The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 13, 1925, Image 3

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    Mrs, If. A. ltymus
Tha Mag of Thousand of
Seattle, Wlw-"I think Df.
Flerce'i Fivorite Prescription li a
plrndid aid to prospective mntheri.
1 wss advised to take it during my
tint expectancy and I Rot o much
help from it. in added physical
etranRili and reitfulncis to tha
nervn, that I have alwayi tiled it
duriiiK each expectant period. I
aide to continue my house-work
ri(ht up to the last day and had
practically no tullcring. It would
tint be riKtit fur me to not tell of
the hrneht I have derived (mm
the 'Favorite Prescription' for tha
aae 01 other women.
"Mntheri and propectte mother,
Dr. i'ierce'a Favorite l'reiieription
it great Iriend to womenl" Mr
li. A. Kyniui. MU Zlrd Ave , South.
. Start at once with this "I'rescnp-
tion" and aee how tiuickly you pick
up Irrl stronger and brttrr. Write
J Jr. l'ierce'i invalid!1 Hotel in Uuf
fjlo, N. Y for free advice or send
10c for trial pkg, tablet.
The Csitl at Tripoli.
Tha old emtio at Tripoli, erected
hundred of yean ago, waa taken from
the knlghta of Multa and Turklah vice
roys by Ills' troop of tha Turkish tul
tan. Arab boys lived thuro In treat
splendor for many yeert, until 1911
the Turkish flag waa pullud down and
the colore of Italy were hoisted and
government officials were ealablUhed
In office In the once great citadol.
Machinery In History.
Civilisation ad progreaa are cloao
ly allied with the Increased applica
tion of power, but engineer are In
cllned to believe that the prehistoric
builders were not without mechanical
device. It cem almost Impoaalble
that those massive block of atone
which face the pyramid could have
been placed entirely by band.
Safety Note.
When anything goe docldodly wrong
In this old vale of tear and laughter.
there tuut be a goat to blame It on,
and the thing to do la ao toilv and
work from day to day that they won't
think of you first In this- capacity
when the necessity arises. Ohio State
Moms and the Bulrush.
The bulrush In the story of
M osis were probably papyrua. Thl
plant la a kind of porcnnlal rush which
grow In swampy place, has a email
triangular atom and reache a height
of ( to 10 foct. It wa formerly found
on the bank of the Nile and (till Is
found In Syria.
Frog and the Weather.
A long a frog remain yellow In
color nothing but fine weather may be
expected. Should, however, their
coat begin to assume a brown hue,
It 1 a lgn that bad weather will
shortly arrive.
Insect Numerous.
There are about a half million dif
ferent sort . of living croat uroi on
earth and more than three-quartort of
these are kind of Insoct.
Ant Smi of mill.
Experiment prove that ant Identi
fy friend and detect enemto by the
aunse of tmoil.
Probably one
reason for the
popularity of
WRIGLEVS I that It last
o long, and return inch
great dividend! for so small
an outlay. It keep teeth
cImo, breath sweet, appetite
keen, digestion good.
Fresh and full-flavored
always la It was wrapped
( kr Short SUrr Puk Co.)
DOCTOR AMSDEN wa utterly
and hopelessly In love with
beautiful Miriam Foote. Hut,
' In spite of hi sit feet of Iplcn
dld manhood or, perhspi, because of
them the young doctor waa so timid
In the presence of the fair sex, and
purtlculurlyln the presence of the fas
cinating Miriam, that he could no more
bring himself to utter sylluble of
sentiment to that young woman than
be could walk up to the venerable and
dignified president of the Stat Medi
cal association and tweak hi nose I
The two thing seemed equally pre
posterous nd Impossible.
At this juncture of affair, curiously
enough, there fell Into the hand of
Doctor Amaden book that offered a
magical solution of the problem tbat
perplexed blm viz., how to mak lov
to the woman who hsd ensnared hi
heart, without being conscious of do
ing It, This book wss called "The Law
of I'sychlc rhenomena," and It cen
tral theory wa that the "subjective
mind," or soul, of any person, by a
process of autosuggestion, may enter
Into communication with the subjec
tive mind of another person, it any
dlitanc whatsoever. A condition of
sleep, either cstalrptle or nstural. Is
Induced by the agent In blniaelf; but
previously to falling to sleep he must
cunrentrsle bl whole mentsl energy
and will power upon the determlnstlon
to convey a certain Image, or message,
or both to the subjective mind of the
person with whom he wlshee to com
municate. Then away goe hi svlrtt
hi phantasm while be la buried In
unconsclou (lumber, tppear In hi
very Image to the person designated,
and deliver tb message with bis very
voice and manner. Truly, a marvel
ous theory, and of untold ilgnlnranc
to timid lover and baahful solicitor
of tvery kind.
According to thl theory, .Doctor
Amidon, In order to mak telepathic
love to Miriam Foote, need almply
drop to deep, on a certain night, with
a strong determlnstlon to send his
phantasm to tit young women with an
eloquent plea of affection. That was
all. It wa not even necesaary for blm
to furnish the general aubatance, In
troduction, or sny portion ef this glow
ing address. He need simply specify
that It ahould 1 pasalonate and rich
In verbal colorordering a proposal
much at be would a dinner; -t first
class hotel, with perfect confidence
tlist at the proper time It would be
served la proper form. To be sure,
thl method of wooing wit not In Uriel
accordance with the traditional eti
quette of inch affaire. It might even
be considered tbat thl proposal by
sort of phantasmal proxy waa hardly
fair to the object of the experiment A
ghost Is. after all, but a ghost, whether
It be attached to bodily tenement or
be almply a spirit at large, and even
the most heavenly minded young wom
an might cherish a prejudice In fsvor
of a fleshly lover. On tbe other hand,
however, the choice ley not between
two methods of wooing, but between
this and none at all; and how easy,
bow delightful a method of making a
propoaal of marriage. It could all be
performed. Ilk a painful aurglcal op
eration, during merciful sleep. Then
the lover when next he met the lady
In bla everyday person would know
by ber manner whether she had ac
cepted or rejected him. The more
Doctor Amsden considered this fssci
natlng project the more trivial seemed
hi scruple sgalnat It fulfillment
Indeed, h puked himself Judicially,
wi It not a fundamental doctrine of
mctaphyilc that only the. soul was
real, and ao-called matter waa almply
the shadow cast by the spirit T This
being the case, hi vulgarly .named
gboit wis In reality no ghost at all,
while hla bodily presence wa th real
Having arrived at thls comfortolile,
though to th lay mind" slightly i fr
it ruse, conclusion, Amnion wavered no
longer. "I will do It" he said, Jump
ing to hi feet "I will do It tonlghl
no no, a few dy must be given to
subduing the flesh and concentrating
the energlea of the luhjectiv mind.
On Saturday evening, at the time of
my regular weekly call, I will make an
end to till painful uncertainty,
Though 1 cannot but bop that alt
look upon my suit with favor, I ihall
never dure to broach the tubject Of
lov openly In the flesh. My ghost
or, at least, what 1 vulgarly known
a a ghost shall speak, and I will
abide by the result"
On hla return from dinner thnt eve
ning Doctor Amiden locked all the
door and darkened all the wludowa
of hi apartments. Then, after amok-
Ing medltatlv ctgnr, b went to bed.
It wa barelj eight o'clock In th eve
ning when bl bead touched th pil
low, but a b had planned to send hi
Imag to Mil Foote at precisely nine
o'clock, before that young lady should
havt retired to her chamber, he
wished to liiv ample time to get blm
self to sleep, besides, he wa really
tired and drowsy, which wa certainly
favorahl condition for hi experi
ment He had feared thnt h would
be excited and nervous ; but already
the suggestion of sleep which be had
been conatantly reiterating for the
past hour wni beginning to tell upon
hi brain. The formula, "I am about
to go to deep, I am becoming sleepy,
I sleep," wa having a mott magical
Doctor Amsdeni. dropped Into th
misty chasm of slumber In lei than
fifteen minute after getting to bed.
Hut that fifteen minute had been
pent In strenuous command, on the
part of the objective mind, that the
subjective mind should go, st precisely
nine o'clock, to the borne of Mis
Foots, present itself In the exact and
correct Image of the lover, and mske
an ardent sppeul to the affection of
Hi ludy.
In shout two hour Amiden swtike,
bathed In perspiration, and feeling
thoroughly exhuusted. He wa not
conscious of having dreamed at all,
and yet It teemed to blm as If he had
Juit iliukrn off a most horrible night
mure. He rose fcom hit bed and con
sulted his watch. It wai Just ten
o'clock. "Thank heaven," he cried,
"I did not wuke before the timer He
went back to bed, and fell Instantly
Into the deep aluiuber of complete ex
haustion, from which he did not wake
until late the noxt morning.
For two dayt he did not aee Mli
Foote. Then he summoned up four- f
age to call upon her. She came do..n
atalrs looking pule and anxious, snd
the moment that Amsden'i eye fell
upon ber bl heart began to throb with
(uffoeitlng violence. Undoubtedly bl
experiment had lucceedod far ss
tb proposal wa concerned but
should hi attitude be that nf the
repted or rejected lover?
Hardly noticing bla t nmerlng ex
pressions of solicitude for her altered
loojis, Miriam led the way. lulo the
drawing room, and, motioning blm to
a chair, tested herself In a dim comer
at the other side of tbe room. Then,
wltli ber blue eye lowered and ber So
ger twisting nervously, sh said:
"Doctor Anuderc I owe you in
apology. When you Called two night
go and (iked me to be your wife I
wi too much agitated to anawer you.
To tell the truth," aba continued, red
dening a little, "the eloquence of your
words, their poetry and melody, so
surprised snd overcame me that I
could not anawer ae you deserved. .
Wben I left you and walked to the
ft her aide of the room It was only that
might gain possession of myself, and
when I looked up and found you
"Gone!" exclaimed Amaden, groan-
log audibly.
'Tea, gone like a spirit (here-Mis
Foot paused, while Amaden clutched
at hi chair, feeling aa though bl
whole body were tarulng to innd and
dribbling down upon tb floor) with
out a word of good by, I feared that
I had mortally offended you and that
you would oever come back to"
"Then you were not angry becauae
my ghost becauae I left like ghost?
Yon winted me to come bickt But
"I I think you ought to know," laid
tb girl, blushing.
And the next moment Doctor Am
den waa kneeling at ber feet
"I did It In a dream no, I don't
mean that I mean thl la a dream.
I ought to explain."
"No, don't try. I understand," laid
Miriam softly.
The girl heed sank forward on bl
shoulder. Sh waa crying little, but
he tuffered ber lover arm to illp
around her wabrt. and Into hit trem
bling hand ahe preaaed ber own.
It wai dnijc, th Impossible, the In
conrelviblet And even Amiden felt
In hi heaving heart that be bad never
don anything ao eaay and ao utterly
delightful In bla whole life.
It wst true thst Mlrlsra did not un
derstand, but Amsden felt that at such
a Juncture any explanations would be
not merely out of place, but even In
delicate, To hit credit be It aatd, however,
tbat on on occaalon before bl mar
rlag b attempted to confei to
Hlrlara all th clrcumftnce of bl
proposal; but while be wn mil ttrug
gllng with Ms Introduction the Hopped
him with a pre-emptory gesture,
"I don't underatand word about
subjective and objective minds," the
laid. In a wounded voice. "All I know
la tbat you made me the most beauti
ful proposal I had ever beard I mean
Imagined but of course If you wsnt
to tuke It back by saying that you
were not responsible at the time:"
Whereupon Amsden wa obliged to
consume two delightful hours In it
luring hit sweetheart that hi wa a
blundering foul, and that hi meta
physical nonienae, translnted, meant
that It was hi best lelf that had
mad that eloquent proposal, and that
h wa only afraid bl every day self
wss not one-tenth good enough for her.
H'utorie Tre$ Fall
Under Axe$ of Indian
Oliver Wendell Holmes' "Woodman
par that tree" I a metaphor espe
cially adaptable at the moment to the
ax of the Mexican Indian, which li
slowly but iurely destroying on of the
finest grovel of great and historic treei
on the North American continent, little
known, but rivaling In beauty the big
treei of Sequoia, National park In Cali
fornia. The grove It 80 mllet from the City
of Mexico and conalatt of about 1.000
cypres trees, the amallest of them 40
feet about tb base, Naxahualcoyotl,
the poet king and last ruler of th
once flourishing kingdom of Tex coco,
who wn born In 14(X),' selected th spot
as hit fuvorlt garden. There itlll re
main the great majority of them, but
with tyitematic regulurlty they are be
ing leveled by neighboring Indian In
want of firewood. Contrary to th
Mexican government' uiual prompt
nes and policy of preserving ill his
toric monument th forestry depart
ment 1 allowing one of the botanical
wonder of th country, perhapi in thl
world, to alowly deteriorate.
Affection la tweet reward.
a 1 1 h v , i if f vn 1 1 ii in-
I HI 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1
XXTITH all thin. unattainable, I used
to dream the maddest tilings:
I. too, would bave a citadel amid the
company of king.
When not a thing man may own
Why dream of thatch I Nay, dream of
And build your castle all a gleam.
For, after all, It' all a dream.
Yet, for th merry ,nd th bold, th
poorest fortune often mend :
One day I found a pot of gold awaiting
at the rainbow' end.
When I might dream a thing or two,
Yes, almost snythlng come true,
When one so poor wai rich again,
What think you tbat I dreamed of then!
With alt thing unattainable, I used to
dream of castled kings;
But now. It' rather si range to tell, I
dream of very simple thlngi:
When anything I well might own
I do not dream of wall of (tone,
For now I want a roof of thatch,
A humble home, end friends to match.
(Q, lilt, McClura Nawepaper eradicate.)
THE imlllng bow-boy who thrill th
heart of young lad and lasses and
wsrms tb touts of sentimental man
kind, from th budding apllng to lb
withered tree of old age, never mlasea
an hour In pulling bl bowstring and
shooting bis fatal arrows.
Ilia work I so delightful, to exceed
ingly full of exqulilte variation and
change that tbe mere suggestion to
him of a vacation would Instantly
sadden bla cheerful countenance.
He And hi greatest bspplness In
Indomltsbl industry.
II U constantly drawing bur bow
and twanging bis itrlng. .
A fait aa he fling hla irrow th
gam dliiolve into an eternity of
bliss. Then other game comes over
tbe bill nd thst, too, 1 hurried off
to meet It joyou fate.
Since tbe day wben Eve gave Adam
tbe apple, and bade him eat, the bow
boy baa kept ateadlly at bl work.
Neither th tide nor the wind la more
regular In It performance.
He made hi advent before tbe
onion were dreamed of, yet he Is di
rectly responsible for more union
U.nn any other agent on earth,
lie work becauae of bla love of
work. lie (tick to It for th all suf
ficient reasoo tbst In employment be
flndi his own greatest delight
Tbe truth Is tbat If b were to dis
continue, bl occupation th world
would loon lose It prized romance. It
dream of conquest. It visions of
borne, Its tenderness. It stirring emo
tion and th Immortality of lov.
Ilemov th bow-boy from the (tag
of life and In little while the whole
human family would be at war and In
tatter; few year more and humane
would become extinct
Just a Industry keep th bow-boy
always happy, so doe It give bsppl
ness to other.
Wby la It then that, while the world
Is calling for worker there are ao
many apoitle of laxity, afraid to loll
their bands or tire their bralnit
By work we rue to eminence. By
Idleness w (Ink to despair.
If w ahould look through th maze
In quest for trutb we would And that
well-directed effort, whether of band
or brain, 1 most honorable, made o
by a higher power to bring ibout our
earthly Joyi to develop our latent abili
ties, our self-respect, and to fit us for
the more beautiful life to come, which
even the Idler, If pushed bard In argu
ment, will ahamefacedly admit
() tf MoCture ffewipaoef yadlcatO
Th young lady scrou th way
ay (he'd hardly know what the
world wa coming to If Christian ni
tlon Ilk Great Britain and Japan
couldn't agree with u on a plun of
, ((t k MoClsri Mawapaeer Iradleata.)
1 l lalL
Portland. Oregon.
inspiration From Prayer
On all my expedition, prayer made
me (tronger, morally and mentally,
than any of my nonpraying com pan
loni. It did not blind my eye or
dull my mind, or close my ccrs; but,
on the contrary, It gavo me confidence.
It did more: I gave ma joy, and
pride, In my work, and lifted me hope
fully over tbe 1,500 mile of forest
tracks, eager to face the day peril
and fatigue. Henry M. 8tanley.
Red Indian Chemistry.
The Indians are laid to have been'
the first chemists la America. They
bad wonderful methods of making
flint arrow bead, spear and knives
by using a piece of bone scoured or
soaked In asbe and water. They
tnnned hides, made glue from fish
. -.. x v uterproofed canoe seam with
pitch, towo-J clay for pottery aud
dyed clothing.
Dictptlve Grade.
The Los Angeles chamber of com
merce saya that the grade at tbe
Magnetic bill near Hollywood Is an
optical delusion. Wben it appears
tbat It la an upgrade. Such case
of deceptive grade ere common In
mountainous country. Irrigation
ditches viewed from a distance some
time appear to run up hill.
Largest Snake.
So far as we Can ascertain, say
the Washington Star, the largest make
exhibited in the New York Zoological
park wa one shown about ten years
ago. Thli waa a python from tbe
Malay peninsula, weighing 265 pounds
and measuring 24 feet In length. At
tbe present time the Washington too
Is exhibiting a 25-foot python, but
weighing let than the one mentioned.
Offensive Gases.
Strictly speaking there 1 do uch
thing a aewer ga. Tbe principal
gases formed by tbe decomposition
of sewage or other organic matter are
methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and
sometimes hydrogen sulphide in vary
ing proportions. Most of the case
are inordorou, but hydrogen tulphlde
even in tmall quantltie 1 offensive.
Applltd Logic.
"Did you ever know that bread was
the mother of the tewing machtner
naked friend husband at dinner one
night "Blesa me!" exclaimed his
wife, "bow do you make that outr
"Wby, can't you see it! returned the
husband. "Bread 1 a necessity and
the sewing machine I an Invention."
Caraway Seidi In Cheei.
In Holland there are many people
who use caraway seeds for flavoring
cheese, and the cheese is popular In
the market of many cities, aromatic
seeds blending delightfully with th
chemical qualities. Ohio State Jour
Henpck House to Go.
"Henpeck House," consisting of two
room and laid to have been built by
a wealthy man at the end of a long
passageway leading from a secluded
backwater in London so tbat he could
got away from hla nagging wife, la to
be torn down.
Chine Civilization.
When the people In Europe were go
ing about dressed In skins, and using
pieces of stone tied to stick for tool
and weapon, the Chinese were a skill
ful and highly cultured nation with a
literature already well defined.
. Gift to University.
Twenty-five volume of Japanese
poetry of the Eighteenth century were
recently presented to the University
of Washington library.
"You are the most beautiful girl I
ever kissed," he whispered to her. So
of course, after that, she did not dare
ask him If aha wa the first
High and Bad AreRelated.
A scientist trace family quarrel to
bad liver. And high liver muit not
be overlooked. Milwaukee Journal.
Something In Thl.
Beit extemporaneous tpeechet are
made to audience of one or two.
You Want a Good Position
Vary Witt Take th Aoeeantuer aa
BualnMi Mutacamant, Prlvala Btcrstorl
al. Calculator, Coai tar, ItaMaia.
phle, PaBJMuiaolB, sr Cwauaaroaai Tea
its' Ours at
Th for in oat Buatnaae Collage ef th
Narthwaat which has waet mar Aoeuraov
Awvdi and Uald aledal thui any other
ecnooi la nnii, sane roc eur noeaae
CaUlo. fauna Strait near Morrlaaw,
ParUaiut, Or. laeae M. Walk, ,
Complete Change Saturday
Adult, Week dav Matinee 20c;
Evenings, Sfxj. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cent all times
Clark Braa, Florists, lit llorrteea It
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tjfc, Caccarai Bark
Horse Hair.
Smi m roar ihlpnwnu. We mail m check
the him dr rmiv finds.
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
im ISMS skmc Man, rsrnu), mum.
New Fluff Rtigs
Made From Old Carpets "Wear Like
Dl IMraet with th Mmufartiinr. Abwhite
BatulictkHi GaumntaoJ. ttul Is YttUI Ma
larial ur Writ fur Prica.
M-f Union Avaao Nor. PortUad, Oraroa
Mak mony nxt ynr awll
fiiK th fct thlcka haUh?it
n thtj ?r. W. 1H years ivpu-
Uitton for quality ani fBlr
d.-Hhnr. Wriia now for our
Hi ft it phn.
Where "Tabby" Cornea From,
It may Interest your readers to know
the derivation of "tabby." It wa a
name first given to watered (Ilk which,
came from the town of At Tabbl in
Arabia. Tabby cats were o called be
cause of the resemblance to the mark
ing on their coat to th "watering
on tbe silk. Letter to the Spectator.
Wondroui Cold.
"Gold it a wonderful theater of tha
understanding. It dissolve every
doubt and ecruple in an instant It ac
commodate Itielt to the meaneit ca
pacity, illencet the loud and tremulous
and bring over the most obstinate and
inflexible." Addison.
French Literary Feat.
Peter ot Riga, a noted French
churchman ot the Twelfth century,
made a summary ot the Bible In 15,000
verses, divided into 23 sections. In
each of which he eliminated one letter
ot the alphabet
Elualve Happiness.
Happiness Is something tbat we had
yesterday and hope to regain tomor
row, but which always eludes us to
day. Exchange.
A Marvel.
The wonder 1 that anyone ever
thought ot the phrase, "The quick and
the dead," before the age ot automo
bile. Detroit New.
Among Important Fact.
Venus Is both cold and Blow. As
tronomer claim her day Is as long as
her year, and ber daytime tempera
ture just above freezing. .
During all tbe variations In the cal
endar, September has always bad 30
tUm nil W .
No Confinement No Hospital Bills
MY celebrated non-surgical
treatment for Tiles does not
confine you to your bed or room. You
can come and go about your work a
uiuil. From the first treatment you will
be relieved, and no matter how severe
ING to cure your I'lI.KS or leturn your
fee. If you are suffering with I'lI.KS or
olhrx KKCTAL ar COLON ail
ment write or call for my new
FKKE BOOK ol Information.
It alio contains nearly hun
dred letters from PATIENTS.
DEAN. M D Inc.
pohtiano oiricti; seat Tit omen;
Di nUn Buil lina n I2 Shah, BuiMna
9 TMjUN Cy-MAI N VH r A" f I T
rr. If taJtan In tlma, prwvent otwr
' ' . altona fur IIUIm.. Catarrh.
Aathma l.uni. Throat I.I wr.
,1 K Wlnay, Hliouraallam. lllal.
, BUimacb and automata dli-
t, - 4 onleri. BUultUr TnntUtea.
' Thi C. CeaJWo Rrnwdln ira
' - . . aarmteia. no druin or duImhi
r -As. ire ufcnl. Comtoanl of thi
JV ' chulMet medicinal root, hrrha,
f '' - budt and bark, knnnrird byua
I V a from tar away orn-nUl cntrn.
I Iriea. Call Or Will lor Iniona.
C. Cee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
New UcatlfHr-jC62H AMrr St, & W. Cor. Third,
Portland, Ore. tirtaullahari SS Yaaraln I'ortland
P. N. U.
No. 46, 192S