The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 30, 1925, Image 3

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    Mrs. Sadie E. IfoUtner
Have You a Daughter?
II You I lava, Thl Woman's Advice
I of Vital Interest to You
Seattle. Wash. "In my girlhood.
I stillrrcd with tevere backaches and
rain antl had catarrhal condition,
li'hese (linaKrceahle sensations were)
Completely eradicated and 1 devel
oped into strong and healthy
womanhood because my mother Rave
me Dr. l'icrce'a favorite Prescript
lion. At my own daughters were
(levelnjiiiifr I gave them l)r. l'icrce'a
Favorite Prescription and in that
way prevented their having any form
of inward weakness. My daiiKhtera
developed naturally into womanhood
and 1 am sure it was became 1 had
them t.ike the 'Prescription' at that
critical period." Mr. Sadie 1C.
Jloluiier. 2124 North S2d St.
Co to your neighborhood drug;
tore today and get tint prescrip
tion In Indicts or linmd, or write
. lr. Pierce. Prrsiilrnt Invalid'
jlotel, in Lutf-lo, N. V , for medical
advice, (rca and confidential.
North Pola and Broadway.
Teary dlacovurcd the North pole,
undergoing untold rigors and prlva-
tlons In the cuurse of his tremendous
task. Three, years later, at an ex
plorers' club dinner, ha complained
vexedly to mo that ha had Just caught
a dangerous cold from walking down
Broadway In the slush without his
rubbers. Albort Payeon Torhune, In
llearat's International Cosmopolitan.
Oddly Unlttd.
An old Jupanese by the name of
Beochlro lahlkawa was desperately
hungry. Ila strolled Into a Utile res
taurant and tried to run away without
paying his bill. Tha restaurant keeper
started after him and a scuffle ensued.
lie then dragged the old man to the
police elation, where he found that
the hungry man was his father, whom
he had not seen for 20 years.
The fountain of content mutt spring
up In a nian't own mind; and he who
has so little knowledge of human na
ture as to seek happiness by changing
anything but bis disposition will waste
his life In fruitless efforts, and mult!
ply the griefs which he proposea to
remove. Samuol Johnson.
Baby Weighs Three Pound!.
Weighing only three pounds at
borth, a baby waa placed In an In.
rubator at Ilath, Kng., and tod a tea-
spoonful of milk every hour. It gain
ed weight rapidly.
To Accelerate Plaater.
A porous plotter will sometimes re
mote the efforts of a strain or wrench,
but you'd better kept the wrench to
aid In removing the poms planter.
Chicago News.
Oranges Eastern Product.
Orange tree were found growing
wild In Florida when the state was
sottl ml, but It la supposed that they
were Introduced In the early days by
tha Spanlnrds, It le presumed that
thotr native borne was southeastern
Looking Forward.
' In writing love lotion It Is difficult
but advisable to keap In mind how
they will strike the Jury. Roanoke
makes your food do you
more good.
Note how It relieves
thai stuffy feeling
titer hearty earing.
Sweetens tha
breath swmovae '
food particles
from tha teeth,
gives new vigor
to tired nervetb
' Comes to you
fresh, clean and
.stT " -t atl UA
tt i -r m. A
1(9 by Short Slsry fu, Co )
LCTO3 see. It's this wuy, sir,"
Y said (he old man ss hs
X stepped out of a durk door
way and suddenly confronted
belated pedeslrlun, "I've managed
eomehow to irrupt along until now,
but Tve reached the''
"Hang It, man, wlmt'l upT thouted
thejitlier, at he leaped back and raited
his arm.
"I'm no thug," said the old man, as
a fleeting smile crossed his face.
"Lands save ye I but even If 1 had the
will to do It. I couldn't hold up a boy
ten years old."
"You miserable old tramp. Why are
you hiding beret It'e a wonder I didn't
fill you full of lead I"
"I'm purty full now, my friend,
though the surgeons cut out two, of the
bullets. The Confederate leed Bred
Into me at Petersburg, on the day we
finally Broke through Lee's lines, was
meant to stay all the rest of my days."
"The old soldier dodge I"
"Henry Zembler, sir, late private of
the late Tenth New Jersey Infantry
In the late unpleaaantneaa, ae they
term It" Ills heels came together, his
bark straightened up, snd he rained his
right hsnd to salute.
"And you draw a pension snd drink
It up? I've met your sort before. Go
to, old soaker I"
"Henry Zembler, late private of the
Tenth New Jersey Infantry In the late
unpleaasntueta," repeated the old man
as he walked along beside the other.
You see "
"Look here!" said the pedestrian as
he came to a halt, "It's no use to fol
low me snd pour out the story of your
woes. I've gut nothing for you. I'm
on my wsy home.
"And I'm not," was the quiet anawer.
"I'm the only dog In ton without a
home. It's hard lines when sn old
veteran haa to come down to this, bui
It's the way of the world."
The pedestrian's band went down to
his pocket
"Uh, well, let It go said the old
veteran as be turned away. "After all,
what good would It bet There'd be to
morrow night and nights sfter. If I've
got to freeie snd starve I might ss
well begin tonight Iteg pardon for the
way I atartled ynu. I was huddled up
In the hallway, wishing the end would
come, when I heard your footsteps.
It seemed the only chance for tonight,
and so I buttled out Weil, you could
have railed a policemen; end as you
haven't done so I want to say I'm
much obliged."
"If I thought yon were telling a
straight story" said the pedestrian
as his finger gripped a coin In bis
"Henry fembler, sir, late private In
the Tenth New Jersey Infantry In the
late unpleasantness," replied the old
men as he rsme to "sttentlon" sgsln.
He turned the corner snd started off.
His tteps were slow snd uncertain, and
the man watching him took notice of
a limp. The clothes on his back would
not hsve kept out the chill of a June
night He had gone a block when the
other railed:
"Hello, old man come back- I don't
go much on your story, but I'll stake
you for tonight" ,
"Lat of the Tenth New Jersey, sir.
In the late unpleaaantneaa," replied
the veteran aa he came to a halt and
about faced. "I've tried begging to
night for the first time In my life, and
I'm not a turceet at It. About face!
Forward march! Again, tlr good
night r
'Twos right mtrch I" said the old
soleller as he turned the corner. "When
I patted through thlt town on my wty
to the front the men crowded about
the cars to throw me cigars, and every
woman had a bouquet for a soldier boy.
When I pissed through after Lee's sur
render the bands were playing, the
flsgs flying, and the old vets owned
the earth. There has heen a little
change In the program) No hnnds
no rings no bouqueti. Old vet Is hunt
ing for a coal yard In which to make
his bed. Company 0 halt I Right
dress. Parade reel I"
He had stopped before a long, one
story building. There were openings
for doors and window, but only the
openings were left
"Queer queer I" whltpered the old
man "This place has a familiar look. I
wonder lf Say, I have It now! 111cm
me. If I haven't mn across our old
barracks after all these long years!"
He peered In at the open doorway
npon heaps of refute. As he turned bit
fare npwarda he could see the start
blinking through holes In the roof.
"Ughl" shivered the old veteran,
"but It's better than walking the
street. Attention, Company G I Carry
arms I By twos Die left I Forward
march!" .
Through the darknea and over the
debris he picked his . way ontll he
reached the opposite wall and loaned
his weak and weary frame agulnat the
cold bricks. Here was the Inst battle
line here he mutt innke bit laat fight.
"And what If I do freeze to death?"
he anted and answered after a few
minute had slipped awuy. "When a
man has fought his best and been
downed there' nothing but death for
him, and why not freeie as well si
drown? Ah, but It' not at cold as It
was. And there seems to be people
talking and moving about. I wonder
now I wonder If" '
"Company Q, full In for roll call 1"
"God of my life!" gasped the veteran
as he straightened up, ''but that's the
voire of Sum Andrews, our old orderly
sergeant, and the boy are falling In
for roll call."
With his bark to the wall and his
heels together, with his heiirt beating
tumultously and his eye looking Into
the durknms and his eurs strained to
cutch the slightest sound, the man
"Amhler Allen Andrewt I" culled
the tergeant
"He callt the names of men who
were dead after Manassas." whispered
the veteran. "Yes, they died there as
we fought and fell bark ; fought until
we had fired our last cartridge, snd
then fell bark with clubbed musket In
"liariies Buker Illssell Burrow
Illy the!"
"I remember them, I remember each
one. They were good comrade end
brave men. When Joe. Hooker pushed
luto the corn Held agnlntt Blonewell
Jackson at Antletaiu every stalk and
tatael was sputtered with our blood.
That night there were thousand In
blue and gray who did not answer at
roll rail."
"Carlton Caatwell Chadwlck I"
"And they are dead dead alnce the
sun went down that day at Cold liar-.
bor. Will he calj Uavl Dean Ooyle!
The enemy burled them after Mulvern
hill. Ay, there was a battle, to he
remembered forever, a a I out l cuu
sea the picture before me now the
blue waiting the gray coining on the
Jaws of hell opening wide to cloae upon
twenty thousand dead men I Yes, I can
see 'em again, the blue In solid line,
snd the gray charging across the
meadows aud up to the muzzle of our
guns until the grass turned red, snd
In very pity we fired our last volley
over their heeds. And those were our
dead Davie beau Doyle. Comrades.
I salute you."
"Haynet Hemper Uopson Nor
ton," called the eergeant's voice, ee
there was an Icy ruth of the midnight
gale through the old barracks.
"Yes, I remember I remember,"
sighed the veteran. "There were
I lay net Hemper Hopson Morion.
He did net call Knot. Knrlglit, or Earl
He did not call Forbusli or Krayne; I
did not catch the name of Graham or
Gordon, But the eergeant know he
remember. They were dead after
Fredericksburg all dead P
One two three I About facet One
two three I About-face and salute!
Private Zembler was a Soldier again.
"Lane Laklns Larkln Lauipton I"
"Aye, those old names thot old
comrades I" whispered the veteran.
"Hut be did not call lshsm or Ireland.
He pateed over Jordan Jackson
Johnson. They fell at Gettysburg
all died by the tain volley. While
soldier fought, a greet nation held It
bread). A few let men In blue a few
more In gray, and what of a great re
public? Whom will he call next?"
There wis minute of waiting, and
the brown earth at the old man'a feef
began to whiten with the snowltakes
finding their wsy through the root.
Tsrker Perkins I'robasco Pora
eroy I" - .
"Deed dead dead !" groaned the
veteran. "He did not call Marble or
Meeklna, Needham or Nolea, Orton or
Orvllle. They Joked, and laughed, and
ssng a w marched down Into the
Wilderness with Grant, but when the
roll was called after the Bret grapple
never a man of them answered 'Pres
ent' It I colder again. Attention,
company! Forward march I Haiti
About facet Salute F
Tha old man' knee were trembling
under him, and hi back wat aeeklng
the wall for reat as the aergesnt's voice
csme to his ear again:
"Wsnless Watklns Wardetl V
"I remember I remember, and after
them come Yates and Yost How could
I forget? I saw them lying dead be
fore Grant cloeed In on Lee at Cetera
burg. There was no Company 'Q' after
the laat charge at the Bloody Horse
shoe. The remnant was wiped out
there, Waa Teat the last the very
laat? No, no I There was another
I'm sure there waa another. The name
wee we was God I but how cold
and dark I File right march! Left!
Left I Left I Haiti About facet Has
he finished the roll calir
"Zembler I Zembler!"
"Zembler? Zembler? Why, yea, of
court. Yes, we bed a man named
Zembler, I remember I remember that
he was wounded at Fair Oaks, and
again at Frederick aburg, and h died
at at
"Zembler Zembler I"
"I bear you, sergeant I remember I
He died at Not God alive, but that's
,(. that's mtl I am Zembler Henry
Zembler the last of Company G.
Someone Is calling me I must answer
to my name!"
He opened ill lip to answer Tree
em." but no sound came. He tried to
raise his right hand In salute, but It
hung a dead weight He awsyed and
tottered a h wrenched himself from
tha wall, aank down on tha whitened
earth and sobbed.
"Zembler I Henry Zembler t"
But the roll-call was finished.
HUtoric English Clock
Who would dare to attach a price
ticket to a timepiece which wa given
by Henry VIII to Ann Bolevn? It
rest In tha chapel retiring Fooin, at
Windsor, and, apart from Its bracket
looks exactly aa It did when Ann Joy-,
fully received It on her wedding day.
At one period In Ita history It got
Into the posaetilon of Horace Wal
pole, but when hi furniture and ef
fect were told Qqeen Victoria ac
quired It for 110. It It Dot large,
measuring only ten Inches high by
four Indies deep. The world haa moved
on while thl clock ba ticked away
minute that bar lengthened luto
.The high egg market laat fall wa
In the latter part of November. The
records Indicate that the tendency I
for the high spot In the market to ad
vance earlier In the fall. The prob
lem of the person who Is Interested
In making his poultry pay, Is how to
prepare to take advantage of these
high prices.
Pullets which began laying lata In
October frequently ley during the en
tire winter. Pullets which are de
veloped too early begin laying early
In October and then bejel n to moll, and
unleaa they are exceptionally well fed
they will not begin laying again until
If Leghorns are batched before
April 1 and are well grown they will
likely start laying early In October.
Under good growing ratlooa a Leghorn
will mature in about 200 days. Some
grower csn carry their early hatched
pullet along more slowly and pre
vent them from laying much before the
in m ul .Mnuuli-r, lo nr.! r to in
this they feed very little meat scrap
and other high protein feeds and feed
considerable ground oats and other
bulky feeds which grow good frame
but which do not batten the maturity
of Ui birds.
The heavy breads which sre slower
maturing will lay better In the fall If
hatched earlier than April. February
and March pullets of the breeds such
as Plymouth Rocks, Khode Island Reds
and Wyandotte will be about the
right atage of maturity for November
egg If they ar grown on a good ra
One trouble with a good many pro
ducer I that ihey do not feed their
pullet to that tbey mature quickly
enough to a to atari luylng In the
fall. In other words you have two
sources of trouble In getting pullets to
Isy In November. One Is the hatching
of Leghorns too early and thereby
having them go Into a molt thereby
losing production in the winter from
that aource. Tb other trouble It on
tcceunt of lite chick and (low de
velopment which result In th pul
let not laying until th greater pert
ef the winter I over and the period
af high egg price ba patted.
Hens Should Be Fed So
That They Molt Quickly
The old hens should be fed to that
they will molt quickly. Egga will be
hl'.'h In price thlt fall and winter and
we should feed the flock to a to ob
tain every possible ecg. surreal D. IL
Hall, extension poultry husbandman
at uemson college.
The molt I a natural thing and
th hen must be allowed time enough
for It We can help them through tbe
molting stsge by feeding. The mesh
feed are very beneficial In crowtn
feather, therefore, these hen should
bar all Uie mash hey want A Dound
of sulphur added te each 100 pound of
main will alao aid the hen la growing
new feathers. Sulphur la alto a mild
tonic and aid In keeping tha hen'
body la condition.
During th molting period, th hen
need a large amount of grain feed for
tb npkeep of the body. The molt I a
ever drain on the ben and a good
strong body, with plenty of extra en
ergy should he kept by the lien. The
hen la also laying up urplu energy
for next year Isyliig. Th beat feed,
rare, and attention should be given
them at thl time. It will always pay
yon to send your hens to roost with a
full craw esch night
Potassium Permanganate
Good as Water Purifier
Dr. 8. Erikson of th Mountain
Grove (Mo.) experiment station has
carried on experiments to determine
th value of permanganate of potaah
a a purifier of water for poultry, and
baa found that It la very efficient
Th germ of cholera and of ether In
testinal dtaeatrl ar destroyed In a
few hour. - Th quantity to use I 14
gralnper gallon of water. Thl quan
tity can be measured with Sufficient
accuracy . with a ten-cent piece aa
meaiure, about 14 gralna being car.
ried on It . Permanganate soon lose
It strength, which Is Indicated by loss
of th purple color. When thl occur
a new solution should be made uo.
Erlkeon'i experiment show thst rnulk
cnicK ar not injured by drinking
permanganate water over a period of
nine weeks. It can ba aafely used
when (our milk I being red, but It I
not recommended to ba added to milk.
Poultry raiser thould not place de
pendence on permanganate ae a cure
for any disease. Its use Is not In
tended a a cur bur-ai a destroyer of
germs that gain entrance to the drink
ing water from sick birds, thereby
lessening the chance of, tb disease
spreading In the Bock.
, Egg-Eating Habit
The habit or vice of egg eating I
difficult to break, one It has been es
tablished. It usually start from th
bird getting a taste of a freah egg
when It I broken. Sometime fresh
gg shells thrown to th chick .with
out being heated glvea them a test
of th raw, fresh egg. Darkened,
large, roomy nests, the frequent re
moval of eggs and the Immediate re
moval of any broken sheila are tha
most dependable method for break
ing, np thlt trouble.
1 V71Y 1 lutiU
Portland, Oregon.
Secret of Comfort.
The chief secret of comfort lie In
not suffering trifles to vex one, and In
prudently cultivating an undergrowth
of small pleasures, since very great
one are of long continuance. And In
thl I the happy life, to rejoice to
thee, of thee, for thee; thl It I, and
there I no other. For they who think
there Is another, pursue soma other
and not the true Joy, Augustine.
New Mexico Mystery Land.
New Mexico la tha Egypt of Ameri
ca. There I mora mystery, enchant
ment and unusualnes to the square
foot of New Mexico soil than any
where else. Egypt has been in the
limelight of archeology for th laat
two or three yean, but here in our
own country. In New Mexico, there la
(jUite os r"u"b rrmance and mystery.
Lower Animal' Instinct
Mice and gophers and other animal
slore food and It I said that. If the
winter prove to ba a long, severe one,
their store of food 1 larger than If It
I short and mild. Who can tell how
the animals know In advance what
the winter will be? Man doea not
have such foreknowledge. Our Dumb
Vexatlone of Life.
All tha little relation of llf have
their nse a a part of our moral dis
cipline. They afford th best trial of
character. Many a man who could bow
with resignation If told that he waa to
die I thrown oft hi guard and out of
temper by tha slightest opposition to
his opinion or hi projects. Family
"Painting" With Light
'Painting" building with light Is
an Inexpensive and effective method
Invented by engineer of Fresno, CaL,
says Popular Science Monthly. Th
walls are made of cream-tinted terra
cotta and pressed brick and flood-light
ed with color inch as toft magenta.
ruby or emerald.
. Horse and Lightning.
Horses do not draw lightning any
more than any other animals. The
fact that horses are atruck so fre
quently I probably due to these ani
mals seeking protection from rain
under trees. It they hover near fences
they are also mora likely to be struck.
Land af Bright Color.
Among the Innumerable varletlea of
Florida flower are the hibiscus, the
poinsettla, oleander, bougalnvUlea, al
lamanda, crepe myrtle, flam Tine,
Mexican coral Tine, orchid, hyacinth.
lily, canna and lrla.
Early American 8trategy. j
The Invasion of Canada by the
American force In 1775 wa merely a
piece of strategy to dissuade the Brit
ish from making use of Canada for a
supply station and a camp for reserve
Nobility of True Love.
Not every love 1 generous or noble
6r merits high encomium but that love
which prompt and Impel man to live
generously and to act nobly? Plato. ,
One trouble with the world I that
latlnea Is so seldom fatal. Duluth
Declined Poetical Honor.
Thomas Cray and Sir Walter Scott
declined an offer of the English poet
laureateshlp. Wordsworth also re-
ruaed the post, but afterward waa In
duced to change hla mind.
Sorrowful Truth.
Moat 'of tha world', big Jobs are
handled by men who don't know what
kind of a tie I becoming to them.
Santa Barbara Newt.
- . Feel No .Remorse.
Deliberate murderer do not feel re
morse after they commit their crimes,
the Medical Press and Circular say.
Hard on th Fireflies.
"Oh, th poor fireflies!" cried lym
pathetic little Amy. "They've no soon
er got their lamp lit when the wind
blow 'era all out.
. Few and Simple.
The pedestrian' problem I to ore-
vent .Ms "right" from turning into
'rite." Boston Transcript.
W 8hould B Tickled.
Headline ''Hotel Burn. Two Hu
dred Quest Escape Halt Glad." Bos
ton Transcript.
"Asia's" Literal Meaning.
Asia meant "land of th dawn," in
tha ancient Sanskrit language.
Complete Chingi Saftirday
Adults, Week day Matinee 20c:
Eveninps, 36c. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cent all times
Clark Br rtarurta, 1ST Morris St.
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tailcw, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
ftenvd ui jrcrar hlprnarnU, W mail yoa etwek
tb wm day wa raetiva rood a,
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
New Fluff Rugs
Mads From Old Carpets -Wear Lika
Dm) Diract with th Manufienmr. Abash
BatlaftKtvxi Guarantaad. 8aa4 la You Ma
larial or Writ for fncaa.
western ruirr rug company.
SMS Uaioa A ran a Nor. Portland. Oncoa
Mftka money next year aell
Inr, the brat rhli ka hatched
In tha N. W. IS yeara' repu
tation (or quality and (air
dealing. Writ now lor our
arllmit flan.
M trt. vnu aa attic v
Oldtlme Purses.
From the wearing of the pouch at
the side. In the Fifteenth and Six
teenth centuries, we trace the origin
of the poke, or pocket, where, accord
ing to Shakespeare, it waa customary
to carry one's dial. Henry VIII of
England carried a purae of red satin
embroidered In gold, and under Cath
erine de Medici perfumed leather
purses became tha rage and cost at
tha time a much a f 30 apiece.
To Read Date on Coin. .
A great many of us enjoy looking
tor old coin every time we get a
bunch of money. Occasionally we run
acros a coin that I worn o badiy
that the date mark cannot ba read. To
read thi data heat a piece of steel or
Iron until red hot. Then place tha
eoln on it The coin, getting warm
will show the data or any other read
ing that ordinarily could not ba read.
Boys World.'
Rlvsr Changed Ita Course. -
The Hoang river In China bunt it
bank In 1851 and changed It court
so a to flow Into the Gulf of Pechee
lee. Within two years it mouth had
shifted 250 mile from' its original
Vsnltie of Youth.
Give a college boy a pair of ele
phant' pant and a banjo and he
doesn't care whs makes the nation'
laws. South Bend Tribune.
Fish In Sahara Desert
Live fish and shellfish, similar to
those inhabiting the lakes of Palestine,
have been founp by artesian well
borer at depth of 200 feet and 300
feet beneath tbe burning sands of tha
Sahara desert.
Th Way It Works.
Things hardly ever begin coming
our way until we've spent a good deal
of time going after them.
The Testimony of Others
IN i
my new book which may be
had FREE upon reouest. on
PILES and other Rectal and Colon dis
orders, I have reproduced nearly 100
letters from smong those received from ,
my thousands of patients. These tell you
frankly of their yean of suffering of their
trying home remedies and even opera
tions, and, finally, of their complete cure
by my NON-SUKGICAL method. These
art from mta and woman of
vary station, many of whom you
may know. You will laara by
rcailln this Book why I can glv
. cure your Plias or rrtum your fa.
Or Otian BullHina an M2 tt Build
You Want a ' Good Position
Vary well Taks th Accountancy aa
Bualneas Man adamant. Private Sertari
aj. Calculator, ComptojnaUr, ntonatra
phte, Panmanahlp, v Cojuaaralai Xaaah
its' Csurse at
The foremost Bunlnaa Collet of the
Northwest which has won more Accuracy
Award! ahd Gold Madals than any othar
school In A martca. San for our Snroaaa
Catalof. Fourth Btraat ntar MrrlM
PnrflanA. (V laaae M Walkae ra
P. N. U.
No. 44, 192S