THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Fridayby, V j i. V. HEAD, Kditor Publisher SUBSCKIPHON )1 One year. $I.$d oix months ,72 Three months ..... 50 Euttwl tyi wq l cliitw matter nt the piKtoffUv hi lono OrvKm, uu. lei net i)f Mnrvh !t. lSTO.v f " ' ; .- .. " . If to do nrere ait rAsjr as to know what io da, thBpfl ball beta churches, X aaJ poor meat c'ltMc princes' pi z tee.' , .v ' t 1 I CHRISTMAS William Shkespcarc BELLS I herad the bells on Christmas . Day 4 Their old, familiar carols play,' And wild and sweet k I The words repeat , . " Of peace on earth. good-will j to men! Artd thought how, as the day, had I Isikj Ik emer , , "" The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along 1 The unbroken eong , Of peace on1 earth; 'good will to Till, ringW.sirtfng-ori ; its way Z 'Ihe world revolved from night t A voice? iirhime, , f A chant sublime Of peace on earth, good-will to Z 3ffnrmen!'.A t Thidf frorreach black'; accursed mouth And with the sound The carols drowned Qtjtfic on earth, good-wili to men! ' It war as if an earthquake rent The hearth-stones of a continent, And mad forlorn The households born : Of peace on earth, good-will to roenl ' ; f - : An1 in dVsp'air I bowed my heid L"There is no peace on e arlh" i Z'i said '; "' ' " "For bate ja strong ? s . 17, And mocks the song ..... . Of piace on earth,' good-will to men!" ' Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "Go J is not dead; nor dot a he sleep! The Wrong shall fail, The Right prevail, With peace on earth, good will to men!" Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Increase in the volume of Statute Law. At frequent intervals some one- dips pen in ink and bewails li e increcse in number of legal en actments and recites the fact that the legislative bodies of 43 siates and the National Govern ment are continualy grinding out new laws. There is doubtless some oci-as ion for this lamentation in the tendency that seems inherent in some legislators to tinker with the statutes and attempt to cover every possible public or private action with the provisions of a statute, but the sum total of law that are needlecs is but a small proportion of the mass of legal enactments. We are living in a changeing age and new developments, in in dustry communication. Social conditions demand statutory def inition and limitation. To find fault with the statutes that concern them is to findfau t with the automobile, the teleph one, the radio and the air ship. Criticism of the activities of law makers finds its strongest support among those who have been affected by, certain social legislation which for the most part has found its way upon tl e statute books in response of i n insistent public demand. In tl h classification are the statu'cB prohibiting and penalizing. Ih? manufacture and sale of alcoholic the sale of narcotic drugs end thi traffic in girls. ) , j j NOTE OF THANKS Peace on Earth Good will toward men. tnd frit-nds- ftr th cfiWui U, . . N(jndfo help tWy'gavd'usW rfcr wsJ Church News Notes of Interest to All '" Local' Dnominqt&it!M loss of shelter and belongings We thank each and every one; The Red Crass, the Church tiiries and the friends and neighbors. . Mr. and Mrs. .11. R Seely and family. , "Just like a gold mine" is a common saving,, for the popular view is that gold mining is a hiu'h Iv profitably industry.' Yet the total production of gold in the United States lost year was .but 52.277.000, which is 'about the same as the agricultural produc tion in Yakima county, Washing ton, this year. The. state of .K braska boasts that its poultry business each year amounts to more thali the annual production of gold in the nation. , - East Oregonion. An Associated Press statement hints that an .'oil company in which Secretary Mellon Is a chiel o ner escaped paying heavy ta es. Hoorrors! The secretary has been suspected -of helping An drew at times, but tax dodging agoin, horrors!. T A East Oregonian ; Household Nece$gity Butcher You wunt oiue brulni. RiadHin? ; Hounow'lf It's, Jin(. hat band lmn'l n- for t lonf (line. ItoBretslve' GtMCer; - ' The subject' at the Christian Church prayer meeting, is, tht Sunday school lesson for the next Sunday Leaders are chosen , at each meeting for the next. Visit ors corialy welcome. Meeting he gins promptly v at 7:30 Hn the church parlors. A MAN OF SORROWS fi pje is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted mith grief: -and we hidvas it were our faces iron hi.-nr ho Waa rli-snised. ana we es- curely he hath borne our griefs and carried onr sorrows: yet we did, esteem him stricken smitten of God.' anV afflicted",' 11 nut he was wounded for our transgeesslons, hu wbb brvls?d for our iniquities:, the chastise- I ...on Af m . . imanfl utij iinnn him The' Junior Endeavors of the Bmj with his striues weareheaU d! baptist church meets at 8 P.S SI. cawu ouiiuuy. , TheBipliH Uidics Aid Sule held at Mooi os siorj last Satur us all day was quite successful. , A II we, like sheep, have gone "ustray; we have turned every one tohisown way;and the Lord hath laid oi him the iniquity of ' Next Sunday morning the topic at the morning service at the Congregational church is I )':) Isaiah, Chap. 51 The Chi itttmna Seal Sale is a To Chtck Hit Appetif Tin afraid, my dear, you'll have An the cooking ignln." t "Why or. .... t th doctor tnyt 1 m"atlri(( 'too umch." Landing of the Tilgrim Fathers. Wednesday evening was the date of the regular meeting f the Willow Branch a E. i Unioii. 'A number" attended from Ioil. A detailed aecoimt of the meet ing will be found on another fcge ' ... : i; ! :,; i Two and one half years have been added to the average life expectation of every individual by the decline in the tuberculosis death rate. A NEW STEP - 1 nation wlii1 campaign to provide The .ui.uww - ' . J 1 I- carry on Miistructive work; IT BREAKS 'EM, ALL RIGHT A PuxxU Coca Have you read "To t Field"J. ' ' Cola No. Hoflr'do you gr-i m to listen V-Americun Huy. On Way to Do It "So many automobile ! Hour d' a tdetrlan cmwi the atreetr "Now and then a car unit to crowi. W-cro -irlfh It- ') i BASE METAL, INDEED 'I ahould think that great automo bile maker would he In constant fear of beins arresti'd as counterfeiter." "Ilowa thntr "llann't he ninle every one of Ma million of dollura out of tin?" "Man's Extremity" He hid eiprruiont fit and meat And aicd ihtm lth tmpunliy H alwajrt called hi hinda and fitt Eah on "Qui t opportunity." 1 Mitunderitandii "What'a the cliuriieJ ", tng "Flv dollara." "I mean for the ride -not for Hit nJcit e2ij" Pw & Johnson . BOOTS and SHOES'0! lwmHoin PRIME groceries : PRICES LOW , , , i i : ...... v'i , i-. H'l U'A 1 ' I I ." -. " As Consistent With Good Quality ' ' i' ) t' -i ii.-i ii r ) .J !" "Ml J "V Bon lnd, wluit W they mean hca . 1 they aay In the liitory that In Hie old daya tnuiiy men iiertnhcd by living broken on the wheel? 1 ' L'ad Why or win, I really can't tell yoii they certainly didn't liat automobile that far bach.;. Farmer I'licls I dont Ilk Hits here crop movement a hit I City Meet Oh, how do you do It, I'ncle? I'v never heard of that dunce I ?l;t.i. Lodge," Directory i IOXE r)Ir,K No. 120. A K. A A.M Met'W every 11 rat mill third Weiliiee ofeiieh month. W. M. V. It. WnUrr Sec. I j. K. Dick. ' '' ' .i LOCUST CHAI'TEK No. 119. O. E. Mafja Uie yB').i fvnrth Tue riny ul kU luiiull, U'.M, 11 ra. 'y r : I'.i.mi." ) IONE I.OOUK N. 13.1. I. 0. O.K 4l Wt vvefy Saturday rBliig. N 0 , Uerxen Idbetttir WU.iKfiniiPlI Morjcnn: See Edrle h. Uro ur Tr a- . ' - . BUXCHunAMg KLBCKAU til . f. O. V. MueU tU flrat rttiij' tlilnl 'huradny ofeiicli uiontruN.fJ. Jlrvl In Iwanaun; V. U. Etta HowfU Terdu lUtchto: Trena. Ett BrU CIHIRCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W.' W. HEAD.! pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and , 8:00 P. M FIR3T' CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10.00 ', A- M. Prayer Meeting Thurg. Evening Services ' ' " ' ' 10:00 A.' M. and 8:00 P M. FIRST BAPTISE CHUaCH Sunday School at 1C.0OA.M : Junior Endeavor st5.30 P.M. - Prayer meeting Thurs. 7 JO P.M t IONE HARNESS SHQP . i C.A. DECK, Proprlwtof ni iufi ur iJ il Mftici U -..i nt " Drop In ii 'j jj nd looh over my- Line of WorK Shoes, t l have a ood sioch of Cloves and t; ... , . Ifarneas Supplies.' " Repairing at Reasonable Prices. s i ",!'-..i i . - ... j lone Marhet 1 ' " ; ' . ; . i i "i M i i, ' : Peterson Pros. , Props. . i "aanaaaaBWBiaaaaaiaiB1 .Wholesale and Retail Dealer In I . ;. FRESH and CURED MEATS , , ' . Your Patronage Solicited.' " j " - ' , ' ' ; . i i.. t i . i i t' " t... Mtttllltil ttttttmtmt HEPPNER TAILORING CO. 1 TAILORS Suits Made To Measure : PRICE, kjv $29.50 'i ' And . f . . Up . , - Satisfaction Guaranteed . ' - ! Heppner, Ore. ' ;!') -"i""ii ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If vc havn't : got it we can get it ; v ' quick. v : ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON A. D. MCMURDO, UL D. ' Physician and Surgeon ., Office in Masonic 1 Trained Nurse Assistant' Heppner : Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK . Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building. Heppner Oregon : When You Visit Heppner , Eat at the '" ;' I Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service '"' ' "Lunch Counter ' f Dr. i A. ' Hi ' Johnstoji rilYSICIAN&SURCEON: Phone-Offiee ii Main 08,1 (. ii;, Residencen A Main 492 Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone. Ore. 1 : Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer- " , cial Table First Class. A home away from i home, with best meals In Central Oregon. ".. ! ,ii I'V.vl I..I f SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms." Good Service.1 ! ; Farm I Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, . , "MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTORr WIND MILLS. WINONA WACONS.7 PAUL G. BALSIGER - Ioi'je, Oregon i-''l-'i i aj : a ' ' ri If S4 i I ri at '' i ' """""" B i"iiiamy SEE ME BEFORE THE HRE ' H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & ; I, J ... in INSURANCE ... v IONE, . . OREGON ft . F. H. Robinson n r,ji Attorney and Counselor at lirw i t "" I ' ' Will practice in all th Courts UL W.W.KETTLER , . Physicfanand Surgeori j Eyes examined & Glasses fitted '' 3 Office In Drug store. IONE, . . OREGON Dr. FE. FarrioP DENTIST a 4. Ji H t Office: Odd Fetlows Building HEPPNER - OREGON .Heppner ; Oreorjj -" tfM Kv- ftMPOftM. i.ui.