THEiONElNDEPENPENr Pablishel Every FWdayby, 0. V. HEAD, Editor Fubli -uint SUBSCRIPTION One year , Six months .72 Three monM 50 Entered hh k i-onil cIiihh iimttrrut tht pi'stotfliv ut loiH) Ori'Knn, r net i if Mnrvh 3, 1S79. Friday, Nov. 13. 1925 So.lw ii griiKmr toou dust, Soneir i GoJ to maa, UStn Duty 1 i ff low, Thou m ut. The , tlifi, I cm. A PLEA FOR PEACE Up, Out of the shadows, 0 tins of ths dawn, Let cruelty, carnage and I at t Us be gone! ,Tls time to emerge fro .1 the past we abhor. The era of hatred, the epoch of war, From the sin of deception in lend ers of state. From treacheaou treatie the greed of the great; From a paganish past where tom ahawks lurk, From the night of the bludgeon the day of the dirk. Good luck to Locarno, and l.ail - to The Hague. They're findimg the path, though the way may be vague. Since God is in heaven, there there must be a wav, And heaven in man will hasten the day. Then up from the warpath 0 sons of the dawn. Let butchering, scalping and bombing be gone. Create a new epoch, heroic as Greece An era of saneness.a pageant of peace. WILLIAM S. Cordon In Oregonian ARMISTICE DAY Mens TEA, Chwxkill, Secrelatf BORN TAILORS GUILD Belts Versus Suspenders nou ifvernl mm belli hav entirely ruplmed the oldtlm miopriuItT. V Tliouanml of men never weiir suspenders at nil except with formal ilits auiia. Those who cling to the older fashion claim U Is not good for one l.enlih to draw ihe belt a. tight a U Is neeeMary to keep the trwww uft while belt enthusiasts cwinteruel this hygienic consideration with chare Hint suspenders ! maU' n "mn round-shouldered. J J , . .. The kind of belt that Is worn, however. Is attracting a good deal of atton tlon from smart dressers. Hells are netting wider, mure eolorful and In greater range of material than ,vr before. There ar. th. usual be ., o cowhide with smooth or pebble Thee, rangt from on. to two nohc In width and usually come In bbok. russet or cordovan l.ea.l er belt. ma; also be had In bright colon suitr.l.le for sports wear and with light llui.neU. Silk ud leather combinations are on ine mnrn, as are the webbing belts In an almost eudloM variety of regimental order. In wenrlnis multl-coloreU bell select one of the colon as the key for socks, ties and bordered handkerchiefs and stick to It throughout In the matter of accessories. Predictions an that suspenden will come back to effect the new straight-drape trousers which are to be the successor of the bell bottomed "bugs." Only by hanging on the eight buttonhole of the suspenders can this desirable straight line be obtained. A con cealed suspender worn underneuth th shirt la due to gain favor. 8w of war's infernal bondage. Let us then as we pay tribute to these who have paid the cost of faith in a great delusion highly resolve that these shall not have died in vain", and that the Angel song of peace on earth shall smite the gates of heaven in the grand chorus of all human ity. . The circle of the year holds many days to which special sig nificance is attached. Some of these are local and ephemeral in their importance and are limited in their significance by tie boundaries of a nation or tha ex tension of an idea. Ui such sre the Fourth of July, or the FirU of May or Thanksgiving day. But there are days of which the annual retnrn brings to mind an event or an ideal ir.t.Tist which is of unnversal moment; which fr transcends the bound? of nationality or creed and know no limits but those of the world and the race. Of such are Christ mas day and Armistice day; The one celebrating the birth of the Saviar and the other commemora ting the emergence of the pot tic dream of universal peace, from the shadows of propNcy upon the stage of the actual. We have celebrated tKh week the 11th day of November anr! have brought to mind the fct that on that day in 1918, a titan ic itrugle that had involved the civilized world cam- to an end. We have done well to do this but we cannot fitly celebrate the day unless we remember that then was heard not only the wel come command, Cease firing, l.ut the first faint notes of the he iv en born harmony of the peace un iversal and everlasting. The sta tisticians tell us that in ' the course of four years of universal war there were sacriliced on the field of battle the stupendous to tal of 18,000,000 human live and the accumulated wealth of aes. They do no tell us, but we know, that in the narrow trenches of that fearful cemetery that was opened only to the manly youth and vigor of the nations, there lies burried many a holy and intpir. ing vision, many a golden song many a grand discovery that flue had been given to the world and that upon the necks of our chi d ren's children will rest the j oke WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE Twenty miles to the n-rth west of Philadelphia is a tract of land that has been converted into a spacious park. Thousand of persons visit it each year, Lul beginning June 1. 1926, wh?n the Sesquicer.tennial International Exposition opens in Philadelphia it is expected to prove a mecca for visitors from all part3 of the country. Tne tract is Valley Forge, where during the winter of 1777 and 78 Washington and the Con tinental Army encamped and en dured hardships and intense cold in the cause of liberty. Valley Forge has become one of the greatest shrines of Amer ican patriotism. Its roais and lawns are well kept now, and monuments to the brave men who suffered there dot the land scape, but in spite of this the ground is much the same as it was whtn . Wj;hir.gton nt-1 his troops were encamped there. The Schuylkill River still flows by in impetturable serenity, and Valley Creek still ripples past the gray stone building that was Washirgton's headquarters. Midway up the valicy of the crfek, a half mile from the river into which the creek flows, is a small building which, before rev. olutionary days, was occupied by a blacksmith and an iron iounder Valley Forgo gets its name from this old building. The forge is reputed to have been the first built in the prov ince of Pennsylvania. Further up the stream is a grist and caw mill. The Brittish. prior to their occupation of Philadelphia in 1777 burned the saw mill, but permit ed the forge to remain unharmed beleiving that they might be able to put it into use for the casting of cannon and other war time metal working pursuits. The story of the winter of 1777 and 7S'at Valley Forge is one of dreadful hardships borne with unconquerable spirit. There was a desperate shortage of clothing and lood. and many of the Con tinental soldiers were forced to go without shoes. So ne ho v, by l v.y. so f racriiice, endurance and fortitude the dreadful winter months were passed. Spring approached and tre men became cheerful. Then came the news that the Brittish had evacuated Philadel phia. On June 21, 1778, the little army crossed the Delaware in pursuit of the invaders, who were ' hurrying to New York. They fell upon them in upper New Jersey and the Battle of Monmouth followed. Lodge Directory ION E LOlMiE No. 120. A.F. A.M Mo-M every first and third Wednea ofeuch month. W. M. . K. WnUer S.-c. I K. Dick. m 1 1 I M I H It I It IMtt'MIt Bible Thoughts for theWeek Sunday. Hear, O Israslt th Lord our . . . ...... n . i God l on wru. i 'fin. u.i. Monday. Thsr la No Fear In tov but perfect lov casteth out fear. I Johu 4:18. Tu.tJ.y. O Lord, Bevlv 1'hy work In th midst of th years. Hub. 3:2. Lev, Joy, Pc, longauffer Ing, gentleness, temperance: agnlnsi such ther Is no luw. tlal. l:JX 23. Thursday. H That Will Love Life and sea good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and Ids lips ti nt they speak no guile. I Pet. 3.10. Friday. In th Beginning Was ths J Word, and the Word was with (lod, nnd th Word was Hod. All tilings were made by lilm; and without lllm wns not auy thing made that was made. - John 1:1, 8. Saturday. Th Spirit of th Lord God Is upon nie: because the 1am d hath anointed in to prench good tidings unto the meek: llo hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim lib erty to captives, and the open ing of the prison to them that are toud. Isa. tit :1. H 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.OI UST CHAPTER No. lilt. O. K. Meets the aerom! nnd fourth Tues day of ei h month. W.M. Mr. Mjrr tie Walker; S ic. Mm Sluts, IthMle. IONE J.ODUE N '. i:f . ' Meet every Wuturdaj evening. N. Q., bVnt 1 1 tic t I iff ' i k better; Sec Earl A. Urown; Treft E.J.Bruitow. BLXCHORAS8 HEBEKAH No. 01 I. O. O. V. Meets the first and Milrd Tliursduy ofeacbtuonth.N.U. Am I. In Bwauaon; V. tl. Etta llowill Sec. Verdtt Ritchie: Trea. Etti rjn-tow. Thus enbed the occupation of Vallny Forge, but the park which now mvks the spot of the histor ic encampment will remain as a prepetual reminder of the hero'c sacrifices of Washington and his men. CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M SCHOOL DAYS! SCHOOL DAYS! Our pencils, tablet, erasers and other things that . BOYS and GIRLS will need on ' starting to school are HERE a ndevery boy or girl who purchase a tablet, and pencil will be given a BIC, RED BALLOON Bristow & Johnson I IONE HARNESS SHOP ; C. A. BECK, Proprietor seaasBsaaamaassaaMaaaae) i . . nVe- 1 v-k 111. , rtv ana iooi over my Line of Worh Shoes. i have a tfoo d atocK of Cloves and flatness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. HtM44mmmmtlttt((m()... FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services 10:00V M. an! 8:00 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHUltCH Sunday School at 10.00 A.M Junior Endeavor st5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON A. D. MCMURDO, 11 D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic BuiUlng Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK . Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the - Elkhorn Restaurant Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Office Residence HEPPNER - Main 033 Main 402 OREGON lone Market CEO. W. RITCHIE. Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone. Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Comnw. cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lor-, Oregon I s s 8 SEE ME BEFOK E TIIEFIRE E C, WOOD REAL ESTATE & ' INSURNCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at La w Will practice in all the Courts IONE, OREGON Clyde R. Walker.M.D Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON .Dr. F. E. Farrior . DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner , Oregon ttUMtMraynsiiMmnxsiim