The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 30, 1925, Image 4

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    Overland is alive wish power! It takes
io the hills with a relish sweeping
p the stillest slv. pes with an ease tlw:
thrills you. Oceans of powor anJ
worlds of satisfacti n. .Dij rc'ia'l V.
Unusual riding case. Exirenc cc.:
omy. Overland has well earned its
reputation as the mo$t automobile in
the world for the money. Treat
yourself to a tare of Overland per
i.-rnunce. You'll lie it! Champion
$695, Sedan $795, tab. Toledo.
d a joy to
cry ing in comfort
trheated kitchen
' ..rryingfless "watching"
id the whole
:t is in cooking
!i a good oil
r stove and Pearl
. No heavy coal
lag, no wood, no
.hcs nor muss.
. carl Oil's fast, in
" cooking flame
. !jnt overheat
the kitchen, and it's
always ways
clean and economic
But when you op
der, be sure you get
the Standard Oil
Company's ' clean'
burning, high-grade
Kerosene, for best
results be sure to
ask for Pearl Oil by
It Grows Hair
.-r Your Bach
- .ucindt
;in ore "row
; ,1 lew hair and
, 'titling an end to
c o 1 p ailmcnta
-i 1 the new Van
method of
.' Liquid Scalp
. itaaa makes it
to Kiv tha
oper cara and to hava a
head of abundant and nloriout hair.
The rubber nipples on tho patent
applicator feed th treatment di
rectly to th hair root and at the
aame tim gently massage th 'P"
Aik ua about our money back
90-day. treatment plan. W give
you positive guarantee, y
Tbe banfca of Ltun County Oregon,
are showing more enthusiasm than
ev.r this year In behalf of a county
corn exhibit similar to that held last at the Linn County Fair. Last
year's exhibit was the result of a on
test tor a prixe offered by a number
of Inrnl hanks. This was so tuccest
tul that this year ten out ot the elorcn
banks In the county will subscribe to
the effort.
The Acrlcnltural Committee of th
Abbama IVtnkers Association hat
recommended that a scholarship fund
be established for the education ot
worthy young men and women along
agricultural and home economics
linos. Ii is estimated that If each
bar,' in the state were to contribute
25 cents per thousand capital, lira to
six tbou'and dollars per annum would
be realized.
T'la Agricultural Committee, of the
Oklahoma Hankers Association, In Ita
report, recommends that tbe banker!
see bat a competent agent Is appoint.
d tn each county and that he tine a
degree from some agricultural col
hire They believe that tbe agricul
tural possibilities uf tbe slate should
be 'letter advertised and that each
com ty bankers association should do
sum; work along that line.
Scarry County Hankers Association,
Ark tns-'.s. entertained as Its guest
reet 'itiy some seventy five farmers
and 'mlno men The result waa the
;orsi.!zati'!U of the North Central Ar
kau a Aerlcul'ural Association. It
pari jse will be to coordinate the ef
fort of 'be farmers and liuslwaa m"0
In proiiUnrf n t'lt.'r sericulture.
S"ii:cy County bunkeis are giving 1i0
set; .ubs of purt-lirod eisss for dlitrlhu
llua to the boys' mid girls' cluls in
tbe county
- I
tttMriVten fcv Wilt it' i'
(fettling AmvrUitn tttimu.t.
Morawonutitf. .' ; I'k-
Who Won
the W
Enel.ind and rr;iice, s.r. I
ready ni.tilc Cigarettes f r;V. :
and a half years 311 J cui:!J:,'t
the first dwn on (jcimjnv. ( !
many tinokipi; ul I t mt lin :
Ship', Sawdust, Ca!'ajo h :.:
1 1
i 1
1 lie Co!litl of Ltfiiilure. Scicr.":
BnJ '.lie ArU v illi 22 d -portiTiefits.
Vh profc -i.. ...I z ! of A:i!.i
t :t.j.-e aij Al'.i-..! Ai!-t)ui.iCi
:. 1.' vludj Journfilisiii Low
.Viujn Physical Liiu-
; cslion ivcu
ry t:A!v-rfin
r-j: 0 ri.fflo-ii or ':nff uifurnuitton
write The Trju'riir. Uim'vrntg of
Crr:,e.i. ftv.imr. 0.-cJo
1 ,v. 5f tiYtu Ov.-nljJ.wwklS
Horse IlLnkcts, ami sccoi:J ! ..;.!
Gun Powder cu!uii't u..'.e i'.j
grade. But hen Americans arriv .!
with no equipment and no truinin:-,
but plenty "Bull" Durham, t.v!
Nervts to burn it with, in 1'i.c
weets the French were trauini
Lcs;ion of Hi'tmr M-.!.t!s fi r .
sick of "Bull." Cue sad; v...
i'. oith two quarts of Iron Crows.
ErRlishmen have even been known
to sacrifice their afternoon tea fwi
a ptnT of "B-.i!" Durf m. T -
:.Iti." i'.c y. ..r ,.n Amcr..-.i j, :te,
occupying tho Ruhr, went into a
German Restaurant and asked for
a g!ass of Milk. He couldn't make
the Waiter understand so he drew
the Picture of a Cow, and a Milk
Pail. The Waiter immediately
returned with a Bucket of Beer
and a Sack of "Bull" Durham
Tobacco. That Private was a better
Artist than he thought he was.
P. S. There will be another piece
here two weeks from now. Laok
for U.
Scoub IS 19 : 3
The lone Hn'h School foot bull
trntn the AaUnuton
Hi ?h School team on tho IochI
field here lust Setimluyby nscon
of 19-3.
lone kicked, off to Arliuuton
tin the KHiiiH wua on As th
tttms wtTt'tiuilo evenly niHfht'd
at the end ot the first liulf, the
seme Blood C - 0 in Ione'H fuvor;
John Graves h ivnirf mide a loucli
conn diMinK the first quarter. In
the third duarter ArlinRton scor
ed three points but John Grnvet
iKain inube a1 ouch down loin
ueeenU'd in nukitiK their ohi.
. ter this toucn tio n. Tine niao
e M't,n 13 3 it. 1 . . mi,
In ihe lustq mrltr David (lean
tiieicipled o.u of A 1 ti ti to. 1
si."i und nmde h lo'iclt dowp,
.1 II -,,h. Inirlnu- tin 'I'm
il n ' iiiMini nf 'lie day, l"ilrn- nei
ClieBI en,ni'e ti e rarloiis ilii.vleiiies
as n eana of e"tllne Into elnser eon-tn-l
nil Ii eiHto "r njil pronpeethf
cu'i'inii-ri. Tlil iUIuiii Is paiili'iiliir
If irue In Nlianiiliiil.
Development Ih
Oregon and
New Line Mean Expenditure
of $38,000,000 1 Protection
of Investment Necessary
air U itia
Guaranteed by
1 1 1 Fifth Avenue, New York City
VWWViKiffl W-JU-5II If fiJH'l',
mi Jj i v y -pRECON '
$90,000 In Prcmiurrn '
VI.k nHa. In t.. nut rka nl1r mUKftV. the hlUilC 'ttf tl Oa'ty.'l!
LlvtiKKlc bitlon. Inc., will piewn! th-. i " V 'IvfMock vtr iliowri
undti dm r..t In Amil . S iho.iinJi of Hl ind I lilrv -l. Motif , Swim.
Shop, 0-n and foulirn In iddinon ti e Pmili'r J"i U'lry Show, Lind and)
ImluMtui Pr)urti Eihibei ind lh worlJ firooui II cum bliow.
1 j
Pacific lntemationalLive Stock
Portland Ore j ) October 31 to Novmber 7.
Do most of your work. Why
neglect them when a bottle of
CreaM LotioN
will keep them fit.
23ct & 50ct
''Family size $1.00 1 pint." ,
Manufactured and guaranteed
Bullard's Pharmacy
The Kodak Rling Station
Boutliern Taelflc Company's plant
for railroaj derelopment In southarn
Orecnn and northern California and
Hi views with respect to tha proposed
entry of tha Oregon Trunk Hallway
Into this territory, as deraloptd from
lUthorltatlra Southern Pacific sourcas,
war prlntad at Klamath Falls. Ora
Kon, September t. Tha Newt arllcla
In part Is as follows:
The Southern Pacific has announced
a vjry definite program for construe
tlnn centering In Klamath' Kalla. Tha
new lines proposed under these plant
give a direct route for through trafflo
from southern Oregon, northern Cali
fornia, western Oregon and the North
i'.u iflr Coast generally via Klamath
ru!!s tn the east through Ogilrn They
Kite the timber districts tributary to
lUi.math Falls railroads that will
bring logs and lumber of southern
Oregon and northern California (a
:his city. Likewise, these lines wilt
let clop the agricultural region! of
:iil same section. Briefly then, t
; oinprclienslve plan hat been adopted
:hul givet all the necessary local
leivlte for the development of north-
r:r 'allfurula and southern Oregon
ml oes In therewith a direct railway
.irrlce to all the markets of th
n i e l States that may be made trlbu
r io the Klumath Falls section, and
i this construction of now line
;!;.in.ith Falls Is the center.
Steps Tuken by S. P.
Ti this end the Southern Ptclfle
1 taken tbe following slept:
I Irtt, finishing construction of th
i:ioa cutoff, as through line
'i l i will be don by midsummer of
it e:.r at a;i expense of approxl
i. ;c- 23,oou.Ouu, in uddltlon to
l o n y already Invested In the
I am a lb Falls - Eugene Oak ridge
ikcuad, the acqulaltlon, subject to
- approval of ihe Interstate com-
. ufce commission, of all the common
n 't and the tbonds of Ihe Nevada-lilfornla-Oregon
Hallway, extending
:n Winilel, California, near Susan
! 1.10 miles northward to Luko
.v, Oregon.
. ili.rd, ucijuisitlon ot an Interest Id
i, Oreou, (Jullfornla and Kantern
illwuy (tin- Siralinrn line), subject
t the npiroval of the Inlerstuto com
cree (:onii,iilon, which assures. the
.cii'i.ary fiiuini.' support to extend
' it lines e.i.Uwiinl to the I.ukevlew
birlct nnl northeast Into Silver I.uka
:, rlct, with a branch up the Wil
li. son river, Mr, Hi r.iliorn already
i ing Hindu iipiil'cutioiis to cover
iiie exu unions.
. .'.Concclation
llortnr Clieer lip,' piy ilenr sir:
nnn't elmrue ,vnti u.ei'lil V I eii'i
uhe you nn nperuMon worth l,
iU.g iiboiil ii l"i! n vh lv
fo LET
Tusforgct.'What matters it that we
Once reidned o'er haDrw
realms of long-ago
And talked of love, and let our
voices iow,
And ruled (or some brief sessions
vtat if we sung, or laughed, or
wept maxbe?
It has availed not any tnin, and so
Let it $s bvth it we may better know
How poor a uniV 1 jst toyou and me.
But yesterday I kissed your lips,
U Did thrill you nojenough to shake
from your drenched lids and
. misscd,withnoreet
Your kss shot back, with sharp
And so, today, while our worn eyes are wet
Wth all this waste of tears, let us
T ii ff mi Tii Inn iiMimh
Ar tiiRhl ul'rr Hio rv-iiinn mrul il Ihe
"Wimlit hiur". Then tiwl sloud to
tile (mnily
Marold Bell
liil-it mul hent ilnry'A finn of Ills
' itli. i ". S''Vrl huiidr'il ihnuiHnd fum-
III nr cl'.iiK Una within a wr.-k alirr
tmli'ic ili'.n. Ilcoifolllirm I'MJO n rnpv
l ,..rk, '..l' r II An,l0tm I mtilWIif,