The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 13, 1925, Image 4

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legal voters cf School District .Yo." 3, td' Marrow Covty, .Stuff of Oregon, that
SCHOOL MVL'TIXC, of said district willbe held at thgjSthotMouse. on the-Sth
day oi Xovem'.i.'r , Jill'.! at Ulo'A.t if the afternoon tor the put pone nVm
cussing tip budget hereinafter set ,'iit with the Ivy ing hoard, and to vote on I ft'1
proposition of' 'trying a siecisl ciistrii t tax.
The totn' amount 01 money needed br the said school district during the
fiscal year bediming on June 30, J'.U'.'i, iind endingjune 30, !!-(', ij fstmiHlcl 1V1
Ae tollowing budget and includes th anunnits to he rexeivtd from the county j
school hind, St. lie school hind elementary school fund. . e, in! district tax, ami,
all other moneys of the district: j
PERSONAL SERVICE: N. Salary per year To a!
1. superintendent 1 J1.300.0O fl.800.10
3. Teachers- ... 1 1,410.00 1.410.(0
1 1.215.00 1.215,00
: 1 1.215,00 1.215 (i0
. ; i 1.800.00 l.soi.oo
1 1.125.00 1.125.00
1 1,170.00 1.170 ;o
1 1.260 00 1.2150.00
4. Janitors 1 700.00' 700 00
5. Clerk 1 100.00 JpO.M)
Total $11.825 00
1, Furniture(de8ks, stoves, curtains
2, ' Supplies (chalk, erasers, itc )
3. Library books .
5. Playground equipment
6. Janitors supplies 1 ..
7. Fuel2
8. Light
9. Water..
10. Postage and stationery ....
Total '
etc.)$ 500.00
... 200.00
$1,700 00
Building and grounds JL..$225.00
Total $225 0
1. Bonds and interest thereon $2,700.00 '
2. Warrants and interest thereon... 300,00
TotaU :
$3. W 0.00
$150 00
$2.115 00
$150 00
... 150.00
Tola! estimated amount of mony
for all purposes duiing the year
..$19.505 00
From county school fund during the comnig schoid year 1 1 TSO 09
From state school fund during the con ing school year 316 00
From elementary school fund during the coming year jOO.Oi)
Estimate of probable unexpended bulnncc at tlie end of the
current year 65.0 7
Estimated amount to bt received i:tn all other sources
during the coming year WOO CO
Total estimated tcvipti, not including proposed tax
Total estimated expenses for the year 119,505 00
Total estimated receipts not including
proposed tax. 5,2'J1.29
Balance, amount to be raised by Dint.'tax 814,273 71
Dated this 2nd day ot November, 1925
Delia M. Corson
Uiilnct (.Ink
(ho. Ritchie
M. R. Morgan
Ruth Ma?cn
Editor and 'JenerulJdnniqtr1
i lUidgett covering estimated expanses
and propostd lax levy ('( rity vl
lone, (trefoil, for hi yt'iir ul lil'.1
Audi' is rclty given thai on Tuesday
the i'rt day id leccmlwr, A'C'.'i, lit the
hoirofS I' M., tlie Common Council
of the tityvt lone, Oregon, will niiet
at the court ii chninliers in said rid',
and any tax paver of lone, Oitgoit, m
; be heme in lnvor ol or ngainst the tux
levy as herenul'tcr proi used: whiclfhns
lieen prepared in accordance with the
! provisions chnptvr IIS id the general
Laws ol tregon,ol'i!)HI, allowing an es
1 tituate ol the amount of money necessa
ry to lie raised by taxation by the City
Government, to coer the expenses of
said city din ing the ensuing yeir, also,
showing I hi' probable Jeceipts ol said
eity ,othertl .in by direct tax upon the
real and per. nnal ptoperty lor the year
Another"!!.,!!' Purlum ..tvertt...
I n?nt hy W.ll iirat.U
i Ilea ami .-ren tur. ana Icdlug
i AmcritamuMn n.t. Aiorccouuntf.
I tec whore some of the Foreign
Nations s.iy they are c.iinf to
FUND thoir Jibt to America,
and all the Papers are all excited
about it. Tut tho LULL'S EYE
is a Paper that never mis!caj
our reaJcrs (either one of them).
FUNDING a debt means about
the i.ime tiling as having a fellow
that !.as cw-idyou foi
to you ;!nd s.:y "I am going to
make arr.inivmrnts to t ike up
t!i..t loan I owe you just us s;cii
is I cm co!k-ct it 'mm some fel
lows who oh'c me." So don't
by a:y in .a-v. -et FUNDI NO
r.i .ed un with PAYING. The
two b;ive reviling in common.
1 h -a Ndttotts are jnt t.fill(t
I! V':r r ,- 2
: .1 ...e t.: ;h'.:; t.. j our
debt wi!) be four Wars behind.
We h .ve enough saved up to
fijht aain, but tiny arc using it
now- to enforce Piohibitiun.
Oh, yes, "BULL" DURHAM.
I like to forgot to mention that.
Well, that is tho Foreign
Nations are paing us in.
"BULL" DURHAM without
P. S. There (tuinj; to be notlief
piece in tlits pajier soon. Look (or iu
Guaranteed by
111 Fifth Avenue, New York Cty
Attracting Mothi
X wll known collector of ninths,
whose stork Is connldered as replet
wltb tpeelmns uf immjr klinln, um-s
his motor car lights to attract thru
hirers of light and bring them Into his
possession. He shoots the strong ben ins
right across the valley just as dunk
Is appearing. Th beams attract tlio
flying visitors, who follow them to
their source. Being an enthudliiKtlc
bortlculturlHt, as well as entomologist,
lis has a well cultivated gsrden, und
this Just now Is a niass of bloom. The
flowers ar proving most attractive,
and the moths are making a perfect
home In their midst. This student la
hopeful thst when the chrysalides de
velop he will not hsve missed a lingla
new specimen In the valley.
. 2iip SignalB j
Phlps nt He have ft Innemisc" nf
their nu n ivlii.n they wIMi to mnvi rwi
with or sluniil to nnotht-r. Nnirly nil
big sti'timi'i nirry nlrcless IiihIhIIh.
Hon, but In addition, every vckM nf
this typn Is provided with a stenn
whistle or siren, a mechanically .oper
ated fog horn and a hell. Kulllnit ships
are ohllt'wl to have holh a nieclmnlcnl
fog-horn and s hell before tlicy are
nllowcd to enter or leave poi-t. When
Mlilftn n on" rr oVi r t ton ' n r: iln
ceiciimiiles ale olmeiveil. TIiiih, a
merchant vessel meeting a warship Is
expected to dip her Hag In siiliilo, n
courtesy acknowledged by the nnvnl
cotntiiiinder In a similar manner. Mn
rs are Kenernlly snluted ly "traintis,"
wIiIIb when one liner meets another
the junior cuptuln dips his house Hug
The Contradiction
Mrs. I'rjer And she prides hers -l(
on her good taste, doesn't she?
Mra C'nyer .She certainly dor, my
dear. And, say, I wish you could ice
her husband I
Th Helpful Stenog.
"WhntcliH doing with all them let
ters, Majnie?"
"Aw. they're from highbrow riistnm
ers. I hufier liun.,jiu 'tin i.,!j thing
fur tliu boris."
Marshal $1500.00
Rccordoi and Trcas. 120.00
l.,t, rsi on Honds lOHO.OO
Hemic IWer 3383.00
Misct I mcous, labor
and supplies 418.00
Total 1. .' $6446152
Lljjht and water ...... $5000. 00
Licences (10.00
Fst niuttd Taxes 13S6.52
Total $6446 52
It U estimated tln.t it will be
necessary 'o ra se t y taxation the
sum of $1,386.52 as shown by the
above, aficr d ductlnjj receipts
fnm ot! er sources.
Dsrt Ma-on
Mu v or
E. J. litklow
J. II. Ilrson
- C. V. Ritcie
E. K. Lundell
I'.J. Linn
V. S. Sr.i h
Do most of your work. Why
neglect them when a bottle of
CreaM LotioN
will keep them fit.
25ct & ribct
"Family size $1.00 1 pint."
Manufactured and guaranteed
Bullard's Pharmacy
The Kodak Filling Station
! MM ...t
ttf aaaataVatafl
State oi Otcjion,
County of Mor
rOW 83.
W'e ttie undetsigned, the duly
ipH ititwl RndKet Hoard rf the
city of I'n Oregon, do liercb)
certify that we liavo examined
the above budupt for the rity of
lone, and after such examination
believe that the amount ttieiiin
estimated in tiecessay, and that it
Mil rtcjuire the same for the f'u
cal year of 1D26 to finance the
city. 0
IludRet Board;- .
F. EnKelinan
W. L Cot h ran
Lee Howell
Jhon Fatrii
Elmer Griff iih
W. E Bullar.J
F. II Robinson
Atttmion U called to theann
uncenierit of the Get to Gethei
Meeting of Oddfellows mid Rcli,
kalis at Itepnner, aipeaiirr in
another column.
YOU M Y m $1,500
If -1 1 y . ( ( n i'm ri n (f writ nf of lb
inUett -'ri'.jinJ i.i On j It "lOlt.Lr .Ci:S
UIt5." A tnul af Si.qpo IN CAS!l utt will
b iwir Ji to competitor In Itilt
SenJ limp for circular anj rulii. A4Jfei
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent is
Tenderloin Favored
Cnniillml Princes Moilier, I am
brlni.'liiK a nmn lumie fnr dinner.
Cunnlbnl Mollicr Well, (lon't brlnj
IoiikIi one. Callfumln rellcun.
Argument for Divorce
"Wlm t milked ymi miy your IiubIjiukI
It (tniiilncei'llIK?"
"Your lniir, lie wimtH me to bull
tn) mm look when (lulling.' ,
These riappcm!
lie (In ii Mmlhllc iiioimI) V u
know, nlil tlilntr, jour fiilliiT will unr
lieur of our run rrl :rv.
Modern Old - Oh, lic't nut u Imil
ton; I think we. miclit to tvii hii,i!
I'nsHlnii Kliow, l.oiiilnn,
I'ollle Strnnfter I'm mn'rjr lu (rciulilo
you, minium, hut I helleve Jou lira alt
(Ink on my lint.
AclilulouK Kenuilo If you try to en
tor Into converniillon with Die, sir, I
tliull Inform the police.
Attentioji Farmers
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your
fuel is almost gone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
When you arc in need of fuel at reas
onable prices
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
3", , fffSBM
,11. V V I-
Kodak keeps the story
There's a Kodak for you .
at our counter $6. co up
A KODAK makes it easy to keep
your fun. And you would refcrto
a picture-record of stock, crops, ma
chinery vuth profit from year to year.
"Koilik on the ,Ftm"a frcp but worth
while booklet you'll enjoy. AtJt'usfora copy.
. Kodak l 'im in the yclltm box
Developing and printing you'll ' like
Bullard's PharmaoC
The Kodak Store'