'n to of lut, ptililloaiiun J.iiiiinrv I!.i:. It. A. White Ailinl:iltnitor KKOREN KULUJIAN 1ft ' S I One of America' 35,000 Near Eait i Orphan, exiled from hi ancestral homej but happy becauie ht I confi dent that America, which rescued him from death, will ttay with him until h I ilxteen, when h will h ready to go out and make hit own way. New Refugee Problem In Syria. Il.-lrut. Syria The Near Kant Relief will diKiiibuto SO.Oiii) pounds of refu ge' clothing here, to anUt In.curiiiK i fcr u.0uu Christian MIIiikits rfnihri'il li-...U'!i-s. by the U'hi-lllon of the Mos lem Druse against the French govern ment. All Amerlcina havo been or-lii-red to leave Immnncus, where 2,500 (ii i sons were killed In the fiKlitlng of th- past fort n Ik lit. Thnusanils of ref Wt'H are pourtnir Into Beirut. October 31nt tin re were 30,000 A menlan mfuuees In flclrut, crowded into an "unnp akiihlc" ramp, unu refu ;i wero arriving from Damiiitcus at .! j rate of 4u0 du ly. The refugees Aire sheltered In houses constructed jl oil tins and "the crowding una ter ".iile," as many as nine people Jiving n a single small room, cooking, eat and sleeping In this tiny quarter. The sanitary arrangements were tally Iritidequuta and water sinrco. ;tny of the refucees were III, with no I'dicine and the children wore pale ..-id sickly. reprcttntativ Johnson Indorse Plan Itepresentatlve Albert Johnson, of Wn-hlngton, in a letter to the Near :'ist Kellef, state that "the plan of t: iiiitlng children under the cure of tiie Association for their own peculiar conditions and titling them for useful-i.'i-ss In their own land In, in ray opin ion, the correct pli.n," In every Near Eant Relief orphan .ire the children fcre trained for self support at the age of ulxteen. The girls to work on farms, to be nurse, teachers, rug makers, seamstresses, In ce maker; the ln.ys to be farmer, blacksmiths, ctrpeulcrs, tinsmith and ilioriinakora. BULL'S EYE l:"a v km 7 o acri rf X' - --'A-. tH-r "HltM Dyrtn a. t.'. ivrnvnt b Will Fthr--, 4ti-UI FnlliM H .T i ))!, MpdlvnU itiit AtUri nr bUR'ortal. UtfC c intuitu. WU t( tltl M. America is Safe with "BuirDurham A gang of Scientists left on a 'Boat Tor a year's cruise to study queer kind of Fish in the South Atlantic Ocean. They showl.i have stayed here in New York and went to see and hear what I did the other day, a real Red Bolsheviki meeting. They w ould have seen queer looking Fish there, Suck ers, 1 '.els, FIou nders, Bullheads, and every Guy that got up was a big mouth Bass. They denounced everything in America, The Weather, The Constitution, White Gloves for Fall Bearers,. Mah Jong, Lower Taxes, Suspenders, Cross Word Puzzles, Shower B;tV.-, cf X :'.zr.z an'l ke Cream I'icj. Alter looking them all over I found what was the matter with them. There vasnt a one of them knew enough to roll his own. I low are you going to improve on a Government if you dont know that much. Every man you see pouring "Bull" Durham into his paper, you can bet he is satisfied with America, because its the tid right down to earth Amer icans that do it. P. S. There i eirig to he another piece in thil paper uon. Look fur it. Guaranteed bv laHATB 1 1 1 Fifth Avenue, New York City YOU M AY WIN $1,500 tf 'tu ar i bit to mt'9 (tin matl wtrU on of ih itiifrftcunUinid in ih worJ "TOIlLr NtCLS SI I IIS." A loul ')( ft.ofio IS CASif P'Un will liiw4rJrJ iot(jTipMtfr In (hit ciMlUT WOl) ItUll.DWi CON I HST Sn J tUffip for circular ml rtilM, AlJre A Good Time To Subscribe for the Inde pendent is -NOW- 1 Bull Durham ZADI S I'ISTORY TYPICAL Armenian Orphan Adopted by Dr, and Mr, Gannaway of Seattle. Ziidi I'tuli.iltun Ciinnawny, unite an Armenian ni'i iuin, but now tuloptiid liy her Amerlrait rescuers, fir. nn d Mra. 1 ( has. It. tiatmnwny, of Senttle, "guth I itimI up III h tf wuHtud dlseusud body j the sorrows of all Armenia" at the I aco of one yetir. "Zmll'a hlH'ory la typical of thou- and of Near Kust orphnn,1' stated i Mr, tlimnawvy on a recent tour of ' lie Nnrthwest, Drlvon with her moth er Into exile, slio wa sutfurlni with mnnsles, pneumonlit, dysentery and other Near iCast dlseiisos when we round her. The uinrvnloui vitality ot the children tit the Near Kaat It k'iuku In Zaill' gullitut atid niece fid tight for lite. There were thous ands as attractive a Zudl In a multi tude nuinher ng over eight thousand tn whom Dr. tiannawny minlsttirod lu I lie Near Kiist. A inentul test ot Zdl nt the Cheney, Washliigton, Normal Bi hool, allowed the mind of a child ot eight at lliti i am ot four aud a halt. t; " " . -.-. . - I x r if -A i ZAOI PACHALIAN GANNAWAY "On tha foundation of Jon.OOO chil dren, many of tliein above the arerat In mentality. America, ha been build lug for ten year fur the future. Many year or study of the children ot the Near Kast, in which I have come greatly to admire their Independence and desire to help themselves, make me believe that America never did areater piece of work than when h reached out and gathered up these thousand of orphan waif. It I not unreasonable to believe that In Ameri can care today In the Near East ara tiie men and women who twenty years from now will be shaping the future of that turbulent land. America Bitot Cituiiiue for. only the few year aecea sitry to complete the task." Golden ltule Sunday, December f, will be America' answer to thousand of children like Zadl. Full Informa tion about the day. Including auggae live menus, may be had on application to the Near East Relief. Near Kast Relief office are at 613 Stock Kn hntige. I'ortland; 339 flurke IiIiIk, Bcattle; and for the Golden Rule Campaign temporary office have been opened at 301 Walker Hank Rid,, Salt I-ake City; 627 Peyton Uldg,' Spokane; Ilrintol Hotel, Ilolae, anil Y. ii. C. A. Tacoma. Just -JT 6.v J Littlef. MONSTER , Wlfle I Imve to do nil my work alllKle-lilllnleil 1 lluiible Have yon hurt one of your hands, denrt 1 jA . as. j.i msr i ' i ir s' n MR Helpful! Live of great men all remind a W should all ba great also II w only had behind us What It wa that mad Hum go. YOUR HANDS Do most of your work. Why neglect them when a bottle of CreaM LotioN will keep them fit. - 25ct & 50ct "Family size $1.00 1 pint." Manufactured and guaranteed BY Bullard's Pharmacy The Kodak Filling Station tMMM.efr. (Attention l -r DON'T Be Inconsiderate With Yourself When you come to know that your fuel is almost gone. J It pays to investigate fuel prices at THE FARMERS. When you are in need of fuel at reas onable prices- See Us. Farmer's Elevator Co. lone, Oregon. UMIM The best surf 111 ill m ' KODAK, . The best plrcc of all to select: Kodaks for Ohristr.ias is this store. The line is well rcp( cscntcd; our sales people arc well Id firmed. Kdaks $5 up Aroumits $2 up Billiards Pharmacy The Gift Store Farmers i 4M IMIIIMIMDIMI ise of all a