The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 13, 1925, Image 1

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TLe Christian Endeavorers of
Umatilla' and Morrow counties
are planning for a bin Convention
to be hold at Pilot Hock cn Fri
day, Saturday and Sunday of
this week. All those Interested
In C. E. , are cordially invited to
be present at 5 P M Friday to re
. gister. The registration fie l
50 cents, and all register del
gates will be given free lodgivg
ar.d breakfists.
The 11 becca convention at as attended by a num
berof local 0 bellows and Reb
eccas and all report an inspiring
J, P. Louy ban joined the
ptnners brigrde and leaving terra
firma, bas taken to the air.
A number of tho ladies of lone
are knitting sweaters for the
Red Cross.
Mr. Paul Troedaon of Gladstone
Oregon has been visiting re'aiiv
es in lone the past week.
TheUeJ Cro3 Tea at the
Cong. Church was well attendee
laat Thursday afternoon and a
considerable sum was relizeri
for the treasury of the Red Cross
The football en now beinu
over, the banket t all practice br
gins, initial meeting was held
Fri jay afternoon.
PoHtor M"'i at tSq Conir.
church uoubauu Seh ul
Tuesday afternoon on the signl
fiance of Armistice day.
Supt. Roy L. Skeen has his
Mother visiting with him this
Le Howell wli n not engaged
in outside empV aient may be
found these day at the Indeperid
; ent office when he has an en
gagement as cl.u f louse herder.
A ral! on Mai- C2 wi.l locate
him at any time.
Order your cm .!y for Thanks
giving fiom th t niors.
' Doughnut at ft', Nov. 21.
Our local school was visitod
by the County school Supt. last
Mr. II. C. Wood is driving a
new Slu k'baker Sedan now.
The Turn A Lum, manager,
Mr. Esseltync and family are
now comfortably domiciled in
the Harris appartments.
The Grammar school footbal
teams of lone and Lexingten
play at Lexington this Saturday.
It is n ported thatDwighl Mis
nershut two wild geese that had
alighted in the wheat field.
Ceorge Ritchie Jr. has been
chosen captain of the high school
basket bull quintette and practice
begins next Monday evening.
The Seniors will serve hot cof
fee and doughts at Biz's place on
Saturday, November 21,, j
' I Have fur Exchange
278 acres une mile Irom Browns
Vihe, Uregon.on main graveleu
nigh way. hue set of buildings.
Owner wants sheep or wheal
ranch its Eastern Oregon.
223 actus six milta from Mc
aliuiiiviile Oregon on macadam
lioou builuings With eUclnc ughis
in all t'liiiJinxS. i'nis is a good
arm in a gouU country. 0 Alter
wht aaJe lor wheal land.
210 acres seven miles from Sa
lem, on brd eurUce road, tair
f 4I ID builuiiiKs;spiiitg w ater pip
i lo honse and oarn. t his luiiu,
is suitable lor U nit or grain, the'
owner will trade for wheal oi
stock ranch.
If interested iu any of the above
write or see
U. C. Wood
The Earth Merchant
lone. - Otegon.
Eye Sight Specialist
to bfl in lone Nov. ' 17 th See
Dr. Clark at the lone Hotel par
lr. The examination is. absolutly
Clark Stram Optical Co, -Merchants
Trust Bid jr. Portland
Earl Wilson of Hnntington
Beach California was visiting re
latives here the past week,
Mr. W. F. Palinateer returned
from Portland Tuesday where he
has been under the Doctors care
for some time. ,
Mr. and Mrs' Franklin Ely
speat the week end in Portlat d .
Ben Morgan and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Morgan and daughter re
lume 1 from Medical Lake Tues
day evening.
Elvin Ely is helping Bert
mateer with his seeding.
Morgan has been vititei h
several nice rains the past week.
A few of the Morgan Kcbckuh
attended the Keiekah conven
tlO I field At. Ilunnn.r Sat.ivtou
Luke Hardesty entered the
Morgan school Tuesday.
Bnulah' Pettijohn and Doris
C'inz-I were the guest i.f Katie
Morgan Sunday.
Geneva Patijol.n sni Ihelma
Morgan were the guests of Edith
Ely Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hutch
croft and sons were the dinner
guests of Mrs. H. O. Elv.
y Mr. and Mm. Earl Morgan and
(family, Edna Liodstrom, Elvin
!?t"le an Mr. Mm. II. 0. Eiv
ad daiiv wee cHllinir on
, .Mc. and ;;i.i. R.tlpS &!cCormiitc
.vurdr-y e.ening.
For Sale. Hand Power Washi. g
Machine. X. Y. Z
nut. -...
So what we claim for It rid your irium
of Cauirrh er DwIiiin caused b
HALit f ATKltif MRniriRR eon
sltte ot an Ointment which gukkly
Relieve tho catarrhal Inflammation, and
tho Internal Medlrlna, a Tonic. whkE
-t Uirouch tho Blood on th llurou
Surface, thiu rwtorlnc normal condi
tion. "'! br dnittittf for or 40 Tear,
F. i, Chonor Co, Toledo. Ohio.
I I.O.O.F.
Booct (he Bank that Boosts
. $$ .
When It comci to a choice between home folks and
outsider! home folks come first. Isn't that the
way you fe I about it?
This is a home institution. We are working for the
good of our community, for the prosperity and develop,
mcnt of this section, and for the individual welfare of our
friends and neighbors. That has always been our policy
and always will be our policy.
For that reason we like to see the money thatls earned
here, spent here end circulated here for the benefit of
local interests. .
The resources of this bank represent the deposits of those
who transact business with us. And the more use they
make of our facilities and the mot e they co operate with
us the grsater service we arc enabled to render Hum in
Bank of lone
Capital and Surplus $35,000.00
Get - to -gether - mectinG
Heppner, Oregon
Weds., Nov. 18th - 8 o'clock P. M.
I Grand Master Henry Young I
Will address the.meeting.
All Oddfellows and Rebeccas invited.
The Legion Theatre hn the
following pictures contracted for
for, and wi I show tnem in th
ordtr named. This is the very
b?Rt list of pictures that was ever
brought to lone and are worthy
of your support;
Njv. , 21. The Alaskan
, , 28, The Thundering Herd
Dec. 5, Miss Bluebeard
,: 12, Emty Hands
, , 19. Ptter Pan
, , 23 20, The Ten Command
Jan. 1, Morton of the Mivits
9, lounges of Flame
16, Forty Winks
23, Story without a name
, , 30,- The top of the world
Feb. 6, Coming thru
, , 13, The Bo.der Lib ion
, , 20, The goose hangs high
, , 27, Wander of the waste,
Mar. 6, Code of II e west
, , 13, The devi i ia"go
. , , 20, . The a r mail
, , 27, The Ch rmer
' Apr. 8, Adve iture
, , 10, Old home week
, , 17, The shqek Punch
, . 24, Welcome Home
May 1, The night club
, , 8. Aro parents piople
. , 15, Oaths to par,ilie
. , 22, Light of wester stars
Cut this out and keep it for
future reference. We will only
raise prices when the rice ol
program compels us to, Dont
in ids a single number of this con
tract. American Legion
lone Oregon
Named From Wrecker? Trick
NiiKS IleaO, N. t t a hlntofi. al
unit rniiiantle pol mi th Allnntlo
(wri.n. aliritixt of linnonke tluni1 8i4
C mile aoutlittiM of tv'r.iVth City.
Nit?! Head got It" same from the
tricks of the wreckerti of the ollcn
duya. One of the plmtli-al iwojile
conn-h-H the Mwi of tying lantern
to th head of a horw whoa lew
mere fettered- with hohhtea. And im
he liiued up and down the bench, the
iturm-toared mariner out at'aea, hik
ing the llcht for tlitit of a ahlp null
ing In safety, would hold up his helm
for what he thouKht the calmer wa
ters Inside, and would eventually And
hlmiu'lf upon the treacherous sunds
jf the coiiM. Petrolt News.
A surprise planneJ and carried
out in honor of the birth day of
Mr. T. H. Nichols was the happy
occasion for the reunion of a
number of friends and relatives
on Thursday evening, November
tie fifth.
About seven o'clock guests to
the rumher of twenty bearing a
handsome birth day cake in their
midst; took possession of the
N.ehols home and in memory of
'Days O Auld Lang Syne"
gave Mr. Nichols a never to be
forgotten evening. Mrs. Nichols
served diinty refreshments to
;he-guests and they departing at
a late hour voiced their apprecia
tion for the gi amicus recejtiw
tendered by Mr. and Mrs. Nichols
tnd Grandma Thompson, mother
of Mrs. Nicholf,
. Karl Beach was a Heppner
visitor on Monday. He was atom
aniei by Mr. and Mrs. Ira
L wis.
Miss Z"ll Huifhc of
peril W(intsiuy in Lexinylon
with Miss Mabel Wright.
Been So a Long Time
The popularity of June a Diotiih
for mnrrinxe Is Inherited from I lie
Greeks and Romans. The goddess
Juno, to whom the month was dedi
cated, was the patroness of man-ljja.
Lexingten vs Athena
Twas a stuborn fight last Sun
day when Lexington's town team
met Athena's town team on Ath
enas field. Lexingtons jaw was
set. Athenas jaw was set. A bat
tie of the strong it was, clem
and lair from start to finish with
not a chance for eithee eleven to
make a score. Russell Wright.
Lexingtons luihback mut with a
painful injury to his ankle. He
expects however to be able to
play a final game with Athena,
at Pendleton next Sunday.
Lexingtons line up at Athena is
Right end Loyal Parxer ,
,., tackle Carl Alien
... guard Ted McMilleu ,
Center Juege Carmichaei
Left end Max Mullef
, . tackle Uce McMillen
, , guard Clarence Bo .v man
Quarter back Paul Nkhols
Full back , , Russell Wrigbt
Right half Lwis Alley
Left half Lester White
Subs. Paul Morey. John Mi ler
and Phil Guyer.
Four roomel apartment oar
the printing office. Rite ten dol
ars per month. Water and electric
'iht connections are made.
To reduce the cost of living
use more milk and cream
YOUR satisfaction, OUR success
pi C. C. Sargent, Proprietor.
How Timet Chang
K good story was told by Iter. Pr.
Black nt the Edinburgh aectlon of the
Scott I th Hums club on the occnlon
9f the nununl dinner. Doctor Klnck,
tn going to preach In country kirk,
was aked by the beadle. "Ila'e ye
four sermon written?" When the
reverend gentleman replied tlmt he
had, the bendle exclnlined, "I'm rule
tiled, be-aime when time folk come ve'
s paper, ye ken flieyH stop when that
Hops; hut when they lui'e nae pnper
iva' the Almlihty lllnisel' dlena ken
ahen they're likely tne feenlh." Not
no Ions n'O tho written lernmn w:i
malheiiia to the Si-otchmnn. London
I have j st received a large shipment of High Grade ni
which wer' bought at right prices a d off r them at 1
. 1 t mm m . . . "-
taMi prices wnicn you canuot attord to overlook.
Buy your winter's upply now
si '
Land of Thlrtt
The llechuatwluml prdeetuMte of
R.iiith Afi-li-n Him tirtiiittmttv In ttin
Land." Very little of this Iuikv arei
has been explored, although the rail
way from Klmherley to Ithudela
skirts Its caHtcrn edge.
There Is no "housing queatlon" In
Iterhuanaland. A mitlve hut la i.ften
niendy a few houehs puahed Into the
Kroiind and bent at the (op, over which
old mil lis and tng are thrown.
Cooking Is a simple matter. Meat Is
rousted over nn open Are anl mealls
cokes are baked on hot stones.
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson's Feed and Supply Store
far Hay lor the Jewjler, Heppner.
Solid Pac' Tomatoes 21
H Solid Pack Tomatoes 2
Best Sbudard Corn 2
Best Standard Peas 2
H Preferred Stock Corn 2
lb can 20 ct. 54.25 per case.
Ib cau 15ct. $3.60 case,
lb can 15 ct. $3.60 per case
ib an 15 ct $3.60 ptr care
lb Can 22 Ct. $5 Oil nor rac
" fwvv f rij
S rme CranuIatedCane Sugar at $6.50 der sack
H Sperry Drifted Snow Flour. None better. Buy now lis
prices are advancing.
S2 V
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