THEIONE INDEPENDENT Published E.vry F;idayby, J. V. HEAD, Editor PUBLISHER SUBSCRIPTION One year S x months Three months Eiitonnl a ocot,.l i-lncn innttornt the pent off W lit '.. tie On'Kon, uml t net of M iroli I', tS7!. When faith is lost when'hon or dies The man is deal! J. (.J. Whiier. Has-beens Do Come Back Br Wall Mmon J reab the papers every day, And oft encounter.tales Which show there's hope for every jay Who in life's battle fails. Iv'e jast been readin of a gen. Who joined the hasbeens ranks At fifty years without a ctnt, Or credit at the banks But undismayed he buckled down, Refusing to be beat, Aud captured fortune and re nown; He's now on Easy Street. Men say that fellows down and out Ne'er leave the rocky track. But facts will show beyond : doubt. That hasbeens do come back. I know for I who write this rhyme. When forty odd years old, Was down and out without a dime. My whiskers full ofmold. By black disaster I wastrounce J Until it jarred my spine; I was a failure so pronounce J I didn't need a sign. And after I had soaked my coat, I said (at forty-three), I'll Bee il I can catch the. goat That aas escaped from me, ) labored hard; I strained my dome To do my daily grind, Until in triumph I came home And any man who sti'l has health May with the winners stack, And have a chance at fame an wealth For hasbeens do come back, The Battle of Cermantown Rarely does a gtowing city rta: out its tenacles ofuew fac'on- and dwellings and encompas-s a e.-ntire battlefield. Yet this nap.) c-ned in Philaltlph;a. and t: "ba:tlef!eld within a city" will be one of the attractions to the many visitors to thi Sesquicen tennial International Exposition which cptns there on June 1, 191 G During the Revolutionary War. in the history of which Phi adel phitt played such a prominent part, the British Army went in to encampment at Cermantown, . u , : - nmnii . . : , I M .. .. miles to the north. The confuted of quaint stone buildings, stretch- ed along two miles of an old ro.d ihat iu the days of William Perm had been a cow path -"'' It was the Autumn of 1777-7$, and the Bfittiah had just (iesctnd ed upon and occupied Phiiadel phia, where the Dec'aration of ndependence had been signed a year before. Just prior to going into hid historic winter encampment at Valley Forge, Washington with 11,000 t'oop i swept down on the Brittish and lo'.ully surprised them. He bad almost the entire Brittish army beating a hastv re treat when an odd incident hap pened that turned almost certain into humiliating defeat. Six companies fleoing Brittish infantrymen Bought refuge in a huge atone mansion. They ban i caded the doors and prepared to fight while their ammunition IU, id. But the advancing Co TPS M W.A.CkiuvJtill.Sccretatf BORN TAILORS GUILD The Origins of Fashions i . MIERR do most pronounced ilmnKo In mens fusions nrlKlniitrt VlU or Now Tortl Are their tlecl.led np.m at some tailors' couveii; Ion or are thoy tlie whim of dome I H'iH avenue ilamly. tt he strolls lip ami i.,..n th m.invnr.lT Nona of tlioo. The real despot .n fashion In America toilny la Ue young fellow on , lie rollrire wiiipua. " color, vnrlety, oritil .mlUy, n.l he usimlly Ami then. Perhaps It's the lomlrheokerl flannel (.hlrt, or the uluht-yollow illckor wlileli. eovere.l with autographs inU Greek letter, pervades the cmiipi: Just as mneh m sunny as ritlny days. It nmy he nlmply a fmhlon of wenrlne one's mnt collur turned ii or Irouvr u(T turned down j whatever It Is the co!!ti youth el:nn It a his own only to find thut In a few months or even weeks It has been adopted all over the country because It Is "collegian." The fnd for hell-shiiped, flapping trousers started at Oxford, as did the crime for fhmtiel In pastel shades of rose, lemon sml lavender. . ' h.j .11 Colored hat bonds, Human striped belts and emphatic four-tn band aU er born on tlie campus and later adopted throughout the coontlXi nial troop3, flushed with the nubility a quick vicuory, Ps .1 the house and pushed forward ifter the retreating Brittiiheas. Later, when Washington rdered reinforcements up from he rear.these fell upon the house tnc attempted to dislodge the oree within. TheJ-windaof firing n the rear strnct terrcr in the hearts f the patriots who had gone theal. Ofjicers and men alike became possessed with the nisa thut they had been surounded b sttonjr Brit ish force, and tliev began to fall back. Soou the en i e Continental Army wat in retreat. The Chew Houses, the mansion n which the Brittish infantry men too't reft'ge, still stands. It now a museum anlcontaii s many objects of historical inter t St connected with- ohe battle. Its heavy stone walls are Ftill marked from the volleys of Con tit ential bullets fired againsc it n the vain effort to dislodge the enem, Today the entire battlefield of Gt rmantown is within the b.iilt up limits of Philadelphia. The Chew House ar.d a few Jof the o'her stone buildings of the origi ial settlement are the only that have withstood the ad vance of m )?ern building. Catarrhal Deafness often cusd hy an Inflamed condition -f Ut mucous lining of th KuflUchian Tube. When this lub ta Inflamed ou nave a rumhiin Bound or ImiHirrei Htartn?. I'nli-p the, tntbunmation can rvotred. your hemrtn nay be i- ,v. f. forever mi l 's A i.r.i)inE .vili 4a what we claim for tt rid your ayatem ot Catarrb or Deafnaas caused by C.-tarrn. 'old br all drosrlsts for over Tear 1'. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio. A Good Time To Subscribe for the Inde pendent is -NOW- ! iH ? ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON ' Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON w State Library Books Reeeiv ... t.atua ii.tprpntini . rnt nf hook IIUC! III fc11 w"e" - .... ...... i:u... .. il,. sent irom tneeiaic nuimj lone School library. Among the are:, ' The Doctor" by Ralph Conn or, "54- 40 Or Fight" by Emer- I L. OT.a Ca..J.riKkor" i.y Emerson Hough, "Selecler S'.ories" by O'Henry. ,,TheSher herd Of Kingdom Come" by hn Fox Jr. The shipmdnt alsc ncluded some biographies, soim histories, and a few geographies Theater Find New Uf In flilna. at healer does not im lil'c at any tl"i.v I'tirlna tlo- ""'H' 71. r1" t.ours of lh day, Chinese mer cli.mts enca.-e the various pinjti.u t means of gotlliw Into closer . on tnet with ctisloiiiers add pnK'tlve cu-louters. This runtom Is particular y true In Shanghai. Lodge Directory ItlNK 1)DUE No. r-0. A K. A M ,vt every flratnn'1 third WmIuhh --c. U K. DU W. I.(l( LSTCH AI'TKU So. H. K MiH-ta the mt otiil nml fourth Tuen- 1 iv i.f em h month. W.M. Mm. Myr r lb Walker: S. Mm N'i'i i Ithldl.-. ioxk I.OW1K S . i:r. ' MeetN every Miitiir.luy evening. X (J., Fr.i i'i C 1 1 : ' ?' I- tM'tter; H,-c. Karle A. llrown; Tr- iis K. 3. Hrlntow. m'.'riifiit.s.s No. ;m I. (. O. V. M ta the llrnt nil. I third Thura.liiy ofench month. X.H. llnliy Knifelimin; V. U. Arvlllu KaiiK.ii: S-c. Verdil IMUhle: Trena. Kttu B.l- tow. Leave your watch repairing at Swanson's Feed and Supply Store for Haylor the Jeweler. Heppncr. YOU MAY WIN $1,500 It xou ire ablt la i ike tlw mill ol ! letter. csul4 lo Die worJi "TOILET NECCS SITIES." aloulollo IN CASH " b awariei to rompetltori In tt.ll GREAT WOHD-BUILDING CONTEST Stn4 lump for clfculir anl rules. A4Jret mm Bible Thoughts for thoWeek Sunday. Thsy That Wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength ! I they shall mount up with wirnts s eagles; they Bhall run. and not be we;rys and they shall walk, and not be flt.-l. 40:81. Monday. The Lord Is My Shepherd) I shall not want. Surejy gummr. and mercy xhnll follow me an the days er my lire: ami i dwell In the house of the Lord fr ever.-l's. 23:10. Tuaiday. Length of Days la In her right hand; and In her left hand riches and honour. 1'rof. S:!1- Blessed Aretha Pure In Heart; for they fhatl see Ood. Matt. 5:8. Tkurtday. Wisdom's Ways are wnyt of plettsantn,a, and all her paths are peace rrov. s;u. Friday. ' There le No Fear In Love; but perfect love castetu out fear; lcuse f. nr hath lormcut. lie t that feareth la not made pe-rfi-ct I In love. I John 4:18. Saturday. Aaerlba Ye Greatness nnto our Cod. lie Is the Itoik, Ills work la irfect; for all Ills t hvs are ludk-meiit: a (l"d of truth and without Inhiuliy. Just and right Is He. IK-ut. J'J:., 4 H 1 1 I I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I I I r Been So a Long Time The popularity of June ae a month for marriage Is Inherited from the Creeks and Humane. in goouesa fiuio. to whom the month wsa dedl- ited. was the palrniuss of marriage. CHURCH DIRECTORY ONGKKGATIONAL CHUUCH Rev. W. W. HEAD. Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10;00 A. M. Praver Meeting Thurs. Evening Services 10:00V I. anl 8:00 P. I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 1C.0O A.M Junior Endeavor st5 30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 .M HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Suits "Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppncr, Ore. 1 D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OlTice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner -: Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Dank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone-Office Residence HEPPNER Main 933 Main ! SCHOOL DAYS! SCHOOL DAYS! Our pencils, tablets, erasers and other things that BOYS and GIRLS will need on starting to school are HERE and every boy or girl who purchase a tablet and pencil will be given a BIC, RED BALLOON Bristow & Johnson IONE HARNESS SHOiJ C. A. DtCU. Froprietor Drop In and looK of WorK Shoes. I have a gooil AtocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone MarKet CKO. W. R ITCH IE. Prop. Wholesale anJ Retail Dealer In FRESH and -CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals , in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, bTAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon aani SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & 1NSURNCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law 492 Will practice In all the Courts over my Clyde R.Walker.M.D Physician and Surgeon Office In Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppncr -s Oregon II B n n n u a n u n H N U at U as OREGON IONE, OREGON . .