The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 04, 1925, Image 1

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Thursday, Nov. 26, Mr, and
Mra, 'A. R. Kortner announce
tr-e birth of a daughter to whom
they have given the name, Helen
Miss Pearl Vail, Lexington's
Primary Instructor spent Thanks
giving vacation with relatives at
On Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey
Cutsforth a number of young
people from the vicinity of Lex
ington and lone enjoyed a pleas
ant party. The hours until mid
night were given over to iiiua-ie,
Karnes and dancing when a
Thnuk giving basket supper was
pr. A most delightful feature
of th evfi.lng'a . entertainment
was the music rendered by Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Peterson and
Mrs. Archie Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Looney of
Walla Walla spent Wednesday
last with Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Karl Beach and Mrs. Sadie
Lewis drove to Walla Walla Wed
nesday where they spent the
Thanksgiving vacation with Mrs.
Karl Beach and sons.
Mrs. Harry Bauman spent the
Thanksgiving season with her
parnets, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cool
Earl Warner was a county seat
visitor on Monday.
Mrs. James Cyptit of Tacoma
was a Thanksgiving visitor at
the home of her tr xher, W. F.
Miss Lovell Luci-s who is in
training at the .GojJ Samaritan
Hospital, Portlam', spent Thanks
giving in Lexington with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucus
Mr. and Mra.I)cl Walker are
moving from the PHdle into the
Lexington home hi : Wm. Tucker
Mrs. M. U. Tu-' er left last
week for Portland hereshe will
make an extended visit.
The country home of Mr. and
Mrs, Louis J. Padberg waa the
scene on Sunday of a very pleas
ant gathering, the occasion be
ing-the 25th annlveasary of the
marriage of Mr. and Mra. Pad
Louis J. Padberg and Maud
Wood were married on Thvnks
giving Day, November 29, 1900,
at the Palace hotel parlor in
Heppntr, Judge A. G. Bartholo
mew performing the ceremorj
at one o'clock P. M., and with
the exception or a few year
these good people have resided
on their farm some six mile
southwest of Lexington and en
joyed prosperity ane happiness.
Guests present Sunday were: ,
Mr. W. II. Padberg and wife.
John Padberg and wife, Mrs.
Lana Padberg and family. Johr
Bryson and family. Mrs. WeddW
Geoge Sperry and wife, Mrs. A.
II. Bee, Mrs. Delia Mobly. W. E.
Euhanks and family, Irwin Pad
berg and wife, Archie Padberg
and wile, H. C. wood and famil)
Ai lev Par. berg, Henry Halvorser
Clell Ilea, Cecil Padbrrg. Ear!
Padberg. Huston Brynn. Johnii
Euhanks, Emerald and Haz'
Padberg. Verda Eubanka and
Anna Buschke,
A Diffunce
Klrat Gentleman of Colf WbalTo'
o' runnln' , Imjrt
Second Ukewlxe An due Jo' Sfed
a slxot!
'lt.Mit all mlla back."
"Huh! Vo tint much ekeered o'
"Not or'n'ry jlmMee oiaun I Nui
Ah dun owed dxt RhiKt iliUar
eight aelen f Ainerlcnn Le.'lon
Call For County Warrants.
All General Fund Warrants of
Morrow County Oregon, register
ed on or before April 30th, 1925,
will be paid on presentation at
the office of the County Treat
urer on or after December 12th,
1925, at which date interest on
said warrants will cease.
Dated at Heppntr, Oregon,
November 80, 1925.
Leon W. Briggs, County Treaa.
Situation Summed Up
in On Short Sentence
Kobert wee In fur a trying ordeal
and he knew It. Ae he Hood on the
doorstep of old Mr. Green's holme lie
assured himself that there were far
coaler thing In the world than eomlns
lo "ak father."
A niald opened In Oner and be was
shown Into the while
the servant approarhed her niaeler.
Rome few moiiienti later he fonnd
hlmiM'lf alone In the library with the
old font lemon, who waa looking very
(tern, due to an attark of Indication.
"Ah, here you are," waa Mr. flreen'e
not too (rarloua (reetlng. "And why
do you want to marry my danghterf
Thli took Robert by surprise, and
before he could think of a fitting reply
'he query waa repeated:
".Now, air, come. Why do you want
to marry my daughter? That's what
t want to know."
"Itecauae er er " stammered the
young man. "I er I have no rea
son." "
"Kxartly, my dear air," broke In the
older man. "Eiactly. You can't have,
or you wouldn't be to anxious to mar
ry lirr."
Her Favorite
Drugglat Tea, miss; you'll And that
moat ladle like this lipstick.
Toung Girl Too couldn't alt tell
m the kind the men Ilka, could yoel
flood Hardware.
Golden Rule Benefit Supper at
the Basement of the Christian
Church, Saturday, December Cth,
from 5:30 to 7:00.
Four roomed apartment over
the printing office. Rate ten dol
art per month. Water and electric
light connections are mad.
Total precipita ion 0.83
Total precipitation since
September 1st 1.64
Total precipitation for the
corresponding period last
yearr . 2 46
N'. of eieur ilav
,Chas. Allinger and family are
moving this peek into the house
on lecond street formeiy accupied
by Ei nest Helliker.
- Dance at the Legion
the 12th of Deoember.
partly cloudy .
of cloudy day i
Killing fronts on tl.e 21st,22i.
and 23rd.
Prevailing winds, westerly.
R E. lUklllSOS
Cooperatlrt Ohttrrtr,
Miss Margaret Woodson of Hepi
ner, is one of the two women slu
dents in the law school of th
Uiversity of Oregon. Kou:
women are included in the lav
school's roster of accredited at
Hap Wood, the Earth Mer
chant, accompanied by George W.
Ritchie and Dad Griffin, made i
business trip to The Dalles oi
Tuesday of this week.
The Christmas program thi
season will be presented by ti t
public schools. Full particular,
will be given next week.
Miss Owen and Miss Cruzie
have abandoned their bachelo
quarters and are now boarding a
at Louis Balaiger'a.
The delegetion sf Congestion
al Church peoplt who planne ai
tendance on a Fellowship mee
it g of Congregational churchei
at The Dalles on Monday of thi
week were halted at the ver;
moment of departure by the tel
egraphed announcemt nt of th
indefinite poatpon nnt of th.
At last reports-1 11. Uibisot
Tr e Legion. Theatre baa the was at Oregon City and waa. Ilk
following pictures contracted for Abraham of oU sti:l juurneyini
Boost the Bank that Boosts
When It comes to a choice between home folks and
outsiders home folks come first. Isn't that the
way you feel about it? , ,
This Is a ' Institution. We are working for the
good of our community, for the prosperity and develop
ment of this section, and for the individual welfare of our
friends and neighbors. That has always been our policy
and always will be our policy.
For that reason we like to see the money that is earned
here, spent here and circulated here for the benefit of
local Interests.
The resources of this bank represent the deposits of those
who transact business with us. And the more use they
make of our facilities and the more they co operate with
us the greater service we are enabled to render them In
eturn. ,
Bank of lone
Capital and Surplus $35,000.00
for, and wi;l show tnera in the
order named. This if the very
best list of pictures that was ever
brought to lone and are worthy
of your support;
Dec. 5, Miss Bluebeard
12, Burke & Kelley
Comedians In
Mother 0' Mine .
19, Peter Pan
25 26, The Ten Command-
on toward the south.
Baptist Ladies Aid will have,,
fancy work and lood sale a
Moores Sto-e on Snt. D jc. the 12.
Jan. 1,
' 9.
.. 16.
'. 23,
Feb. 6,
Morton of the Movies
Tounges of Flame
Forty Winks
Story without a name
The top of the world
Coming thru
The Border It c ion
, , 20, The goose hangs high
, , 27, Wander of the waste
Mar. 6, Code of the west
, , 13, The devils ca- go
, , 20, The air mail
, , 27, The Charmer
Apr. 3, Adventure
, , 10, Old home week
, , 17, The ahock Punch
, . 24, Welcome Home
May 1, The night duh
, 8, Aro parents people
, 15, Oaths to paradise
. , 22, Light of wester stars
Cut this out and keep it for
future reference. We will only
raise prices when the price of
program compels ui to. Dont
miss a single number of this con
tract. American Legion f
lone Oregon
Mrs. Esielstyn had the misfor
tune of breaking her wrist laa
Friday morning. Dr. Kettle wa
called in take care of the wrist
Henr Streeters children havt
the chicken pox .
Gus Reeds infant is quit ill
Gladys Medlock was take sict
in the school room the other day.
She has bronchitis.
Victrolss at Bargain Prices
Bullard'a Pharmacy
The willing wotkers of th
Chsistian Church will hold then
annual Fancy work and food salt
Dec. 19, 1925.
E R. Lundtil has been sever
ely bitten by the radio bug and
in consequence has installed aer
ial communication both at the
xarags and the residence.
The young son of Mrs. Humm
el, tescherof the 5th and Cth
grades, w'ho was quite severely
injured some time ago at school
is now recovering. He is staying
it Mrs. Jordan's.
Debates are the t rder of the
lay in the 7th and 8th grades at
chcol, and under the able diier
cionof Mr. Earl Brown.Some of
.he youngsters are becoming
juite proficient.
The Dorcas Society at the Cong
'egational church will hold their
nnual sale on Saturday Dec. 5,
it the McMurray building.
The soliciting committee of the
Red Cross has completed its ta
bors and the chairman submits
the apdended report. The people
and committee are to be con
gratulated on the showing made.
It wili be noted by the report
tbat 95 per cent of the fund col
lected is retained for use in Mor
row County.
As chairman of the aolicitin
ommittee of the Red Cross, I
wish to thank the citizens of lone
for their ready rerponse to the
roll call.
Th?re was forty dollars colect l
el. Of this amount, two dollars,
eo?s for national and internation-;
al Red Cross service. Thirtyeigbt.
dollars remains for service in iht
local chapter of MorrowCounty.
Mrs, LE Dick.
(foj UVel
r' YOU have never been to
California it should be the
effort of your life to go.
r. n.
Representatives of the
Union Pacific
WiQ gladly furnish yon illustrated booklets (hrinf
complete information about this land where the
tun ahino moat of the time and where you can
enjoy out-of-door life all toe time.
Convenient train connection either via Portland
or Salt Lake t-ity at very
reasonable round trip (area.
Let us help you plan your
itinerary, quote yon far cm,
and make all your aiiaafC-mcnta.
Hovrk Ag nt.
C. R. Gunzel installed a. new
Radio this week. The aerial wat ;
erected by Lee Howell.
The Rebecas ot Bunch Graf
Lodge, number 91, initiated a
new member lhursday evening
and at the close of the initiation
ceremonies, devoted some to a
social program.
George Cochran who has tea
spending the summer and Fal
in Eugene returned to lone after
a short ttty in Partland. He wat
accompanied by his sister Miss
I have just received a large shipment of High Grade A
H which wer' bought at right prices a"d off r them at "
cash prices which you cannot afford to overlook. 3
Buy your winter supply now s
S Solid Pack Tomatoes 2 lb can 20 ct. ?4.25 per case. H
B Solid Pack Tomatoes 2 lb can 15 ct. $3.60 case.
Best Standard Corn 2 lb can 15 ct $3.60 per case.
Best Standard Peas 2 lb can 15 ct $3.60 per case
Preferred Stock Corn 2 lb can 22 ct. $5.00 per case.
Fine Granulated Cane Sugar at $6.50 der sack
Sperry Drifted Snow Flour. None
prices are advancing.
better. Buy now as k
Eunice Cochran.