VOLUME XIV IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1925 NUMBER 25 LEXINGTON ECHOES Lexington li Indeed triad to know that Mr. P. W. Allison has o far recovered from her recent illness to be able to be brought to the home of her father, W. J. Davit on Blackhorsh. At their regular Wednesday afternoon meeting of last week the Congregational ludieu enjoy d a pleaiant aocial hour during which time the older members entertained and served dainty un ch to guests and young folks. Uev. Wallace Jones is conduct ing a series of meetings at Pine City. Miss Cladys Benge anq Mis Pauline Johnson, Whitman stud em accompanied by .Mrs. Kuth ttarn.-ttt of Walla Walla arived by auto ou Friday for a week end visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Eskelson, Mr. W. F. Barnett shipped a car load of ca,tlle the first of the week. Mr.Jand Mrs. Uarnelt and Miss Harnett left for Portland at the same time tn business conn ected with their shipment. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker of Heppner wtre visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lewis on Tuesday. Oral and Clifford Henrickson are moving their house hold ef fects, farm implements and stock to La Grand near which place they expect to locate on a ranch They take with II un beat wiolies of their Lexington friends. A. L Henrickson was a buis ness visitor front Pendleton during the week. Mrs. Helen Wa ker paid Lex Ington schools an offical visit on last Friday. Ben Boone fro n Roseburg has been a visitor among Lexington friends during tlu past week. The ladies of the Christian church will hold their annnat Christmas tale oi. Dec. 12 begin Doughnuts at V t't, Nov. 21. Boo;t Ihe Bank that Boosts HOME INTRESTS $$ When It comet to a choice between home folks and outsiders home folks come first. Isn't that the way you fuel about it? This is a home institution. We are working for' the good of our community, for the prosperity and develop ' mcnt of this section, and for the Individual welfare of our friends and neighbors. That has always been our policy and always will be our policy. For that reason we like to see the money that is earned here, spent here and circulated here for the benefit of local Interests. . . The resources of this bank represent the deposits of those who transact business with us. And the more use they make of our facilities and the more they co operate with ut the grsater service we are enabled to render them in eturn. $$ : Bank of lone Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 IONE ORFCON nlng at ten A. M. Dainty Christinas gifts, fancy articles and framed pictures will he exhibited at W, F. Barnelts. MARRIED, NEAR LEXING INCTON ORE.. NOV. 14, 1895 Rosa Ola Benge to Eyhrian Eskelson. To celebrate this occas Ion on Saturday evening last large number of friends and rel atives gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. EHkelson, there by giving to them a delightful aur prise. About seven thirty the guests arrived bearing among trem a number of handsome gifts An evenings entertainment. charmingly directed by Miss Gladys Benge gave much pleas ure alike to both old and young. Just before final good wishes for all the future years were extend' ed to Mr. and Mrs. Eskeison de lightful refreshments wereservedj to the guests. Those present to enjoy this occasion were:, Mr. Ruth Barnett of Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. E. G, Slocum, Mr Laura Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Cl av Valentine, Mj.andM rs. It. L The Seniors will serve hot cof- fee and doughts at Biz's place on Saturday, Novembor2l, I Have for Exchange 278 acres one mile from Brown?- highway- Fine set of build'ngt. j Owner wants 'sheep or wheat j ranch In Eastern Oregon. 223 acies six milts from Mc Minniville Oregon on macadam Good buildings with electric lights in all bnildinys. This is a good farm in a good country. Ownei will trade for wheat land. 2 10 acres seven miles from Sa em, on hard surface road. Fair larm buildings; spting water pip ed to honse and barn. This land is suitable for fruit or grain. The owner will trade for wheat or stock ranch. If Interested iu any of the above write or see U. C. Wood ; The Earth Merchant lone. Otegon. Benge, Terrell Benge, Mrs. J. D Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bowman, Mr, and Mrs. Nathan iel Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Majiske, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker, Miss Green, Miss Paul ine Johnson, and Miss Gladys Benge from Whitman Coilege, Mr. and Mrs. S. S Strodlman and duaghter. , For Sale. Hand Power Washing Machine. X. Y. Z FOR RENT Four roomel apartment over the printing office. Rate ten dol lar! per month. Water and electric light connections are mad-j. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors that have so kindly assisteb us in our hour of sorrow Mr. and Mrs. E C. Frank and Children. Excellent Reatont for Th'u Tree'i Popularity The common elder, which flower In the last day of "May. la one of tin commoneit of Engllth' tree, but for to many centurle Im It hern platted by man fur official purpo"" certain Ijr before the Koman came to Hrltuln that Its "natural" hnliltat la now enljf a matter of conjecture. It ha 'variety of curloui country name, j aaoit of tliem, like the name elder It elf, having reference to the hollow tern. Such are "bothery tree" and "whuelwood," the tre being favor ite one with urchin for the manufiie ture of popgun. The mime "Juda tree" I aometlme applied, though It rightly belong to Kunihiiclnu till quaitre, outhern Euroenn apwle. Elder drive away evil (plrlt. aml'l" a charm againit lightning. Rubbed on the eye It enable one to delect wltcbet. Elder cure toothache, wart and dropsy, and 1 used for poultbe and to flavor vlncgiir, a well a Tor elderberry wine. Kir John Mnunde title professed lo have found It grow ing on Mount Zbm. LEGION HALL THEATRE The Legion Theatre ha the following pictures contract? I fori for, and wi I show tnem i i the order named. This is the very host list of pictures that was ever brought to lone and are worthy of your support; Nov. , 21, The Alaskan , , 28, The Thundering Herd Dec. 5, Miss Bluebeard , , 12, Burke & Kelley Comedians In Mother O' Mine , , 19. Peter Pan , , 25 26, The Ten Command ments. Jan. 1, Morton of the Movies 9, Tounges of Flame i , t 16, Forty Winks 23, Story without a name , , 30, The top of the world Feb. 6, Coming thru , , 13, The Border Legion , , 20, The goose hangs high , , 27, Wander of the waste land. Mar. 6, Code of the west , , 13, The devils c i-go . . 20. The 8T mail ,,27, TheCh.;rmerl Apr. 3, Adventure ; , 10, Old home week , , 17, - The shock Punch , . 24, Welcome Home Mayl, The night club , , 8.- Aro parents people . , 15, Oaths to paraHhe . , 22, Light of westtr st irs Cut this out and keep ' it fir future reference. We will only raise prices when the price of program compels us to. Dont mist a single number of this con tract. American Legion lone Oregon LOCAL NEWS NOTES WASHINGTON MAN. BUYS MORROW CO. RANCH R. W. BROWN SELLS TO HARVEY E. YARNALL Harvey E. varnall of Bickleton Wash, closed a deal this week fot the 800 acre ranch of R. W. Brown, 9 miles south of lone. M. Yarnii who has already I,: ''en post-. j ;.in, corn. ; of big-' i!'.momrr'nd ana inii of inti , tiiv and fr t clas t-tviiness alu' i -. The l. legends.:. t joins -community in a hearty welcom.. It is reported that Mr. Brown will make his home in Portland for a time. The deal was consqmated thru the office of ths local Eartl Merchant, H. C. Wood. Mins Arline Balsiiter now M Hoquiam, Wash, is employed in a plijbician'c office in thai c'ty. It will pay you to look at th parlor furm.es on display at Emre man's Hardware store. It hat three dimensions of attractive ness,', appearance, efficien; and price. The Dorcas Society of the &m relational chuach will hold thei? annual sale on Saturday Dec. 5 at the McMurray building. Mr. H. C. Woods and wi'e HecompanieJ by Miss Pearl Pa berg motered to Portland Thun day. Mr. Wood drove oj to Eu ene where business called hiir, PaufC- Ba'simr xpei.t Thut day repairing the windmill o P'-VVht M;Plier ! -.re. For plumbing, pipe fitting and general machinery repair. Cat! Lee Howell, Phone Main 62. When not otherwise engaged Ai Howell may be found at the Inn ependent otfice where he has ac cepted a pobi'ion as chief Ioua trainer, Her Latt Ee-.-.czl WUVjr I t-n asking f'tr ' ' time will you vlre tut inoni-jr fur a new dresa? Hubby My dear. I am delighted to hear you asking, fur I lie last lime. Now there, will Ue no quurrellm alxiut It HAD UTILIZED THE FAT "Whnt attraction ciin you flnil '" that fnlheaj you go With, mmki?" Viimt Mthead im. nuito ' uouch to net a million, mi dinr." The Vanishing Trich A nmn -witwd a nut ire in mm pnny wltn a nine noy ami nn-u ... nm hut, iic trii on wverni and flnnlly .elected one. (lie price of with a little boy ami askctl to Wlllch WD $3. He turned to him and nuked: the Utile boy bwMr "How do I Ionic In till hntr' "Like a thief," cume the ummimllng reply. . J Iinmedliitely the man turned and would have administered a correction, but tlio boy, awing hi Intent, rubied fnm the tore, holly punned by the nmn In the new hat. The aiwUlnnt, convulsed with Inughter, picked up the pume wl lch. In hi haute, the gentleman had left behind him. He opened It and wn horrllleil to ace thut It contained five metal aahers. rr7 i Note the attractive prices th&t Bert Mason makes on canned Koods. See his Add. on this page. Dont forget The Arrival , of Kitty, this evening at the High School auditorium. Tickets cn ale at Engelman's. The Red Cross tea Riven at the Con?;. Church last Thursday for the benefit of the Red Cross netted $10.00 We wish our readers a very pleanant Thanksgiving. What makes a better Christmas gifj than a Kodak? Bullards Pharm. Ben Morgan of Morgan was in lone Thursday and paid the Independent pleasan call. Chas. O Conner who has been quite ill for some time is now recovering and we hope to see iim again on the of our city Baptist Ladies Aid will havj a fancy work and lood sale at loores Store on St. Dec. the 12. Imtibl KM Will glaiTy or Salt Lake City at very rratonable round trip fare. Let ut help you plan your itinerary, quote you fare, and make all your arrangement. . W. Honk A put. IONE OREGON Pi:ii!!!Ii!l!!lii!li!l!illilliil!ll!!llll!llM $ CASH TALKS H I have just received a large shipment of High Grade CANNED GOODS 1 s which wer; bought at right prices ad off. r them at cash prices which you cannot afford to overlook. -f 1 Buy your winter supply now - j r i r,. i nr i n. 11 aonu t acK lomauics t Solid Pack Tomatoes 2 !.., , , Best Standard Corn 2 ig ecst standard Peas 2 lb . . , c. . Cnrn 0 i iuhiiu Jiu.n vuui iu r j, s j;ne Granulated Cane Sugar at $6.50 dcr sack -l njA.J t?... fl... UoHo n.. r.nu, pCIiy UtUlWU Oliurr I lUUI. g prjces arg a(JvanCing. g S3 S3 E s3 53 3 3 BERT Dr, C. R. Walker is leaving lone , for Vale where he will co.i tinue in the practice of medidre We regret his removal from lone and wish him well in his new field of service.- Mr. McNey father of Mrs. Louis Baisigar is visiting his dou ' ghter and family this week. i 1. R. Robison and family hava gone on a trip to California and will not reture till spring orafter , We understand Ray Barnett will take charge of the garage dur. ing Mr. Robison't abscence. At the Legion Theatre Satur day Nov. 11, The Alaskan. Edith Grpce Frank was born j at lone, Oregon Sept. 14, 1913 and died Nov. 15, 1925. Age 12 ;. years 2 months and 1 day, leavini to mour her loss, a father and mother, one brother, five sisters and a host of other relatives and friends, Silent Admiration ' Wltne A woman may be erer proud of her buaband, but abt la aot ' uch a foot a to tell him to. . TF YOU have never been to California it tbould be the effort of your life to go Representative of the Union Pacific furniih you illustrated booklet giving complcf: information about thi land where tha un h:ncj mott of the time and where you can enjoy out-of-door life all the time. Convenient train connection either via Portland nn i tf- oir mean uu. jj per vox. lb can 15 ct. 53.00 case. lb can 15 ct. $3.60 per case. can 15 ct $3.60 per case 00 rt t ftn ,,- vmi v-"" I' IIWIIV uvun. uu; nun J MASON vs u 'I '. ,'i n i. 'wllr